Revelations and Prophecies from God's Eternal Virgin Wisdom given through Shaker Instrument, Paulina Bates, 1841.  

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All must be forsaken for Christ; the Manner of Christ's coming; He cannot be seen by Mankind.

The true doctrines of the gospel cannot be mistaken: All must be forsaken and given up for Christ; the carnal life of sin, etc. The manner of Christ's coming: He cannot be seen by the world of mankind.

1 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, With my own voice do I utter forth my mind and will to man, in this day, that henceforth no one need to err for the want of an understanding. Yea, I will mark the way so plain, that a fool need not err therein. For lo, the time is at an end in which I, the Lord, have spoken in parables and dark sayings and hidden mysteries.

2 Henceforth will I communicate unto man in plain language, easy to be understood, that the diversity of opinions may be done away, that no one hereafter, without perversion, can pick my word which I give in this day, and find therein, a foundation whereon to establish innumerable creeds and systems, each receiving and framing their belief and opinion from my holy word, and from the words of my beloved Son.

3 Verily, saith the Lord of hosts, with my mighty hand and outstretched arm, will I rend the foundation of man's inventions, which they devised and shaped to save the life, the carnal life of man, and have twisted and shaped the word of a just and holy God thereunto, to suit their own imaginations.

4 Their divisions and subdivisions into various sects and denominations, shall have an end. In vain do they claim the word of God for their standard, each contending party arguing the righteousness of their own belief, even to the shedding of blood. Thus hath man sought out many inventions to save the life of sin, which is more precious in his sight, and more dear to him than his animal life.

5 And what availeth the laying down of the natural life, so long as they retain and nourish the life of sin? Great hath been the account of those who have been put to death for their belief and opinions, which have weighted nothing in my sight; nor doth the laying down of the animal life recommend souls to me; although it may serve as a figure of the death of the man of sin; yet it can bring no salvation, so long as the life of iniquity remaineth unsubdued.

6 And thus, saith the Lord of hosts, have I spoken, and thus do I declare, through those of my Zion below, who know nought of these things, but by the revelation of my divine will; and thus have I purposed from the beginning of man's fall, wherein the man of sin, through disobedience, was introduced, that by obedience should he be slain.

7 And this is my decree, that by obedience shall man slay the enemy within; and the first step of obedience which man can perform acceptable in my sight is this: After receiving a knowledge of the way of life, and becoming convicted of his lost state, he is then required to confess unto Me, in the presence of my appointed witnesses, every known sin and transgression which he has ever committed in his life.

8 These witnesses, in whose presence the confession is to be made, are called, appointed and anointed by my holy Anointed Ones, those whom I have anointed to stand as my agents unto man, as the mediators in likeness of my beloved Son and Daughter, who are invisible to the natural eye, and ever will remain thus invisible to man, while clothed in tenements of clay; yet they perform their work upon the earth, through their appointed agents, who will ever be the fountain and source whereunto all souls may look for Christ upon earth.

9 Again, saith the Lord of hosts, these are the appointed agents in Christ, the emblems of the Anointing, the Christ in his first and second appearance, first in the male, and second in the female, which rendereth the power of salvation complete, and which bringeth both male and female upon an equal footing for salvation.

10 And this is my word concerning this matter, which leaves no room for caviling, or for the framing of a diversity of opinions concerning the Christ and concerning his requirements of man, in this day of his second appearance, in which he has come the second time without sin unto salvation, to make an end of sin and bring in an everlasting righteousness.

11 Yea, he hath come to harvest the earth from a state of natural growth, and regenerate the inhabitants thereof from a state of nature, into a state of grace, by the new birth. And as natural children are born of natural parents, and nourished and sustained by them; so by spiritual parents are children born of the spirit, and are nourished and sustained by them.

12 Although the haughtiness of man has ever spurned at this order, and ever will; for it is in direct opposition to the nature of the fall. And so it is, and so it was designed, that the haughtiness of man should be brought low; and the day hath now come for the haughtiness of man to be humbled. And he that would be exalted must become abased, and he that would be great must become exceeding small, saith the voice of eternal truth.

13 Man's exaltation must fall. If any become exalted, it must be in Me, or they cannot stand; for I alone will be exalted in this day, and nought shall stand of man's exaltation of himself; for he that seeketh to build himself up and to become exalted, him will I abase.

14 But he that humbleth himself in submission to that order which I, the Lord, with my right hand, have established, and is willing to abase himself in spirit, by stripping and exposing the nakedness of that selfish and crooked nature, in all its windings, which will lay low the haughtiness of his proud nature, and bring into contempt all his natural and human wisdom, and cause him to feel his own nothingness of himself, him will the Lord God exalt.

15 Thus will man begin to learn true wisdom, that wisdom which cometh from the source of all wisdom. Then will he begin to fear the Lord and call upon his holy name, and seek to know his mind and will, and make it his meat and drink to obey every requirement.

16 He will thereby learn true obedience, that obedience, which will conquer the nature of evil, and slay the natural life of fallen man: for saith my beloved Son, "Except a man give up all that he hath for my sake and the gospel's, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

17 Some have the vain imagination that the animal life is required. Some say it means giving up the life of pleasure, which consists in a life of matrimony, the pleasures of a married life, as they call it, giving up the wife, the husband, the children, and all their temporal stores and bodily services, to build up and support a joint interest, and live in common with their brethren and sisters in the gospel.

18 And thus, saith the Lord, so far as they have gone, they are correct; for in this have they given up all; but their own life also, they have not, as yet, taken into the account. Therefore, thus said the Lord, hear ye my word and understand, while I speak concerning giving up the natural life; for the animal life is not required in this day in which the substance is revealed.

19 But the life of fallen nature which consists in man's own selfish and independent will, regardless of the will of God, is required of all, who wish to lay down their lives for Christ's sake and the gospel's, that they may find that life which hath no end; that life which can be gained only by a daily cross and self-denial, walking in strict obedience to my revealed will to them, through my Anointed ones, the agents of my will unto man.

20 Thus by giving up their own selfish ways and wills, they continually crucify that carnal nature, which is of itself subject to no law nor order, nor can it be, so long as it liveth and hath dominion. But when brought into captivity by the laws of Christ, revealed in Mount Zion, then is the spirit of evil in the natural life of man, imprisoned under the banner of Christ, and can no longer have dominion over the soul. For in Mount Zion shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said.

21 And thus shall man give up all, and his own life also. And he that is not willing and thankful to do this, and like an innocent child of God, seek to know and do the will of his heavenly Parents, is not worthy of the privilege, and shall never obtain that endless life, which is the reward of the faithful and obedient soul. Such, and such only, can or ever shall obtain that life which shall be crowned with everlasting joy.

