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[FILE 2 contains Journal entries beginning with February 23rd, 1678 through May 19th, 1678]

Jane Lead, 17th Century Prophetess of God [1624–1704]: A Personal Diary of her Spiritual Experiences and Encounters with the Godhead during 1678.

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A Fountain of Gardens: Volume III, Part ONE

February 23. 1678.

The Dark Cloud.
A Resolution of a Question concerning Spiritual Desertions.

UPON the consideration how liable we were after all the degrees of Spiritual Manuductions we had received, and passed through, yet still subject were, to strange Vicissitudes, as to the inward state of our Minds, viz. to all Spiritual Desertions, and to the Cloudings of our Heavens, and to the stoppings of the Life-Springs. After all which my Spirit was inquisitive, Why highly illuminated Spirits should be thus exercised, and so hardly invaded upon with what is so treacherous to their Life-Crown and Glory, and that after they have been exalted into the Heaven of Light, Joy, and Peace? This resolve was given me, that for some causes this was meet to be suffered.

First, To make the Spirit thus assaulted, as Joshua did, to enquire and to bring all and every Tribe before the Lord Jesus, that is every secret thing, that lieth in the Essences of the Will, to stand to the touch of the Flaming-Bush, through which we must pass, for a thorough refining, in order to be pure Nazarites to live with God alone.

Then again these over-runnings of our inward Plantations by the Beasts of prey, may happen to let us know, we are not yet come up to that security, and impregnable defence, but that we may be faced and captivated with those very Enemies, that have been so often conquered by us. And all this is to make us more watchful and vigilant, and to call for all our Spiritual force and might in God, who delights to hear and receive from us strong Cries and Supplications, who will hear us in what we fear, after we have resisted, stedfast in the Faith. All which batterings and shakings shall make for the laying of a more sure Foundation. For this Word was spoke to me expressly to this end, and upon the complainents account, saying, O thou afflicted and sorrowful in Spirit, thy barren Ground with new Seed shall be sown, that thy Light may rise and thy Love encrease, thy Waterspouts to run free, and that thy droughty Land may be refreshed, and that thou mayest eat the Fruit thereof joyfully. Only for a while abide in purity of Heart, and Mind, in all patience and long-suffering, and thou shall see all this fully performed.

This Morning the first springing matter that opened, was from what I had some Days ago presented by way of Vision. [Margin Note: See February 14.] Of which I had no Interpretation, till some what now did stir it up afresh, and call’d it over as a thing of consequence. The Vision was that pleasant Fruit, which I did see about an enclosed Wall, after which I so longed to taste it, because I was informed by the Keeper thereof, that it was Magical Fruit, that was always there to be found fresh, Winter, and Summer both alike, and its operation would come to be of the same kind in those, who would come to eat hereof. Of this the Spirit minded me to look into, and consider, why the live Bird was brought out from thence, and slain before my Eye, and then given into my Hand, which in a moment was turned into the very likeness of this all desirable Fruit, of which I did then eat. The Spirit by way of Dialogue did illustrate this mystical Vision, saying a second Eve thou art, who dost earnestly desire to be made wise, as believing there is, that excellent virtue in this never failing Fruit, which never can corrupt, and can make those that do eat hereof incorruptible. Therefore it is not such an unlawful and forbidden temptation to thee, as it was unto the first Eve, who being in an Innocent and Sinless state, and was not to go herefrom any higher, till God himself did appear to them, but giving ear to a strange Voice, brought their posterity into that wretched State of Apostacy, that all need there is to find out the Fruit, in which the divine Magia Spirit is, for recovery of the Paradisiacal Sinless Body again. Now ever since Adam’s relapse, various ways and helps have been propounded for restoration from this evil plunge, and it hath been doing near this 6000 Years but not finished. The World in Wickedness still doth lye, as it was in Noah’s time, though Christ that perfect God-man hath in the Earth been manifested, yet Sin doth still remain, and in those also, who do chiefly make claim unto his Blood-offering. Then hence weigh and consider, that something further is yet to be done for a Blessed over-turn in this latter Age. For all shall not still dye in Sin, and pass from out of the Elementary Body into unknown Mansions, where the living here do know nothing more of them. For this Vision doth signifie, that this time is now passing away, and another state of things is approaching, and thou art an awakened representative hereof, through thy Spiritual piercing Eye, that has espied this choice Fruit, which thy Spirit longeth and presseth to taste, and the operation thereof to know. But though this precious Fruit is obvious to a pure Spirit, yet it is kept, and protected by a flaming Cherub, and though intelligence is given, yet it cannot come to take hereof, though in never so much vehement hunger, for the lost Image to be repaired hereby. The Spirit added, True it is, that all of this kind is by free Gift: and upon such Eternal Wealth, there is a mighty strong enclosure. But know it, there will be some grants of Favour in particular to such, whose Spirits are often driven out from themselves to seek out a better living, than they shall ever find out in Nature’s Terrestrial Essences. For such the Holy Watcher shall receive or take up to reveal this Palace Wall, and to set open the Gate for Holy Souls, that would be in dis-junction from all of Sin, and from a vile Body. For such are appointed to be the first, who shall bring down the Heavenly and Celestial transformation into this World. Then I was further inquisitive, what the live Birds were, that were taken out of the Branches of this Tree, and one of them given slain into my Hand, and immediately changed it self into the desirable Fruit? Then was shewn me that the human Body that was offered up for the atoning Sacrifice for Sin, was by the Bird slain, figur’d out. Which hereby is changed into a more Spiritual and Powerful quality, for Spiritual meat, to feed upon. Such as may by a pure Spirit be able to eat, may have their gross Humanity alter’d into a Spiritual Body. And as we are able to partake hereof, then corruptible corporeity shall for ever cease, answerably as it did with our Lord Jesus, and with him incorporated to be, and thence to spring and to yield Fruit, from the essential Power of his Life, thus given after this Mystical manner. Which none can perceive or find but those, who are intrusted and guided by the Spirit. Then enquired I further, for whom the other slain Bird was reserved? To which this Answer was given, that it was allotted for them, who did wait with me in the same Faith, for a transformation. Now then, what estimation can we have sufficiently for such a Ministration, as may bring to this perfection. And for this end improve our believing, as the way for attaining it. It was also the Counsel of the Spirit to be mighty in Faith, for in the Power of that Winged Spirit, we may find entrance into this enclosed Palace. And then the sight will attract this Principle gift, while we have here our daily walks in the Spirit, abstaining and keeping a Holy Fast from the grosser Earthly Fruits, we shall assuredly have of this all pleasant transmuted Flesh, for our Life’s food. Wherefore let us persevere.


March 1. 1678.

The Flaming Tent.   A Vision.

