Copyrighted Source E-Files
of the Authentic JL Documents are shown ...
on the LEFT.
Early Versions of Modified Documents
at are shown ...
on the RIGHT.

# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5

# 6

# 7

# 8
may have noticed there are OBVIOUS SIMILARITIES !
Second: Samples of how DG further modified and re-formatted
PTW's e-text...
[from Document #6] |


The above 2
examples are typical of what was found comparing any sections of corresponding documents
from the source website,, and the DG's website,
during that early time period.
More telling
details about DG's first attempted SDV edition of Volume 1 of JL's Fountain of Gardens
(Document #6). The first appearance at (of what DG had
newly defined as the first four chapters ) was in the Spring of 2009, along with DG's
promise to finish her entire SDV edition of the Fountain of Gardens, Volume One, by the
Summer of 2009; she did not keep her word. No additional sections were posted, and
the first four "chapters" of the counterfeit disappeared from
as of July 15, 2009.
Upon examination of what
she had posted, it was no surprise to find that the e-text of DG's first four chapters
ended exactly at the same point in the text, on exactly
the same word as PTW's HTML-File 1 of 4 of the authentic Fountain of Gardens, Volume One.
This was clear evidence that the editor had pirated the PTW e-text as a basis for
her derivative SDV version.
It was SO
MUCH easier for the editor to start with the copyrighted e-files (the digitized text from
the authentic manuscripts that had been meticulously typed and proofed from PTW).
All she had to do was make her editorial changes, claim them as her own, brand them with
her own name in equal prominence with JL's name {see top right in the graphic shown
immediately above}, publish them to the Internet and offer them in hardcopy booklets for
Third: Additional obvious copied text from PTW's on-Line
"Bibliography & Index of the Authentic Works of Jane Lead" |

In the above 3 examples, the
descriptions from PTW's 2009 "Bibliography & Index of Jane Lead's Works"
shown on the LEFT were used by DG to describe her "To Be Determined" list which
she defines above right as JL manuscripts that she has NOT yet where
else did she obtain this text which she had never seen, except at PTW?
Fourth: DG's Cover Story |

DG's cover story hinged on 1)
a claim to have obtained her own copies of the originals for her derivative works and 2)
to have "scanned" her alleged copies of the original printings into text.
Her last statement [above] that "all original manuscripts are in the public domain"
is simply untrue. It is important for you to understand, that in the 21st
century, many large libraries, university archives and holders of rare books have
copyrighted their microfilms of out-of-print books and their old manuscripts, as a way to
generate revenue for themselves. They most often have a policy stating that
copies of the manuscripts can only be used for the purposes of a NON-COMMERCIAL nature or
private study. This stipulation is verified below in a screen capture from the
British Library's website; the uploading of the manuscript images to SCRIBD by DG clearly
violated that stipulation.

DG identified the British
Library as her supplier of the images of the original manuscript for JL's The Heavenly
Cloud Now Breaking in an email to PTW dated February 20, 2009. The image above
makes it clear that those images are copyrighted. When first challenged by PTW, DG
hurriedly provided PTW with a copy of her cover page from Document #1, the Heavenly
Cloud. Take a look at what she sent to PTW.

As you can see [where the
black arrow is pointing], the copyright from the British Library had been attached to the
images that she received. DG would later go on to upload those very images (after
branding them as her own work) to along with other JL manuscript
images in 2009 and 2011. So it appears that DG ignored the copyright of the British
Library, just as she ignored the copyright at PTW. Are these actions of a woman of
Also sent by DG to PTW was a
PDF of her source copy from the British Library of the text of the Heavenly Cloud... here
for your consideration is a composite of some pages of interest.