22 And this is my word upon this subject, giving all a knowledge, who may desire to know the mind and will of Him who ruleth in judgment, and reigneth in mercy: And this have I given in my wisdom. And this is my own way and my own order, for all souls who shall ever meet me in peace, from the king even to the beggar, all must, in this way, lose their lives for Christ's sake and the gospel's to find an inheritance in my eternal Kingdom.

23 And let none who intend to escape my wrath, venture to judge this my word, and say, "This cannot be the word of God: for God, in his wisdom, would not descend, in this way, to mortal capacity, and teach after the manner here stated; for it is not according to his manner of dealing with mortals." Let none presume in this way to utter their feelings; for this is my holy and Eternal Word, and it shall stand forever and ever the same.

24 And ye that scruple and halt in the manner before mentioned, go to the book of my law, my figurative law, and see if I, the Lord, did not descend to the capacity of man, to instruct them in all things pertaining to the line of their duty, and showing them wherein they might find justification and acceptance in my sight.

25 Yea, and through ways and means of my own choosing, did I convey my mind and will to those my people, whom I called to bear the outward figure of these my holy and chosen people, heirs of the promise of eternal life. And shall I, the Lord, in my great wisdom, forbear to descend unto these my holy, chosen people, my witness to man, and in ways and means of my own choosing, convey my word unto them.

26 Where is the inconstancy of this, have not I a right to bestow on whomsoever I will? Truly I have, and thus and thus have I caused to be reveal and written; and with my mighty power will I protect the same. And thus do I close this subject.

27 Thus saith the holy prophet Isaiah, I the holy prophet, the man of God, called to be his prophet in the days of his figurative work, do, with my voice declare, and witness to this word, as being the word of Almighty God, revealed by his holy Archangel to an Instrument of human clay, and by her faithfully written. And with pleasure do I behold the word of God, written by mortal hand, and brought to mortal view. And with pleasure do I behold the day of the Lord hastening on, to bring about the fulfillment of the prophecies, given in the days of his figurative work.

28 Again saith the holy Angel to the writer, Hear the word of the Savior; thus saith the Savior; Yet a little while I am with you; then I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; and whither I go, ye know, and the way ye know. I go to prepare a place for you, and I will come again and receive you; that where I am, there ye may be also: For in my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. And this I speak that ye may be comforted.

29 Thus saith the Lord, What meaneth this saying of my beloved Son; I go to prepare a place for you, and I will return again to you? Did he ever return to them, except in spirit? And did he ever manifest himself outwardly to them, that all could behold him with their natural eyes?

30 Nay, saith the Lord, neither will mankind ever behold him with their natural eyes, save in his people only. And ye that think to see the Son of man coming in any other way than this; will find yourselves under a false belief.

31 And ye that wait to see his second coming in some great display that ye have formed in your imaginations, will find yourselves greatly mistaken. You will look in vain to see Christ the Son of God descending in the clouds of heaven, surrounded with hosts of saints and Angels, to judge the inhabitants of the earth, nor will your natural eyes ever see him, nor will the resurrection of the natural body ever take place; nor the natural graves ever open and give up their dead, and every limb, as ye suppose, come to its joint.

32 Ye that wait to see such and such natural and outward displays of power and terror, will be like the ancient Jews, who still wait for the coming of the Messiah, who they expect will come and reign as a natural king upon the throne of David, and rule the nations of the earth as an earthly king. Yea, I say, ye will be like them, waiting in hope; but your hope will perish; for ye will never see those things which ye have expected to see with your natural eyes.

33 Yet greater works shall ye see than these which have been formed in your imaginations; for ye shall see the haughtiness of man brought low; but not in the manner which ye have expected; for man's ways are not as my ways, neither are his thoughts as my thoughts; because he hath not spiritual discernment to see the things of God aright.

34 But natural man, with his natural wisdom doth seek to comprehend the things of the spirit; but he seeketh in vain; for he cannot comprehend spiritual things, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he have any pleasure in them; because they are spiritual and spiritually discerned.

35 And ye that seek to see the coming of the Son of man in his glory, surrounded with the heavenly hosts, ye must see him by the eye of faith, as he spake unto his disciples: "He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou, Show us the Father? At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."

36 Therefore saith the Lord, Why sayest thou, Show us the Son, and it sufficeth? Ye can never behold my beloved Son only in his people; for he dwelleth in them and they in him; and they that see his people do verily see Christ, and no other Christ will they ever behold while they remain upon the earth: And these people are known by the fruits of Christ which they bring forth.

37 And ye that desire to have a part in his second coming, by the first resurrection from the dead, ye must find him in his people, as they dwell in him, and he in Me; therefore seek ye to become one with them, that ye may dwell in them as they dwell in Christ and Christ in Me; so may ye be rightly joined to the fountain of all good.

38 Vain are the imaginations of mankind who seek to find Christ in any other way than this which I have clearly shown; for truly Christ hath come in his mighty power, to do his work upon the earth; to sit as a refiner and purifier; to make the separation; to raise the dead and call them forth to judgment.

39 All this hath he come to do, and he will perform it in his time; and not one word of all which hath been spoken concerning the second coming of Christ in his glory, and concerning the resurrection and the judgment, and also of the judgments which should take place upon the earth previous to his appearing; I say, of all which hath been written of these things, there shall not one word of it fall to the ground.

40 But so far out of sight, to those who look with natural eyes, and imagine with natural and vain imaginations, that many will be left to "wonder and perish" at the strange work, which I the Lord will work in this latter day, to bring about my purposes; for a way hidden from all the natural inventions of man have I chosen, to confound the wise, that no flesh may glory in my presence. And thus closes my word on this subject.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 15



About Election and Reprobation and it's Falsehood;  God's True Meaning of Predestination.


Famines predicted. Election and reprobation explained. Of regeneration.

1 Thus saith the Lord, Awake O earth, and hear the voice of thy God, and howl because of thy abominations; yea, let thy roaring be like the roaring of a mighty lion robbed of his prey. For lo! I the Lord God will rob the inhabitants of their prey, and I will break the staff of bread, and cause their cisterns of water to fail, and their flocks shall wither for want of sustenance, and both man and beast shall fall victims to the ravages of famine.

2 And the roaring of man shall be great, and the howling of wild beasts shall be mighty; for the whole staff of support shall fail, and great and sore will be the affliction of the children of men; yea, heaps of the slain of the famine will there be in their great cities, and no arm stretched out to save.

3 And then will man exclaim, O, that I never had lived to see these days, wherein our iniquities have swallowed us up, and none are able to stand! Some will say within their hearts, "Are not these the beginning of the days of sorrow spoken of, both in the Old and New Testament? Are not these the beginning of the signs of the coming of the Son of man? Are not the days, the figurative days accomplished to usher in the signs of the coming of the Son of man in his glory?"