GATHERING up my Spirit to hear, what would be ministered from out of the Holy Place, this Word came saying, Blessed are those, who shall wisely improve all time, for the getting into favour with God, their Creator; For now all need there will be for a sure Testimony hereof, to have it seated within them, before the Dreadful day overtake them, which as a Thief in the Night will suddenly come: Therefore fly to your Watch-Tower, where the Holy One will be found nigh. Then after this, there appeared a Hand and Arm stretched out, holding an incompassing fine streaming Banner. Which at first was as a Curtain folded: then it opened and out-spread it self, as a covering Tent, it looked like the blew {blue} Element, with streaks of Flame Colours. This I saw to great admiration: and there followed this very Cry, saying, Haste away into this your Shepherd’s Tent; for it is a time, when terrible Beasts of prey will be let out. But under this covering nothing of Fury or Destruction shall come, therefore always abide in God your Tent, and go not forth upon your Peril.


March 2. 1678.

The Blood under the Altar.

MY Internal Senses were still more opened and made attractive, drawing down Eternal Powers for guardian Might and Defence, against the Bryer {Brier}-twisting Nature of Sin; Which we have been warned of so often by the Spirit of Wisdom, because the Spirit of our Lord doth know, he cannot make our way to the Throne-presence, till we may be presented without any Leprous-Spot. For the confirmation of this, I did hear this Cry, saying, Endless will be the stirring motion of Sin, without a greater and more mighty force of the Lamb’s-Life-Blood, doth spring from under the Altar. To which end Pray, and be Earnest, that now it may flow, as a fountain free: For if at any time it should stop, great Strife and Soul-bitterness would be felt. Because the Serpent with this World doth stir their dregs, and still cast in. It is the washing-Blood only, that must yet spring higher, to take away and expire the sin by the Blood-offering.


March 5. 1678.

The Altar of the Third Degree.

 THIS Word spake in me, Erect a pure Altar of the Third Degree unto your God, that therefrom your Oblations may be of force, which hath been hitherto too weak. Then immediately the Figure of an Altar was before my inward Eye built up, of Stones like great Diamonds of Square Cut, in which you might as in a Glass see your own Face. It had four Cups in each corner, of Gold colours. This Word followed the foregoing Idea, saying, The ascending Altar shall move the Eternal Mystery, for the Renovation of that Life, which hath lain as slain under the Altar. From hence let all your mighty Cries go forth, till you mingle your Sacrifices with the touch-Fire of the Holy Ghost. Then was it put to me to consider, what kind of Altar hereby was to be understood? And for what use set apart. For we may take notice, that in those Ages before Christ’s appearing, no Worship of Altar-Ministration was to be regarded, as is numerously recorded; From which Figurative, visible Altars were upon all occasions erected, by which the Holy One might receive from his Creatures, oblations, and sweet smelling Sacrifices. And they had no other way to hear from God their Creator, from out of whose sight they were now expelled. But by the descent upon the Altar, with Seraphick Fire, as a Testimony of acceptance, which was often given in that Time. If so, what may be now expected from such an Altar as is the true, and real, Spiritual substance of all, Christ the Lord, who according to the express Pattern in the Heavens, is come to frame and fashion in us his own perfect Figure, and to dedicate it only to one use. Which may consist in a perpetual Commemoration of the Blood, that attoneth and taketh away the Sin. That so the Trespass-offering may have its Cessation, through the Blood-sprinkling of the Deity, which as the Seed of a Sinless Life, will through Nature spring, by which we shall become Perfect Consecrated Altars to God, and only shall be primarily for his use. Now it was given me to understand, that before there can be attainment to this high sacred Altar-degree, where no more of a Sin-offering is required, I this instruction from the Spirit received, according to the Vision Cry. That there are Altars of a threefold Consideration, which the Holy Scriptures verifie. As first Altars of Earth, then of Brass, and then of Gold; which had upon it only the distinguishing Crown. The pure Incense Night and Day, did burn upon this Altar. Which signified only Victory, and Praise. But now two Ministrations there be, before this can be reached to. Therefore we must look into our selves, and examine our selves, that so we may know to what Altar degree we are come. For each one is called forth for to be a Consecrated Altar, that so all the Figures may be fulfilled in Life, Power, and Substantiality, answerable to that great and high Altar, that is entered into the holy Place in the Heavens, henceforth expecting our Ascending after him. Now we are to consider of the first Altar, which is in the form of an Earthly Figure, which stands without the Court, upon which the Sacrifices of contrition are offered daily in the Sense and sorrow of Sin, making confession thereof, encompassing the Altar with Fears, as a preparing oblation, for what is to follow. For here we are not to stick, but further to proceed from the weak Earthly Image to the Heavenly, wherein is Strength and Might. Which the second degree doth signifie by the Altar of Brass, which must be changed into Gold. Therefore of this kind of Mettle our Altar-Body must be constituted. For to render them more refined out of the earthly Sensuality, and brought in to Spirituality, so that gross Nature shifts it self into a more transparency, through the foregoing Compunctions, and Soul-Agonies, which is the first work that the Spirit puts some Saints upon: which being gone through, then one degree of Translation is hereby attained unto, that is into more Light, Joy, and Liberty. And hereby capable of another kind of Ministration, in offering up the Sins of the Flesh, through the Eternal Spirit, that from thence may follow or flow the attoning Blood. And how is this to be considered? verily not as it hath been generally understood, the Holy Spirit hath fathomed this Secret, and brought it thus unto me, by way of similitude. The Priest with his own Hands, was to slay the Heifer or Ram, and to sprinkle the Blood thereof upon the Altar, and then upon the Altar of Brass, to burn the Flesh as a whole burnt-offering. From this much was revealed to me, as shewing and opening the depth of this Mystery. Now whereas these Types have been only applicable to Christ’s suffering, and his Body-offering as a representative for all, and so no further deed of any following attoning Sacrifice, but to expect Redemption from that only, as exhibited in the Flesh. This is to be owned and allowed, as our true Altar-Sacrifice. But withal know this, that Christ doth expect from his Saints, that we should answerably to his own example fulfil the Type with him, which is, that we his Saints should also offer up our Bodies as our reasonable Sacrifice. And how must this be, and by what hand? First the Life of the Beast must go for it, the very Life-Blood let out by the Priest, which presents the Spirit of Christ Jesus in his Saints, as distinct and separated for that end, to put to Death what would live after the Flesh, which throughly expiates the Sin, when the Blood-Life thereof runs down. This is a true attoning offering, which will bring down Fire-Celestial upon the Altar, as a Testimony that Christ in Spirit hath slain in us the Earthly-Life afresh, that so hereby our Debt-offering may be fully paid. No other way there is to make us clear and guiltless, but first to shed forth the Blood-Life of this sin-offering. Then after that, a Blood of High and Immaculate kind will spring through all Nature’s Properties, to change the Altar yet once again. For hereby the Holy Place in the Mind, Will, and Senses will be prepared, and they will be purified with Fire and Blood. Then shall you see, what will be the third degree. Now after our own Life sown in Death has been, to be raised up again into a Figure all of weighty transparent Gold, where all polluted Offerings must for ever cease, no more Sins of the Flesh or Beast must be confessed hereupon. For the New Covenant inscription is upon this Golden Altar to be read, as it was in Words given to me, so hereof I shall declare, the Motto was this, To the known God, whom no more ignorantly do we Worship. For in the Altar-Light, we do see his Face, the Blood-Life hath removed away all enmity, and iniquity is no more to be found. The Crown of Perfumed Oyl doth belong to this Altar, and the Incense that is like Flaming Pillars of smoke, Scented with Powders all Celestial from the Eternal World. This is the definition of God the Lamb, as he comes to be our Highest degree of Altar-Perfection in us. Then will go forth the inspiring Powers, that will redress our defects. Till this shall be accomplished, we must proceed on in our Priestly course, in our daily offering for the expiation of Sin. Living and staying our selves upon the Meat and Drink-offering, which in this present Ministration will be sent down from our great High-Priest, from the most inward Tabernacle in the Heavens, till we shall be assuredly Crowned with this Altar-Figure, and therein be found true Worshippers in Altar-Flames.

[ This was continued, and a further Revelation hereof given, upon the seventh Day: as it hereafter follows, March 12. In the interim many Spiritual assaults were made, in order to withdraw the Temple-waiters from such a close Attendance on this most Holy Altar, as was required. Whence it was needful to give down this Advertisement and Caution the very next Day, being the 6th of March.]


A Word of Caution.

AS I awaked in the Morning, it was said, haste, and prevent all of an evil purpose that is against the Head-Life. Which by and through putting on the Garment of the Spirit close about thee, will be both a Fence and Ornament, against all of Sin-contrivance that would bereave thee of the Kingdom of Joy, Peace, and Purity.

Upon the 8th and 9th of this present Month, there were two Considerable and Prophetical Dreams, sent from a Superiour Sphear, to give a seasonable Premonition against imminent Perils, Private and Publick. The one did relate to the Cunning Treachery of some Spirits of prey, in whom the Nature of the Serpent concealed should come to be manifested, and a Victory obtained by the Watchful Spirit: Which accordingly was verified. The other to the Outward State of the Kingdom, and the General consternation of the same, through the Publick ownment of the Papal Authority, then about eleven or twelve Years before this came to pass. Both these are thought fit here to be omitted: but may elsewhere possibly be inserted. That which follows is from a deeper Center.


March 12. 1678.

The Mystery of the Altar further explained.

THIS Word was further in special given to me, saying, The Altar-Inscription is not in vain unfolded. For hereby you are to find out, where the rich Inheritance of the Waiters thereupon doth lye, for a separated Portion to live in, which to none else doth appertain. Therefore consider your High-Calling, as a Gift and Office from the Lord, by which you are taken from among others, upon the Altar-income to be satisfied. This only is required for the present time, let the Altar be cleansed all-through, till the seventh Day is expired, that so your Messiah-Prince may appear to you in another Altar-frame, and to put an end to such Altars, upon which trespass-offering according to the course hath been offered again and again, because no Perfection could be attained. For thus the Vision of the Holy One did explain it self, that as the Lord Christ’s coming to offer up himself, did Abolish all other Sacrifices, which were ordained by the first Covenant, and did cause to cease as it is written, Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldst not, but a Body thou hast prepared. So likewise, he is yet to come once again to put an end to what Offerings hath been ever since, in a more refined way of Spirituality, yet being weak and imperfect, not answering that high end of a compleat Redemption. There is therefore a Necessity for him to appear in another kind of figure Transparent and all Powerful in a selected Priesthood, and to rear up the everlasting Tabernacle. Which the Spirit hath much yet to shew and open, but hard to be comprehended and uttered, because of the Medium, through which it must pass for knowledge and discovery. But thus much is fathomed and brought up by that Spirit, who hath entered into the Mystery, who hath verified that Christ in the form of Flesh was also a Figurative Sacrifice offered, which was expedient for the transgressions under the first Covenant, that they should be attoned and purified by this immaculate Lamb, but this must rise to a further degree. For this Heavenly Type is yet to have its fulfilling, by bringing down the Holy Place and Heavenly Sanctuary with all its Celestial Ornaments, and Powers and Substantialities, that do belong to the everlasting Priesthood. For all of this Temple-Glory is yet reserved to be revealed in its time, and for it anointed Holy Priests shall be constituted, who yet are but in the process of the seven Days Clarifying their Figurative Altars in themselves, and are preparing for it, by taking a higher Order, when the Heavens shall rend, and all of the real Original Tabernacle shall come down. Which hath there been shut up. But herefrom may be enquired, what foregoing Sign there will be, before the descending of this Priestly-Kingdom? That so we may know it is here. No greater Sign for this shall be given, than the travelling {travailing or laboring} Birth, which is impregnated with the Holy Ghost. Which fulfilling Type will be in the Spirit of an Altar-Flame, that shall go forth to fetch and draw down the Holy Camp, in which God will dwell, and unite, as with his Spouse and Bride in his New Jerusalem-State. Now the Blessedness will be to them, who shall be first favoured with this sign of this mighty Birth, and then it brings to the Golden Altar, as the first born of a Virgin-Womb: then all the Powers of Heaven will open. This is the gift, that of all acceptation will be for to Burn incense, and herefrom to scatter Perfumed Coals, that whenever they do fall, all touched herewith shall be, and become Spirits in Heavenly forms, meet for high Conjunction with the Holy Trinity. Oh this is that, which the inspiring Spirit driveth hard, for to put some one or other into a Spiritual Posture for to enjoy them, and therefore, have presented, as in a Glass of Righteousness, and Sanctuary purity, these great things, to prove whether or no, we will be earnest for them, and acquit, and go off from the Worldly Sanctuary, and forsake the Land of our polluted Nativity, wherein is great darkness, distance, and ignorance of all these Supereminent Joys and Fruitions which are shut up from us. Which entered upon might be most clearly enjoyed, if we could shake off the Cloudy Black Body, from which the root of Sin does spring.


March 13. 1678.

A Continuation on the Altar’s Discourse.

WHAT more can be done, but to offer up the Beast, till it be consumed to Ashes, that here out may spring a Body all pure, in which can be found no more the relicks of Sin. This will be the Fruit of all Sacrifices and Offerings, which now in the second Degree, is our work to be Ministering, in order to Christ our great High-Priest his appearing to us. According as it is written, to them that look for him, he will be manifest to them, and who are those, that can with confidence expect his appearance, but them, who are purified from evil Consciences, being found all in an entire Spirituality. But then it may be objected, if any one shall hereunto attain, to be so clear and spotless in a Nature immaculate: What more can be added by the Lord’s coming Personally? As to this very much may be expected, who are first prepared to such a degree, and have striven hard before others to obtain it. Therefore it is given us to know, there is a more full reward, or else there would not be that incouragement to such, who are made willing, so to deny, forsake and hate all of this Body of Sin, as freely to give it up in Sacrifices: as hoping out of the Ashes hereof will rise, such a Seed-Life, as will be Mighty in our Heavens and Earth, and will be as a King and Priest in great Power and Glory for us, whether in the Body Corporeal, or out : which shall be determined when come to such a perfect Stature, as the good Spirit in us is driving hard thereunto. For this particular Word of Promise did sound in my Ear, agreeable to what is sounded in general. The Lord your God is not unrighteous to forget your Soul-Travels, and Labour of Love, Patience in Tribulations, and Altar-offerings for the expiation of Sin. Which certainly will bring in a Talent of great encrease, when the Lord shall descend in Altar-Flames into your Heavens, to bring down Faith’s conquering Crown. This fresh Rose-promise being blown in the espousal Garden, how Odoriferous is the smell to the Soul, that is ever listening to hear new Confirmations for her Bridegroom’s return, while it doth abide without the New Jerusalem-Camp. Upon which we do great satisfaction experiment, while moving upon our Pilgrim-State, though passing through a land, where Gyants strong in the Apolyon might are, and at every step Scorpions are ready to Sting. So perilous is the way, which we must pass through, before we can set foot upon the Sea of Glass. That verily we have all need not only to have the Ministration of Angels, but the Lord and Prince of Angels himself to meet us in our journeying on. That so we may be delivered from the fear of the pursuing Esau, who doth so eagerly hunt for his Prey. But oh how soon may he be checked, when he sees, who it is that is in our Company for a Guard. It was also reminded in me, the Truth and Faithfulness of God still manifested and maintained to Abraham, after he had made the grand Promise to him of Blessing him with Isaac, which was some considerable time, before the accomplishment came. But this observation is to be made, that though the time seemed to be long, yet Abraham was not left without frequent Visitations and Communications from God, to stay him up withal. And such was Abraham’s watchful, obedient Carriage, that he took no less care to maintain and keep up acquaintance with so great and potent a Friend, as God Almighty. Who made all Blessings, wherever he went, still to come plentifully into Abraham. This the Spirit would we should take notice of, as relating to the Mighty Messiah-Birth, which is to be Born again in another form, for a Blessing to the Earth. And while in Abraham’s Spirit of Faith, we are waiting here for it, and looking out and yet prolonged, what shall or can support us, while the Kingly-Birth from us doth stay, but such like frequent appearances of God? whereby his Word of promise may still be established, as a means to keep off all staggering, while the thing may be prolonged. For should we nothing still hear anew from our Alpha and Omega, we should sink into doubt and fear. Therefore we may hear his Voice through the Golden Vial of the Spirit, if thereto we can lend a single Ear to hear, what is considered from the Counsel of the Holy Trinity, for us further to do in our process. This indeed will make out great Friendship unto us, while we must pass through an Enemies borders, for the countenance of a God will cause great awe, as we did see in Abraham’s Case. These advantages are not all, but only somewhat to sweeten our way. We are to look after a more rich Prize than all this, as the full income and reward, after we have gone through all our Spiritual Course. Which are the high Qualifications, and Spouses dresses with Ornaments, which all do excel, in them who are found in the God-like fashion. Who but these can look with any Confidence, for Christ the Lord to appear? who shall be able to see him, as he is, until all purified by Altar-Fire? For that Scripture in the Hebrews was in the Spirit’s own sense thus opened unto me, which I shall not omit to Write after the Copy given, the Words are thus expressed. To them that look for him, he shall appear the second time without Sin unto Salvation. It was opened, that it is not a bare expectation that will bring the Lord down to any, who are found in the Body of Sin, to such no Crown of Salvation will be fixed upon, as the Diadem of a full reward; which is assigned and appropriated only for the Virgin-Spirit, that is cloathed upon in the clear and white Robe, as looking out with Doves Eyes, full of pure Innocency, that cannot be dazzled at an open face of Glory, when she shall him see for the consummation of all that rich Dowry, which hath been shut up in the bud of a Promise. For the Inheritance will be given out to such, who are actually come to the Unity of Faith’s purifying dress, to be all Spiritual. But here it may be Queried, What are the special Immunities that do belong to the Lamb’s Spouse? Why sure they are both great and innumerable, as hath been revealed, well answering and requitting all Sufferings, and Dyings, which the Soul can possibly go through in this tempting afflicting Region, they are no way equivalent, to what Glory shall be revealed. Therefore that we might all be Strong to hold out, and by no evil occurrent happening be at all terrified: Let us further enquire hereinto in the Spirit, what will come in, at our Lord’s second Appearance unto us? His first Appearance we have already known in that Spirit, which is now making of us all ready through the Baptisms of Life, purifying Water, Blood, and Altar-Fire, by all which, we may be prepared in a good degree in some suitableness, that so as a Sun the Bridegroom may run his Race towards us, and the Jerusalem’s Glory may first open upon us in Vision, thereby assuring us of Fruition. The Elijah is now upon the restoring work, and upon any ones Person, in whom it shall be first finished, the Salutation of the All-hail, and Highly favoured in the Lord, will be heard Sounded again in the Earth, because the Mighty God and Saviour is revealed, to change from out of the weak State, though in pure refined Corporeity, and Spirituality of Mind. This is but the first degree, but when he appears, we shall be like him, Glory for Glory in Personality. And verily no less will be attributed unto the Dead, and risen with him, but what the Lord hath declared, that the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, shall be freely given to open the Gates, and to enter into Mount-Sion’s Glory. And henceforth and for ever to take Power, Wisdom, and Strength, Honour, Rule and Government. For the Lamb is come to give right over the Earth to Reign, to them, who under and upon the Altar have given the Beast, to be slain thereupon. And greater and more highly advancing dignities, than what yet is understood and comprehended. But this may be sufficient, to edge, and to put us into an Holy fixed Emulation, to proceed on in our Altar-Sacrifices, that so we may be found in the Lord’s number-Roll, as the first wise Virgins, that may go to meet him, and with him Celebrate, in unspeakable Joy, the Tabernacle-Feast. Where nothing of the sour Leaven is to be mixed any more, or our Passover eaten with bitter Herbs, but the Oyl of Joy, with the Body Celestial, and the Spirit-Wine of Strength, and the Jubilee-Harvest of Praise; none of these shall fail us, if we can bear up Faith’s sail, against the Worlds flowing-Stream, that beateth so hard upon us.


March 15. 1678.

The Ransom out of the Sanctuary.

Being this Morning cast into a deep Consideration upon the Account of a Holy separated walking with God, having had such drivings hereunto by the Spirit. It was the matter of my Objection, why this way so interrupted was, by some one thing or other, still interfering from the Corporeal Needs, hereinto Plunging, much contrary to the Soul’s Supernatural Genius, which would be still imployed in the Altar-Service, and not in Servitude to Tables, for a mortal Morsel-sake. This was much upon my Heart to present to the Lord in complaint, that thus it should hang as a matter of Necessity upon such, who would be free Nazarites. Upon this it was given me, by way of advice, from the spring of Wisdom, that there would be no such way to be redeemed out from all of these Thralls, as to spread the Hands of Faith, thereby to reach to that propriety, which is provided in the Sanctuary-Treasury, as the Ransom from all the Servitude, from which the Waiters upon the Holy things are brought out, to live upon God’s Table. Where we shall have all sufficiency free, and be no more subjected to the will of Creatures. O this is that rich income, that we now are called upon to search out, as what of Eternal right does belong to us. There is a Multiplying-Stone, that is burning in the Altar-Furnace, that will us bless in the Heights above, and Depths beneath, whereby we may be delivered from Cares and Necessities. Which are incident to the World’s commoners, from which the Spirit would divide our Portion, and have us only abide in Jacob’s goodly Tents, where nothing of scarcity shall us perplex in the Worldly Spirit. Which as an Army do often break in to scatter us from our Altar-hold. But what better Weapon can we have, than the Flaming Ax of the Spirit, which is always ready in the Sanctuary for our aid, to Slay and Cut off, what shall adventure here to invade. Therefore it is good for us to Tabernacle here with God’s Battle-Ax for ever, saith Wisdom our Mother dear.


March 16. 1678.

The Man of the Earth.

THIS Morning I had several Advertisements from the Holy Watcher over me. As first this, Be all intent upon your Heavenly Vocation. Give to God, what encrease cometh of his own State Life intrusted with you. As this World appropiateth to it self, vain Perishing and evil things, so know, your God does expect improvement, and the return of his Principal again. Then great Caution I further had, to keep up all Rule and Authority over that invisible World within. For it was given me to know, that there was a Head-Power great and mighty in the Soul-Region, to repel and keep down, what the Dragon and Beast would do to make Mutiny and Riot, according to the unregenerated State. And therefore we are to employ our Power, which we have from the Superiour Light, (which doth see all of Sin-defect) to suppress and root out, that God’s Peace may only be left for a Garrison to keep all Treachery of Spirits out.

Then after this, I had a Representation of a Man, that came very near me, in a plain Husbandman’s Garb, and looked very earnestly on me, and Bowed several times to me, but spake no Word. After which disappearing, I enquired into it, and it was spoken unto me in a Powerful Voice, Thus shall the Man of the Earth bow unto thee, as thou doest keep him under. More of which shall be opened, as thy inward Spirit shall dive, where the Treasures hath lain in hidden Darkness.


March 18. 1678.
This is an Interpretation of the former Vision.

SOME days after the appearing of the former Vision, I had this Reviving of it again in these Words. Who is a Ruler over Nations for to subdue them, but such as are of a just and perfect Spirit, that have hung upon the Cross of Humiliation and Patience, till the conquering Star is risen for full Salvation. These Words were as a Precious distilling Doctrine, the Holy Spirit spake them, and the same doth open and apply them. As first the plain Husbandman, which I did see in the Vision bow, it was shewn, and expressly given me to know, it signified the first Adam, that now is in a Tilling Garb, which now indeed doth become the Man of the Earth. Whose Image each one does bear. And it is appropriated unto us, as Internal and External. The first hereof to be considered, is the Beastly Corporeal Figure, that we do bear from Adam, which hath degraded us, because Sin entering in did turn us into this Evil Corruptible shape, but that is not all the hurt, and dishonour, it hath done us. But the deformity is more inward upon the Face and Image of the Mind, there lieth the greatest disguise, that caused the Banishment out of Paradise into this wild and rude Earth. Where he, as a Lord in this degenerated State, doth rule in the Might and Strong Reason, and is Potent in a Principle that does lie under the Curse, and bereaved of the Blessing of Immortality. Where no Death should ever have been known? But the springing Source of Life from God, the infinite Goodness. Where neither Toyl, Sorrow, nor Pain could have enterven’d, had he but stood in his first Station. But we may now cry Woe and Alas for the Earthly Man, whom the Holy and Just One hath so far removed out of his sight, into a Place suited to his gross Mortal Spirit and Figure, there to generate and multiply according to his own kind, and so the Earth is over-spread with a Corrupted Seed. As we do see this Day; all fill’d with Creatures of Oppression and Violence, exacters in unrighteousness. Oh deplorable World, who dost consist of these kind of Inhabitants, and yet does not so deeply take in the sense of the Apostatizing, as it for to lament, and for to be all uneasie, while tossed to and fro in the Sweat of thy Brow, as a Fugitive and Vagabond: and yet thou dost it yet scarce consider, and know. For the very best Estate, that yet hath been arrived to by any, who doth abide in an untransfigured Life, is much short and wide of the Angelical degree, and God-like Perfection. To which, if we do not return again, all will be in vain, that we have laboured for, as to matter of Renovation, and Mortification, in reference to the immediate sight and fruition of the Princely-Majesty. Who will receive none into his settled Place of Glory, but such who are come unto the Body of Glory in the Beauty of Holiness.

But the great Query now is? How this Earthly Man, that is gone into such Power and Lordship in his own Principle shall be made to bow to that, which is of a Superiour Birth and Nature? Who is come to know its Original dignity, but is over-charged and set upon by the great Leviathan. Who hath made all very strong in this Terrestrial World on his side, to Imprison, Bind, and keep down, and afflict by a Thousand ways, that do belong to his Territories, the poor Innocent Seed, that is come into Corporeal Nature. For this end, to work out its freedom from all those violent Impositions, which the Sin and Curse hath brought in, and hath all surrounded this Heavenly-Plant, and as a Briery Wood does twist about to suppress its growing up, to a Stature of Strength. These are the great disadvantages, that the Heaven-born Spirit doth meet with, so soon as it begins to know it self. The question is put now to the Gracious, Wise, Compassionate Father of this Spiritual-Birth, to know whether or no we may not come to Reign over all, that the evil One hath introduced into the Mind and Will of a Corporeal Animal, so as to put down all the Rule and Authority of Sin, joyned with Servitude to the Worldly Rudiments, wherein all Bondage and Misery consisteth. And thus things have stood ever since Adam’s going out of Paradise, very few having reached to the Crown-Dominion. Some instances we have, As first in him, who is the First-Born from the Dead, and others who were followers of him in Suffering and Dying, are entered into the Mystery of Glory through Conquest. Though indeed their visible Reign on this Earth over evil Men was not so apparent in that Age, for they were not totally in Subjection under them. But reserved for the last of Days, of which I shall unfold, as the Spirit hath it shewn. But first we are to give you the Lord’s Mind, as to the Query, which without all contradiction according to the Vision seen, The Earthly-Man by an irrevocable law and Decree, is to yield up all, that he hath gotten by his rational Subtlety, to the High-Born Spirit.

Objection, But how is this to be done? He will never give up voluntarily, nay, though contended, and though we have constant War against him, yet he holds us out of our Paradisiacal-Dominion. Therefore what shall more be done? That we may come to our Princely Kingdom. Well, this is granted, that Usurper will not willingly yield; he knows he is upon great advantages against the Superiour Life. That being to act in and through a Corporeal Form, which hath Maladies and Sicknesses, that are incident from Gross, Fleshly, and Sinful Bodies. But that is not the least, though sometime we find it heavy enough, to stop the Divine actuation of Life. But secondly, The numerous Provocations that arise from the inhabitants, fixed in the law of Reason, all these are promoting, and strengthening the same within us, as Good, Lawful, and orderly to be obeyed. Then backed these are with Throne-Powers, and Principalities, that have such Authority in this Region, that without subscribing to them, though working in All their deceiveableness of lying Wonders; Yet there is no living in this Necessitous Body, without Conforming and Paying Homage to the Beast. Who beareth all Pomp, having now Headed himself with the Dragon’s Power and Might, according as it is said, Who is able to make War against his Seat, and Throne? Thus we see how hard the Spiritual-Seed is beset, all which considered might make one doubtful, that ever these should be brought under, and made to bow. But I shall rehearse the Word, which did Sound in me, saying, At all this, be not terrified, for these are those Kings and Nobles, that shall be bound in Fetters of Iron, by my Star, and Scepter rising, that will be given to them, who do hold out against Gog and Magog, who are to be continually fought against, for it is the Habitation of all Violence, and Oppression, maintained by the Serpently-Seed, in Bodily forms. Now what remains for us, but to abide evermore in a posture of War. We have no other way to regain the lost Kingdom, but by the Flaming-Sword of the Spirit, which will be able to deal with Legions of Infernal Spirits, for of this more Secret and Pernitious kind, we have to deal withal. And therefore answerable Armour we all need to have from the Strength of the everlasting Tower. For so it is, the only all-Conquering Spirit beareth the Standard, and displays the Colours, and thereby wins the Prize, Triumphing over the strong Enemy. But now it may be considered, how long may be this Time of Spiritual War? For it seems to be somewhat severe and tedious, to be all our Life-long in Contest and War against the Nations in our selves, and also with an Evil, Cruel World, that can never agree with a Heaven-born Spirit. True it is, that Universally in all Ages past, the controversie betwixt the Earthly unregenerated part, and the Heavenly have held out the whole term of Life, and it hath been as much, as the Spiritual Man could do to keep him at the Weapons end, to prevent an Invasion, or being carried Captive away, as Millions of Dark Minds are, and have been. But those who are right Warriours on the Lamb’s side, have now girded on the Buckler of God’s Salvation: Strong and Mighty in the Flaming-Chariot, attended with God’s invisible Hosts. Such will not be upon a defensive War only, but these will Subdue and Conquer, and will divide the Spoil, and take the Prey, and keep all under in Subjection to the Conquering side. For this we are not without some Precedents, that did come hereunto, and made a visible shew of Conquest. As some Patriarchs, and Prophets before Christ, who was the Head and Principal Conqueror, and is so still in us, as he was in his Apostles, John, Paul, Peter, and James. These plainly Gloried in a Triumphant Victory, having fought the good fight of Faith, and doubtless did perfectly subdue all of the Man of Sin, and thereby were capable of translation, of which no certain account hath been given. But whether or no, this we are sure, they dyed the common natural Death, yet they were such overcomers, as had right to Reign both in Heavenly and Earthly places. Which they had not only the foresight, but the Possession of, though in an invisible Sphear, and World, that is not known to Mortals, and gathered to their Conquering Head and Captain, that we hope will bring us up in Victory, through the whole part of the Earthly-Life subdued, and not only so, but that all things in this Earthly-Principle shall be under Controul, and shall be assuredly bowed under the Pure Birth of Life, for all shall flow into the Standard of the Spirit; That will appear in the Holy Sanctuary, that is Beautified with the Glory of Lebanon, according to those Antient Prophesies, and what of late renewed hath been to particular Saints in this Age. As the Sons of them that afflicted and despised the Holy Seed shall come bending, and bow themselves down at the Soles of their Feet, as owning the Lord’s Soveraignty. Who will make all Kingdoms and Nations to serve, and pay their Tribute to them, who will be exalted to the Kingly Priesthood in this approaching Day. In which violence shall no more be heard within the Borders of their Purified Land, because Salvation and Victory will be a defence of Glory. Their Brass shall be turned into Gold, and Iron into Silver. This verily the Lord, the Mighty Redeemer is hastening to bring to pass in its time. And Blessed and of great Renown will those be, to whom the Dominion shall first come down, that have bowed in themselves the Man of Sin. For none else can expect to be Rulers over much, in this visible Region; hither towards, we have lived on God’s Bills of Credit, which have passed to and again, as Prophesies, and Promises, and Words of Revelation, and divine Inspeakings. But there is a time now foreseen, that near is, when we shall have the golden Coyn of Acting-Power and Might, put into our own Hands. May we once come, but to out-live the War with Gog and Magog, we may hope somewhat of this wonderful time to see. What remains for us to do, but to observe, and comply with that pure Doctrine, which the Spirit hath dropped in, which urgeth hard, that we might so run, as to divide this rich Prize with the Conquering Ones, that are entered into Mount Sion’s wonders of Glory which will come for to be opened in this Region when the Seed of God shall rise to Victory in any one: for that’s the Key that will forcibly open the Gate of Jerusalem, that hath been hidden, and shut up from all Flesh, by a thick Wall of separation. But that Prophesie was to this purpose repeated, that is Recorded in Isaiah, calling us for to Mind, and to believe Mount-Sion’s Reign is near, in which God’s Kingdom of Priests will appear all in their sacred Ornaments, for whom the Isles do wait to bring their Sons from far, to Minister with their Riches and Substance, and to entreat for acceptance among those, who have been sought out, for to be the Joy of many Generations. Because of breaking the way against all Storms and Floods, and thereby to come into that flourishing Land, which is only allotted for the New-Born Brotherhood. Who are all of a Spiritual Production, through infusion of rarified immortal Essences, that so each one may be a perfect resemblance of God their Creator. This is that, which will make all well: so that which hath been out of order, and hath made the cause of Separation betwixt God and us, will be removed. How welcome will be a Messenger sent from the great Shepherd, that hath been so long with his invisible fold, that of a truth he is coming for to make one entire Flock, and the Wall of partition to throw down. And this he doth certainly foretell by his Spirit, as the Jubilee-Bell doth daily ring it in our Ear, to comfort us in this our weary Progress. For we would most willingly cease from War, Care, and Turmoil, and from every thing that is included under the Curse. Oh rest, how pleasant dost thou appear. Wreathed all in the Eternal Nuptial Joy of a Celestial-Marriage with our Lord. Who verily would, that we should by all these encouragements, be now ready prepared for to face him with a Graceful attirement, all dignified for delight and joy, that after all Suspence, a consummation may be pronounced to all astonishment, while we are in this World. For this the Heavens now working are most Mightily to great Joy.


March 19. 1678.

The Old Leaven.

THIS Word much followed me this Morning, being again often repeated, Let no Leaven be found in your Habitations. For there is an appointed Feast for you to eat, in which no Leaven of the old lump is therein to be tasted, who have right to the Sacrifice of the Passover. Therefore search, and as you do find hereof, throw it out, that you may shew yourselves strictly Obedient in all Sanctuary-ordinances.


March 20. 1678.

An Alarm in the Night.

IN the Night in a deep Sleep, I saw a Place, as a Tower for strength enclosed, and within it a Garden very richly replenished with Flowers and Plants of all sorts. And round about the Walls hung bright Armour of all kind, to Arm from Head to Foot. Which observing, I said to one by me, sure this presageth some War-like time, that is coming upon the Nation. But when I awaked and considered hereupon, there was another signification given to me, by this Word, which spake in me. All arm your selves within, take down the Buckler, Breast-Plates and Shield, and be you as ten Thousand strong, for the keeping of your Garden-Treasury, against which many devices are hatched to Rob, and Steal, and thereof to carry away. Therefore beware hereof, and be found throughout armed. For the Holy Spirit is still herein your Friend, for giving Advertisements against all intended evil.


March 21. 1678.
The Interpretation.

THIS Morning many things were presented from the deep Abyss, from whence the Manifold Wisdom hath fixed the visible and invisible Worlds to great admiration. Somewhat hereof did stand open, in a more nearer prospect to my internal Eye: but withdrew, so that I could give no clear account, nor make any report of the deep Mystery. Only this Word I had, saying, Keep close and remember your solemn assignments in purity of Heart and Mind to walk with God, and to stand in a Posture of defence. That at every Alarm, which ye may hear from the evil Nations, ye may take down readily from the Tower-Armory, and keep all the young set-Plants charily. For this advice was further given, It is far more easy to keep unclean and hurtful Spirits out, than when they have got in, to chase them out. The Holy Spirit sees it meet, so long as we are in this tempting Region, to be stirring us up still, by way of remembrance, that so we may not slack our work.


March 23. 1678.

The Unknown Warfare.

THE many Vicissitudes attending from the Worldly-Spirit, striving and thronging for the laying of somewhat of offence, still in our Garden-Walks, where only we should be entertained with Heaven’s Gales, blowing up the Odoriferous Sweets. But unsavory Weeds yet are permitted to spring, and to give forth evil scents, so that hereby we do find great grievance, till all of that kind be displanted. We cannot find Spiritual ease, and we cannot live all serene as in a Lebanon-Spring, till all evil Essences and Spirits be cast out. The pure Unction is hereunto assuredly driving us before him, lest we should linger and lag behind. Who upon my Souls groanings did give in this Word. Your burthens shall be all born away upon the Shoulders of Immanuel, who is touched with your grievances, and will break away the Yoke that is heavy, and set you free, that ye may follow God fully in a Warfare unknown, and that ye shall be discharged of all those entanglements, that have been so detarding to your rising-Life. Only mind your Advocate with earnest Prayer, for the accomplishment of this thing.

This Word came to me, upon some dubious working thoughts in my mind, saying, Dost thou indeed love the Lord thy God with all flowings from thy Heart? Then fear not to trust him withall, whatever does to thee pertain. Who will assign to thee Wisdom, Strength, and Honour, which shall be thy stability.


March 25. 1678.

The Living Statues.  A Vision.

OH how great an Aversion is it to a Mind, that great and bigned {enlarged} is according to an Eternal Birth-Degree, to bow, and stoop, and to be humbled under things transitory. When once it comes to calculate its high Spiritual Nativity, thereby to understand what it is born unto, in reference to that which is the right and true Heir, consisting of Powers and Celestial Dignity, though under minority. But a Word did seasonalby come in upon the bemoaning this under-age. Saying, Be of good Hope, the Dark, the Weak, and Impotent-State is out-wearing, and thou wilt see the Lord’s Jubilee, in which the first-lotted inheritance shall return again to thee. Then had I a strange kind of Vision, of a sight of two Statues, that were in a Room, where I was, and they were very beautiful, having all perfect accomplishments to outward sight, greatly taking the Eye: whereupon I made towards them, but they moved not, then I concluded they were formal Figures, that were not capable of Conversation with any, as being without intellectuals or motion of Life. Whereupon I considering they were very amiable, and what great pity it was, that they were not in an active motion; I found in my self somewhat eagerly earnest, to provoke the stirring and awakening of a Life in them. And hereunto I was busying all my internal abilities, and then they suddenly stirred, and made towards me with great and sweet affableness of Spirit. Which though at first I so much desired their acquaintance, yet when they spake, and came, and took me by the Hand, I was somewhat shy and afraid of them. But they said, Be not surprized, though you see, that which was dead, and slain to revive, and live again; this is a Mystery, ye may further see into, as ye do believe in the Resurrection.


March 29. 1678.

The Parable of a Mill.   In Vision.

THE Word that visited me this Morning was this, When thou to God thy Father dost Pray, Watch, and Weigh all Words thou dost say. Let that Golden Plumb-line of the Spirit measure out all of your requests, that your Prayers henceforth may carry force, and not go on in a customary fruitlessness, according to what now is in general use. Therefore to the Wise understanding Spirit, repair, to draw up all your Petitions, who only knows what will be heard. Wherefore let him only enterceed in you: and learn to stop the Spirits, that would go forth in forms of Words, where is wanting the pure white Sail of Faith to spread over the moving Wheel.


April 1. 1678.

THEN was given me a resemblance to confirm this Word, as thus, There was presented to me a green Flourishing-Hill, and upon this high Ascent there seemed to be a fine framed-Mill, that stood still, and did no way move to grind that which was brought into it. Upon which the Person who was within was called upon to move the Engin, that thereto did belong: But he said they were too heavy, he could not stir them, he waited for a gale of Wind. Nay, (the Voice cryed) First put on clean and white Sails. For those which were upon it, appeared to be a sullied and torn. Without ye do observe this, no gale of Wind will be effectual. Of this make application to your selves.


April 2. 1678.
The Interpretation of the former Vision.

THE foregoing Vision was explained to me very emphatically. Concerning the Fine Timbered-Mill, it was shewed that it did signifie the internal Frame and Habitation of the Spirit. Which sometimes may be in a cessation of motion, through the impairing of those Spiritual Engins, of the superiour Mind, that should powerfully work in their course for grinding down that, which is Food, for the Spirit to live upon. And what is that? but that precious Grain that is sown, and dissolved in the Ground of Christ, ... the Lord’s pure Humanity. And we as in Union with him, have the same Life-Seed buried in our refined Earth, and of it springs up unto a substantial Grain, contacted all of Heavenly-matter, and so an entire Body. But in this lieth the great Mystery, to have it made ready for Bread to eat thereof, and to live for ever. And how is this to be done? But by the superiour Engins of the Soul, as they are all set a work for the breaking and bruising this Golden Grain as into a Powder. For while it remains in an unbroken Body, no virtual Power and Strength can be felt. That is, as most do run up their Eye to a Glorified Humanity; not considering, that this must be drawn down into a dispersive Power, that so it might move through all, and every property, and this is that, which becomes Principally the saving Jesus, to us. But it may be asked, what these Engins are? Or what these working-Powers are in a well, holy framed-mind, that can cull and separate, and winnow out from the husk and stalk, in which first appearance, it comes forth unready Meat for the Spirit thereof to eat? Now what must unhusk it of its chaffy-cloathing? but the threshing instrument, which must have a time to grow up into ripeness: then there will be a more easy separation of the vile husk from the solid Grain. Thus through hand beating, the Spiritual-seed is made meet for its Master’s use. But it must undergo & endure many a sharp blow before the chaffy Matter will fly away. Which is known by experience, that we by many tribulations do pass through the fanning away, that which does stick so close to the pure Life-seed, that is saved, and separated for so choice and eminent use, as to be dissolved, and made defusive through every part, as the only restorative Medicine. Which may make a full cure of the broken State, that the sinful husk of Mortality hath plunged us into. Therefore the Spirit by the similitude doth shew, what powerful Engins are to move for the grinding down, that which is the Golden-Stone, that is to make the transformation upon the Earthly-part. For we do well know, that while the Sails do stand still, no increase or multiplying food is brought in to any effect. Which hath occasioned the great suffering in Spiritual-Famine, and Nakedness; upon which the Holy Spirit did counsel us to look into this Mysterious thing, and to observe these following Rules.

The First is to pluck off those old withered Sails, which were opened to be the Dead, Actless, and Lifeless Faith, that the sensitive Spirit hath putrefied and spoiled, so that the Heavenly-gales could have no Power to move the Wheel; nor can have force when the Sails of Faith are so torn, and divided betwixt doubting and believing, which is shewn to be the main stop, that the framed-Mill cannot work.

The Second Rule is to be of one absolute and entire Will, that may resist all contradiction to the ancient and right kind of Faith, which the Saints of old possessed, by which all Wonders were wrought. One true Grain of Faith bruised, and dispersed through Nature’s Ground, will flow out to do, and effect that, which the whole World cannot check. Oh where in this day are to be found those, who are trained up in Wisdom’s School to know the Art and Skill of spinning Faith’s white Linnen-Sails, where no Warp is of the Woolen of sense, in which fear and doubting are mingled. It is no marvel, when we are called up to stir the superiour Engins of our Minds, that they are so dull and heavy, that they do not move. It is well given us to see, where the obstruction is. Therefore the Holy Spirit does us tell, that great need there is for us to learn to spin the Thread of Faith, much more fine, single and longer out; for all yet have been too short, both for breadth and height, for the spreading out in concurrence with the Eternal gust, that doth blow most deep from the Celestial-World. Therefore into this secret we must search, and whom shall we make our Friend herein? But the Wisdom of the Mighty One, who will teach us to make this fine Linnen-Cloth for Sails, and to cloathe our Household with Scarlet. Where to none we shall be inferiour, if once we come to make the Engin-Powers of God’s Spirit in us to display, then it will be our day, wherein Strength, Riches, and Honour shall encompass us round as our blessing, when we have found this one Jewel of pure Faith.

O dear Wisdom, to thee we must repair for this and entreat thy favour very much, to drink of that Spicy-Cup: One Magia draught of which, will make us of a sharp and quick understanding, to perceive what lies under the covering of Humanity. Which hath been so thick a Vail, that we have good reason to enquire, what will rarify the sight, that so invisible things may be conspicuous, and naked to the internal Eye, for that affects, and carries the Heart along with it. There is a Golden Ball, some which Wisdom’s hand must drop into the Fire-Eye of the Soul, to make it of a bright shining light; to be in the Vision of God; As John was, who could never have beheld the Heavenly things themselves, Characterized out in such a Metaphorical way, but through the gift of this rich Salve. Which in a wonderful mystical way is applied to the dim-Eye, which can behold nothing of Celestial objects in the higher Sphere. Therefore this precious Oyntment is all meet, to be sought for, and though some have been here withal anointed, for divine Openings and internal Revelations, yet that is not sufficient. There is something else, that this is to effect, through often application hereof, for it must be a continued Act from the hand of the Spirit of Wisdom, till Vision shall transform into the likeness of those perfect Objects, and transparent things beheld. Then it does its work fully, according as it is written, When we see him, we shall be like unto him. Then all the Engin-Powers of the Soul in their Primary-Glory will act, and discharge whatever hath clogged, and been a stop to their superiour motion, having new Spiritual faculties and members to work withal the mighty Deeds of God. Indeed then there will be no more complaint, that the Eye is blind, the Ear deaf, the Tongue bound, the Arm short for marvelous things to effect. Now then from this considerable teaching-word, consider what we are to follow on still for: till with this perfect Medicine, and all-Soveraign Potion, we are inriched by free donation. Ah Lord ! for this remember us: who have sought this rich Grain, and Eye-Salve, wholly and fully.


April 7. 1678.

The Blessing.

THE greater part of this Night, I passed in a high Spiritual Contaction, with the Mystical presence of that immense goodness seen, wherein the Spirit-Life Essence existeth. But before I could draw in all Spiritual Forces and Powers, for the vivifying and chafing the Life-Blood of the interiour Man’s Will and Mind, I had somewhat of a deep conflict, with which I encountered, before I could reach into divine sensation, and feeling touches from the invisible Body. All which had been suspended more than usual which was my grievance, of which I did much unburthen my Soul, in a silent way of Praying, that was in heaviness through many Temptations, and I much pressed to be delivered out from them. