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Self-Denial  and  The Mystical Death

The Meaning of Christ's Command and the Depth of its Requirements for those whose spiritual walk is stalled, this Collection may be useful to allow the light of God to penetrate the otherwise dark and benumbed places in the heart, soul and mind.


from the Prophetic Revelations of
Jane Lead. [ or Jane Leade]
17th Century Prophetess of God

The following  COLLECTION is taken from:
The Authentic Transcriptions ©
of the Original Manuscripts of Jane Lead.


I shall take them as they lie in their own Degrees and Order. First, To shew what a spiritual inward Death is, that must be passed through, by such as do look for the reigning Life with Christ. And for this, it cannot be made out better, than that worthy Apostle hath done it, as you will find in the sixth and seventh Chapters of the Romans, laying down full and clear Arguments, shewing the necessity for a Spiritual Death; so as we need not doubt but it will be granted: in the next place we are to consider, how it shall be effected. I would not fright any, if I tell them, it is at the first on-set bloody Work: where-ever this Sacrificing Knife doth come, it will touch to the quick. But then consider in whose hand it is put; our Emanuel’s, whose love we may well confide in, who acteth this tragical part by the Lance of his Spirit, and will fall only upon the viperous Body of Sin, to let out the very heart blood of it: so it must be, for there is no savouring that Life, that hath made all this to do, as in reference to God and our selves, spoiling and defacing that pure Angelical Image, in which the most Holy One took such delight to see his own Similitude; But now so changed, that it may give God cause of repentance, that ever has made such an unstable Creature to grieve his Spirit; upon which account we must be driven out from his Face and Presence, to live in that awakened Principle of Good and Evil.

But here is a Door of Hope opened for such as are weary and oppressed, and are willing to give up their whole degenerated Life unto Death. But you will say, If we must suffer at this rate; to what end did the Lord Christ offer himself as a Propitiation for Sin, in his own Person, if our sinful Life must go also for it? In answer to this, take notice, That tho our Lord Christ was made a visible Sacrifice for Sin; yet he never intended that should excuse any one of his Members from a conformity and fellowship with him in his Death, knowing his Death for us would not do alone, without coming by his Spirit, to put the Sin to death in our Flesh; and so jointly he becometh Salvation to the utmost, he having no sin to put to death in his own Body, and so was a living Type and Example for us to follow.

But it may be still objected, Who is able to go through such a full and total death, to all that infection of sin, which the first Adam brought in? We must say, No one is sufficient, but the mighty God and Saviour, as by his Spirit coming to incarnate himself in our Flesh, who hath the Key that openeth this mystical Gate of Death, and thereby to pass us through the Vail of the Flesh: And for your comfort know, he goeth not to work violently all at once, but considers our mold and frame and allures the Soul into it by degrees, shewing and setting before it the absolute necessity for it, forcing all of love-incitements to follow him in this track of dying, despising the shame and contempt of it, as by Faith seeing what glory, honour, and immortality of Life with Christ will ensue hereupon.

This is then only our business, to introvert our Life into Christ our Lord, for him to offer it up in us, through his Eternal Spirit, as he did in his own personal Body, who laid it down freely: so now he wooeth the Soul to a voluntary assignment of the whole Man of Sin for expiation; so that when the Heart and Will is gained and brought over, dying Work will not be so grievous and terrible, as may have been feared: I can assure you from my own experience, having been long and deeply exercised herein, knowing that great comforts and supports will meet you in your dying Agonies, through internal infusions, that may be felt as a burning Spirit that runneth into every part, till it giveth ease to the burthened in sin, and will not leave it, while there is any thing of an evil essence remaining, if the Soul agrees and gives consent thereunto. And truly, a well-informed Soul, that lies under any powerful constraint of Christ’s love can do no less, but herewithal comply, and deliver up the accursed Thing; and when it cometh to this, what a hopeful dispatch will there be for the cutting off every Member in the Body of Sin? O, where shall we find a wise and valiant Jael to smite Sisera, aiming at the Head, Life, the very Root of Sin in its original!

Oh, how do I hear the echo of some good willing Spirit about me, thus saying, Seeing you have presented the necessity of Crucifixion, and the great benefits thereof; and have rightly placed the Lance of Death, as in the hand of him that hath given such a full proof of his love and naturalness unto the fallen Off-spring of Adam, We have now an open Ear to hear further what the Particulars are we must die unto, and I most readily shall herewith comply; as from the Center of Light, and experimental Knowledge, give forth a Narrative hereof, as reducing this inward Death to three several Branches.

As first, The Animal, Rational, Sensitive Life. Proceed we to the first of these, which is the more gross and right-down earthly Life, consisting of a beastly Nature, of brutishness, and worldly-mindedness; loving and embracing the vain empty Honours and Riches of this Principle; bringing forth such cursed and vile Fruits as these, namely, Arrogancy, and an Evil Covetousness, Self-promotion, Wrathfulness, Slandering, Revengeful and Evil Surmisings, Cruelty, Oppression, Unmercifulness, with much more of this kind; all which is to be most deeply deplored, that such a Life as this should shew its face, where any thing of a God is known, and a Christ revealed, for redemption out of all these bitter Fruits; and that instead of dying out of them, there is a living in them; and so becoming insensible of their Weights, Fetters, and Chains, all which is a most dangerous state to continue in, and not to make haste to die out of them. But we are persuaded better things of them, who are enquiring to find out the Passage-gate of Death, knowing they dare not allow themselves to live in any one of these, but as any matter of this kind does spring unwillingly, for to Arraign, Judge, Condemn, and deliver up unto the piercing Nail of the Cross, as a testimony that they have abrogated the gross Evils, and will not cherish and harbour what the Serpent will hereby challenge place in the Soul’s Essence, and will keep his Hold; Therefore on, that men in good earnest to die, will neither touch, taste, nor handle any of these poisonable Fruits.

Now we proceed to the Rational Life, which is reckoned to be a wise, sober, righteous Life, and therefore not to be laid aside, being as a King that would govern the whole concerns of the Soul, both as to heavenly and earthly Things, determining all Matters and Causes. Why then it may be alleged, if he be such a prudent Ruler, What Exceptions have you against him, that he must fall under Death? But know it, from the Lord, and that of a truth, that the Serpent lies more hid in this than the other. It is in some, as a grand Idol set up in the room of God; Nay it is so subtil in its Counsel, as you can hardly know it from the true and superior Wisdom; for it will have Righteousness for its Covering. Therefore none, but a high enlightened, and well-instructed Soul in God, can have a right discerning of this great Supplanter. And that he may be known so to be, here is a first and second Charge brought in against him. First, although it may be granted, that he carries an appearance for God, and eternal Things, and that with Zeal too; yet there is such a near alliance to the worldly Interest, and earthly Property, as there will be a holding fast in the mixed Property, putting heavenly Things in one Scale, and earthly Things in the other: if they can go upon even balance, then the Rational Spirit carries all smoothly, as wise in his Generation, not being willing to lose his part, either for Spirituals, or Temporals, but the worldly Interest shall be sure to be followed close. For if they cannot consist together, but the one must be laid down, then Wise Rationality will soon shew himself that his Birth is but from the Astral Region; it is of no higher descent, but from the Womb of fallen Time, and therefore a Spirit not to be trusted.

The second Charge we bring in against the Rational Life, is the great Enmity, that he stands in, to the Spirit of Faith, which curbs and nibs it in its first buddings. For as long as degenerated Reason lives, this Plant can never thrive or prosper; for it is ever more casting in choaking Doubts, as in the case of Nicodemus, How can a Man be born again that is old? And as in Elisha’s Time, when the Famine was so grievous in Samaria; the Prophet then declaring, how Scarcity should suddenly be turned into Plenty; the unbelieving Lord of Reason presently stands up, If God should make Windows in Heaven, can this be? so as unbelief prevented him from seeing the Accomplishment. So it doth at this day; therefore if we would have any great and wonderful thing effected, either for Time or Eternity, we must shut out Reason as a treacherous Counsellor; and there is no way, but to give him up for spiritual Martyrdom, for the sharp Ax of the Spirit to do execution upon him. But you will say, This is too severe a Judgment wholly to cut him off; for he may be regenerated, and made subordinate to the Life of Faith. That indeed may be allowed upon the Animal Man’s Account, to order and govern those low and terrestrial Affairs, which the fallen State hath necessitated into, if he may be bounded there, but not to climb higher: For in no case must he be admitted, as to the inward and sublime Matters of the Spirit, and Soul, because the way of its Restoration depends so much upon Faith, which crosseth the whole course and grain of Reason. All his refining and regenerating can never make him serviceable to help the Soul towards its translation for degrees of Perfection, its Birth being of an incredulous Nature, looking hereupon as unattainable for the Soul to regain what it hath lost; so here is enough to lay him aside for in all spiritual Matters: For as Rationality was not in Adam before his relapse, so he had no occasion to use subtilty or craft, all things were provided to his hand. So now in the way of our return to the more transcendent Liberty and Glory, for which the Holy Ghost, operating in the power of Faith to perfect, will admit to have nothing contributed from the Rational Spirit. Nay, the time is coming, when he shall also be put out of his Stewardship for the very outward Man; for it is very rare to find a just Steward in the use of this worldly Mammom. And therefore God will settle the Power for all blessing and increase for the bodily requirings upon the Spirit of Faith; as that in the Saints shall get up to its superiority, all of the worldly Goods which now are ingrossed, where the corrupted Reason bears rule. Therefore it will be worth our care and vigilance, in keeping our Stock, going on upon Faith’s Bottom, as in reference both to heavenly and earthly Things; deposing the Rational Spirit, as to all power and claim to the superior Transactions betwixt God and the Soul; only allowed he may be for the present necessity, as a hewer of Wood and drawer of Water, till we shall discharge him upon this servile account also. Now you see what a full charge is given against the Man of Reason, which may be a sufficient inducement to die, as we are able from day to day, unto him, till fully dead. The conquest of which will produce wonderful and miraculous working Powers, which in its place and order shall be made out more fully to you.

Now we fall upon the third particular, which is the Sensitive Life; dividing it into three branches; Exterior, Interior, and Natural.

I shall begin with the Exterior; as first, the lusting Eye, that delights to please it self in visible Objects, Shadows and Figures of Mortality, minding outward adornings and settings, out of a poor piece of Mortality. These are tempting Objects for the very Heart and Mind to be tainted withal. For the outward Eye is as a wandering Star, it glides up and down to please its own unsatiableness, among all the various gross and perishing Things, that in this evil World can be found. So every depraved sense doth pursue its own vain delight and satisfaction. But of this more gross part of Sensuality, I shall not further enlarge, knowing that it hath been sufficiently set forth, and decried down by the godly and pious Ones.

I shall pass on to the Interior Sense, which is in part renewed and enlightened, so as for to escape the Pollutions, which the gross sense falls in withal; this being an inward sober sense, comprehending immortal and divine Things: but yet it is so nearly annexed to the Man of Reason, as being the very Body of that Spirit, and can have no congruity with a Life of Faith. So that here comes in a hard struggle, as to the matter and case of a Soul in its looking for Redemption out of the Body of Sin. Here now the good sense, that is awakened upon this account, will very aptly run out it self into a despondency, as seeing, feeling, and tasting the strength and bitterness of sin; so as it may raise such an uproar and mutiny in the Soul, as will not be for some considerable time quieted and allayed. But you will say, This is good and necessary to be immersed into such a deep sense of sin. It is in some degree to be granted, that an effectual sorrow for sin, is to be allowed from divine Light and Conviction; that is, awakened by the Holy Anointing: thus it was with the Saints of old, crying out to be delivered from the Body of Death and Sin. And what penitential Psalms did that Holy David in this sense make; but mind all along here was no sticking there, but soon acquitted their sense, flying up to the operating Spirit of Faith, as David and Paul did in the same case: crying, Thanks be to God, that giveth us victory through that Blood, which cleanseth from all Sin, springing from the Vein of Christ’s Life opening within, that washeth out the pollutions of sin. For should not a Soul hasten out of this working sense of Sensibility, it would soon be overwhelmed. So that if in the life of this good sense, any should too long abide, what an anxious and sorrowful Life would they know? Therefore what saith the Spirit of Jesus, Believe, and ye shall enter into your rest; for in sensibility, you will find none.

Now to speak to the Natural and bodily Sense, this hangs close as the Skin unto the Flesh, it affords an unwelcome constancy, as resolving not to leave the Soul, unless mortality comes to be swallowed up of Life. This sense indeed is apt and fit for such an inferior mortal state as we are fallen into; a low and earthly sense doth well agree with a low and earthly World; But oh! what enlightened Spirit, that hath been in the Divine Seeing, can take up here. For it is the great and only impediment to all of Divine Vision, Prophecy, and Revelation, (for now all three degrees of Sense we include). They are as a dark gathering Cloud upon the Center of Light, and a strong Inclosure, to keep the Spirit from passing into that Principle, where the Trinity, and all the Holy Train of Angels, Seraphims and Cherubims, do attend God’s Throne. This I soberly aver, from a particular Experience, that no Soul or Spirit can come to have a plain and open view of a glorified Personality, as seen and known in the Heavenly Spheres, but as their sensible part is suspended, and laid as in a dead sleep, during the time that it is in broad open sight, of such an express Glory. Indeed there are representations of heavenly Objects, and things in a lower degree, which may consist with the bodily sensation, as introverted into calmness, and sweet stillness. Then the Spirit of the Soul stands in a powerful capacity for divine Seeing and Hearing; and this is very frequently known, and enjoyed by Saints in this present time. But that which is the most certain knowledge, and sight, and hearing is, when the whole sensitive motion of Soul, Spirit, and Body, is entered into a transical, eternal Nothingness; then it knows, hears, and sees, as in God’s Glance, and Light of Eternity. Thus it was with Daniel, Paul, and John; they were struck out of their Senses, while the Visions lasted upon them. So it hath in these last days been witnessed, That when the Lord had any special Revelation to give forth by his chosen thereunto, how hath the Element of Reason shut up, and the Stars of sparkling Sense fallen down, as not consisting with a purer Spirit, descending from God, with great and deep Revelations, that his Mind and Word might not be adulterated, which is the more sure way for it, even through the cessation of the senses. But here doth meet me an Objection, that thus happens upon some extra-ordinary account, that any are so caught up out of their senses; but it is not expected it should be durable, as you seem to drive at. You cannot blame us if we do; for did you know what it were to be but one hour from the working motion of Sense, by which ye might really and substantially find your self entered into the very beatifical Vision of God, you would never care for to know your sense more. This doth but agree with that good saying of St. Paul, Knowing, that while we are present with the Body of Sense, we are absent from the Lord. But we shall be sober and not run you out of your sensitive Life all at once; except some sudden Shower from the Heavens shall fall and drown you, as it hath for some time done, upon the good willer hereunto, which would heartily congratulate further Witnesses hereof.

But to set by at present those great and eminent Effects of Cessation from Sense, which is not the lot of every Saint, nay, very few, that may as yet know open Vision, and yet will find their Names written in the Book of Life. But seeing it opens a Door, and makes way to have more clear knowledge, and familiar access to God, and the glorified Person of Christ, and the high Order of Angels, let this be a powerful motive, to be dying by degrees, from that Life, which is separating and eclipsing the Face of God, wherein all Peace, Joy, and assurance of Love is enjoyed. But here meets me this Question; Who is it that can die out of their own sense? For so great and glorious are the advantages of it, that if we could find the Passage-door out of them, we would not stay in the molested and troubled Sense. For this, I shall give you what hath been effected in my own experience, which I found great remedy and help in this case, as being instructed by the Spirit of Jesus herein, which brought me to famish the life of low mortal sense; first, avoiding all that might feed and nourish it up, drawing out of all multiplicity of worldly Concerns, which tendeth no higher than the exterior Life, denying every thing, which was not of an absolute necessity; for as dying to all superfluity that sense doth work upon, and you will find it will grow weak, and gradually expire, and go currently on for the anatomizing of every mutinous sense, so as there may not be so much as an evil Essence left. But indeed, while this is but doing, and not throughly done, the senses will be striving, and casting up muddy Waters, that cloud the divine Sight, and stop the inward Hearing, whilst you stay amongst the noise and throng, that from this worldly Region do all incompass. Therefore I can give you no other hopes to get victory over the sensitive Life, but by starving it, coming out from all the gross Matter which feeds it. Indeed there may be a quenching and silencing of this stirring motion, before there be an arrivement to the high degree of annihilation for fixation; which is a good introduction, and as daily exercised herein, may come at last to depose what-ever will not consist with that most excellent Life of Faith, which is the only Ministry, which the Lord Christ doth set on foot afresh now in this day. Therefore let it not be thought a strange and severe Doctrine; blessed are those that are able to receive and practice it, there will be no loss; for as this Sense dies, the fresh and supersensed Life will spring.

There is one Sense more, which we must not omit to speak something of; which is the Dolors, Pains, and Griefs of the Elementary Body, which may abide where the sinful Sense is much wrought out, which must be allowed till this corporal Figure is changed; as sensible hunger, and thirst, and want of this and that refreshing for the outward Body, carrying symptoms of mortality, impediments of this kind, may be, and yet sinless. Christ the Lord, was not without the sense of this, hanging upon his outward Corporiety; so as we cannot expect to be loosened here-from, till something else do follow; but yet carried through cheerfully in hope of the Redemption of the Body also. Here then we shall conclude, as well agreeing with that precious saying; Gal.2.20 I am crucified with Christ, yet I live, yet not I: Mind how he calleth that word back again; do not think it is I whose life did consist of the animal, rational, sensitive Being, that is worn out and dead; I live upon another Root, though I appear in this very Elementary Body. I have changed my Life of Sense for that high graduated Life of Faith, in which I please God, and am beloved, finding all acceptation with him, and therefore never desire for to know the disharmony of Sense any more. This is the victorious Triumph of a Spirit and Soul, that hath got over that low Sensibility! Here is a new Model indeed, you will say; but who is it that hath put off the Body of Sense thus conqueringly? We shall not determine who hath done it; but we may determine that except it be done, or doing, there is no Foundation laid for Resurrection or Ascension. Now then see your way, and in what you are to be exercised, in order to what is to follow, Christ the Lord hath beaten the Track, he is again returned in Spirit, with great and mighty Power to carry you through, as ye give up, and let him take your Wills, and give consent to demolish, and pluck that off, which hath been as a twisting Briar about the Lily, which is to be transplanted, when got free from the Valley of Death, to the Mount of Immortality, and open Vision of God’s Face in Glory. Thus you have had the true dimensions, what it is to be died unto, which will finish and complete the whole Mystery of Death: pronounce we may blessing, joy, and glory to the Overcomers. Who can shew these dying Marks, as hath been described? Who shall now keep them from the presence of God and the Lamb, for right they will have to possess and inherit all things, in heights above, and depths beneath?

Above Excerpt from:  The Introduction to the Spiritual Dying.


As the first Rule was to discharge and acquit all unnecessary clogs, and weights, exteriourly; so This, more interiourly; which is by taking all care to clear away from the Heart and Mind the Scum that boileth from Corruptible Nature; from whence Generateth multiplicity of profuse Imaginations, that no stop can be put to, but as the Spring of the Holy-Ghost doth open, and drown, That chaffy dust, which defileth the Temples body.

Now this skill, the Soul must of the Holy Spirit learn, that as fast as the puddled-matter of this Kind do rise in the mind, so immediately dowse, and bathe thyself in the Springing Pool, where-from the Water of Life doth bubble up; for That is our Healing, and it is as near us, as the other contrary Source. And thus we may keep our Hearts all pure, and clearer reserved, to be the most Holy Sanctuary for the Priestly-Spirit to minister in, and to make ready a Holy separated place for GOD and CHRIST to manifest themselves in us.

Upon This account, was the Holy Ghost promised, and also given, to prepare and make straight the crooked ways internally; for Christ his Spiritual Humanity to take up in a pure mind. As John the Baptist went before to prepare, and declare Him to be the Lamb of GOD to take away the Sins of the World; that by John’s Ministry a Reformation and Repentance unto life might be given.

But all this was short of the Spirits Ministry (as John confessed) which is now come to be revealed. Christ being glorified in a body all spiritual. He cannot come to Joyn himself with any Soul, but where this Holy-Spirit abides before-hand, to refine and purge the floor of the Heart. This is the office of the Spirit. Now hence we do see our selves bound to treat This Holy Messenger kindly. It is an Infinite valuable Gift; Oh therefore prize Him at a High rate, for by Him, and through Him, we have all Knowledge, and Intelligence from our Father’s House, and all of that Heavenly Family, We should never know any thing of That state of life which is after Death, but as this good Friend, the Holy Unction makes out from the Treasury of God’s manifold Wisdom.

Therefore, who would not for so great a benefit keep their minds all Vacant, and Pure, for such a Comforter to abide with them, who can tell us of things that are yet to come, as the time Present, and Eternity: and This he doth, and will do still, for those that love, and delight in his Company?

I must say, and leave it for a Living testimony behind me, that had it not been for This precious Sealing-gift of This Holy Spirit, I must have spent my days, in Gloominess, and Sadness; Sorrow, and Misery: Which by the received Gift of This Spirit; my age of time hath been past away with much Peace, Pleasure and Joy; tho’ often thronged in upon, by this worlds annoy, which could never distress me, whilst I could but keep the Spirit with me: who had ever more, New things to bring out of his Store, to quiet, and pacifie, what at any time was ruffled, and so much disquieted in me.

This I have only made mention of, to provoke such, or as many, as This Treatise may Read, and seriously ponder it in the true Spirit; then will they know from whence This is written, and prize it greatly, and wisely make provision for This self-same bright, enlightening Star out from their Hearts to spring: who will prepare the way for Christ the King to reign, till he hath put down all that can be called Sin; for to This end is the Holy Ghost given, and still a giving, but in various measures and degrees; some one portion, others double, and treble, according as a dedication, and preparation of Soul is found; where most stillness and privacy for a divine contemplative Life is fixed. There this Holy Guest will frequently visit; whereby it doth well inform and acquaint the devout Soul with what is doing, and transacting in the Heavenly Country, and Royal City which the Majesty of GOD doth enlighten with his Glory.

The Discourse the Spirit may maintain with us about this upper Worlds Affairs, will mightily hold us, and wind up our minds, so as we shall fear to let them down into this defiling World, lest it should raise a cloud of interposition betwixt the Heavens and us, as too sorrowful it hath often been known; therefore watch, and pray, and cease not to keep upon your Guard always.

But now it may be said, This is a Glorious and high Privilege to receive of This Spirit, which bringeth out of GOD’s Treasury things New, and Old; but the way to obtain this Gift is very costly; for the Rules prescribed, carry out to such a self Abnegation, and Denunciation of a creaturely life in Flesh and carnal Sense; that it is very rarely that any are able to obtain, and retain this precious and holy Anointing, whereby we come to know the secret, and deep Things of GOD.

True it is, This Jewel will not be found, in common earthly Ground; there are several measures, as I have mentioned, for they that have no degree of This Spirit of Christ, cannot be his; but if there be so much of this Light as doth check and reprove of Sin, and it be Obeyed, Then the Spirit will manifestly multiply for Counsel and Comfort; and so go on to reveal himself clearer, as he finds the Heart giving up to be his peculiar Place of Residence, that so he may keep all in a sanctified Order, in preparation for more extraordinary things to be communicated: For the Spirit riseth higher, and higher, as the Soul is emptied of its own self.

Above Excerpt from: section headed May 12th, 1694, The Flower of the Mind


Now a word to Those that are in part Illuminated, but yet stick in the Birth, and cannot get forth; the Earthly and Temporal World gives a stop to it, that This Pure Life cannot rise to its Perfection. The Question is, How will it go with them that gets no further, but dies thus short, as Millions of Souls do daily out of this World depart, without having put Christ on for their Cloathing, without which there is no coming to be Expressly with Him in the Three Heavens?

An Answer to a Pertinent Question:

IN Answer to This Question; Be it Known there are provided several-Mansions, and Regions, by the wise foreseeing Gracious God, that knew how it would be, as to This matter, with the greater Number of His own Created beings; tho’ he had proclaimed, a Love-Redemption, to All by Christ manifested in Flesh, to destroy, and purge Sin out of Flesh; which we see is very rarely done in the time of this Life; where One reacheth to This Mark, a Thousand do miss it; Therefore for such as were begotten by the Eternal Word, and are going on, in all Good willingness in their Spiritual Progress; (dying short of finishing it). They will be allowed to be in a Paradisiacal Region, to Exercise their Spiritual Faculties, for the effecting what they were prevented, and hinder’d of Here in This Life; and so go on to perfect That State of Perfection, that shall make them meet, to make the Higher removes, to reach to the Mount-Sion-State, which is yet more Glorious: And tho’ This has not been understood, or believed, yet it is a Truth, that I have received from a good hand; therefore I am bold to publish it, for all Souls must pass through the Refining, and Calcining Regions, so prepared for their Purifying; and according to the measures, and degrees they do attain to Here in this Life: Of this Kind; the less they will have to do in the Life to come, which will be much more Easy.

Therefore it is much upon me to Excite to a pressing forward, that they may so run, as to obtain the Resurrection-Mark, while in the Body they are; because it will turn to a present account of Peace, Joy, and Glory.

Above Excerpt from: within the text of  The Enochian Life, An Answer to a Pertinent Question


This Gospel, is not a bare Sound, to be heard only with Ears; It is a Spirit that enters in, and gives the power of a Resurrection-Life, to the Dead that could no way raise themselves, neither in Bodies, nor out (as is found in their several Confinements) will hereby be loosened; and set free.

But it may be asked, when shall such a general, and universal Restoration be, as for all Apostatized Spirits, and Creatures to be in favour and friendship with their God, and Creator again?

Now in answer to this Query, as to the time, it is known only to God in the Secret Cabinet of his Counsel; only it is thus far revealed unto me, that it will be at the finishing of the great Mystery, when all Souls will have passed through their Purgation in their several degrees, that lacking is here; for in all Centres are found Souls that shall be brought into a purified State, by thorough Humiliation for all their Misdeeds: And also when generating (according to fleshly Births,) shall cease in this World; Then this general Redemption will be completed and the Mediating-Office of our great High Priest shall be at an end; so that he hath nothing more to do but to deliver up the Kingdom thus completed, to his Father, that God may be All-in-All, possessing, and satisfying himself in all of This his New-creation, which will amount to a Perpetuity of Endless Joy, from the various wonders and pleasures that will fill up Eternity, with tuned Instruments of Praises to the Holy Trinity in their Unity, as it was from the Beginning.

Above Excerpt from:  An Answer to a Pertinent Question.


But of This Jubilee, an allowance of time will be for the working out this more general Salvation, for many are the degrees of purifying, which all Souls must pass through; and such as do neglect their Day, during the time of this Life, as to the New-Birth, and Regeneration; there is a Law of Necessity for them to go through it, after the time of this Life, in Centers and Regions, which are provided in other Worlds, which are to be passed through. [Margin Note: The Gospel is preached to the dead, or souls departed.]

Above Excerpt from:  A Communication between the Saints above and the Saints Below


For my Lord said to me, You are not ignorantly to suppose that I willingly do hold back from that which stands in Unity with me: But there is a Cause if any stop be.

Then replied my Spirit, Oh my Lord! Let it be given to me to know, and understand where the Obstructions hath lain?

Answered I was, That the Veil of not Knowing, and not Believing the Things reported of, which do of right belong unto my Virgin Spouse; also wanting are holy Boldness, and Courage to come freely, and take what is mine, and make it your own; For be it Known to Thee, It is far from Me, to engross to My self, what the Father hath so much, and liberally bestowed on Me, was it not that I might give out as Plenteously? Therefore come with full Assurance of Faith to Me, and ye shall receive Grace for Grace, Wisdom for Wisdom, Love for Love, and Power for Power; As I have obtained, and received of my Father in Heaven, so you from Me all answerably.

Pondering in my Spirit, these words of my Lord’s, I Replied. How shall it be, that a Spirit should thus be mingled, and made one Pure Lump with Thee, so as nothing of itself for to be?

Answered it was. This should be effected by Dying out of Creaturely Sensation, whereby a vacancy of Place, for the Holy-Ghost to rise, and spring, and move, as One Entire Spiritual Body within; for so it will be when ever there is a cessation, and a rest, from the whirling Thoughts and Motions, which from the outward Astral Birth are.

This will be the manner of my coming in this Latter-Day, to stand upon the Earth, which thus emptied is, and refined by the Fire, that never dieth; which Fire is that Seed of God, that shall multiply it self to bring your Christ forth, numerously to overspread this World, till all shall be formed anew.

Thus shall each one become a Christ, (or an Anointed) from this Deified Root opening within their own Soul.

Above Excerpt from:  The Manner of Christ's Appearing


Thus the Lord Christ draws a lively Draught of Himself in every part in the Soul, and nourisheth it with his own Royal Blood, which runneth thro’ every Vein, by which we know we have put on Christ in his Resurrection-Spirit, and inward Body, to which Perfect Thing coming, Redemption is Finished.

Highly blessed are those that shall arrive hereunto.

By all these Manifestations, I see the Day of Love is breaking out, to compass the whole Earth, and Christ will no longer a Stranger be; for so he doth Prophesy in me, That in the Holy-Ghost, he will in this Last Age of the World more wonderfully appear; therefore I am press’d in Spirit to Excite all that love, and longeth for to see, feel, and know Him, as a Present Counsellor, and Comforter, that they would thus prepare by Pureness of Heart and Mind, waiting for this Love-Star to rise, and multiply it self to numberless Stars of Love, and Power, that may a Heavenly Host be, to proclaim the Glory of Christ’s Kingdom.

Above Excerpt from:  The Manner of Christ's Appearing


Thus we give the Enquirer an Answer to the Question. How Sin at first came in. Now it remains to let you know, How this Poyson of Sin (that hath infected All of Adam’s Posterity) shall be allayed and expell’d. The original Cure hereof, is so known, that I need not set That forth, being generally believed that Christ came in the Flesh to be a Propitiation for the Sins committed in the Flesh.

But now a deeper Thing than This I have to declare and make known as Thus. We know all Outward-Births have been conceived in Sin; And yet somewhat of Good (from the Original Root of Nature) hath therefrom (in every one) sprung forth. Now know and consider, there is no other way to make a Perfect Cure, but by taking the Sting of Sin out; and that by another Birth conceived within the Soul (which is Christ the Quickening-Spirit) (that which is a Sinless Birth): And as that groweth up, and becomes strong in Spirit, the Sinful Part withers and dies away. Thus Christ the God-man works out Sin within the Properties of Fall’n Nature, And so, completes Redemption Victoriously; For that which is thus born of God, overcomes the World. 1John, Ch.5.

But here meets me a Question, viz., Is Christ to be conceiv’d, and born in every one for Salvation so Intrinsically? Yea surely, This is, and must be the Foundation-Seal, whereby God the Father will own, and rescue us, as being the Express Image of his Beloved Son.

But again it may be Objected, That I have verified, that God’s Love is so great and large, as All Fall’n-Angels and Spirits shall be Redeemed; But the Question is, How can that be when so many die without any Appearance of this New-Birth you speak of? It is so, that millions of Souls do so (out of this World) pass away, and much to their Loss and Suffering it will be. Yet know, The Root of the eternal God is every Soul, tho never so Vile and Evil in this Body they have lived in and so died. For Christ is the Light that hath enlightened every one that cometh into the World, (John 1), that this Light and Life of Christ hath been shut up, and Sin hath got uppermost, yet Christ (the eternal Spark of life) will save Himself in all that have Apostatized from Him; Nothing shall suffer Loss but the Fuel of Evil-Works, that cannot pass through the Judgment and Burning; and if this Life be passed over, and little or nothing of This done; There must be a remaining in a Fearful-Expectation of going through this Terrible Refining-Work after this Life, in Regions so appointed for that end. Oh! that all careless, desperate Soul-Adventurers, that know not the hard Tugs they must go through to clear and get off, what they contracted of Vile-Matter, and Evil-Deeds, in this Life; Therefore, let all be warned to Mortify and Renounce the Earthly-Birth, that so, they may escape the Fiery-Indignation, that will come upon the Works of Iniquity.

Oh! now then, whilst you have Day with the Everlasting Sun-shine of Love in your Souls, Turn into it, and it will Clarify and Brighten you that (so saved) you may be out of all Future-Punishments, and Entrance find into the Joy of our Lord; which may be known now in This present Time, in the Heavens of a Pure-Heart; The happy Felicity of which I have already set forth, in this Treatise.

Above Excerpt from:  A Post Script


A word of Love-caution is to another sort of Persons, who are entered into this Ministration, in its first degree, and are under the Spirits discipline and teaching; the word of Counsel, from the Father of Spirits, is this, That they keep precisely to the Rules and Laws of the Spirit; for there will be expected from such more shining and singular Conversation, shewed forth in a self-denying Life, dying to all of those mortal things and sensual enjoyments, that strangle and choke the fiery Breath of the holy Spirit, to stop it from kindling further and deeper in the Soulish Essence, that so there may be a coming up to a mighty Increase and Fruitfulness in the love and unity of the Spirit, having all tenderness to support, love and cherish each Olive Plant that springeth out of this Eden Garden, which is watered by the holy Mists and dropping Dews of the Spirit.