4 "Did he not say, while upon earth, previous to his coming, there would be great distress upon the earth? And do we not behold it? Have there not been famines, earthquakes, fires, pestilence, and the like, without ceasing? And wither shall I flee? If I flee unto the priests, they themselves are like unto the people; death hath taken hold of them also."

5 Thus and thus will man exclaim, and reason with himself concerning the days of terror, in which all faces will gather paleness; because of the judgments which will overspread the earth. And then, saith the Lord, will I begin to call in my elect from the four quarters of the earth.

6 And who are my elect? Saith the Lord; are they a chosen few, whom I have decreed and elected from the foundation of the world, to be saved, whether their deeds be good or evil? Nay, in no wise, saith an holy and impartial God, I have made no such election nor reprobation as this; neither have I decreed the salvation or reprobation of any soul otherwise than in the following manner:

7 Behold all souls are mine; therefore shall all be called by the sound of the trumpet of salvation. And they that hear and obey my voice, the same have I chosen, and if they prove faithful, they are my elect. And they that hear my voice and obey it not, the same have I reprobated; therefore they are none of mine.

8 This therefore, is my word concerning election and reprobation; and the order of my predestination is this: Every soul is predestined by my wisdom, to a certain order or place in my creation, and no souls can receive the order to which they are predestinated, until they hear my voice, and know it to be my voice; but their inheritance of the order of their predestination depends upon their obedience to my call to them.

9 And henceforth, let no soul, after hearing this my word, defame my holy name with such like abominable doctrines concerning my decrees to man, as to charge me with injustice and inequality in my ways. For I, the holy and just One, do decree and declare to all souls, that every son and daughter of Adam shall have a fair trial of their integrity, and prove their own election or reprobation by their obedience or disobedience. Therefore let this end the matter concerning my decrees, and my elect and non-elect.

10 Then in my own time, saith the Holy and Eternal One, will I gather my elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other; and thus will I call my elect. Those who see the sign of the coming of the Son of man, and their hearts become awaken thereby, to cry to me for deliverance, and call not for the rocks to cover them from my all- seeing eye, by seeking to hide from me, and from him who cometh to take vengeance upon the earth, for its abominations; these are my elect, saith the Lord.

11 But those who, when they hear my voice, through my mighty judgments, which I shall cause to roll, proclaiming against their abominations in my sight, seek to hide from me, and continue to cover themselves beneath the weight of iniquity, and the load of their transgressions, until their day of mercy is fulfilled; such I will leave to suffer until the days of my wrath are accomplished.

12 Then, if they will hear my voice, and harden not their hearts, and come at my call, I will heal them of their stripes, and will be a Father to them; and by their obedience shall they become my elect.

13 And again I say, I will call my elect from the four quarters of the earth; and they shall be those who, in the beginning of the day of trouble, wherein they behold the sign of the coming of the Son of man, do bow their souls before me, and cry unto me to show them some way of deliverance, and are willing to sacrifice all earthly enjoyments for the sake of a knowledge of the way whereby they may be saved, and escape my wrath against sin.

14 Yea, such as will exclaim in the bitterness of their souls, "O Lord, what shall I do to be saved? Where shall I find the Rock of salvation, that I may gather thereon and be saved from sin, and be able to escape thy righteous judgments?

15 Verily, saith the Lord Almighty, will I hear the prayers of all such as are willing to fall upon the rock of salvation and be broken, and there willingly and freely grind to powder the nature of evil in themselves, by obedience to my word, made known to them in the order of my anointing, in the Zion of my glory.

16 These are my elect, whom I will call from the four quarters of the earth by the trumpet of salvation, and will gather them into my Zion, my holy temple upon earth, there to reign over every vile passion and propensity of the nature of evil, by the power of the anointing revealed through my beloved Son; and thus shall they reign with Christ on earth.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 9



The True Meaning of " Woe to them that are with Child".


17 "But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!" Yea, woe, woe, woe be to them that still cleave to the works of generation, in the day wherein man hath been called to arise and come forth into the resurrection of life; that resurrection in which man is called to be as the Angels of God in heaven, neither marrying nor being given in marriage; but walking in the straight path of the regeneration, marked out by him who is a perfect pattern for all.

18 And thus shall it be when my trumpet shall echo through the earth to gather my elect: "Two shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken and the other left." Those who will hear my voice and come forth at my call, shall be taken and gathered into my fold in Zion.

19 But such as harden their hearts, and still seek to serve sin, and walk in bondage to that vile nature of the fall, woe, woe be unto them; for they shall be left to suffer, and their flight shall be in the day wherein I the Lord, the true husbandman, will neither sow nor plant in my vineyard.

20 Therefore such shall be left to wander in the forest of sin and desolation, until the days of my wrath are accomplished, and the day returneth in which I will again return to my vineyard, and enlarge the borders thereof, to make room to gather and plant, until all souls that desire to be regenerated from a state of sin and sorrow, into a state of life and peace, by being planted in the gospel soil in the vineyard of the Lord, can have that privilege.

21 And this is the work of the regeneration of the souls of the children of men; that they be taken in mercy from a state of the wild forest of sin, and transplanted into the gospel soil; there to take root and grow into newness of life, leaving behind the life of sin, and daily increasing in the life of righteousness.

22 This is the regeneration of the soul from a state of nature, into a state of grace; from a state of sin and wickedness, to a state of righteousness and justification; from a state of disobedience and rebellion against the commands of a pure and holy God, to a state of quietness and obedience to the laws and requirements of Mount Zion, the City of the living God, the New Jerusalem, established upon the earth.

23 I the holy proclaiming Angel, do witness these to be the words of Him who revealeth his hidden mysteries to the babes of his Zion, to the weak and illiterate, unable, of themselves, to comprehend the hidden mysteries of godliness.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 9


God's Work is always Progressive;  the Revelation of our Spiritual Parents.


All the works of God are progressive. The new creation shall be beautiful and glorious: And as the old creation was brought to maturity by progressive degrees, so with the new; it shall be gradually peopled from spiritual Parents.

1 Thus saith the holy Angel to the writer; Bow down and listen for a little space while I speak unto thee. Was the earth formed in a moment? Did the seasons roll in a moment? Did the earth bring forth her vegetation all at once? Did not every herb and plant yield, in its proper time and season, according as the Lord hath designed it? Did he not establish the time for tilling the ground, and for sowing the seed? And doth it not come forth by a gradual growth?

