1. Thus saith the Lord, the Holy and
Eternal One, Give ear unto my voice, all ye people, and hearken and understand my word,
all ye nations of the earth.
2. For whom are you looking, to
usher in the rays of eternal life, and open the eyes of your souls, that ye may be saved
from your sins?
3. Do you look for the Christ of
God, the spirit of the Holy Savior, the Lamb who stood upon Mount Zion, with the hundred
and forty and four thousand, having their Father's name written in their foreheads, who
were virgins, not being defiled with sin?
4. Do you look and seek after a
kingdom, of which the sacred volume does predict; which by the spirit of inspiration was
told, that a pure and holy kingdom, by my Almighty hand, should, in the latter days, be
set up, which should be called the house of the Lord, established in the top of the
mountains, and exalted above the hills; of which nations should say, Come, and let us go
up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; for he will teach us
of his ways, and we will walk in his paths?
5. Where the Law should go forth of
Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem?
6. Where that spirit should be
manifested, to rebuke strong nations afar off; and cause them to beat their swords into
plough-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks?
7. Where the Lion should lie down
with the Lamb, and a little child should lead them?
8. Do you look for the stone, cut
out from the mountain without hands, that should grow and fill the whole earth; that smote
the great image, and brake it in pieces, and caused it to be carried away of the wind, as
the chaff of the summer threshing floor?
9. Do you look for that kingdom that
standeth and trusteth in the strength of my power, and not in the arm of flesh; whose life
is purity, and whose dwelling resteth in my eternal brightness?
10. Whose subjects are subjects of
peace, and whose hands are not stained with human blood, and who walk not after the law of
a carnal commandment, but after the law of grace, given in the gospel of Christ?
11. Who worship not the mortal
bodies of any, but who worship my Holy Spirit, whether manifested in man, woman or child?
12. Who use the measures of justice,
and the weights of exactness, and decide not by the balances of deceit?
13. Who do unto others, as they
would that others should do unto them?
14. Who turn not the right of the
needy away, nor say to the hungry, cold and naked, Go, be thou fed, warmed and clothed?
15. Who turn not the needy from
their doors, nor send the poor and distressed empty away?
16. Who procure not gain without
right, nor pervert the laws of' truth and justice, for silver or gold?
17. Who open their mouths in true
wisdom with their neighbors, and speak words of truth to one another?
18. Whose God requireth that all
should labor with their hands; and whose laws of equal justice, mete employment to every
age and class, according as they have ability to perform?
19. Who highly prize, and daily do
obey the watch-word of the morning from the Queen of Zion; Hands to work and hearts to
God, with cheerfulness in your duties?
20. Whose laws and statutes from my
eternal throne do emanate and operate to rule and govern every soul in truth, in justice,
and in acts of love and kindness?
21. Where no one is set on high, to
sway an earthly scepter?
22. Where tyrants cannot reign, and
despots do not rule?
23. Do you look for that kingdom,
where the holy anointing from my Eternal Throne, is placed in earthy vessels, to lead in
meekness, and govern by the power of my spirit, against which, in the final result, no
stiff nor stubborn will can stand unshaken, nor abide in the kingdom?
24. Where no coercive means are
used; but power and force of spirit, given from my Almighty hand, through prayer and
supplication are employed?
25. Where seekers after that which
is great and high, must rest in hope, and die without obtaining?
26. Where high and exalted feelings,
low and humble stations find?
27. Where meekness, virtue, power
and wisdom, as the advancing guard do always move along?
28. Where carnal warfares are not
known; but spiritual ones, against the wicked foe within, are eternally waged? No quarters
given, nor quarters taken, but death complete unto the man of sin, doth crown the
victorious conqueror?
29. Do you seek to find that city,
where the Lord your God hath placed his name, in peace to dwell, in truth to reign?
30. Where all its inmates dwell as
innocent lambs in the fold of their ever watchful Shepherd?
31. Where the bleatings of harmless
sheep are heard, but where the howlings of the wild beasts of the forest, who hunt for
flesh, and prey upon the same, are not known?
32. Where the gentle breezes blow
from my Almighty throne, and waft upon their wings the bread of Heaven, and the food of
Angels; and where streams of living waters flow in rivulets mild and gentle?
33. Where all the inmates dwell,
possessing the whole, yet claiming nothing; and aught of all they do possess, no one
calleth it his own; but as children of one family, all live and fare alike?
34. Where the sick are ministered
to, those in the decline of life supported, and the feeble and tottering knee, gently led
by the hand?
35. Do you, in truth, seek after a
place of rest unto your souls, where everlasting joy, peace and true comfort are received,
as the reward of a daily cross of true self-denial, not in word alone, but in work
36. Where the innocency of little
children is preserved with the utmost care and carefulness, until they reach maturity?
37. Where all dwell as brethren and
sisters, bound in one golden chain of love and union; in clothing, food and convenience,
each preferring one another?