Now, take a close look at the
screen-capture above, showing the quality of the copy of the British Library original
pages that DG claims to have used for her Document #1; also notice that DG had already
branded the images with her name before she sent the file to PTW despite her knowledge of
the copyright of the British Library. Even if DG had obtained a valid (legal,
uncopyrighted) source copy (which she did not), her copy would have to be clear enough to
be detectable by the OCR software; the sample of pages above appear to contain
defective areas of unreadable text, as you can see.
With all these sections of
unreadable text (circled in red in the example above), where did DG find the words that
are clearly unreadable in her British Library's source? Ans. There is only one
place that the missing words could have come from, and that is from the copyrighted
electronic source files at PTW! So
this is another reason why we believe that all of DG's derivative works of Jane Lead,
which she calls the SDV editions, have been systematically built upon the copyrighted,
electronic, source files stolen from PTW and that her entire cover story (of scanning of
them into text) is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Our last telling image speaks
volumes about the ethical practices of the editor at

In the summer of 2009, DG
blatantly copied this entire Google-Books PDF file to her own website even though the
Google Usage Guidelines were there for her to read explaining that their work to produce
the file was expensive and was only for personal, non-commercial use; she further renamed
it "wars.pdf" and linked to it residing on her own website from her index page
[all circled in red]. This Google file contained the page-images of an 1816 edited
reprinted version of the Wars of David, to which other materials had been added. The
PTW authentic original of JL's The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon was
published in 1700, 116 years earlier than the modernized version from 1816.
Fifth: DG's Announced Derivative Works Available in
Hardcopy |

Sixth: DG covertly invited Donations for the Booklets |

Seventh: As of April 2009, the majority of's
site-content was derived from e-files that had been illegally taken from PTW. |

These 3 screen-captures were taken
in early April of 2009, before the 8th & 9th derivative documents were added to this
All items circled in blue are built upon copied text!
It was apparent from the
beginning as the happenings at were reviewed, that DG had
first concentrated on the shortest-length JL documents in order to build her
site-content quickly. This was her fastest way to expand the number of available SDV
documents, never minding that it made a jumble of the revelations that they
contained...exposing readers to a confusing, out-of-order presentation.
As an exercise and to give
you a helpful perspective, [using Firefox 3.0, as of 5/28/09], PTW surveyed the
number of printed pages of derivative documents that could be downloaded from
when it contained the first 9 derivative documents. DG's total potential printable
site-content was 316 pages; of those 316 pages, 267 pages were based on the copyrighted
source HTML files from PTW...i.e. at that time, over 84% of's
entire site content of derivative documents was derived from e-files that have been
illegally pirated from PTW.
Eighth : DG Removed PTW Links and All
Reference to PTW from
In early 2009, before PTW
confronted DG about copyright violation, and long before PTW began assembling evidence for
this report, various pages at contained flattering mention of PTW's
work, and links to PTW for her site viewers. Sometime before March 5th, after DG
stopped responding to emails from PTW, all mention, references, and links to the authentic
on-line reproductions of Jane Lead's original works at PTW were removed from
This is another example of deception as well, because site visitors
now have no way of knowing that on-line transcriptions of the authentic originals are
available or where to find them. DG was (and still is) covering her tracks, as it
were, so that others will be deceived.
Ninth: Another Early Untruth from DG
Diane Guerrero had contacted
PTW in 2004 asking to use their e-files for her own publishing project. Permission
was denied by PTW. DG wrote an email on April 27, 2008 to PTW, stating that she was
no longer going to concern herself with publishing she also acknowledged (in
the last sentence that is marked in yellow) that she had been denied permission to use PTW
files four years earlier.

Then a mere four
days after the above email to PTW, DG registered her new domain,
This registration date of 5/1/08 date is clearly shown in the screen-capture of the Whois
Database record for on the left...again she had not spoken the

So you can see that DG had NOT been truthful to
PTW about her plans to publish. She had already made her plan, picked out her domain
name and had begun the registration process when she wrote her diversionary email to
PasstheWORD only 4 days before this registration was recorded.
For those who are interested,
there is much more to report. You may view a summary of the Contact History between PTW and DG which also chronicles her
unfolding chicanery {deceitful, tricky maneuvers} at
Other evidentiary Report links can be found at the bottom of the Fair Warning Reports
Back to: The Fair Warning Reports
Page |
to: Index of Jane Lead Manuscripts |