2 Truly, saith the Lord, and even so shall it be when I the Mighty One of Israel, do stretch forth my hands to create the New Heavens and the New Earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness; and the fruits thereof shall be the fruits of righteousness and peace. And as the natural earth was not created in a moment, but in a succession of times, neither was it suddenly inhabited; so in like manner shall the creation of the new earth be gradual; yet shall it be accomplished in my time.

3 And I the Lord will look down and behold the works of my hands, and pronounce it good; for the new earth which I will create in my time, and according to my wisdom, shall be beautiful and comely in my sight, and shall blossom as the rose of Sharon, and it shall be as a delightful garden, yielding an abundance of the beautiful fruits and flowers of Paradise, the spiritual Paradise, whose fruits shall be the fruits of the spirit, and whose flowers shall be the beautiful ornaments of the gospel graces, the beautiful forms and regulations of my people, wherewith I will people my new earth in my own time.

4 Yea, the new earth shall be a delightful valley to me, saith the Lord, and I will take pleasure in the works of my hands; and I will be at one with my people, and their offerings will I accept, and they shall be pleasant in my sight, and as a sweet odor shall they ascend unto me, saith the Lord.

5 And now unto you, O ye people, give ear and hearken to my voice, while I speak unto you. Lo! The time hath fully come, when I the Lord, will bring about the work of the latter day; yea, and I have already begun, and who shall hinder?

6 Have I not created the first spiritual man, the second Adam, Lord and head of the new earth, to have dominion over it and subdue it? And according to my own will and pleasure, of the same spirit of which I created the first man of the new earth, did I not create the first spiritual woman?

7 Did I not cause a measure of that anointing power which rested on my beloved Son, the first man of the new earth, to descend and rest upon the first woman of the new earth, that they twain might be one spirit? The woman in subjection to the man, as her head and Lord; yet a coworker with him in subduing the new earth, that all things should be subject to them.

8 Truly, saith the Lord, this have I done. And as the first natural man and woman, through disobedience, did people the natural earth with a natural and rebellious offspring, in their own likeness; so shall these, the Lords and heads of the new earth, in obedience and righteousness people the new earth with a righteous seed, in their own likeness.

9 But can this be performed all at once? Was the first earth peopled all at once? In no wise; but by and from these two, the first natural man and woman, came all the nations of the earth, even unto the present day. So in like manner, of these two, the first spiritual man and woman, shall the new earth be peopled and replenished. And by these two shall the nations of the earth be redeemed to righteousness, and become the inhabitants of the new earth, even the righteous seed of the woman, which shall bruise the serpent's head.

10 The natural man and woman had dominion over the earth, and all that dwelt thereon, and the beasts and every living thing which breathed the breath of life were to be in subjection to them, and they had authority to rule and have dominion over them.

11 So in like manner have I placed the spiritual twain as the leading rulers, to have dominion and power over every living and beastly propensity which dwelleth in man, by reason of the fall, which brought man into possession of a beastly and inferior nature, and rendered him subject to that earthly and perishable nature belonging to the first earth.

12 But that vital spark which I breathed into man, must and ever shall remain, in which shall be planted the seed of the new man. And as like begets like; so shall this seed of mine take root and bloom forth in the likeness of the Eternal Two in One.

13 And thus shall the earth be peopled in my likeness, when I shall cause the soul, which I breathed pure into the first natural parents, to be regenerated in newness of life: That soul which is from an everlasting source and can never die; which, though corrupted, hath descended to all their posterity.

14 Yea, when I cause that soul, by the second birth, to come forth in its purity, as an infant of the spiritual birth, stript of all the inventions of the life of sin, naked and innocent, knowing neither sin nor shame, willing and obedient, easily governed, clothed with love, peace and long suffering, gentleness and quietness, breathing forth nothing but peace and good will to all, even to persecutors, humble and submissive to the law of Christ, who shall delight in diffusing peace and harmony to all around, then am I delighted in that soul.

15 Verily, saith the Lord, when I cause the offspring of the new birth to come forth in my likeness, bearing these kinds of fruit, will not the earth be a pleasant valley unto me, when I look down and behold my likeness and image in the inhabitants of the new earth? Will I not then rejoice in the works of my hands? And will I not rejoice in the offspring of my likeness?

16 Truly I will, and thus shall man become precious in my sight, and my delight shall be with the children of men: And I will make them far more precious in my sight than gold well refined, when they shall grow up and become of full stature in the likeness of those whom I have called to be supreme Rulers of the new earth, and spiritual Parents of its inhabitants. And as fast as this new creation shall increase, the old, with all its imperfections shall be done away.

17 And now, saith the Holy and Eternal One, I have spoken in my own name, that all may hear and understand, and know in what manner I will create the new heavens and the new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness; and in what manner I will cause the old heavens and the old earth to vanish away: That no one may, henceforth, harbor the vain imagination that this is the work of a moment, or is to be performed by some outward and mighty display of power and terror.

18 And he that heareth these sayings and obeyeth them, blessed is he, and I will measure his portion with those of the new birth; and I will place the seal of my majesty in his forehead, and he shall be numbered with the royal seed of the King's Son, whose marriage hath already come, and the Bride hath made herself ready, clothed in linen, clean and white, the pure and spotless Bride of the King's Son.

19 And what I, the Lord Almighty, have joined together, no power on earth nor in heaven shall ever be able to put asunder. And thus closes my word on this subject.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 16



The True Meaning of "the Last will be first and the First last".


The natural man, by his own wisdom, is unable to judge the work of God. Reproof of the haughty and self-exalted, for their oppression of their fellow men, and the poor, and those whom they consider as their inferiors. Equal justice shall be measured to all souls.

1 Thus saith the holy Angel: Holy is the word of an Almighty God, who hath purposed to perform his work, his strange work, his hidden work and his mysteries, his hidden mysteries, in ways and by means of his own choosing, and according to his own wisdom, which is not according to the wisdom of man; therefore have I called it a strange work, hidden from mortal sight.

2 And none by natural wisdom shall understand: For he that judgeth of the work of God by that wisdom which is of himself, and according to his natural understanding, will never see the things of God aright; but will be left to wonder and perish by his own wisdom; for he will never see the things which, in his wisdom, he hath purposed to see, saith the Almighty.

3 But to the wise, whose wisdom is of Me, who know nought of themselves, to them will I reveal my hidden mysteries, and they shall be the wise of the earth, and the honorable ones, whom I the Lord, will delight to honor: For I have purposed to bring into contempt the wisdom of man, and lay low the honorable of the earth and destroy that pride by which mankind have sought to exalt themselves, by their own wisdom and haughtiness, one above another.

4 Yea, verily, I will lay low the haughtiness of man. And their honor, in which they have boasted of themselves, will I turn into shame and confusion of face: For they have built themselves up in pride and wickedness, and have exalted themselves even to the heavens.