38. Where none, by reason of care
and trust in them reposed, seek for any thing more pleasant and agreeable, either to eat,
to drink or to wear, than those to whom they stand as leaders?
39. Where those who are called to
stand in front, rejoice to show they bear the greatest cross of true self-denial?
40. Where the jealous eye of
wantonness cannot look upon those of the other sex, nor nature's passions vile be
41. Where none suffer the sun to go
down upon their souls when defiled with sin?
42. Where Achor's valley, daily
remaineth the only door of hope for any soul?
43. Where nought is again
remembered, when once passed through this door?
44. Where ignorant deeds are lightly
passed over; but willful acts of transgression, the laws of conscience do condemn?
45. Where my Holy Laws and Orders,
reign as sacred guides, impelling every heart?
46. Where the unerring lines of
truth, are drawn between the flesh and spirit?
47. Where natural affections do
abound for all their fellow beings; but where vile affections, for fleshly kin, are
banished from the soul?
48. Where fathers, mothers,
husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children, houses, lands, and their own lives also, are
all forsaken to obtain a life in Christ, and the resurrection of the soul from the dead?
49. Do you seek for that kingdom
established on earth, but yet is not of the earth?
50. Whose subjects are in the
world, yet are not of the world; for I their Lord and God, have chosen them out of
the world?
51. Where holy Angels from the
eternal world minister unto them, and ten thousand times ten thousand gather to behold
their worship?
52. Where saints on earth, with
saints in heaven do unite in one eternal song of praise, to Me their God and Maker?
53. Where, through great tribulation
and sufferings of soul, by living the life of the Lamb, their garments are washed white?
54. Do you seek for that kingdom,
against which, the hand of persecution hath ever been raised; and against which the
envenomed tongue of slander and falsehood hath never ceased to pour forth its volumes of
blackest epithets?
55. Where souls fulfill the law of
Christ, as made known in his first appearing, and by that means, are able to fulfill the
whole law in his second coming?
56. Where souls know, by actual
experience of more than sixty years, that they have found the spirit of the Lord's Christ,
revealed in a Mother, whose name was ANN LEE?
57. For it hath saved them from all
sin, and clothed their souls in a garment of true righteousness, and created in their
hearts, that love to Me, their God and Maker, which surpasseth, in a thousand fold ratio,
all other loves;
58. Which has given them strength
and power to resign their lives in martyrdom, if called so to do, rather than deny their
faith, or the power by which they received this, [which was] from, and through the QUEEN of Zion, who stands as my first and chosen witness in this last
dispensation of my goodness to man.
59. Do you seek for that kingdom,
where the gospel of a CHRIST and of a MOTHER
reigneth, united in one?
60. Were any of you born, and
brought forth into a completed state of existence in the world, by a father,
or by a mother? Or were you only begotten by a father, and then, at
the proper time and season, brought forth by the mother?
61. And by whom were you fed with
milk, and dandled at the breast, while in your infancy; by the father, or by the
62. By whose caresses, and soothing
hand of comfort, were your troubled spirits pacified to rest? Was it not the Mother's?
63. If We, the overruling and GREAT FIRST CAUSE of all created things, on earth and
in the heavens, have, in our own wisdom, created the natural order of things, figurative
of that which was spiritual, how can there be any spiritual order, or kingdom of glory
completed, unless the woman is brought to stand in her place, according to the figure?
64. Have We not created an order and
place for the woman, in the natural order of the creation? Was she not to travail in
sorrow, and bring forth children? And in the absence of her husband, does she not stand at
the head of her own family?
65. If these things in nature do
exist, why stumble ye at the fulfillment of the true representation?
66. And if this is not the true
representation, and this order does not exist in the spiritual heavens, why did not We
create and send forth, all living upon earth, in the male order?
67. O ye blind and bigoted seers,
who strain at your own pride, and must swallow your own folly! The woman you all want, and
the man you all want; but the enjoyment of each other in fleshly gratifications, is your
greatest desire. No longer wipe your lips, and say you are guiltless; for the God of
Heaven doth judge you, the Searcher of every heart, before whose eyes, your abominations
are as plain as the whited walls of your houses are in your view.
68. But hearken; Do any of you seek
for a kingdom, where the pride of vain mortals ruleth not, and the arrogance of frail,
fallen nature, beareth not the sway? Where the high and the low, the rich and the poor,
the lame, the halt and the blind, can all fare alike, upon terms of strict equality and
69. Where all yield strict obedience
to the revealed will of Heaven, through such agencies as are appointed, through the order
of my holy anointing power, wherever I may have caused it to rest?
70. Where all the political strifes
and contentions, and party feelings amongst the children of men, are disowned and
71. Where an avaricious spirit, to
heap up treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt, cannot dwell?