Now to the third sort, this word of Wisdom and Counsel doth greet them, whom we discern to be of a high and lofty stature, having shot forth their Branches in great lustre and glory, as having got beyond all declarative Revelations and Teachings, as not receiving or needing any but what their own center of Light will supply them withal, here-from inclining to slight what lies in bank and store with their fellow-Labourers for this same Treasure; to such this word is sent, that they carry it in great humility and lowliness of Mind, preferring each ones gift before, or as their own, maintaining all sweet and lovely Fellowship, with those of lower or higher degrees, in mutual Concord and Harmony, for the maintaining a holy Fraternity and spiritual Neighbourhood, although each Saint may have a full Provision and plentiful Portion of Spirit in themselves, so as they have no dependence on another, yet love is freely communitive, and disperseth it self in great variety, so as what one Saint is gifted and furnished with, the other may want of that sort and kind, and so a heavenly Traffick and Correspondency may be maintained, feeding and feasting with each other, on the various Fruits, as all springing from one Stock and Tree of Life; for it is experienced, that much increase of the holy Anointing hath flown forth by the converse and declaration of divine Inspirations, from one Saint to another, the which hath begotten a new and spiritual Generation, as in former Ages, so in this, sending forth divine sparks of Light and Love, for the gathering in of the holy Priestly Train, that are to make up the Temple-Glory, till the which shall come to be compleated, there will be all need of this holy inspiring Breath to be breathed from one to another, whether by vocal Voice, inspeaking or converse, as the holy Spirit shall go forth in its various operations, for the edifying of the Body of Love, for a holy Convocation to the Lord.

Above Excerpt from: File 3, near the end of


... Then it follows, Of the Increase of his Government & Peace there shall be no End. [It shall Increase till all Nations shall be brought into it, and when the corrupt and fleshly Births every where shall cease, it shall be multiplied by Angelical Generation only: and that to Infinity. It shall increase in every Particular Member to a boundless Empire and Dominion in it self, each one possessing a new created World and Paradise in himself: His Immanuel dwelling in Him, centrally, as in Microcosm: So also by the Increase or Manifestation of God in the Whole, circumferentially, as in Macrocosm: through the Eternal Impregnation of the whole Virgin-Body from and with all the various Powers of the Deity.] And this in and upon the Throne and Kingdom of David to order it, and to establish it with Judgment and with Justice from henceforth even for ever. [The Concurrence of the Father’s Power and Kingdom with the Son’s, will be the Uniting of the two Reigns of David and of Solomon into One. The Invincible Might of the Former subduing all Enemies, and bringing forth Judgment unto Victory, concurs with the Righteousness and Beauty of Holiness in the Latter for its Manifestation and Triumph; its Fixation and Establishment for ever.] The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform This. [The severe earnest All-powerful, all-active Fire of the Father, united and manifested in the Meek Love-Flame of the Son, proceeding and issuing forth together in the Fiery Baptism of the Holy Ghost; the whole Trinity as it were concentering their Power and Influence in this Third and last Ministration, will Gloriously, Triumphantly, and speedily bring all these Wonders to their Accomplishment. His own Arm will bring forth this mighty Salvation and total Redemption; for the Honour of his great Name alone.]

Above Excerpt from: an Interpretaion of Isaiah, Chapter 9.


§ XV. Now it remains that the Government, and Power, and Dominion of the Kingdom, will rest upon such a select Number, who have first passed through great Tribulations, for the Witness and Testimony of the expected Reign of the Spirit. Which being kept yet in suspense and delay, does awaken a mighty Cry, and ardent and vehement intercedings among the Sanctuary-Waiters and Worshippers. Which has entered and deeply pierced, the Heart of him that is to descend as the mighty Saviour and Deliverer. Insomuch that there was heard from the Heavens a Voice saying,

"Behold I come; with a full Recompence of Reward to the Patient Waiters and Holders out in this Hour of Probation: Yet a little while, and the Judgment shall sit, and the Decision be given; for there shall be a Sealing go forth in the Fathers Name, and my Name, and the Holy Ghosts that shall be the true Living Draught drawn, that shall put an end to all Prophetical worded Testimonies, turning them into pure Act and Power."

This was a joyful Sound, heard from the Throne and Kingdom of the Lamb, which gave also further intimation, whereby it should be known by some following Signs, in whom the Kingdom of God should first appear: At first invisible and internal, and afterwards visible and external. This will be in such qualified Persons as have been separated, and call’d out of this Worldly Principle, to see to the ends of their own Earth, and their Sun, Moon and Stars of the Rational and Sensitive Life, that Ruled and Governed in the Earthly part, to be darken’d, and fall away. This is an evident Sign that the true Sun of Glory will break forth, and enlighten the whole inward Heavens and Earth in Man. Thus he will set footing in the inward Ground of the Heart, that it may be his Throne-Habitation, there to Reign till we subdue every thought and motion made subject to him. Then shall the Heavens and Earth, in the new Creature, rejoice, that the King of Glory has taken to him his great Power to Reign, Internally in the Omnipotence of his Spirit.

§ XVI. As it is thus Invisibly made manifest, so it will dilate it self also and spread into a Visible Kingdom. And there are seven Visible signs that will make out the Dominion and Kingdom, in it’s first Appearance, in what Persons soever it shall open. The First is the Dying Marks. Whereby they are throughly Slain and Crucified, to the Love of all Inferiour things, appertaining to this Earthly Principle and Kingdom.

§ XVII. The Second Sign is, that as there has been a sowing into the Death and perfect Crucifixion: so it Rises and becomes a Resurrection-Plant in the Love-Principle and Light-Kingdom: where is all Liberty, Power and Might to act and do Visibly, according to the Property of Christ’s Resurrection-Life. There is nothing of the Worldly Principle can any more touch, or bind them down, being Translated from out of the Power and Dominion of the Satanical Kingdom.


§ XXV. I must not omit here, to give the Reader caution to avoid a mistake, concerning the two Representative Figures made mention of. As to the manner of Generation, it is all Purely Spiritual as the Holy Ghost, shall go forth from them, to overshadow and give a conception in such as are Predestinate to bring forth Christ, numerously through corporeal Forms, in his various Spiritual Stature, as from an infant of Days, to the full grown Age. When this Blessed Day shall from on high, spring for the bringing down this Kingdom of Heaven, there will be Marriages of another kind than what has been, all Spiritual, Angelical and Divine: From whence a pure and holy Progeny shall stand in this latter Day upon the Earth; Born as Princely Heirs to Reign with Christ in these lower Regions.

§ XXVI. Further it is also to be taken notice of, that the first Figurative Representatives of this new Modelled Kingdom, in which the Paradisiacal Male and Female, do express Christ and the Virgin, taking up Elementary form, they stand United most intimately, and yet distinct: The Male has his Virgin in himself, and so from thence may multiply a Spiritual Offspring, as was proposed in the first Adam. And on the other Hand, the Female Virgin shall have her Male Power and Spirit in her self, to bring forth in the like manner, according to the excellent Might of the God-Man so incorporating with the Virgin-mind. So that here will be no dependency upon what is without themselves, each one having the Deified Seed, to procreate these Angelical Births from themselves. And tho’ it may be the Wisdom and Counsel of God to take up two Figures, in order to the Matrimonial Tye, yet no bonds will upon them be, as to their outward Persons being confin’d either to place or time; For when the happy Day for their rising and appearance shall be, it will stand in that Glorious liberty, that they may be either Resident together in one Family, or otherwise in two different Nations, for there shall be no let hereby to their United Spirit and Power, that shall Co-work together for the bringing forth, and spreading the Miraculous Powers of Christ’s Kingdom. For by pure Act of Omnipotent Power, this new Creation State must be maintain’d and upheld. Which Government and Authority, will be so surely fix’d and entail’d, as never yet has been known in the World since the Creation. For the Tyde must turn, and the Satanical Powers and Kingdom must give way to the Virgin with her Male-Birth, that shall with the Rod of Iron all opposing Nations crush, and bring under. But others shall see and submit to this Day of Christ’s Glorious Soveraignty, offering themselves willingly to be admitted as Subjects of this Kingdom and Dominion, that is given to the Saints of the Most High. The Motives hereunto will be so great and marvellous, as shall invite all from the highest degrees and ranks of Persons, to the lowest of Conditions: there is a Gate of Paradise that shall be open’d, to such as can derive their descent and Birth-degree, from the Virgin and the Father of Eternity.

Above Excerpt from: June 1, 1699, The Signs of the Kingdom of Christ.


§. XXVI. Now these following Rules were prescribed, to such Persons as had obey’d the Summons, to be the Lord’s Warriours; and had engaged themselves in the Fight of Faith, till they should overcome all those contrary Powers and Forces, that would put a stop to the Reign and Dominion of Christ’s Kingdom. These are those that are now call’d to the Third Watch, as seeing the Morning break from the Cloudy and Dark Night.

Now the First Rule is to put on a Resolution, not to go off from the Watch, till some extraordinary Appearance of the working and acting Powers shall open from the Centre of the Deity, as it lies hid in the Essence of the Soul; whereout Eternal Nature must be raised and recovered again, to bring forth a New Created Form, after the Similitude of the Tri-une God himself. According to its Virgin Nativity in Christ the First Born, both of the first and second Creation.

Now that this may not be prevented in its rising All-powerful Body: this Counsel and Direction was given, (as the Second Rule.) That there must be a sinking and dying away out of the Creaturely Life and Being, which consisteth of all the degenerated Properties, that have estranged and banished us from that living Principle of Light and free Liberty, in which Man was first Created. And which no way is to be recovered again, but as the deepest Deep of the Uncreated Word, shall come to Spring as a Seed of Life renewedly sown in Nature’s Ground. This is the Eternal Word and Seed of Faith, that must exclude and bind down all that would put forth from the Rational and Sensitive Nature: which first Husband must expire, before there can be a true Matrimonial Tie with the Lord, that is risen out of that Body, wherein subjected he was to all the Evil Occurrences, that the Fall of Man brought forth: which he passed through, as bearing the Weight and Burden of our Sins; that by his Conquest we might be set free.

Above Excerpt from: An Alarm to the Holy Warriours.



The Delivery of the Law in Ten Particulars,
given forth by Wisdom to a Translated Spirit.

THESE are the Laws of Paradise, which must be observed by All who set footing there, according as they were declared and given forth by Wisdom, as I was in the Spirit. Who thus spake unto me;

Having caution’d thee that thou mayest not be secure, telling thee that the Tempter, and the Tree, are both here, I Wisdom bid thee take good heed, considering thou art yet but a Stranger, and knowest not the Constitutions, Orders, and Worships required by the King of this Holy Land. Lest therefore thou should’st miscarry here, as did the First Adam, and many more since, who have come thus far, after the Similitude of the Second, whom the Dragon hath plucked down again, awakening in them the Essences which were slain by the Death; I do now present to thee out of my peculiar Love, CHRIST thy Looking-glass. In Him behold thy self, who was thy Dying Pattern, and now must be thy Living Spirit; to act answerable to Him, Bodily, and Spiritually. And as he was in Paradise Invisible, and in this World Visible, in like manner as now thou art; so the same Law which was enjoined by the Father to Him, is expressly to be observed by thee: Not one Jot or Tittle is to be abated therein. For here the New Covenant is to be re-established in which the Laws of pure and uncorrupted Nature are again revived, which were Engraven upon the Heart before Sin entered to obliterate them. And as this Internal Law of Liberty was lost in Paradise, so in all Ages it could never be found by any, till they returned thither again, to fulfill the whole Righteousness hereof, through the Birth, Power, and Spirit of JESUS; that hath imprinted the Law of Eternal Nature upon the Fleshly Table of a pure Heart, which becometh a Law of Life unto it self, that none need to say, Know the Lord from henceforth, if once come to know themselves after the Law of this Paradisiacal Life; which I will give thee out as GOD gave to Moses in Ten Particulars, that what is given thee may answer to the Outspoken Word from ME: Who for a General Benefit do require thee to Record these following Precepts, purely as they flow from my Unknown Deep.

...     ...    ...

The Seventh Commandment.

THOU art not to break the Marriage-knot, which is tied betwixt thee, and the Lord thine Husband, to whom thou art betrothed through the Eternal Spirit. For it is an high Breach of the Covenant of Love, which is established upon immutable Promises on God the Father’s part, and on thine: Wherein there is a passing over to each other before Witnesses, that bear Record in the high Court of Heaven of this Espousal betwixt Thee, and my Beloved Son, the heir of all the Riches of Heavens Glory.

Now seeing this Royal Match is made, and concluded on, by consent of the Everlasting Father, and of Wisdom thy Mother, who could not propose a more Honourable, Worthy Person to unite thy Spirit unto, thou art required to abide most Constant and Loyal to Him, and never more so much as to look upon, or entertain any other Lover, thereby to defile the Marriage-bed, in committing of spiritual Adultery; which doth consist in these following Particulars.

I. First, in the Lust of the Eye after this or that Creaturely Object, which soon betrays the Heart, stealing it away insensibly, before it is aware of it. In great Temptation thou dost here stand, having such variety of Objects still to court and captivate thy Mind, from thy True and Royal Consort, who watcheth every Motion and Affection thereof which way it worketh, being a very Jealous Lover; and one who is resolved to prove thy Constancy in this time of his absence. He therefore permitteth this and that Delilah to allure, and subtily to encroach into thee, that he may know what is in thine Heart: And according as in this time thou dost carry it, so will the Decree come forth for a further proceeding as to the Consummating part.

II. The Second Caution I have to give thee, is not only to make a Covenant with thine Eyes, but also with thine Ears. For all Enchantments come in through the Senses, which though even in Paradise, are yet obnoxious to be ensnared; as Adam was with his Eve by their means. Who taken with the sight of their Eye, and entrapped with the hearing of their Ear, were drawn on by one Sense after another, even to the tasting of Eternal Death, and the cutting asunder hereby the Golden Link; which gave them the heavy Fall out of Paradise into This World. This was the Effect of the Adulterous Eye and Ear. Stand then upon thy guard with fear; see thou be not snared in by them; hearken not to any other Voice but what thy JESUS, through ME, shall to thee speak; by whom thou art prohibited to confer with any other; well-knowing of what dangerous consequence such a Liberty would prove. It would provoke thy Lord to Jealousie, who cannot bear that thou shouldest be familiar to talk with any other Spirit: For as much as the Serpent is most subtle, and seeks many ways to make a Prize of thee, watching to break the Royal Band of this intended Marriage-Union, which hath been so long contrived by Me, and which I would now see Finished. Let therefore my Counsel take place with thee, so as thou neither taste, nor handle, those inviting pleasant Fruits, that seem to say, come, eat of me, try whether I do not excel all whatever is in Paradise, who have all that is capable to suit the Palate of thy Sense. Why shouldest thou deny thy self to taste hereof, depending only upon what the Spirit of Faith must bring down to thee, which also is not always present with thee, to be commanded to run to and fro on thine Errand, as occasions require? But I will be sure never to fail thee, who am thine old Lover and Friend. Why then shouldest thou forsake me, for one that is unseen, and that cannot be handled sensibly? After this manner, O my Bride, wilt thou be exercised, if that so by any means thou canst be drawn away to break thy Faith with me, who would fain knit thee wholly to my self so as thou mayest not regard at all this Spirit of Reason, that thus seeks to flatter and entice thee from me, who have plighted my Troth unto thee, never to forsake, or cast thee off, if thou thy Virginity do retain, and suffer thy self by none of these fine twisted Cords from Me to be drawn down. For thy JESUS cannot admit any other Lover to sit in thine Heart: And if at any time a Stranger he shall find there, know that from thee he will take the same most unkindly: Although they may say perhaps, they are the Friends, not the Enemies of the Bridegroom, being of a more Spiritual Train, yea, such as are perfumed with a Paradisiacal Scent; against which thou must also stop that Sense: For it is possible to commit Adultery with Seraphick Angels, if thou awakenest any Lusting Desire to them more than to thy Jesus. So beware then of running into any Spirit, though never so sublime; for there is more danger in this, than in those Objects that are of a more visible, gross and earthly Dress; thinking with these who are Spiritual, thou mayest be more free, and more bold. True it is, thou mayest; but yet here it is good to be limited, that thou be not circumvented, and suffer thy Virgin Head to be deflowered. Wherefore from all keep thy self an unspotted Mirrour, and so shalt thou come to be the Chaste Bride of the Lamb, and to enjoy the Nuptial Bed. But after all this, methinks, I hear this Question in thee to arise, How long shall it be before the Marriage shall be Solemnized? For I am now kept in suspense, not knowing how long my Jesus in Paradise will yet prove me, to try my Loyalty, who like a desponding Lover, would fain know the very Day and Hour, that so I might get my self all in a readiness, to meet my Beloved; that when he calls I may not be surprised. This is a Query that may be allowed, tho’ not as to the date or prefixed time to be resolved. Hast thou not learnt how the Times and Seasons the Father still reserveth in his own Power, who keepeth always this Prerogative to himself, while he admitteth none to look into his Calendar, no not the Angels, till they are ordered the Trumpet to sound for Proclamation, when the Marriage Feast is ready: Therefore go thou thy way, and stand in thy Lot: It is enough thou art chosen, and elected hereto: Thy present Business is to observe this Law of pure Chastity, in which thou art to wait patiently the Motion of thy Bridegroom, who doth not forget the Cry of the Spirit and Bride, but suddenly may come e’re thou art aware: Therefore at all times watch, and have thy Virgin Robe on, and thou shalt not need to fear that he will stay long.