5 In their pride they have said, What is man, or the son of man, more than the beasts, except they are rich, and have been instructed in the arts and sciences of literature, and have become popular in the eyes of the great ones of the earth, and can boast themselves above their fellows, and with scornful eyes, behold the children of men with such contempt as ye would not behold the very beasts of the field.

6 O ye fallen race! How shall I recompense you for your haughtiness, in which ye have boasted yourselves one above another, and considered not that I the Lord was the original Author and Father of all the souls of the children of men, and have power to humble and exalt whomsoever I will? How shall I measure unto you, ye that have usurped power one above another?

7 Will a kind and tender father, who knows no partiality in his feelings towards his children, suffer those who seem to be more blessed with natural capacity and abilities, to trample upon those who are considered inferior?

8 Will not the parent's tenderness be aroused, and will he not place those who have become the sport of their brethren, and the objects of their disgust, because of their inferiority, as they call it; I say, will he not place these nearest his heart? and will not his bowels of mercy and tender compassion be moved towards them? Truly, saith the Lord.

9 And how think ye, O ye inhabitants of the earth, and ye children of men, how think ye that I the holy and just One, the Father, the gracious Parent of all, can behold the rich, whom I have blessed with much, grinding the faces of the poor, and turning them naked and hungry from your doors? Think ye I the Lord behold them not?

10 And wherein ye utter forth rash words to them, driving them from your doors, as though they were nought but swine, filthy and contemptible in your sight, and unfit to come into your presence. How long, saith the Lord Almighty, shall I behold these things and hold my peace?

11 How long shall I see the oppression of my people, and cease from my roarings? How long shall I behold the mighty ones of the earth walking in their haughtiness and self-exaltedness, lording it over their fellow beings, who are equally precious in my sight?

12 How long shall I forbear to measure unto them according to their doings? Yea, and how shall I measure to them according to their doings? for all have sinned and come short, and are no more acceptable in my sight, from the king to the beggar. Yet, saith the Lord, I will measure unto them according to their doings.

13 For I will cause the first to become last, and the last shall become first: And they that have walked in their haughtiness through time, fulfilling the desires of their lusts, wreaking their vengeance upon their fellow beings, as though they were nought but beasts, considering not the immortal part which came from my breath of life and is precious in my sight, they shall have their due reward.

14 Yea, and those who have fared sumptuously through time, they shall lift up their eyes in torment, and behold those whom they have trampled under foot, clad in garments of righteousness, and made rich with the blessings of my kingdom; while they themselves are clothed with shame and disgrace, and have nought to support them from day to day.

15 As the rich man in the parable, who lift up his eyes in torment, and saw Lazarus afar off, and called to him for a drop of water to cool his parched tongue, being tormented in the flames of hell, the recompense of his own doings;

16 So in like manner will the rich ones of the earth, who have ground the faces of the poor, and have turned the needy from their doors, and have exalted themselves even to the heavens, as though nought was above them, and they alone were lords to be worshipped by man. I say unto these, they shall receive the recompense of their own doings: for they shall lift up their eyes in torment, when the flames of a guilty conscience will compass them about:

17 Then shall they behold those to whom they would have refused to speak, otherwise than they would speak to a beast, while walking in their haughtiness: these, saith the Lord, shall they behold afar off, and a gulf between; so that they cannot pass thither to them without descending into the gulf of self-abasement, into which every soul in a state of nature must descend, according as their works have made it, more or less deep.

18 And those who have received their good things, and have been feasted with the pleasures and gratifications of this life, the life of sin, and have soared in their imaginations above their fellow beings, and have walked on the mountains of self-pleasing gratifications: These shall receive the due reward of their deeds.

19 And in proportion must they descend into the gulf of self- abasement ere they can rise and ascend the opposite bank, where they can receive good at the hands of those who are receiving their good things, and who have been made rich by the hand of Him who holdeth all souls in remembrance, and rewardeth them according to their doings.

20 Remember the words of my beloved Son, that easier would it be for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Why so? Saith the Lord. Are not all to pass through one gate, and enter in at one door? Why then should it be so hard for the rich? Is not the same mercy extended to all?

21 Truly, saith the Lord; But so it is, and so it must be; many that are first shall be last, and the last shall be first; for all those are of my household who belong to the fallen race of Adam; and they are precious in my sight, because of that soul which I claim.

22 Therefore, those who have not received of the good things of this life, to set their hearts thereon, nor become exalted and great in their own conceits, and rich in their own imaginations; and have not had wherewith to make a god of the things of this world, but feel poor in spirit;

23 These I say, when called to forsake all for the kingdom of heaven's sake, to receive the riches and honors of that kingdom which shall never pass away, will they not be more willing to give up all, than those that are cumbered with the things of this world, and who have placed their hearts upon the things of time, and have made a god of the riches of this world, which perish and are no more?

24 How then shall these, being thus cumbered, enter in at the straight gate, and be willing to walk the narrow path of self-denial and self-abasement? Truly spake my Son when he said thus, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." For thus saith the Lord, No soul can enter my kingdom until stripped of all earthly riches, and become poor and needy in my sight; therefore it is impossible for a rich man to enter my kingdom.

25 And as man doth glory in riches and honor, that honor and riches which this world affords, how can he enter in at the straight gate, which admits of nothing but self-denial and self-abasement? And thus, saith the Lord, will the rich and honorable of this world who glory in the same, be rejected from the marriage supper of the Lamb.

26 And those of the poor and needy, the lame, the halt and the blind, shall be gathered in from the highways and from the hedges, that my house may be filled with guests, with those who will thankfully receive the marriage supper of the King's Son, and be clothed with the wedding garment, pure and clean, in likeness of the heavenly King and Queen.

27 Yea, all who will follow the holy Bridegroom and Bride, of the New Creation, whom I the Lord, the great King of all the earth, have established to be the spiritual King and Queen of Zion, the Father and Mother of all who shall ever be begotten, and born out of the world of sin and misery, into the kingdom of purity and peace, all such shall be the guests at the feast of the King and Queen of heaven.

28 And shall I not cause their first begotten ones, those who are willing to come when bidden, to reign as princes upon the earth, being the first-born of the King and Queen of glory? Shall they not be kings and priests to Me, being as the first born of my beloved Son, whose marriage is come, and the supper is prepared, and these being the guests?

29 Truly, saith the Lord, I will call those who are despised by the children of men, who walk not haughtily in my presence; yea, with an outstretched arm, loaded with tenderness and love, will I gather those of the oppressed who have been trodden under foot of the proud and lofty, and stamped into the dust by the feet of the oppressor.

30 These I will gather, and they shall become sons and daughters unto Me, through my beloved Ones, the Father and Mother of the new kingdom of life and peace; and they shall reign as princes upon the earth, and be kings and priests unto Me, saith the Lord; and I will exalt them above the rich and the proud, whom they shall behold afar off.

31 For the rich and exalted ones of the earth have exalted themselves far above the poor and needy, who have sought of them wherewith to satisfy the cravings of hunger, and also wherewith to clothe their naked bodies and relieve their distresses when they have cried to them for relief.

32 But these, through covetousness, have turned a deaf ear, and have not brought their wants near to them; but have viewed them afar off, and have not ministered to their wants from their bountiful stores of earthly riches.

33 Therefore will I cause these poor and afflicted ones to become rich with the riches of my new kingdom, and they shall be the honorable ones of my new earth. And unto these, whom I will make kings and princes unto me, will I cause the honorable of the old earth to bow in humiliation.

34 And as the rich man lifted up his eyes in torment, and saw Lazarus afar off, and begged for water to cool his tongue; so shall the haughty of this earth look unto these, and behold them afar off, and will beg of them for something to feed and clothe their naked and hungry souls. And thus will I cause the first to be last, and the last first.

35 For not many rich and honorable ones of the old earth will I call to be kings and priests untoMe, in my new earth; for I have chosen the weak and illiterate to confound the selfwise, the learned and the mighty; and I have chosen the base, and things that are nought of themselves, to confound the honorable and selfwise of this world.

36 For I, the Lord, am wearied with the wisdom of man; for it is foolishness unto me, and I have no pleasure in it, and I have rejected it as useless and unprofitable in my kingdom: for henceforth I will own no wisdom save that which cometh from Me, unmingled with the vain wisdom of man.

37 And thus do I close my word at this time; and all who hear these my words, may clearly see the way in which I the Lord, have designed to humble the pride of all flesh, and bring the haughtiness of man low, and how I the Lord, will exalt the valleys and humble the lofty mountains, and wherein I will break down and build according to my pleasure, and no one can hinder.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 19



The Parallel between Solomon's Temple and the new Temple NOW upon the Earth.


The words of Solomon, the Son of David

The true meaning of the work he was called to do, declared. All will be spiritually fulfilled in the kingdom of Christ, established in the present dispensation.

1 Write, O thou Instrument, saith the Holy and Eternal one, write the words which shall be sounded forth unto thee at this time, in the name of my Son Solomon, he whom I did call in the days of my figurative work, to build Me a house wherein I might place my holy name.

2 Yea, a house in which to place the Ark of my figurative Covenant with man; the Ark for which I gave directions to my servant Moses, that he should make in my name, within which to place my COVENANT, which I promised to make with the seed of Abraham, as a type of the everlasting Covenant of mercy, which should have no end.

3 Yea, that Ark which I caused to be adorned with mortal hands, as a figure of the adorning of the new and spiritual Ark of the Covenant of life everlasting.

4 But know ye, O ye people, from the days of my servant Moses, until the days of my son Solomon, my figurative son, there was not a resting place found on the earth to establish this Ark of the Testimony; but it remained movable, to be conveyed from place to place, as it seemed good in my sight.

5 This served as a sacred oracle, to go before the children of Israel, of which none were permitted to touch with their fingers, except those of the order of my anointing, those in the line of the holy priesthood, who had sanctified themselves and become clean in my sight, according to the order of the figure which I gave in that day: That none should stretch forth polluted hands to steady this Ark of my Covenant; for death it was to the one that ventured to do so.

6 So, saith the Eternal One, shall it be death to the soul that ventures to stretch forth with polluted hands, and an uncircumcised heart, to steady my spiritual Ark, in this day wherein I have renewed the tables of my spiritual Covenant with man, in this latter day of my glory, and the last dispensation of my mercy.

7 To you who are not of the order of my anointing, who have not become sanctified unto Me, who are not clad in the garments of the holy and spiritual priesthood; unto you, I say, that venture to stretch a hand to steady, or to interfere in any wise with the Ark of my spiritual Covenant, which I have established with man, in the keeping of my holy Anointed, I will smite you, and ye shall wither and die, and your name will be cast out of the book of my remembrance.

8 For unto natural man it is not given to comprehend the things of God; for natural man seeth not as God seeth; neither is the wisdom of man like unto the wisdom of God; therefore, saith the Holy and Eternal One, have I designed that the wisdom of man should have nought to do with my holy work: for the wisdom of man is foolishness in my sight; and for this cause have I rejected it. For I will confound the wisdom of this world, and set at nought their lofty inventions; for they glory in that wisdom which is not of Me; therefore shall they perish thereby.

9 Hear, O ye people, saith the Holy and Eternal One, hear the words of my son Solomon, whose iniquities I have pardoned, whose transgressions I have blotted out of the book of my remembrance, that they are remembered no more against him in the heavens. Yea, I have washed him, and in purity and holiness doth he stand before Me, saith the Lord.

10 And with the seal of the New Covenant of life everlasting have I marked him, and he goeth in and out before Me, and his ways are pleasing in my sight. Therefore, O ye people, hear him, and know that the words which he speaketh to you, are of the wisdom of God, and not of man.

11 Hear, O ye people, the word of God, in the name of Solomon, son of David, king of figurative Israel. Know O ye people, that it was in the heart of my father David to build a house to the Lord of hosts, that He might have a dwelling place upon the earth; a house wherein to place his name and his holy oracles to man. For, saith the Lord, since I brought my people out of the land of Egypt, I have not had a place to dwell, nor wherein to place my holy name.

12 Therefore did my father design to build the house of God in Jerusalem. But the Lord saith unto him, Thou shalt not build Me a house; for as thou hast shed much blood, and thy kingdom hath not been a kingdom of peace in thy reign; therefore thou shalt not build Me a house; but make thou preparations therefor.

13 Behold a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; he shall build a house for my name. And I will give him rest from all his enemies round about; for his name shall be Solomon; and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his day.

14 Hearken, all ye people, saith the son of David, hear and understand: Was it because I was more righteous in the sight of God than my father David, that He should choose me to build Him a house? Nay, in no wise; for my father David was a man after God's own heart; and although he transgressed in many ways; yet did he humble his soul before God, and in his heart became right in his sight, according to that dispensation.

15 Again I ask, why should he be debarred, from building the house of God, seeing he was owned of God and stood justified? Was it because he had slain his enemies, those who were enemies to God, and were not subject to his law? Was it because of this, saith Solomon, that my father was debarred from building the house?

16 Was not the hand of the Lord with him, in subduing his enemies? Did he not seek to know, by the holy prophets of God, his mind and will concerning the wars which he made with his enemies? Surely he did.

17 And the Lord's hand was with him in this, that he should subdue the enemies of the land, and drive them from before him, that they should not cumber the land of promise, which the Lord had covenanted to give to his people; a land flowing with milk and honey, and enriched with the natural and temporal blessings of God.

18 Therefore I say, it was not for unrighteousness, that my father was debarred from building the house of God; but because it was the will of God from the foundation of the world, to bring forth natural and outward things to typify and resemble, as a shadow, the inward and spiritual work of his hands. For, from the fall of man, did the Father in love to the works of his hands, design to redeem the world again to righteousness.

19 For, as by the fall came war, hatred and strife, which ruled in the kingdoms of this world, for many ages, until the times were accomplished; so it seemed good in the sight of God, to bring forth the shadow which should prefigure the kingdom of peace and righteousness.

20 This was designed to be a spiritual kingdom, whose king should be a spiritual king, and reign in righteousness and peace, restoring the children of men to that righteousness and peace for which they were created. Therefore was I, the son of David, called to reign on the throne of my father, to rule as an earthly king, bearing the figure of the reign of Christ, in his peaceable kingdom.

21 And for this cause was peace given in my reign, in my kingdom, as a shadow of the peace that should reign in the kingdom of Christ, wherein the enmity of man should be slain and subdued, and brought into subjection to the peaceable reign of the King of Righteousness.

22 Hear, O ye people, and give ear unto my word, while I sound forth unto you, in the name of the Holy and Eternal One. Thus, saith the Holy and Eternal One, who ruleth from generation to generation, who remaineth the same yesterday, today and forevermore.

23 Holy, holy is my word unto man, in this day, wherein is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets, and in which will be accomplished in full, all the types and shadows which have been given in ages past, and which have remained, in a great measure, enveloped in mystery, from the wise and prudent of this world, unto the present day.

24 Neither do they, as yet, understand the manner and order of my dealings with the children of men; for it is hid from their eyes. With all their natural wisdom, saith the Lord, whereby they have strove to comprehend my holy work, and to set bounds to the order of my dealings with man; yet do they remain ignorant: For in many things, they take the shadow for the substance, and the substance for the shadow.

25 Yea, they put darkness for light, and light for darkness; and the darkness have they chosen; because their deeds are evil. Truly, saith the Lord, the types and shadows of the old world do they take for the substance; and by them do they justify their works of iniquity, in this bright and glorious day of the coming of the Son of man, in which the substance is revealed in its order and beauty.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 21

Solomon declares the uprightness of his youth, and the manifestations of Wisdom to him: That the peace and glory of his kingdom were typical of the beauty, honor and glory of the everlasting kingdom of righteousness and peace, revealed by Christ, the Son of God in this latter day.

1 Hear, O thou mortal Instrument, saith the son of David, who was an ancient type of the holy Son of God; hearken to my words, while I again sound unto you, not in the wisdom of man, but in the mighty wisdom of God. Give ear, all ye people, while I speak to you of my childhood and youth.

2 Thus saith Solomon, I was chosen of God, to be an outward type of his beloved Son, the Lord from heaven, a quickening Spirit, whom He designed to reveal in the latter day. To you I testify that in my youth I was innocent; and in innocence did I stand before my God, and my ways were pleasing in his sight.

3 Therefore did He manifes Himself unto me, and face to face, in a cloud, He spake unto me and said; My Son, seeing thy ways are pleasing in my sight, ask thou what thou desirest in thy heart, and I will give it unto thee.

4 Then I, the son of David, being constrained by an invisible inspiration, said, O Lord, I ask not for wealth, neither honor nor fame; but give me, O Lord, that wisdom which cometh from thee, that I may rule over thy people in wisdom. This is my request, and it is all my soul desireth.

5 Therefore was the Lord pleased with my petition, and my request was according to his mind and will; and He said, Because thou hast not asked for riches, honor and fame, but hast chosen wisdom, I will give thee wisdom, riches, honor and fame, such as was never bestowed upon any mortal since the world was created; for the glory of thy kingdom shall far surpass the earthly glory of any kingdom which ever was or ever shall be.

6 Hear, O ye people, give ear and understand my words. Was it for any good in me, that I was so blessed? Nay in no wise; but that the mind and will of God might be fulfilled in me, by whom He designed to typify the wisdom of his only begotten Son; and to show forth the spiritual riches, glory, beauty and honor, which was to be revealed in due time, in his kingdom of righteousness and peace.

7 And as the kings, princes and nobles of the earth, did bow and paid tribute to me; so shall all nations, kings and princes of the earth, come and bow their hearts to the King of Zion, and bring their gifts and offerings, and lay them low at the feet of the Lord, and at the feet of his Anointed.

8 And they will admire and adore the wonderful works and the mighty wisdom of the King of Zion, and the glory of his kingdom will no mortal tongue be able to describe; neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the riches, honor and glory that shall be revealed in Zion, when she shall have arisen to her full glory.

9 But be it known to you, O ye people, that the shadow bringeth not forth the substance; for as the shadow is but a faint resemblance of the substance; so was the temple, kingdom and glory of Solomon a faint shadow of the substance, without the power of salvation; but merely a type thereof, by being saved from the power of their outward enemies. For until Christ the Son of God was revealed from heaven, there was no door of salvation opened to lost man.

10 For the rightful heir of the kingdom had not as yet been revealed; therefore did all things remain in suspense, to wait in hope for the coming of the Son of man, the holy Anointed of God, who would be able to open the prison doors of darkness, which no man was ever able to open, to set at liberty the captive souls;

11 Yea, to call forth those who had long waited in hope, and in prayer and fervent desire, for the dawn of the light of the gospel to appear, whereby the bands of iniquity, should be burst asunder, and the gates of hell be set open, and the prisoners called forth from their prison houses, to come into the liberty of the sons of God; a call which before was never heard by mortals nor immortals.

12 For no soul that ever dwelt in human clay, had ever ascended to the Father, until the holy begotten Son was revealed on earth, in a tenement of mortal clay, to open the door of salvation to fallen man, and to rise triumphant above the power of evil in his human nature by a daily cross and self-denial, until all was slain which belonged to the first man, the man of sin, and brought into subjection to the new man, "The Lord from heaven a quickening Spirit."

13 Then in the hands of sinners he laid down the natural part, the tenement of clay, and ascended to his Father, as the perfect and spotless Savior of man, a perfect and true example of righteousness to all the fallen race.

14 And thus, saith the Almighty Father, (through Solomon son of David) was the commencement of the new and spiritual kingdom of righteousness and peace, established on earth and in heaven. And thus was the chief corner stone of the new and spiritual temple laid in Zion, the new and spiritual Jerusalem.

15 Hear and understand, O ye people, while I speak concerning the figurative temple; for holy was the figure; but far more holy is the substance; this temple, which was built by mortal hands, and framed by the cunning and artful workmanship of man, whose timbers were taken from the forests of the surrounding nations, and brought, hewed, squared and jointed, before they were brought to the sacred spot, where the temple was to be erected;

16 Yea, of the forest trees, the cedars of Lebanon and all the trees of the wilderness, timbers were gathered, some of more and some of less value. But all timber was useful, if properly prepared by the workmen; all that would undergo the hewing, squaring and jointing, was profitable in this sacred building.

17 But if the timber failed in the hands of the workmen, and would not undergo the necessary preparation, it was rejected and thrown among the rubbish, to be consumed for fuel; for nothing but that which was perfect was permitted to be brought on the ground to be framed into this holy temple.

18 For such was the word of God unto us; that nothing should be framed into this holy building, but that which had undergone the hewing and squaring, fitting and jointing. This was the acceptable timber, whether it was cedar or pine, or by whatever name it was called, if it bore the preparatory work of the workmen, it was considered valuable and useful in its place, and was brought and framed into this holy building.

19 For all sorts of timber which grew in the wilderness, were brought for the building of the temple of the Lord; and nothing was rejected but that which failed in the hands of the workmen; for thus and thus was it to be, for a figure of what was to come. And when all the preparation was performed, and the materials were prepared, then were they brought upon the holy consecrated ground.

20 And in the solemn fear of God was this memorable building erected; for thus was the word of God to us, through his holy prophets; that a general calm and stillness should prevail; that there should be no confusion nor unnecessary noise; but that all should move along in quietness, and in perfect subordination to the overseers of the work. For thus it seemed good in the sight of the Lord, and was thus fulfilled.

21 In this manner was this holy monument erected and adorned by mortal hands, as figurative emblems of the adorning of the holy and spiritual temple, which was to be revealed in the latter day of the glory of God, when the types and shadows of the old dispensation had passed away, and the substance thereof should be revealed.

22 This period would effect the final display of the mercy and glory of God, which He designed from the beginning of the fall of man, when He should, the second time, renew the power of salvation, through his Anointed; like as He renewed his figurative covenant with the children of Israel, after they had transgressed the laws of God, and brought upon themselves his fierce judgments.

23 By those judgments He caused them to be led away into captivity, and the sacred temple to fall into the hands of the uncircumcised, who robbed her of her glory, and carried away into the polluted city of Babylon, the holy and consecrated vessels of the temple of God, and there polluted them in their heathenish temples.

24 For as that dispensation bore the figure of the revelation of the Son of God, and his glory; so hath it borne the figure of the falling away, by which the power of the holy people was scattered and trodden under foot of the gentiles; and the abomination, which worketh desolation, was set up, and the mystery of iniquity bore rule for a season, until the times were accomplished for the cleansing of the sanctuary.

25 For the word of God unto the children of the captivity, was to return and sanctify themselves from the abominations of the heathen; and again rebuild the temple at Jerusalem, and set in order the holy vessels which had been carried away into Babylon; yea, and to rebuild her walls, that Jerusalem might again be rebuilt and adorned in her glory, as the last and final display of the figurative work of God, which should typify the New and Spiritual Jerusalem, that He designed to establish on earth, which Saint John saw in vision, descending from God out of heaven, adorned as a Bride for her husband.

26 And now saith Solomon, son of David, Hear, O ye people, the words of Almighty God, revealed by me, his figurative son, to an Instrument of mortal clay. Hear, O earth, and be glad, and rejoice in the work of thy God. Rejoice O ye heavens, and let the earth leap for joy; for salvation hath come into thy borders. The Bride hath made herself ready, and the marriage of the Lamb hath taken place; and behold now are all things ready.

27 The order of the new and spiritual kingdom of righteousness and peace is established on earth, in which Christ shall rule and reign till all things are subdued to him in righteousness; until the kingdoms of the earth have become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ; wherein all souls will gather into a oneness of heart, and see eye to eye.

28 For holy is the Lord God of heaven and earth, and holy is his word unto man, in this day of his mighty power, wherein He hath brought to nought the lofty inventions of man, and laid low their false imaginations concerning his holy work. Yea, saith the Lord Almighty, I have chosen the weak things to bring to nought, and to confound the wise of this world; that none may glory in any wisdom, save that which cometh from Me.

29 For I the Lord have set up my kingdom upon earth, a kingdom which shall have no end. And no wisdom shall have any place or part in this kingdom, except that which cometh from the throne of God, and is established by the right hand of his power. For by the wisdom of the powers above, was this kingdom established; and not according to the wisdom of man.

30 Therefore beware all ye people, beware, saith the Almighty God, beware, O ye children of men, that ye stretch not forth with polluted hands, polluted with the natural and carnal reasonings of fallen man, to interfere with this work of mine: for this heritage of mine will I protect; yea, I will surround it with a wall of fire; and with my wrath will I smite the invaders thereof.

31 For I the Lord God have decreed, in my most holy wisdom, that man, fallen man, shall never have dominion and power over this work, wherein I have made my last and final revelation to man, in which I will accomplish the full and final salvation of all the fallen race that shall ever find salvation.

32 Although Satan may rage and throw in his darts, and bring forward the natural wisdom of this world; yet, saith the Lord God, I will defend my sanctuary, and the Ark of the spiritual covenant of everlasting life will I guard. And the soul that ventures to come forth with the natural wisdom of man, to interfere in any wise, with this Ark of the Covenant, which is established by my Almighty Power and Eternal Wisdom, that soul will I smite in my wrath and cut down in my hot displeasure.

33 For with the sword of fire and wrath, will I defend this altar of mine, where souls shall sacrifice before Me, on this altar of self-denial, all that is base and carnal in my sight, and become fitted and prepared in the hands of the workmen, to be jointed into the new and spiritual temple, of which all souls have an equal right.

34 For as no timber was rejected in the building of the figurative temple, that was sound enough to endure and go through the preparatory work; so shall no soul be rejected that will endure the purifying work of the preparation. For no soul, whose natural abilities may be ever so great, shall have any part in this holy temple of mine, without passing through the hands of the workman, and being hewed, squared and jointed in spirit, which gives every soul an equal chance.

35 The king upon his throne is made equal with the beggar in his poverty; for the valleys shall be exalted, and the hills shall be brought low; for I the Lord am equal, and my judgments are just, and all souls are equally precious in my sight; therefore have I made equal provisions for the salvation of all.

36 And this is my word, which I give unto you at this time, revealed to the writer by my beloved son Solomon, in whom I delight. Sealed by the finger of the Almighty, and by the finger of his holy, holy Wisdom.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part I; Chapter 22


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