72. And again; Do ye sincerely seek
for that city of refuge on earth, where you can know and do the will of your God, day by
day? Where you can receive strength to crucify your own evil natures, and be born anew, as
little innocent children, into the kingdom of your God?
73. Do you seek for that home and
place, while in a terrestrial state, where you can live day by day, as ye would if ye knew
ye were to die on the morrow, and as ye would if ye were to live a thousand years?
74. Where the kingdom of Heaven, and
the righteousness thereto belonging, is the soul's first pursuit; and where all that is
needful for the body, through obedience and faithfulness, shall be given unto it? And
where, to deal justly and walk humbly, to fear God and keep his commandments, comprise
your whole duty?
75. If so, seek in earnest, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; ask, and ye shall receive; follow that
light which I shall cause to shine into your souls, and it shall lead you to the city of
peace, saith the Lord your God; but not to ease and indulgence, thinking to procure your
souls' salvation in that way; not where the manna of Heaven rains down, to feed and
support you in idleness, without the soul's exertion;
76. Not where each one, or any part
can do that which seemeth right in their own eyes, according to their own natural wisdom
and understanding;
77. But where that wisdom, that
knowledge and understanding, which is revealed in the order of my own appointment, beareth
rule, and is the main spring of action throughout, in all things, spiritual and temporal;
78. According to the completed order
of my new heavens and new earth, which I have, in this latter day, established on the
earth for all nations, all kindreds, all tongues and all people, who will make the
sacrifice which I require, saith the Lord, to obtain a home therein, beneath the wings of
my protection.
79. I have now declared unto you,
all ye nations and people, that the spirit of my blessed Son hath appeared the second
time, without sin unto salvation, in the female, or Spiritual Mother in
80. And this, my kingdom, as
represented by the stone from the mountain, has been established for more than sixty years
upon the earth; and yet, ye believe it not; though various publications of its principles,
have been circulated when called for, yet, ye know not the Christ or his true kingdom.
81. I have never required, saith the
God of Heaven, that the subjects of Christ's second coming, or the children of the Bride,
should compass sea and land to make proselytes;
82. This, my Church, the assembly of
Saints, was never established upon the eternal foundation of righteousness and truth, for
a popular show to the inhabitants of earth.
83. But I required her people to
embody their strength in one united capacity, and conquer and subdue their own evil
natures within, and travel in humility of soul, and tribulation of spirit, and gain a
substance of the true oil of light, and life eternal; That when my time should come, in
the order of my own wisdom, she might have wherewithal, to do her duty to other souls, as
I have placed her, a city upon a hill, whose light and brightness can never more be hid.
84. And thus, the days of her
seclusion are accomplished; and I, the God that formed her, do now declare her to the
inhabitants of the earth; and I have also declared the true characters of all who do, in
truth, compose the subjects who dwell, and safely remain within her holy walls.
85. Though wolves in sheep's
clothing, may creep within her gates, yet, their craving wants for flesh, or fleshly lust,
will soon betray the borrowed coat they wear.
86. No ravenous beast can long
remain within her holy borders; though many like the place, yet none but the true and
honest hearted like the cross; nor will long endure the gospel fire of truth, which doth
eternally burn to guard the tree of life.
87. And furthermore, saith the
Almighty Power, I declare the three first witnesses unto you, who bore record on
the earth, that I, the Almighty God of Heaven, had sent forth the likeness of my blessed
Son, the second time, without sin unto salvation, to poor frail mortals on the earth.
88. And through a female was Christ
made known, [as a spiritual Mother,] to complete the order of that kingdom which
was begun in his first appearing. And I declare, to all nations, the spirit of this chosen
female to be the Bride, the Lamb's wife, the Queen of Zion, and Mother of the new and
spiritual creation which shall never be destroyed.
89. Though I, her Lord and God,
should purge and refine her [inhabitants] to that degree of purity and holiness, that not
more than ten souls were able to abide the fire within her holy courts; yet shall these
stand, and be supported by the Almighty power of my hand, though armies against them
should be arrayed for their destruction.
90. Remember, all ye people who
dwell within the walls of my Zion, which is pure and holy, if ye walk not worthy of your
holy calling, the great privilege, which in my mercy I have granted you, shall only prove
as burning coals of fire upon your heads, to sink your souls from my presence; and a far
heavier stroke of my judgments, shall come upon you, than upon those who have never
been blessed with such a privilege of my notice, within the walls of my Zion.
91. It is not numbers that compose
my Zion; but the purity of that life which souls live; and by the interestedness of their
spirits, to build up the cause to which they are called, by spending and being spent,
agreeable to that example which was invariably set by the three first witnesses, who
bore this gospel across the rolling deep, to fair Columbia's shore, and who, by my
Almighty hand, were protected so to do.
92. And by my power, shall other
faithful souls safely re-cross the foaming deep, to plant this gospel in distant lands, to
feed the hungry souls who cry to Me for [the] bread [of life.]