Above Excerpt from: Chapter I.


§ 24. Now as I have been in this Inquisitive State, and Unsatisfied, that I had reached no further with my Arrow, I have still found fresh Manuductions and Encouragements to lead me higher, and nearer to the Last and Utmost Degree of Faith. But more particularly, while I was, about the middle of April in the ensuing Year, thus bemoaning and lamenting the melting and passing away of Time, without any thing of a God-working Power that is seen as it was in the Day of Christ, and of the Apostles; I had this spoke in me from the Only Revealer of Secrets. Who in Plainness of Speech discoursed the matter, and caused me to receive right Information concerning the with-holding of God’s wonderful Appearance throughout Soul, Spirit, and Body. And it was thus made out, that the separation from the corruptible Matter was not yet wrought out, for there was yet a dividing to be, as of the pure from the impure, in the very original Ground, and Essence of the Soul. For all is there to be consumed, which is not clearly of God: and this is to be done by the eternal purging Fire, from that one pure Element, which at first produced the Eternal Angelical Natures: and as thus it was then, so the same Motion of the Deity must in the Chosen hereunto be made manifest in its residing power, which will multiply it self into a Heavenly and New Born Generation: Which will be the fulfilling of the universal, and particular Prophecies concerning the Reign of Christ in the Spirit. For which now the Trumpet soundeth, for the gathering the Tribe of Judah, to whom the Scepter and Ruling Power of the Holy Ghost will first come, in the waiting and separating Ground-work, as hath been described by Judah’s Law-giver: Who hath said that a Body of Virgin Spirits he will rear up, that shall renew his great and mighty Works, which all of former ones are to excell. Therefore said he to me, Go on to perfect that which remains in the Soul’s ground, from which may spring that which will multiply Numberless Powers.

§ 25. Upon which Word of Counsel, great and strong drivings I felt still following me for the very Body of God, which is Christ, to be manifested in a growing Substantiality, from the first Eternal Nature, without the which Deifick matter do again spring, and feed and maintain it self, by and from it self, it cannot otherwise live separate, and be free to act and do after its own kind supersensually. And that it may thus get the upperhand, I was taught here to sink away from the old Creaturely Nature, with all its sensible Passions, and Affections; that so losing that Life, I might come to find my Eternal Native Life, from its own Original to put forth, which is God in a fixed Body, created and brought forth from the first Creating Word, which is to restore the Lapse again.

§ 26. So that this is the work and business that my Lord of Life doth set before me to practice constantly, and is the true meaning of Christ’s Doctrine of Self-denyal, which teacheth me where lies the Vein of corrupt Blood, that must be let out, whereby the precious Life may be secured and saved; that so the Blood of Spirits from God may circulate pure and free. This will renew Incorruption, where the Selfhood of Corruption hath so long reigned; for my Lord hath said this to me in solemn Verity, henceforth therefore I see what it is which must be dismissed, before ever I can come to say God is in the Act of a continued flowing Spring from the Express Deity, passing through the Image of the Annointed Christ into me, distinct from all creaturely Images that are raised otherwise in the Mind.

§ 27. This is the summity of the Everlasting Gospel, that some Angels, who thus qualified are, shall as flying Messengers from the Heavens declare: Then said my Spirit, which was taken up into the Lord, Oh who, and where are the Angels of the Power that have prepared their Trumpets to sound? No Tidings of them yet can be heard. No, said my Inspeaker, they have not yet acquitted their Earthly Tombs, nor put on their Resurrection Bodies, that so they may have boldness to be witness-bearers to this Gospel-Revelation, which yet to very few is made known, and but darkly understood, because there hath not been Credit given to that still Way of the Holy Spirit’s infusion and dictation; which requires great heedfulness, and an interiour watchfulness within the Mind, at all times.

§ 28. While thus I was entertain’d with a pleasant Internal Conference in the Spirit with my Lord, I moved on the behalf of a Person, Whether or no he might not be designed to go forth in this Everlasting Gospel-Message, as having been a waiter with me for this? And it was Answer’d me, It might be his Lot if he could fix to it, and observe the Method and Rules now given, not digressing or dividing in his Mind, but sticking close to the One Thing, as gained to it he hath been: for the Ministry of the Spirit was a very nice and pure thing, that did require extraordinarily qualified Persons to speak God forth therein; for if any thing of Self-hood should intervene, it would quench the fiery Lamp of the Spirit, and make it burn weak and dim. This is caution for my self, and Friend, and such also who do separate themselves to this end, to build up an Holy Priesthood and Tabernacle, in which the Holy Ghost may come to Evangelize with a new Spring; which will work away the pudled matter of every Selfish born thing, that hinders the Live Coal of the Spirit from Burning.

§ 29. Then was I minded also of our Nazarite Vow, whether or no we had kept to it; for default herein found might keep back the Crown of Anointing, which is, and ever will be the true Mark and Character of Christ’s anointed and most Holy Priests who are called, within the Vail of the most Holy Place ever to attend. There is no going out, to pollute our selves with dead and unprofitable things, as we would succeed and prosper in this High and Honourable Profession of Faith, which by holding fast to, my Lord hath it verified, we shall become his anointed Priests and Kings, being impowered to work the New Creation-Wonders according to the Holy Ghost’s pure Act and Will in us.

Above Excerpt from:


§16. But methinks; this Query meets me by the way, What is it that I mean by this Virgin Wisdom, that is the true Mother of the Citizens of this Jerusalem, and who is the Princess of this Kingdom? Of the which I doubt not but to give to the impartial and pious Inquirer a true and right account, from the great knowledge hereof, which hath been freely communicated unto me, and of the which I have therefore in some formerly Printed Books made mention, [Margin Note: The Revelation of Revelations,p.39 to 56.  The Enochian Walks,p.26. and The Laws of Paradise, in the Preface, & p.11,47.] as also for that now, upon the opening of the Four Heavenly Worlds, a fresh Stream of her Brightness hath circulated about my inward mind; that so I might know and understand what in her secret Deep hath hitherto lain hid, that to light and manifestation is commanded to be brought forth. The which Command for Publication I must obey, and all her Rules and Methods observe. In the first place, we shall describe her Eternal originality, which is from God the Tri-Un Deity, being a Virgin hid in Him from all Eternity, but as to her Nativity brought forth in Time, now I shall not speak in a Proverb, but plainly, as thus: God Created Adam at first to bear his own Image and Figure, who was to represent God himself, the High and Divine Masculine, Male and Female; so that Adam had his Virgin in himself in imitation of his Creator, which in Time was brought forth in a distinct Figure. And this was a Type of the Eternal Virgin Mother that lay hid in God, the Centre and Heart of Flaming Love; from whence the production of a Glorious Female Figure was brought forth; that was so commixed and mingled with Deity, as she became God’s Spouse and Bride, being Spirit of his Spirit. Now be it known unto all, that from this Eternal Virgin Wisdom a new Generation of Virgin Spirits shall be Born to make up the Glory of the New Jerusalem, JESUS CHRIST being the Head, and the First-born of this Royal and Princely Generation, who was after the way and manner of Human Nature conceived in the Womb of that Virgin Mary, that was but a Type of the Eternal Virgin, who brought forth the Son of God before all Time: But Mary’s Womb was sanctified to bring forth in Time, that CHRIST who was the Son of God before all Time. And so the Eternal Virgin Womb goeth on still according to Nature to bring forth Wisdom’s Off-spring, by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, and the Qualifying powers from the Jerusalem World.

§17. In the next place, I am to acquaint you what is the way of Bringing up, and the manner of Education, in which Virgin Wisdom’s Children are to be Manured and Disciplined; that as their Birth is great and high, being Heirs to the Father’s Kingdom of Eternity, so they may have all those worthy Accomplishments suiting to the same, which are required. The chiefest of which, according as they have been revealed by the Spirit of Wisdom, shall be declared and made known. This then is the first Proviso or Caution which is given, that for as much as these holy Births are encompassed with an evil and sinful Principle, wherein great Danger and Temptation doth lye, to prevent and hold down this Pure Thing from springing; therefore as soon as this Birth is, from whence its descent is with all high Graduations, it must deny and despise the Image of the Earthly sinful Birth, by which the Heaven-born Spirit will be daily proved. For Christ the Lord was not exempted from Temptations, so Tried in like manner all must be, until the Conquest be wrought out. Therefore we are charged to forsake our sinful Native Country and People of that sort, with our Father Adam and Eve’s Family, and to return unto our first and ancient Degree, as free Denizens of that City, of which God is the Light, and which Wisdom through the Eternal Spirit doth rule and govern in all Love-soveraignity. This then being premised, I come to give the Particulars after what manner Wisdom’s Children are to be Educated. In the state of their Infancy and Minority, as soon as they are Spiritually Born, care is to be taken that this holy birth draw the sustenance of Life from no other than its own Virgin Mother, whose Breast must at all times satisfie and nourish it. For according to what it sucks in, of such a Kind, Nature and Quality the Birth is, for it draws in the Spirit and Life of its Mother. Therefore watch to it, and hang not upon any strange Breast.

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§ 23. This only required is on our part, to suffer the Spirit of Burning to do upon us the Refining Work, fanning us with his Fiery Breath, until all be Pure and Clean. For this Burning and Perfuming Oil of the Holy Ghost, searching every part within us, is the true Consecration for the Everlasting Priesthood, that so we may come near to the Holy Being, and be Acceptable Worshippers before his Throne, to Mediate for all these adorning Powers and Gifts, that may demonstrate we are in Election to be the Beginning of that Priestly Church, that is coming out of the Wilderness, like to Pillars of Smoke, and Flames of Fire, terrible in Crystalline Purity; whereby we may display the Banners of JEHOVAH, as the Sealing Character of the Virgin Church.

§ 24. Upon all the foregoing enforcing Arguments of the Anointing Power, this Word was renewed: Happy art thou, who is like unto thee, before whom a Fiery Law shall go forth, which shall not be after Mount Sinai Inscription, that could never abolish Sin: but this contrariwise shall open as a Spirit-flash of Lightning, that shall judge and try, burn and consume every rising Motion, that from the First Birth of the Earthly Man hath been. Therefore observe and cherish this Burning Spring, into which suffer all and every part to be plunged thoroughly. For this will give witness for it self to be the Tri-Une Baptism.

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§ 34. But an Objection comes to be answered, This is such a Washing as is only Figurative, but not yet in any Actually accomplished, for such a durable Clarity, as to know nothing more of the Rising Scum, that doth make the Spirit of the Soul dim and dark; which the Glassy Globe do’s present the 1st Created Being in, but now all thickened with gross earthly Matter; And how this can be clearly discharged, and washed out, so as no more to be infected again there withal, this altogether is incredible. For no such Person yet but the Lord Christ, hath been ever known, or recorded of; therefore even the Spirit would never put any upon such Impossibilities to strive and labour for that which in this Life-time can never be reached unto.

The Holy Word of Truth does now reply and cry, Stop, oh, stop thou, whose Voice I do well know to be from a Birth that is of a low Sin-rooted being, and so willing still to be. Only thou art thus far convinced, that thy Branches that bear evil fruit are to be cropped off; but the Root of the Matter may be still allow’d. But against this Doctrine, the Pure and Just One doth declare: who will wink no longer at imperfect Spirits, who do rest in the midst of druggy Senses, as in an easie Bed, out of which they would not be disturbed, but would be contented with what is too short and narrow a Covert: For nothing of naked Adam may more appear to God’s pure Eye. For now, as in the clear Day, the Spirit doth me shew, that this indulgence to the Imperfect thing, hath in all these latter Ages done great wrong, and hath been a Let to the coming down of the Lordly Dominion. The Old Earth e’re this would have been renewed, had not this Dispensation gained upon the whole Creation. But this false Covering is rolling away, and it is given some to believe, that Sin shall be found no more, when the First and Second Baptism shall meet together in the Glassy Globe, which will renew old Nature, and will clarifie it to be the Glass of Wonder.

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. . . Now it was shewn to me, that these Prophesies do appertain to the New Modelled Church, and will have their Fulfilling according as it shall grow up from the State of Childhood to that of perfect Manhood. And in this wise will be the beginning of it, the Father should depute his Representative, and the Eternal Virgin also hers, to stand in the latter Day upon the Earth, for the bringing forth a Virgin Offspring in Corporeal Figures, that should multiply and increase to a numberless number: And that the Propagation of such shall be conceiv’d after another, and more holy manner than what the Ordinary way of Generation hath been, which is in Sinful Lust; . . .

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The first was the bearing of the Dying-Mark or Crucifixion to the Degenerated Birth: in a most deep sense, deploring its Lapse and Apostasy from its original pure state, Renouncing the Earthly born Life and worldly Principle, quite sinking away by Abnegation and Annihilation herefrom being thus Buried with Christ in Death, we are taught to lie in the Passive Grave in Silence, till the Lord, the Quickening Spirit, shall descend to become a Life quickening Birth, whereby a new Creaturely Formation is brought forth, according to the Nature of the Divine Humanity of Christ: which will gradually spring and grow in every such one, till they come to be as full grown Trees of Life to replenish the New Earth and Heavens.

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§ 65. In this Mount-Sion Kingdom, Christ the Supreme King deputes all to be in Joint-Kingship with himself, and to have dominion over Regions, both of the Dead, and of the Living.  Much more than what has here been declar’d, is reserv’d to be known and enjoy’d by the Possessors that shall be counted Worthy to come up here.

§ 66. Now by all this that has been thus far reveal’d and made known, it may well kindle a Love-Aspiration, and Holy Ambition, during the time of living in the Body here, as to be daily Dying out of it, for a free and abundant entrance into this highest Region, which flows as a perpetual River of Light, Joy, and Pleasure. Methinks there is none that hears of this Happy State, in which such full Fruition of the Tri-une God is so joyfully known, can henceforth ever refuse a Self-Dying, to make room for a Christ-Living; whereby there will be a putting out all doubtfulness and fear, concerning outward Mortal Death, which now is made only as a Pearly Gate that gives entrance into the New Jerusalem State.

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... Again, as we were waiting together in and upon our Temple-Service, this Word came unto me, Behold the effect of every Vision is at hand, spare not to strengthen your Tabernacle-stakes, and to fix your Temple-Pillars: for it shall be said from this place, Blessed is the high Throne-Glory, who must prepare a Seat for this Holy One: and strictly watch ye that no unhallowed thing enter in, into this separated place. For you know not how suddenly the transmuting Ghostly Powers will spring out of its own Eternal Ground. Who soon will scent and smell, if any of the old leavened and putrified lump there be remaining. Therefore the cry so often in thy inward Land doth sound, that so no unclean thing may there be found, and that all Earthly stuff may be thrown out of it. For the Holy Ghost is appointed in this new raised Temple to officiate; and all perfect Service to be performed at a higher rate, more Seraphick, and Purer, than in all former Ministrations whatever. ...

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A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME I; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of March 6, 1676.


... For being in great Conflict, upon the Doctor’s account, whom the evil ones Malice was chiefly set against, to keep him down from rising in his work: having put such an Iron-Yoke upon his Neck, and Burthen upon his Shoulder, as grew more heavy and oppressing, as his Sight was grown clear, and Judgment sound, having been a long time in great Sufferings under it, which for the working Wheel's sake, which jointly we were engaged in, I was often and much in private with my God, for a total release and acquitment, that whatever pestered, and hung upon him now undesirable, might be cut off. For to me it was said again and again, An untouched and free Nazarite from all Dalilah’s, thy Yoke-fellow must be, or else under the Curb of this grievous Iron-Yoke, which will crush and stop his Vital-Breath Powers, so as to hinder the free passage and play of Wisdom’s bright Star, which alone will lie as a bundle of Myrrh in the Bosom of his pure Heart. Single Chastity is all, and the chief Dowry which she makes Inquisition for, and therefore of all low amorous entangling Loves, we had need to be well aware: to one only Mate we must for ever cleave, and so bear his Name, and so we shall wear all his Royal state.   ...

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A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME I; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of March 24, 1676.


The Love Chain.

According as the Living Word, who spake thus by way of Prophecy in me, did further by Similitude present it self, as thus. A Golden Chain in Links was let down, from the high Throne Sphear, where Jesus in the Love-Kingdom reigns. This Chain had a Golden Ball at the end, and the Voice said, Hold fast, if thou wilt come up unto me: if thou shouldst gad abroad with thy Mind or Eye, and let this slip out of thy Hand, then thou wilt be prevented of cohabitation with me in my Princely Glory. For this is the strong Power of Might, which brings the Bridegroom and the Bride together. Every Link in this Chain hath its proper use and service; Wisdom is the great Engineer, which did this contrive for my Spouse and I to meet, and each other to greet. While then in the Heavens I must be contained, this Chain shall descend still, to help up such as are risen out of the dark Night dress of a corruptible Life, into a Body of Light. This Chain is of so high a refined Metal that it admits of no Hand to lay hold on it, but the pure Lily Hand, which is strong in Faith; who is perswaded, that this Love-Chain is sufficient to bring one up, after the manner of Elijah’s Chariot. Who was mighty in Faith, and so brought down this Ascending Chariot by this Chain of diverse Links. But he had first ascended by it, as appeared, being one who had power with God upon all occasions, even to shut and open the Heavens, when he pleases, what else are these Links of drawing Powers, but this Elijah’s Spirit of Prophecy and Prayer, of Faith, perfect Love, Patience, Hope, Meekness, Long-suffering, Peaceableness, Temperance, and Immutable Perseverance? These are the Link-fastening tyes on your parts. Then that which answers on mine, are these, Light, Greatness of Power, and Might, Love, Grace, and Good-will, Kindness, Pity, and all Tenderness, without variableness, with the watchful, protecting, and safe-guarding Eye, which shall maintain all this for a sure binding, and a Wedlock-tye, betwixt bright raised Spirits and me, till the Great Day of the Visible Marriage shall be solemnized in the Free Jerusalem. Till which hold ye fast, and take good heed, that not one of these Links on your parts be broken: if but from any one of these ye should unlink, ye would fall down by the way, and never to me ascend. But I know that Wisdom is thy Friend, who will not suffer thee to break from me: She is a busie Agent still to spur thee on; her Law of kindness is found to me, thy Jesus in thy Heart: which will give an Ascending Might, that so ye may come down again, in a flaming Body of Light. Which is the only design of Wisdom, that blessed Engineer; who by these Golden Links draweth you continually nearer to her City.  ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME I; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of April 28, 1676.


O how unutterable was it? What Joy did I feel upon this secret Parley, with my dear Immanuel, whose Words like Butter and Oyl did distill, so that hereby was lifted up the Banner of my Hope, that possibly we might yet live to see the Day of the Holy Ghost; who out of his Mountain-Treasury is for to come, to put an end to all Sin, and mortal frail Impotencies, under which we do yet groan, looking and hastening for this Perfect Thing to come, which will restore us perfectly to our Angelical State. Even so, blessed Dove and Bride break up this in us, who are waiting here upon this Ocean shore, for this new Spring-Tide. O let it open upon us wide, and we will not be afraid, though it shall violate us away from all visible Ties, from which we do now see we must be parted and separated. For we can never see thee, till we do withdraw out of gross Corporality, that so cloathed we may be with Jesus, that Celestial Body; who is our Bridal Garment, of which we shall not be ashamed, when God our King shall call us to view, and examine, who the prepared Brides are, for the New Jerusalem Marriage, to which we now are summoned.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME I; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of May 29, 1676.


... Come on now if ye would of my High Calling be, and therein actually employ your selves, then no more stand halting, looking with a double eye, as part upward and part downward. Since this will never compleat your business, Up ye, make you my fellow-workers in mighty Deeds, till you come to take to the One only thing; for Diversities be great stops and hinderances to the attaining of this Practical Part. Sowers ye have been, throwing here and there in various Fields with many Seeds, but this hath not yet turned to that great account, which I design to bring about for you, if ye will abandon all other Callings, sticking and Binding your selves over to me, for the learning of the one high grand Mystery. Which I cannot teach you, till coming to be ever with me, ye behold and see after what manner I do manage those Works of Trust, which concur for the full Manifestation of God’s Kingdom in its lustrous Power and Glory. Have not I often heard your Cry, for this Kingdom to be revealed, which cannot be, till you come to enter into the Holy Calling of the working Properties, which are variously manifested, according as in the Glass of God’s Wisdom is known. The one great and principal Instrument to turn, wind, move and act all by, is the strong Arm, and nimble swift Spirit of Faith, to whom nothing will be hard or mysterious to find out. This Hand of Faith hath an Eye, that is fixed in the Palm of it, so as it hath a piercing Sight, to see what was, is, and must further be yet wrought, till the whole Science of the Eternal Mystery shall be understood and wrought out. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME I; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of July 27, 1676.


After this Call to Paradise, the Spirit presented that Scripture to me, Mark 10. 28, 29. and opened very powerfully to me, every Sentence of it, as shewing we both should sustain no Loss, by acquitting all those Particulars there mentioned. The occasion of our Lord Jesus giving forth the assurance of a better exchange, upon the very fore-going, of what was in present view and possession. This Query was started, upon the coming of the Young Man, who had as he thought, bid fair for the Kingdom of God, supposing none could go higher, than to observe and keep all the Commandments: but our Lord had a more searching thing to try him withal, which he was not aware of, when he so confidently moved his question. The Answer to which brought great Anxiousness, that no doubt he repented him, that he urged such a Discourse, whereby as in a Glass, he might see the impossibility of inheriting Eternal Goods, till that he was stripped of all that, whereby he was inriched from this lower state of things. Which made our Lord to cry out of the great Hardship and Difficulty that would be to quit all to follow him, to come to be no more of the World, than he was, but as a Stranger not having any dwelling place, but to pass through it, as a foreign Country, only biding so long, as to do the Lord’s Message, and perform his Work, which ought to be our end and design. For the whole drift of our Jesus, in and by all his Life, Example and Doctrinal Admonition was still to wind us off, and ungraft us from out of the strange degenerated Vine, from whence we so readily suck that Life, from which a Death is to come upon. But to come to what was opened to me, from Peter’s asking Christ so bluntly, what they should have, upon the account of forsaking of all for him: Which seemed to be a pretty selfish Question; but however our Lord overlooked that, giving an high encouragement to whomsoever shall by forsaking of all, give proof of their Love to him, and esteem of the Heavenly Treasury above the Earthly. Now upon the Call and Cry, which I had followed me to draw off, and come away from what would make a Prey of us. My Heart ecchoed back again, saying, Ah Lord how is it possible we should put off all so quickly, when so deeply engaged, and settled as House-keepers, amongst the Inhabitants here below, as not seeing our selves capable of passing into another Sphere, because we do bear gross Bodies. Upon which the Spirit brought those Words to me. As first, Whosoever shall forsake Houses, that Word in Particular, was thus interpreted. That by Houses, the Spirit that spake in Jesus then did aim at a further thing, than an outward material Habitation. Houses for shelter are harmless and without Offences. But it is that Earthly House spoken of, which is the Body of Sin, which harboureth the whole Tribe and Family, who are from the fallen Birth. From which evil Seed a Corrupt Generation hath sprung, and sheltered themselves therein. There is Father and Mother, Husband and Wife, Brethren and Sisters, as the most Holy Spirit declared, saying, all these in a compact are, being of one Blood and Life, strong Animal, and mighty Rational, and all these do lawfully plead for their establishment, as in such who are refined from the more gross Pollutions, not considering their own Originality, that all do proceed from a corrupt Being, and it is not the suspending their Evil Properties at sometime, not suffering them to break forth, washing that over which beareth the stain of a Leopard Spot. This is too short, and defective: for to erase the Foundation of the House and Lineage, you are called upon to pull it down. The Incitement is to that superiour Will upon whom all these Combining Powers have encroached. It therefore must act a Sampson part, resolving to make a Battery, that so a final Conquest may appear upon the visible Stage, resolving to break the Brood, though you do with them sink down into Death. Call up your force, the mighty strength of Israel is at hand, yet once more to avenge you, by not only shaking, but by removing the Pillars of that House, which hath been a receptacle of all this Evil Fraternity, from which to go out, ye are commanded. Let not your Noble Will take any notice of their subtle and pretended Abnegations, or upper Washings, which cannot change the Blackamore. It will be an Ishmaelite at best, though a faithful Abraham’s Son part thereof may bear, yet because of a divided Seed, born from the AEgyptian, nothing of Wisdom’s Inheritance it must ever share: all of that is reserved for her own true Heir, who hereupon will rid all of the Hagarites Offspring, not one shall dwell in Isaac’s Court. Thus I was made to understand the scope and drift of the Spirit, what it was to forsake all, it is no less than to be dead to all, and to come so far in this Death, as to strike at the very moving cause, of what hath given Life unto these degenerated Plants, at which very Root the Flaming Sword will pierce, that so the Original matter may be throughly consumed. Ah blessed Lord, such a deep Wound in that hidden part, whereout all of this strange, earthly brood begotten was, do thou now give us from thy great kindness, such a deadly stroke, that no more of Life may ever stir from that Center: and give unto us a release from that Ishmaelitish Family to all Eternity, Ah dear Lord Jesus.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 1 of 4:  Journal Entry of Febrary 11, 1677.


I saw a Vision thus presented to me; I did see a green Cloath-Covering, which was sown over a White Sheet, which was let down, and I was bid to unrip it, which after a metaphorical manner was done, I know not how. And under it there were Creeping Creatures, that were of a devouring Quality; then under the Linnen there appeared a Lamb pure and white, with sparkling Eyes as Flames of Fire. Which thing considering, it was thus opened unto me, This was the Face of the Covering, that the Word of Command came forth to have unripped, and taken off. By which the very inward ground might be discovered, where the fattened Beasts did lurk under, who by the Covering were bounded. But now the shame of their Nakedness did appear, so as they crept away, and could no longer abide, by reason of the Lamb’s sparkling Eye, which caused the Remove to be made; saying to me, Now give place, who am come to scatter, and destroy all of this evil quality from before my Face. I can no longer bear this Covering upon me, this partition Vail must be rolled away, even that dark Body of Sin, which hath been as a weight upon the Lamb of God. Whose Eyes do pierce to find out every thing that hath made a breach, that so the Heart of God should not be concealed from you: into which you could never see so long as this thick dark Covering remained, whereby hid hath been the very Original matter, that hath brought in all the Woe and Sorrow. For which purpose by way of this Similitude, you may come hereby to understand the force of that great Love, that moveth to lay all naked and bare, that so through the medium of that light Eye, which did lie under covert for a time, ye might see the Image of that Sin-breeding Beast, that could multiply into such encrease under the green Covering. Whose Seat and breeding place shall make discovery to the most innermost Ground unto thee, that so thou mayst be at rest, from the source of Sin’s working property.

Let us in the first place now make enquiry into the Originality of this Monster, how he came to have a Being. For in the beginning of the Paradisiacal Creation, all was created by God, comely, good, and perfect: how came then this strange Essence to be brought in, to dispoil and alter the whole Heavenly Course of things in this Paradisiacal Creation? Now know, that before this, there was a Creation of Angelical Hosts, as an immediate product from the everlasting Being. Who delighted to generate Thrones, Mights, and Powers, that so God through distinct Existencies of Celestial Spirits, of that high Angelical Order, might come to manifest his Attributes, which before lay void and hid in an Eternal Stillness. So as here was the Angelical World in pre-existency before the Paradisiacal. The Superiour Heavens were furnished in the first Place with Dignities suited for God’s own peculiar Habitation. Of which Number, there was a Spirit of high Elevation, that did awaken in some of them, who were Principalities in this Kingdom, to exalt themselves equal, or above the Lord their Maker. For which cause, being cast out from the most meek and holy Presence, they consulted how to spoil and infect, having great Envy against God’s new Creation, and formation of Man in, and after the express Image of himself. This blew up their Coals of Jealousie, and fiery Indignation, which as deadly Arrows were soon sent forth; namely so soon as Adam came to have an existency, He must be tried by this subtle Serpent. And the first onset was, whether they could by their Magical Art cast him into a deadly Sleep; that so thereby his Impotency might be manifested, stupifying his seven high graduated Faculties. Who hereby before he was aware did lose his Virgin generating strength: and whereas it was said, That God cast him into that Sleep, the meaning is, God suffered it, and permitted the probation to come upon him, to see whether he could stand this first Insinuation, which was by some secret Poyson, that he had drunk in, from the fallen Spirits, who had somewhat already of their evil Seed cast in. In that God said, Seeing Man is already fallen from that primary force and strength, that he cannot bring forth from that Virgin Female property, Now it will not be good for him to be alone: he shall have a Companion answerable to his present state, which is already lower by many degrees, than when the pure immortal Breath did enter in. But had Adam with his Eve here staid, and had not been brought in a further Premunire, Mankind had not seen the Sin fatal Death of Mortality. But the Serpent seeing his Invisible Sorcery had taken so good effect, he now is more bold to adventure upon the second Tryal, suiting his Temptation more subtley, telling them they should be as Gods. Which was an inducing Argument, at which Sugar-Bait they presently nibbled, and did eat of it, and in that very moment were turned into that mortal Beastly shape, the figure whereof you do to this Day wear. But well had it been, if this had been all the injury; but oh the Serpently Seed was cast in there, who at once sent in that Poyson, that hath had its death operation ever since. Thus you see the Originality, from whence ye have derived your Earthly Life of Mortality, which is so inherent, that as a boiling source it is maintained from this strange introduced Fire; so as though you are in continual Labour, to scum off the Filth thereof, yet it still renews again. So while the root of this corrupt Matter remains, your toil, fear, and care will have no end. Now what is it think ye, must enter in so deep, as to suck out the Serpent’s deadly Sting, that hath made all this disorder in Nature? Many Medicines have been applied, and some have been safe, and undoubted of, yet they have not reached the place of Sin’s Conception, to destroy both the Serpently Seed, with the first Earthly Eve, which is the Mother of all Living in the Earthly Property. Her Womb is fruitful, still to bring forth Viperous Thoughts, and evil Earthly Motion from a flowing Source throughout all Generations. Now you will say how and by what means shall this be remedied? You cry the Power is not in us: how can that come to be nullified, that is so essentially in us? The Boughs may, while but tender Boughs be bent; and when strong grown, they may be cropt; but the stock, as a deep grounded Oak, our Arm is too short to reach: We cannot move it, the very Earth will rend and shake, when ever it shall come to be displaced. Hear now and consider ye, whose lawful Objection is come before me: it is granted to you, that the everlasting Father through the Mightiness of the Spirit in the Lamb’s Nature, must displace for you the Root of this Oak, that is so deeply rooted in the Ground of Nature. But what Tool or Instrument will he take in his Hand, but the Ax of your Wills. Then a through stroak will he strike by the piercing Eye of his Spirit, who seeth the very depth, from whence its Essence doth proceed. For without a discovery made, where the Cause of this defect is, nothing hereof could be made, or for you wrought out. Therefore the Lamb of God is come, the Vail of Covering to unspread; that so by the sparkling Fire of his Eye, ye might see from the Depths beneath the Birth-Source of Sin, which doth open wide. Also with the same Eye, ye may behold within the heights of Sion, a flowing Ocean of molten Gold: to this for healing do ye fly. For no other Medicine can heal the Serpent’s Sting within you. These are the Golden Floods, which by the Spirit are daily poured forth, to drown the first Birth of Eve; that so an end may be of that generating Source, and her Womb for ever henceforth may come to be barren in you. To which end, Orders and Decrees are made in Heavenly Places, that Virgin-Wisdom shall take place in her room: and her Seed shall be destructive to the Serpent’s, and to all his Hierarchy; and you shall see his Head Power bruised to purpose, when all Sin in its Originality shall be blotted out by the Hand, and working Source of the Deity. Who will give also to you the Key and Chain of Power, that so in the Name and Authority of the Lamb, ye may take hold on the Dragon, and bind him, and shut up his flowing Source of Evil, and with the Seal of the Living God, to seal him up, that he may find no way to come out of his own Lake, to corrupt or deceive you any more. Then you will begin in all stillness upon the Earth the Reign of Christ  within the pure Region of Wisdom’s Climate. For in the Singular Number, it will begin to work forth. The Day therefore is near or far off, according as ye are carried forth in Zeal, Power, and Faith; hereunto giving up your selves totally, to observe the Word of Wisdom: in which whosoever are found so doing, they shall all be Crowned with this Diadem of Power.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 1 of 4:  Journal Entry of February 21, 1677.


... There is a Birth of Strength upon the rising, that will easily throw off this depressing Weight. Yet a little while, and the Iron-rod shall rule the Man of Sin, so as to divide him from thee. Many ways have been tryed to make him dye, but all have been too short, for he hath been a Warriour from his Original Sin-Conception, and will keep the Field of this out-birth, as he hath done from Adam’s Day. What hopes then say you? that out of us he shall be thrown out, for here I did object in Love, Fear, and Faith, that many worthy Ones had striven hard to conquer by Death, some of whom did go very far, but scarce in any did this Death-Arrow so hit, as to obliterate Sin altogether in its Root. Then was it replyed, it is sufficient, that one was perfect and just without Sin in a human Figure; then was that Scripture spoken in me, Rom. 5.19. As by one mans disobedience, so by the obedience of one, many shall be made righteous. The Words were thus opened by the Spirit, who said, God revealed to Paul in his Day, that nothing less was designed, than a full and clear Aquitment from that first Man, which did so naturally work in toyl and labour, bringing only forth Fruit unto Death. And who but that Man, called the Branch, shall answer to that defectiveness, in abolishing the very Sperm of Sin: that as nothing thereof could be found in himself, so likewise in those, who are elected for to be in joynt Heir-ship in the Kingdom of Mount Sion with him. Whereunto he translates none, till the old Adamical Life is laid in an everlasting Sleep of Death, no more to awake for Contempt and Shame. As often now it doth, which hath stopped the New Jerusalem from descending down, because none hath been perfect & ready to meet this heavenly City. Therefore saith the most Holy and True, another manner of Church must be gathered from among Men, who out of the Womb of that first Morning Star, that is now upon breaking out, a Star-like Off-spring is to proceed, that shall go forth with the iron Rod of Power, and dash in pieces every one of the Dragons Heads, till this Church be born upon the Earth. Who all are of Angelical Natures, till then expect no Power over the Dragons and Beasts to reign. To you who Numbered are to bear the Lambs Trophies, stand to your Virgin Call; fly not from her innocent White Colours, whatever shall be here said against her. If ye shall be the first born Star, who shall shine upon Wisdoms Crown; the Loves eternal Testimony for this end hath opened the clear Body of the Heavens, that ye might understand what may be looked for in this Age. Therefore do you stand as mighty and immoveable Pillars for the Lamb and the Brides Church, and great Indignation have against those that would it down decry. Fear not those pushing Horns, that war here against her, she will make the glittering Sword of Power to be your defence against all your Enemies. Be not troubled at the fewness of your Number: for out of one or two that shall be perfect in their Generation, a strange Generation may proceed, who all mighty Warriours shall be for God and the Lamb, to follow him in trampling down all earthly Powers. Keep but up to your Leaders, and ye need to fear no ill, for invisible Seraphims shall still pitch a mighty Pavilion round about you.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of March 19, 1677.


... Therefore said the Spirit, so consider of it: this is that holy Breath, that none indeed can tell from whence it comes, nor whither it goes; it resteth upon whom it self willeth, and there contracts incorporeal matter; that so a Body Cherub-like may go forth from under the overshadowing Hand. Know of such like, the New Heavens and Earth are henceforth only to be furnished withal. Therefore for certainty that Word will be made good, Behold the Face of all things will renew. But how? No otherwise, but by the Powers, that shall go forth from this Cherub-Birth. That when once got through will numerate, as those mighty Angels of the Resurrection; who will be of great force to pour out the Vials of Wrath upon the Dragon and Beast. Who hath had his Root and Seat in man’s inward part, and there hath made all the defilement. Therefore Vengeance upon the Beast will be ere long taken, because he hath been so mingled, not only with gross Sensuality, but also with the Serpently Property. That all now, who are herein found, who are designed for the Kingdom of Heaven, must suffer under the Violation of this blest Birth, whose rising will be the fall of what is Fleshly. For saith he that maketh all things, Yet once more an End is come of all Flesh before me. A New Creation is to succeed out of, and from under the hiding Power of the Almighty Hand, in such who now cloathed are with this present Creation, in such rough Beast-like Garments, whereof they are ashamed. Therefore it is that such mean perishing Coverings, which are not so much as Moth-proof, they do seek to make comely to each Mortal Eye: but here is a Birth of another Nature and consistency, that neither needs, nor will accept of any of this vile matter from the grosser Elements; knowing well, that coarse Linnen, which is spun out from thence, will no way become such, as must pass into that City: Which is so bright and clear; where nothing is worn, but what is AEthereal and transparent. The Light there is such, as soon makes a discovery of what is contrary. Then said my Spirit, Ah my Lord, thou hast spoken of great things to come, happy is that Age, who shall see such a Birth-day as this. But this question, my dear Lord, resolve to me, which is this. What hath made this Spiritual Birth thus long to stick in the World? Ans. Because this out-Birth by way of Natural Generation hath now had such a long circling Life, in the deep impression of the Stars; that it is rooted as a Strong Oak, that would give way to no other, but to the flaming Ax of this Birth of the Spirit. Which by reason of long custom, and habit is grown too stubborn and strong, for the young plant seed to deal with it. It meeting with many disadvantages, both as to place, and Persons, and constitution of things in and from this Principle. That so it need to be no wonder, that this Birth find such difficulty in any for to get through: But this old oaky Birth shall not be only lopped by degrees, and the root of the matter left still to spring from generation to generation, in those who are allotted for Redemption. No, know you, Jesus will not have it run by natural Course to the end of Time. Thus his Trumpet hath already sounded to awaken some, that did as others sleep in the dust; who are risen to a better hope, seeking to be cloathed with immortal Robes. To such, as first do look, and do keep close under this Hand of Power; this Cherub-Birth will appear, and then let not such fear, that their old terrestrial Birth shall their more superiour and heavenly Image outwear. The wise in heart are given to understand these things, who are diligent to enquire, when this birth will be perfected.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of April 20, 1677.


... As I was thus silently in the Spirit of my Mind parling, this word was uttered to me, All this is acceptable, but the very giving up of the Life must be, that my Name may be written in the very Blood thereof, and be returned in a Life-quickening Spirit again. Then will the property of that which was dull, dark, and corrupt become all light, vigorous, pure, and Chrystalline, as the Spirit of Christ was in the Corporeal Figure. The same Mind, which only respects things that are above in the Fathers Kingdom of Glory is to be in you, as it was in Jesus your Lord. For this is the sum and head to which all Prophecies and Revelations tend, even the finishing of this Mystery, Christ the Light, Wisdom, Power, and Righteousness of God: Which can be brought to pass only by giving up, and laying down our Life, as to all sensitive properties; which is the highest, and most resolute act of the Will-spirit to give its Name up thus and to subscribe your Spirit, Soul, and Body in the Blood of that Life, that must die, that so Christ may be only alive in you. And albeit while ye are laying down with great reluctancy that Life, which is so agreeable to this terrestrial Life; because of contempt and dishonour, that it suffers hereby: As your Lord in his Crucifixion went through, so by your Spiritual mystical giving up your Lives, though as to this worlds eye in shame, rebuke, and weakness; yet in Truth and Verity, it shall rise in Strength, Victory and Power in Ghostly Majesty, whereby ye will possess the Gates of your Enemies. This is most wonderfully deep, if it may be fathomed by the Spirit in you.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of May 9, 1677.


This Morning this word was given me to feed upon, saying, I the Most Holy will Tabernacle with a Spiritual Mind. My Life and Peace as a Spring will bubble there. The carnal and earthly Mind is Satan’s seat; the pure Mind is God’s Throne. Now choose which of those you will give place to; for accordingly your Mind must be ordered: If for the high and most holy Society, then all Spiritual. Then was that Scripture repeated to me, For to be carnally minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace. Which life of Carnality is enmity to God, who will be evermore a Stranger to such, who shall know nothing of his Love, Joy, Goodness, Power, and Sweetness. For if they commune with earthly Spirits, and things of this terrestrial being, then such dark influences are left upon their Minds, as make them altogether unmeet to talk with God: or to take in of those Species, which tend for transfiguring the Soul into a bright body of Glory. When the Mind is pestered and overcharged with thoughts, that tend only for this gross elementary Life, there is no room for the Holy Ghost, that proceedeth and cometh from such a wonderful being of Holiness, as the Father of Spirits is.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of June 8, 1677.


... Now it was from hence revealed, that those who shall be counted worthy, to bring forth a pure spiritual Generation must come out internally, as well as externally from that native Country, where numerous Spirits that have no Visible Bodies do dwell, and have their concourse in the Mind, after a magical manner. Now here will be the trial, for to go through their Earthly Regions, and not be hurt. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of June 24, 1677.


... Therefore the New Covenant runs all upon a New Heart: God’s Heart, in man’s Heart, making man’s Heart a New Heart. All the Revenue of Eternal Life is Entailed upon what issues from a renewed Heart; made new from God’s Heart, indwelling in man’s Heart. Here verily you are come to the grand business; for what the whole tenure of all Prophecies and Promises points out unto, is to this seeing, hearing, and speaking Heart: as it belongs to the New Creature, which is God’s Heart in man’s Heart, making it a new Heart. For God’s Heart, or Christ’s Heart, is the warm Life-motion, that floweth through man’s own inward Heart. Thus God’s Heart in man’s Heart, makes man’s Heart a new Heart, and a good Heart: and makes man’s Heart a seeing, hearing and speaking Heart. When man’s Heart is made single, clear, and pure, purified from every mote of imperfection, and from all sin and self; then it can see God, and hear God, and speak to God. For it hath the Heart of Christ in his own purified Heart. David foresaw the worth of such a Heart, when he so earnestly prayed, for the creating a clean Heart in him. It is a mere act of Creation, by first raising or putting forth a power to dissolve the old dark earthly stony Heart: which the new Heart of Christ must come in the place of. For there cannot be any agreement betwixt them, while they are together. For till the old Heart is worn out by degrees, Oh, what strife, war, and contention is between them, so long as the earthly part can hold it out, (as is found by the Saints experience) till the Heart of Jesus comes fully to be fixed in the old Heart. Then from the sight of Christ’s Heart-Eye in our new Heart, the pure Life will stir essentially: and such Spiritual Motions will spring, as great Peace, Love, and Joy will come in upon you, as a bubbling Water of Life.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of July 22, 1677.


... This morning it was spoken to me thus, I have now proved thee, whether thou wouldst be for me and for no other Spirit inferiour to me, who am the Lord, thy Redeemer, that hath given and shed my saving Name into thee. Which is a considerable earnest of what I further intend, as thou abidest in Nazarite Chastity, knowing no Spirit, more but what can mate it self with me, in high Celestial Unity. Therefore hereunto watch, that at no time supplanted thou be, of what is designed by holding out in loyalty upon every account. For I should not take it well, that you should run into any one, if distinct from me, though an Angel, whose Habitation may be in a more high and heavenly Sphere. Remember a check for this was given to the beloved John, whose heart was apt to run into the Angel, that shewed him the great Visions: therefore was he bid to worship God, and to keep nothing less in his Eye, than the Supream Deity, albeit that it is in a glorified Humanity. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of August 25, 1677.


... Because we were under an unknown Nazarite Law, that was in special given: and therefore accordingly we are bound to obey it, who are concerned herein. Hereupon I descended down into the deep Region of the Spirit, where I did attend to hear, what would be answered. Which was again through Grace renewed: For thus, I did the inspeaking word hear; Did not I by my Spirit oft declare, that it would be hard for any one to keep my charge, who had not first cleared all scores of this Worlds Accounts; that so ye might have nothing to do, but to attend fully your Lord’s business, who hath called you for such a Principal End, out from all this Creation Service.  Henceforth then cease to be the Servants of Men: for since the day of your free assignment of your selves, His you are, to whom you did your selves bequeath.  Upon this word I found a great conflict in my self, having a great desire to depart, and to throw off every weight, that would tie, and engage my Mind. For I did well see an absolute necessity to be alone the Lord’s servant: and to give my self up in constancy to that new revealed Ministry; though I should hereby incur all Creatures enmity. For my Lord by a secret voice doth follow me close; so that from Loves Charms, I can hardly get loose. Yea he drives upon us so hard, as plainly we might see the Holy Ones design is to make a breach betwixt this World and us; as foreseeing that none till then can aptly be for his use and service. And verily this is the Cup that is given us to drink of, and to leave nothing thereof behind. It was, what our Lord proposed to the two Sons of Zebedee, who were ambitious to be equal in the Kingdom with him: Who told them, They did not consider what they did ask. For if they did come to understand, what a Death-cup they must first drink of, they would not have climbed so high in their desires. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of September 10, 1677.


... For as the Heart is, so is the Man, a Godlike Heart overturns the whole Course of Nature, and changes all into another Scheme, answerable to the first moving Cause: Which sends forth Life and Heat into all parts, as naturally, so spiritually, for the existency of the divine Nature. And further it was given me to know, that it was a renewed act of Creation: A droplet fallen from the Heart-blood of God, for Life inkindling into such in whom the Virgin Crystal Mold is formed, that herefore hath been making way in preparation through many Washings and Cleansings, and Heart-relinquishings. For this Word came closely unto me from the Lord, and home to me: Suffer and endure ye must, who are looking for the Gift of this New heart, Such a breaking up of the Old, as a dying man when his Heart-Strings are loosening. This is the true mystical Death: this is to be a dead man indeed; which many have sought, but could never find. Because they did not strike at the Heart-Root: for so long as there is life remaining, it will Send forth its sin-reviving Effects. For what if thou shouldest cut off this & that member, yet life may be at the Heart still; and then what avails hewings and hackings, and suppressing: the Root of the evil Life being still there? The work is never done, because the Life of Sin is still sending forth one bitter fume or other: to pain, and afflict, what would be at ease and rest. Now what remedy can for this be considered, said the Holy One, but the plucking up, and breaking the very Heart-Strings, that its Life may be a sacrifice to divine Justice? for so it must be both a passive and an active Offering, for the Sin that hath been committed in the Body of the Flesh. Which Mystery hath not been understood: but know it for an everlasting Truth. Let not the Sentence of this Death be grevious, because it will certainly usher in somewhat, that will be Equivalent to the deep springing Heart of the Deity; whereout issues of Life, Love, Joy, and Peace will flow. Then thou shalt know no more Strife, Sorrow, or Pain; because the Root of all this is by Death taken away. Therefore Repent not that ye are entering into the very way: Fear not to feel the old Heart melting, for when that faileth, another Heart and Spirit will be given. Which is of that Strength, Courage, and Perfection, as that ye shall be spirited for the great and primary Business, and for the Work of Trust for God and the Lamb. So all may see what the Effect of this New Heart will visibly produce in you.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of November 22, 1677.


... This is only the charge, that is left us to observe at present, that we keep the Inward Court of our Minds from all polluted Things, and as hallowed Vessels to take in, what from God’s own Table, as a daily Portion is sent in. Who will never fail to give, what shall seal us for the Day of this full redeeming Power. Therefore upon this Promise, we are to hope, and quietly wait; for he will come with the shout of a King to the pure and Virgin-Spirit, wherein Love and Faith have looked for him. Therefore be not weary, nor faint in your Minds; for to you the Son of Righteousness will appear for full Salvation.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME II; File 4of 4:  Journal Entry of December 21, 1677.


... All which did Type out this most Heavenly and Glorious dispensation, that accordingly as before, and in way of preparation to that mighty God, and our Lord and Saviour’s appearance, there will be an election of such a Holy Priesthood, that shall be Cloathed with the immaculate white Robe of Purity, that will have entrance, where the great high Priest hath made the way to the true and substantial Tabernacle, where the Glory of the Majesty doth it fill. And as there was a lower Order of Priests under the great chief High Priest, so accordingly a real Consecration by the Holy anointing, will be for a separation from all that is prophane, common, and Earthly, to be of this Priestly Function, annexed to our Lord Jesus in Nazaritical Purity: for the Truth of this Dispensation hath been evidently shewn me.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 1of 4:  Journal Entry of January 5, 1678.


... The Kingdom of Heaven so cometh in, as the Evil Spirit is cast out: this kind as it is written goeth not out, but by Fasting and Prayer. So verily this Kingdom to no one will be manifested, but by great Abstinence, from what props up, and does nourish the Earthly and Satanical Kingdom. When you see that fall, as Lightning into its own Abyss, and Lake from whence it came, then ye may conclude the Kingdom of God is at the Door. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 1of 4:  Journal Entry of January 7, 1678.


... I have learned to interfere with no ones Light, but to wait immediately upon the springing Testimony of Jesus. Who did thus open this Vision, which John saw. First who these Persons were, that should reign in, and over the Earth? They were those, that had suffered their Head Life to be taken from them, not by an outward visible Martyrdom, but by cutting off that Head, in which the Serpent had introduced the whole working Motion of the evil of Sin and Earthliness. Such being convinced, that this kind of Spiritual Martyrdom must be undergone, for the living Word, and Testimony sake, that so through this internal Death, they might cease henceforth to bear the Image and Mark of the Beast in themselves, or to pay any homage to it in others. No way to be free, but by falling upon the very Head Life thereof, that so the Soul being herefrom Separated, and being acquitted from the gross evil Effects of a Body of Sin, and stands as a naked and abstracted Spirit, such as these were shewn to me, to be of the first Resurrection, whom Mortal Death could have no Power over. This is that Sinless holy Priesthood, that will preceed before Christ’s visible Appearance. And whereas it is said they should reign with Christ, that is, with his Life of the same Purity, and Power, and Sufficiency to act, and do all great and mighty Wonders, as if he was in his own distinct Person of Glory, manifested upon the Earth. The Key of the Government shall be intrusted, and laid upon the Shoulder of those, who are Dead, and Risen with Christ their Head. These are to put on their Spiritual Bodies. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 1of 4:  Journal Entry of January 18, 1678.


... Now the same Counsel, which was inspired into me, I freely impart to my fellow Branches of the same Life-Tree. First that we haste and come out, and be separated in Spirit, Mind, and Body, and have no more to do with that Worldly Conversation, that deflowers our Nazarite Life, and to avoid by a pure and resolved Sequestration, from what the Spirit of this Principle judgeth lawful and necessary for making Provision for the outward. The pretence of which hath stifled the Birth-Life of the Spirit in Millions of Souls, by fettering and entangling themselves in the Multiplicity of Earthly Affairs: No such whose minds stand divided betwixt two Principles, can expect to be enrolled among that Number, for whom this visible Salvation is prepared. The true Heirs of the Kingdom, mind nothing to load themselves withal, further than what is required for absolute necessity: Till they shall have little further occasion, either for mortal Food or Cloathing. whereto they are following hard to obtain, through the Resurrection from the Dead. A State that is yet to be revealed. Then again it was by the Holy One further cautioned, that we should not only come out of the Immersements with these gross Pollutions, from the Spirit of the World. But here is a Call out of the mode of a fine spun dress, in matters tending to a Religious form of Worship, where in great degree, have been committed Spiritual Idolatry, against the true Tabernacle Witness; mixing in the Holy place, which hath long been covered over with a Purple Veil: and though it is given to some to see through it, and understand that Babylon hath there set her foot. Yet at present all those formal gatherings, bear away the renown of Christ’s Discipline, which Veil assuredly er’e long will be rent away. Therefore from it, all who have crept under it for shelter, draw off and seek out for that perfect Temple Body, that will be raised up about you, where the Holy Ghost shall Officiate all for you Powerfully. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 1of 4:  Journal Entry of February 1, 1678.


... A call there is to the Exile to return into the secret Pavilion, where God only does appear, and does declare his living Testimony. For who else can have freedom of conversation from this high Sphear, with the perfect One. To which height of Dignity, some out of this gross Earth called out may be, as Companions for the Holy Trinity. But then we must sue out a divorce from all Creatures, and things that are mean and base. Because the just One will appropriate to himself all that is in the Mind and Will, there the Tabernacle of Witness is all-powerfully opened. Therefore there is an absolute necessity so to do, for such, who would maintain intimate Friendship with their God: they must keep from all and every defilement, which does readily cling about the Spirit of the Mind. This by experience hath done great injury to the espoused Soul, upon which Wisdom hath uttered her Voice, Crying through me, and saying, O ye foolish of Heart, when will ye be of such a perfect understanding, as to foresee and avoid the dark and slippery way, which does lead from God’s Mount of Vision. Behold and see, the Tabernacle-Lamp is set for light, that so you may see your way, and be guided back again to the most Holy Place of Purity. For this know, ye cannot blossom nor be fruitful, without ye still abide in God’s own Sanctuary, whereby living Waters did ever flow thereupon to make it for to grow. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of May 8, 1678.


... But it may be Queried, who and where are such, that can be with the bright Heavens in such a high degree, thus involved with God, for any duration of time? or abstracted with God from all of this Earthly Region? In answer to this: It is no new thing, but what has been Witnessed in foregoing Ages. A cloud of Witnesses is recorded hereof, in the Holy Scriptures, as Enoch, and Moses, Elisha, Elias, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Steven, Paul, and John: They were caught up with God to see, and hear, what the invisible Heavens did shew. From which they did give forth all their Records, from clear Sight, and Inspiration. Upon which all the Holy Patriarchs, and Prophets, and Apostles attended. They neither framed nor formed any matter, but as the Holy Ghost gave it unto them, knowing no other Ministry, but what was immediately dictated unto them by Vision and Revelation. They were contented to be dumb and silent, till the Lord gave them Words, Fresh Words, from time to time, to utter. They who were called hereunto, were not to go off their Watch-Tower, but to keep to their undefiled walks, where the Spirit from Jesus meets with a full lading of all precious Truths.

But it may be further Objected, There is now, and hath been a long season, a mighty stop to the running streams of these Revelations. If none should Preach or Minister out of the old Store, there would be a Famine indeed, throughout the whole Earth, and barrenness and deadness would be the effects of such silence. As to this grand Objection, Mind, and give Credit to that Spirit, which hath not ceased to reveal God’s secrets, and to give forth to the pure in Heart his Counsel. Which was this, The former Words and Testimonies given forth by inspiration have been, and are of sacred use, as the Spirit shall them open, and expound, and take up afresh the deep Mysteries therein hid, for to unfold. As the Holy Scriptures themselves may be divided into these parts, Historical, Doctrinal, Prophetical, Allegorical, and Parabolical. Wherein are included such Mysteries as will puzzle any, Nay, the highest light of Reason and Wisdom of the whole Creation, to find out; till the Holy Ghost be poured forth, for the clear and right sight, and understanding of those wonderful secrets, that by obscure Similitudes are set forth. Which are as a strong enclosure and seal upon them, till the Spirit be poured from on High, to give the true Sense and Knowledge of God’s own Mind in them. As there are Prophesies contained in them, that are yet to be fulfilled, they are not to be neglected nor dispised, but owned, as the express of God’s Mind; that is not to be shut up, nor confined, but enlarged upon by the same Spirit, that did in that day inspire those, who were anointed hereunto: and is now again present to open the rich Bank, from whence those First Fruits of Revelation were drawn forth. For there is yet a vast Treasury behind, that is to be fetched out: but by whom? Not by any common Spirit, that would both a Heavenly and Earthly interest drive on together, No, My Lord hath said it again, and again, it cannot be. That any such searcher can be meet to enter into those unknown depths, is all impossible, but such Spirits, as can hereunto wholly addict themselves: And withal do find some mighty Drawings, and Instigations, from the Supream working Agent, that would employ them in this high Ministry. And therefore he does make choice of those, who are Vigilant, Constant, and Vehement in Love, and carried out beyond all Faintings, Discouragements, Fears, and Dauntings, as not caring to give offence to Earthly awing Spirits, which Iron Bar upon this account, he must be resolute to break through. For perfect Love rideth over all fear of this kind. Which like a Saphire burning Stone goeth through a Mountain of Earth, and as Lightning burns up all Briers, and every thorny Shrub, that in its way does stand. For of such a resolute Spirit, the Lord’s Holy Seers and Prophets must resolve in themselves to be: Or else what trust in Eternal Counsels and Secrets, can from out of Wisdom’s Treasury be intrusted with them? Who requires the whole Bark of the Mind, as knowing, she hath rich Goods enough to replenish it withal: and likes not, that the Soul, (who to this high Function is set apart,) should take in any trashy or light matters, and concerns; for that does make confusion, and a Wrack in the Mind. For by known experience, it raiseth the Dark Mists, and Muddeth the Chrystal Glass, through which we do see Eternal objects and things. But the Crowds and Noise of this Earthy Camp, do put a stop to the Inspeakings, and Eternal Sounds, which are sent forth from God’s Throne.

Now by all this, the Spirit and Word of Truth doth unto us shew, what is required of those, who are to be Stewards of the Heavenly Mysteries, and who are to be lodged in Christ’s Bosom of Revelation, as his Friend and Bride, to renew a fresh stock of Light, Wisdom, and Understanding, for the compleating what is yet behind. The reason, why we have stuck at such a low stature in this matter, is because we have not kept up to our AEthereal Region. But according as the Vision did shew, have often dropped down therefrom, as not able to keep our Saphire-Habitation, till such time, as our Natures were so sublime, as nothing of this Earthly-Climate could be able to change, as to the Face and Purity of our Minds: or any Corrupted soil deface our Heavenly Image. For thus it was with our Lord Jesus, who is set forth for our Pattern: From whose Spirit, we may be raised to this high Degree, as to meet him in this pure Element, in the Heavenly place to hear and see wonderous things; if we are contented to trust our selves beyond the Shadows of what in common hath been seen, and to commit our selves to the safe conduct of the Spirit, and so to launch with him, into that unknown Circle-Element, where only Pure Eternal Saphire-Spirits do appear, and do only declare matters of high and Eternal import. Which puts a Divine and Transparent Beauty of Holiness upon each one, who are hereto carried up. For as Earthly Inhabitants do Smell all of the course Rudiments of this World, and are black and deformed, from the intemperate Element, to which they are Subjected. So behold and see, you would among these obtain a high and more excellent Degree of shining Purity, by something of that Spicy-Element. O that some one, or other, would adventure, upon the terms Specified, to give a new Probatum in this last Age.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of May 8, 1678.


The Angelical Womb.

IN the Morning-Watch my Spirit was called upon to hear, and attend, for what was yet further to be known, in order to the deliverance from the Polluted State, of the Natural Birth. I was shewn how greatly it did derogate from God’s Creation, as Adam in his first Figure, and the Angels in theirs. I saw the Body and Matter from whence they did proceed, which was as a deep Eternal and bottomless space, all-flaming Breath of Air, which was said to be the pure Matter of Spiritual Bodies, and Genitrix of perfect Nature. Upon which came this Word, Except ye be born out of this Womb, ye cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Then it was cast up in my Mind, that the outward gross Image, which we now have, was not the form that God Created. Neither did he will the Propagation of Generation in such a way, as the effects of the fallen, and lapsed State of Adam did awaken. And therefore these Vile and Corruptible Bodies God doth not own, as his Make. But only that imprisoned Fire-spark of Eternity, that belongeth to the Essential Being of his divine Nature, as was known in Spiritual Matter and Figure before the World was. For the sake of which, God became manifested in Flesh, that he might change it into Spiritual Matter, Form, and Power from the inward Element, as the Fleshly is from the outward. And so produce the true Native Birth again, as was before the Sin, and Fleshly Birth was known. This is verily the great Redemption, that the Lord Christ will bring to pass: As he is born again in Spirit, under the Vail of the Fleshly Form. And therefore the Word of Life, that can pierce through Flesh and Bones, and ask no leave to come in and go out, will be the mighty Operator hereof: And first doth give Light and Knowledge into these Truths, that our Spirits might know, this is not the Body of its Originality; but a vain shew, or shadowy Image, that is to be put off. That so a perfect Figure may naturally, and durably act God, to all agreeableness of Spiritual Mindedness.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of May 29, 1678.


THIS Morning it was given me to consider of the Flying Roll, that hath spread over the whole Earth with its Curse. That no one in part, or Person in this visible Creation, but have felt the effects thereof in the various Evils, that hath been inflicted upon that Birth. Which is included under that dreadful Sentence, which God denounced upon Adam and his Off-spring, upon his and Eve’s Apostacy. So that the Earth should bring forth no more after the first Paradisiacal Institution; but with Care, Labour, and Sorrow, as we have had daily proof of this heavy Doom. But there was a secret Word cast into me, Look out from under this out-spreading Curse, and come under the saving Wing of your Jesus. For know as his Birth doth grow up in you, so it will come to make void all of the Bitter Worldly Curse. For redeeming Blood will set you free: The rich and deep Dye thereof will recover the Blessing again, according to the new Covenant, which is established by the Law of Faith upon those, who can live up thereunto. To whom the Spirit doth now expressly give new Laws according to the new Birth, Which acquits us from the old Traditions, Customs, and Manners, which the Curse hath followed so hard upon. A Door is now opened for our escape, at the entrance of which, we are to leave those Burthens, that have made us bow, and sink down so heavily. From which the Spirit of Jesus is come to set us free, as we do keep the Law of Faith: who is that Anointing, which will break these uneasie Yoaks from off our Necks. The Lord of Truth hath spoken it.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of July 26, 1678.


IT was opened further from this Vision, concerning this Gulf, that when Faith’s Life comes to be strong, it will run the whole hazard of sinking into the deep Abyss, where no bottom is, but God’s Immensity. Where the outward Senses will be drowned, which have been so long the parting Cloud betwixt God and the Soul. Here possibly we may come to loose that Life, that hath made all the strife and enmity, from which, we have now studied in Christ’s Light, to be free’d therefrom. The Spirit doth it evidently shew, that this is the true and safe way to ingulf and suspend the Man of strong reasoning. Which ratifies the saying of our Lord, He that will thus venture to loose his Life, shall keep it to Life Eternal. We have many ways tried the sinking and overturning, the depraved Life of Nature, from its own first Conception, but could never bring it to such an Annihilation, as no more to receive again. This is an advantageous Gulf to shoot, whereby the earthly Life is sunk, that so by a forcible rebound, the superrational Life may move upwards, to its own Essential Light: I say, that it may move pure, and free, and unclogged of Sensuality. Then we may pass and be most friendly entertained, by the everlasting Father of pure Spirits, who will know us again in that more refined and excellent State. Which may transcend the very Angels, whose familiarity will be common to us. Ah my Lord, shall this Vision according to this Interpretation be made good unto us. Let us not then delay to hazard all, for so great a God.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of September 2, 1678.


... The First is. Hereby we do know what is wrought in God: It is discoverable by an Undoing what is of the Serpently Seed, in conjunction with the degenerated Nature that took its Lapse or Descent from the First Adam. For now from this is brought forth a strange Evil and Sinful Birth. And while that liveth, and acteth its part, according to the Brutish Gross Sensuality, as the Offspring of the Earthly Image; there is no place for God’s Work to be manifested. Therefore here comes, in order to Building, first throwing down, and Rooting and Razing up the accursed Jerico-Foundation. There is nothing to be spared hereof: every wild Plant of the depraved Natures Properties is to be plucked up by an irreversible Sentence. All, even all old Things dissolved are to be, in order to the new Creation: which of a clear, pure, and unmixed Matter is to be the Work of God again in the Creature. A thorough Desolation there must be upon the whole introduced Principle, as it consisteth of the Out-Birth of a Rational Life that Deviated is from the high Principle of its Primitive Essence in God before Time was. A Fiery Purgation of all this evil Matter is that which doth precede the Christ-Formation, as one intire Body and Spirit. Here is to be the true and total Death and Crucifixion of the stubborn potent Earthly-Birth: Which to a violent Death is decreed by him that saith, Behold I come to make all new; and am come to do such a Work, as shall differ from all Works and Workmanship, that in this fallen Creation are.

2dly, When thus the Accursed Thing is removed away, then a perfect new Birth is begotten of GOD, in a Virgin-Humanity, so fitted and prepared by that WORD, which calleth that which is not in a visible Matter, to be brought forth sublime, and highly Magical: according to the Creating-Fiat, that giveth a God-Existency in a Formal Body; That after some space of time shall be changed into a subtil and refined Nature of Spirituality also, according as the Sapphire Flames of this pure Birth-Spirit work all through. Now this is the true evidence whereby we do come to know the Work to be of God, when only his Life and Nature doth clearly and fully act us: and that all in us stands in Harmony and agreement thereunto; and whatsoever is averse and contrary is swallowed up into the Unity of this Heaven-born Life; That now in a Superiour Nature doth manifest it self, in all, and every circumstance, according to the example of our Lord JESUS. Whose Workmanship we are, to accomplish (on this very Earth) the great Works and Deeds, that none other can do: but such as are new made and fashioned, do keep up this Spiritual Frame, until the Lord with his Reward do come.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part ONE; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of October 20, 1678.


The Hand and Rule.

THERE appeared to me a Hand, and it had in it a broad square Rule, that it held fast. So I marvelled in my Mind, what it signified. There were Words also Engraven upon it, but I could not read them. But it set my Mind a working to know for what intent this was presented unto me: And after some rolling to and fro of my Cogitations, I became still and calm. And then the Word sprung, and spake thus to me, By this Hand and Rule is specified, what thou art to hold fast unto, which have been already let down to thee in Love’s Peculiarity. Therefore keep to them: for the Life-restoring unto all Dignifying Offices belonging to the Lamb’s Kingdom, will be given to the punctual Obeyers. For verily the point wholly lieth in this. The Ownment, Consent, and Approbation will be alone no acceptable Sacrifice to God our Lord in this matter: for the effecting that so much desired, redeemed Liberty. As it may appear, when we are brought again to be of the Seraphick Train that the Earth may have no power to contain such free enabled Spirits.

Now as I was lending my Ear to hear this kind of Discipline, my Teacher from the Lord spake further about this Rule, declaring, that in it was Written more high, and flesh-denying Rules, than any yet had come down, the sum of which should be revealed, as we were Obedient to the former. For all these renewing Precepts are to work the subtle Harlot of rational Wisdom, out of Nature’s House, that hath long kept out the Spirit of Faith. Which Christ the Lord would have as his Successor, under his Spirit, dwell in this our formal Corporeity: to manage, and carry on in us, what he left behind to do, for the Honour and Majesty of his assuming the Figure of our Humanity. The pure Clarified Nature of which, as he in this world held it, so are we to do, and how is this for to be, but by observing and taking in all those perfect Rules: which the Father gave unto him; and so from him, by his Spirit, to recommend the same unto us in, and according to, the diversity of the Holy Spirit’s Revelation.

The additional Rule, that I from hence received, was in this way of Charge given to bow the Knee of my Mind and Will to no other God, but to the existent Being and Spirit of all Spirits, who is to be the Object, for our Faith, Love, Fear, and Dread only. But it may be said, This is no new nor strange Rule; all Christendom do hereunto agree. But then let us be upon the Examination, whether any one hath punctually kept up to this, That no false God hath been leaned to: that we may not lie under a deceived Covert. There was a Scripture repeated in me, that did open the Face of this covering, and brought in great Light into my Understanding, as the Unction of God was the Commentator upon it. Which Scripture was, that of 2Kings 17. 32, 33, and 41. It is here Recorded, that the Nation which God had chosen, and would have separated from all others in the World, and would not have numbered them with them, because he took them to be a peculiar Treasure unto himself, to whom God had made known himself by Wonders and Signs, to prove himself to be their God alone, and that no other God could save, help, and secure them: Yet (it is said of them, for whom the Lord wrought such Wonders.) That they feared the Lord, and served their own Gods, after the manner of the Nations, whom they destroyed from amongst them. So they thought all was well, so long as they did not altogether forsake the one only true God, but kept part of his Worship and Fear up, carrying it evenly betwixt God and The Idol Images, owning both. But the visible Images of things are so affecting to the outward Senses, and so catched by them, that Idolatry is soon got into the Mind, and there doth insnare. And now from hence it was opened unto me, that a close undiscernable Idolatry had crept into the Minds of all Creatures universally, under the highest Christian Title, that now were upon the Face of the Earth. No where in the whole World is the only true God, more owned and worshipped, than in this our British Island: But here is the great sin of Jeroboam, False Gods are set up with the Lord the true God; their Groves, their Altars, and Images are set up in the Mind and Heart. Who is that valiant One to Burn, Destroy, and Throw down, and to cease from Worshipping the Host of this visible Heaven? For this, a deeper search will yet be required.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entry of April 28, 1679.


THE Holy One gave the Divine Sense, and meaning of this unto me. As to the Dove in the first place, being Young and of a Gold Colour; it did represent the coming down of the Holy Ghost in a solid Body; and youthful Vigour to impower the weak Humanity, that is acted and troubled by a contrary Spirit. As appeared by that contrary Fire, that rose up in a Smother, and made the Room unpleasant, so as the Dove could not there stay.

This smoking Fire was declared to be the enkindled Essences of the Rational, Sensitive, and Affectionated Life, that did burn from Degenerated Nature, as a Earthly Fire Life, that does send forth Evil and Dark Fumes. This may be where there has been great Sanctity, and diverse Washings, and Purgings, for Cleansing the inward Chambers of the Mind, Will and Senses, where the Holy Dove would rest; but for this contrary Fire-Life, being often blown up to offend, that drives back the pure sprightly Dove, that would come to its own Virgin-Mate, if a fit place might be found.

By this we do see, it can bear no other Life, but what comes from its own Flame, for our Light to boot hath visited us with many an overshadowing, and rushing from the Wing of his Power, when the Smoky Fire of the common Sense in us has been laid down, and hath now a great Restlessness upon Some, for to remain within the Tent and Temple of a clear Mind. In relation to the Soul’s part, who is earnest to retain this his Dove-Mate: Let him take all Care, and be in all Watchful diligence, to quench this strange Fire, which is a Root of various Evil Consequences, that may make all Dark to over-cloud the Mind.

As for instance, now it is shewn, that from the Root of this Fire-Life, not only gross Sensibility, and strong rational Wisdom may be blown up from the Elementary Air, as a smothering Dust; but from this a Fire may also possibly proceed, and urge the Soul to send up Oblations, and Offerings: for keeping up Devotion and Holy Worship, from the Impulses of this Strange Fire, before the Unction doth come to move in his own Fire. Thus did Saul, he was hasty to go upon Offerings, and Sacrifices, before Consecrated by the Prophet: Yet he thought he had done well, to take all opportunity in doing it. For he had a great Plea for so doing; the Prophet staying beyond his set time, the Philistines just upon him; Therefore (saith he) I forced my self to offer an Oblation.

So from hence great Caution is to be taken, not to run upon a sacred Ordinance, before Anointed thereto, by the inward Prophet. For it will be no better than offering up of Strange Fire, that will fill the Temple with Smoke, that the Holy Ghost will not enter in, though the Intellectual part be Enriched with Light and Understanding; and though it knows hereby, it lies under an Oblation of this kind, to Solemnize an Holy Service to the High and only True God, which is a real Duty. But then, we are now warned to come with the Golden Censor, and to wait, till the Altar-Fire rise in it, which may burn from the Everlasting Oil.

This is That, which will make the Chamber of our Minds an Holy Separated Place, for the Dove to Lodge in, as our beloved Mate, no more to forsake us, who with his own Light-Flame, will (as a Lamp that is fed with Golden Oil) burn for ever in us.

Then further it was open’d to me, What was meant by the Linnen, that I was directed to quench this Fire withal. A Dead Corpse was set before me, all wrapped in White Linnen. Which declared, This Earthly Fire was only to be quenched with Death-Linnen. The whole property of this first springing Earthly-Life is to be smothered with the Linnen-Cloth, that represents Pale Death. That so the Dove may then Sing his pleasant Ditty and Song, as the only Life-Spring, rising from under his own Overshadowing Wing, where nothing more of the Smoky Sense may trouble this Holy Flame. Sure we will haste henceforth to quench, and choke this Fire by Death’s pale Linnen-Cloath, which is prescribed for the only Cure, that the Holy Ghost may evermore with us endure.

THIS Vision and Opening, did put me upon the Watch, to stop and choke the Fire-Essences of that Life, by which the deprivation of so great a Blessing was kept up. O what Joy and Triumph would I take to see the Man of Sin, to lie as a Dead Corpse, and no more of Life to stir! But is it Death that must do the thing? Then let us be Skil’d in this great Mystery: to know how to Die, is of high Consequence. I was very inquisitive to understand, what was further meant by the Linnen? It was then shewn me, that it did not only represent Pale Death, but there was a further meaning in it, as it must be an Instrument, to Strangle that Life, which (as it was revealed to me) did hinder the Life of the Holy Ghost.

The Linnen did signifie a mild passive Innocence, and pure Simplicity: Thus said the inspiring Word, That this Cloth is made so Fine, that the Breath of the Sensitive Life, will it defile and stop; for contrariety proves a Death to that which it can Conquer.

Now, then take a Survey of what this opposite Life doth consist in, in subtleness of Reason, in refractoriness of Will, in strong Love to all Sensible Things, with an extended Propriety in them. Of these, the root of that Life doth consist from whence arise the numerous Motions, that do fill the Mind with the dark Smoke of Earthly Imaginariness. They do all proceed from this Life-Root.

Now then, we are directed to go to him, who is Cloathed with this White Linnen, that we may out of his fulness receive, to stop the Fiery Fumes of this contrary Life withal. What Consultations have been taken, to get the Mastery of this Death, to finish the course of it, before natural Death doth overtake? But none ever since Christ, could scarce attain it: For the Resurrection then would have witnessed to it. But if now a Way may be opened, and Courage given, to any one to attempt it, by Christ’s Linnen-Garment put on, whereby they may Encounter so great a Contrariety of this kind of furious Life: It will manifest a matchless way of Conquest indeed. And such will be Recorded for wise and Victorious Champions, who have overcome the only and last Enemy Death.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 2 of 4:  Journal Entries of July 7 & 8, 1679.


NOW the next Day this most highly favoured Soul had all advantage of a most intimate Communion and Freedom with her Lord, whom she felt and possess’d as her Superiour self, distinct from that Earthly and Natural self, to which trouble and perplexity is incident; fully bearing Witness to the Truth of that Word, In the World ye have Tribulation, but in ME ye have Peace. Whence she was taught the Truth of this Axiom (in a manner beyond what Words can express) Whoever remains in the Selfhood (or Propriety) can never be void of Trouble and Perplexity, as to God; though they may enjoy a flattering Peace suitable to their own Selfhood, (or Propriety) from the World. And the Wise in Heart will therefore prefer a Crucified and Suffering CHRIST, under all reproach and ignominy with his Nature planted in them of Peace, Purity, and Righteousness: before all the Glories and Pomps of a Kings Court. Which are most trifling and inconsiderable, when compared with those Seraphical Enjoyments and exuberant Glories that are perceived by the Conquerours standing upon the Sea of Glass. Which was at this time open’d, sensibly overflowing all the Properties of the Soul, as with a soft Oily Fire.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of April 19, 1680.


... Can I expect this outflowing Power, before the Death be finished in me, in every Part, and such a Death; even such a Death as in which no more feeling is of the motion of Sin, no Aversion to the Law of Faith and all of Mount-Sion’s Decrees, that shewn have been in the Table-Book of the Spirit? This I brought into Inquiry, and put in to have it Resolved me, from the Mouth of Him, with whom is Wisdom’s Fountain-Spring: Who thus gave the Resolve, that it was all necessary for Death to set upon every Motion of Life, that is found to put forth from the infected Nature, in which dwelleth no good thing. Therefore Death can only for this End be the Eternal Spirit’s Friend, to come over every part, and to leave its Dying Marks. For the Dead Body of Sin is the true Grave, out of which we may expect the Body, which the Holy Ghost will Act in. But yet while going on we are in Death’s Tragedy, some certain Veins of Life-Power may open, which will help to perfect the Death. Wherefore, though some Stirrings there may be yet, as to the inward vital Part, as ye shall see in the Animal Life, when it is going out of the Body, all Senses gone, no Member of the Body moving, so as many Persons have been judged Dead, when Life hath yet Inwardly remained: So in the Spiritual Sense, Death may appear, so disenabling every Member, and ceasing from all active motion, even as to the least act of Evil, as the Standers by and viewers over may nothing of the moving Property from Sins Root see; yet it may lie at the Vital Root unextinguished. None can it so well know as the high scented Spirit, that can smell what yet lives of the Earth Earthly, though so weakened as nothing appears in Activity. But such is the vigilancy of Death’s Successor that comes to return, and enter upon that by Death, which the Sin in the Earthly Life kept out from. So that he watcheth for this Death, and contributes all towards it, as expressing there will be no full Enjoyment of the Heavenly Revenues till that of the Earthly do wholly decease.

But then this was also given, by way of Instruction from the Holy One, that the Holy Ghost that was denominated the true Dying Man’s Successor, and Heir of All things, will give frequent Visits before this Death cometh to be finished, and putteth forth great and signal Acts of Power in that Spirit, (that all disenabled is while yet alive in the House of Death) as our Lord Christ did all by the resting (and filling) Power of the Holy Ghost, before his Death: And the Apostles likewise. Though it is clear that the inward Death was not totally finished in them, yet they were endowed with Power, and acted mighty Things from the gift of the Holy Ghost. So as Then it was, Now again it may be. But the more near the full Conquest is, so greater Force and Power will be sent forth. As Death worketh exspiringly: So Life riseth all-powerfully, and will get the Victory, so that it may come to say, O Death, I will be thy Death.

Now thus the matter of scruple was removed, that the Power of the endless Life might act and work Almightily: to effect (and perfect) the Soul’s release from Death, and to fix her in the Eternal Life, for Supremacy over every Mortal Thing. And the Word gave me caution to keep Faith’s Spring constantly boiling up, and not to let the Furnace cool. For in That the Holy Ghost would move, and whatever should be agreed on, and decreed by the Spirit of Faith, the Out-flowing Breath of the Holy Power Should effect: So as I should now find the effective Power to attend every Divine Sound, and pure Determination; that so the reproach of a weak, naked, actless, and barren Life should no longer my Shame be, but Fruitful Powers in the Holy Ghost I should see, in keeping up to the Life of Faith’s great Superiority. No Hands more feeble herein let be: saith the JEHOVAH.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of July 12, 1680.


... Now, what is the end of Christ’s First coming into me? It is to judge, condemn, and destroy the Sin. And how is this experienced, but by his sinking down with my Spirit and Soul, the Just for the Unjust? Seeing there is such a necessity herefor: That so he might not fail of the end of his coming, which is, to save unto the utmost. He thus, and after this manner, speaks to a Soul; Would you be what I am? And where I am? And return unto your Ancient exalted State? Then so love Me, and your true Eternal Self in union with Me. Then know, I am come, to give you with my Self, a Decease from a Fleshly Life; with which Life you cannot enter into my Kingdom. My first budding Life passeth a Final Sentence upon your Earthly Life: It cannot stand before it. And though I am come into your Flesh, and can abide uncorrupted: yet that doth not content me, without I do perfect your Spirit, and make it Incorruptible as I am. Now then see, and take notice of my Love, how Great and Immense it is, who am come into your Flesh, to suffer a Crucifixion with you. Will you not be encouraged most readily to Die out of all the Sinful Birth, and Life of Flesh and Blood, if I, your Lord so love you as to come to Die with you: Who other wise have no need to be Crucified afresh again, were it not that Love did put me upon it, to be the Propitiation and Expiation of the very Root-Essence that infected is, that so the Rising Lily-Birth may in you wear the Crown.

After this Communication with my Lord so free, I determinated to know nothing but his Life to run through me, sinking down so deep into the Annihilation and Death; that I might bear the living Marks of his Crucifixion, Dying still daily; as an assured Pledge, that as Christ Died in his own Personality Visibly, so now Mystically and Spiritually he is come to Die all-Conqueringly, to give himself a Resurrection in a new Body not only in me, but in all that shall willingly offer up themselves to Die with Him, thereby to rise in Triumph over Sin, Death, and Hell, and over all Elementary Beings. Therefore, henceforth let us know nothing but this Blessed Dying, and All-powerful Rising, with our Head-Prince and Saviour.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 3 of 4:  Journal Entry of November 9, 1680.


... The Spirit of the Bride hearing and receiving an unspeakable Satisfaction, and refreshment from these Words, breathed internally into my Soul, whereby I might understand the Mind of my Jesus; this doth drive me out of all Figurative Manifestations, even of the Heavenly and Eternal Things themselves. So that I see I must lose All, that I may find GOD, (as freed out of all Images;) opening himself beyond all that can be named Material or Bodily; which Eternal Nature in its own Essence must be freed from, and clothed be with that fine, clear, and pure Garment which Adam lost, when he deviated from GOD. O! this is the wonderful Transnewed Life and State, which is to be understood and searched into: And that not only by the Spirit in me, but by as many as shall feel the same inspiring Breath in them to move. For what hath been thus opened out of the Great Deep of GOD to me, appropriated is most free, to all that do love, and wait, in pure Harmony, to make this New Jerusalem-Bride in themselves to see. Ascending into the Bosom of their Bridegroom, so to Descend again, to let the World, that in Ignorance doth lie of this Redemption, know that it is wrought out all fully in such who shall have believed, hoped, and waited for it, as partakers of the First Resurrection, in the New Created Glory. O Blessed are they who hereunto shall reach, as to the Mark of their High Calling: Even so, Amen, saith the Spirit, who Echoeth to the Bridegroom’s Call.

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of April 25, 1684.


... Let not the Fallen Sun of the Morning, by his subtil Transformations, at any time withdraw thee out of the low Valley; wherein thou art to walk continually with thy God, and thy Lord, amongst the Virgin Lillies that are his Companions: But do thou withstand him boldly, and watch against him carefully, lifting up here a Standard of Defiance against this Prince of Pride; that so thou mayest not go up unto the Hills, there to contend with him, in the Heights of Divine and Heavenly Enjoyment, but mayest abide beneath, as in the deepest Abasement and Annihilation of Self, where only thou canst behold the Entrance of Paradise, and the Door of Wisdom’s Principality to open it self. So thou mayest enter in thereat: and shalt surely overcome and defeat all the Stratagems and Wiles of thy cunning Adversary. Wherefore know, and remember always, that thou canst do nothing of or from, thy self; that so thou mayest be able to do All things, through Faith in Him, who is thy Strength, that will never fail thee: And so shalt thou recover thy Original State and Liberty, as in a new flourishing Sharon, and most fruitful and delightful Eden; wherein thy Walks shall be in the midst of the Trees of Life and Righteousness. ...

Above Excerpt from:
A FOUNTAIN OF GARDENS, VOLUME III Part TWO; File 4 of 4:  Journal Entry of June 24, 1685.


This  COLLECTION of EXCERPTS — extracted from:
The Authentic Transcriptions of the Original Manuscripts of Jane Lead


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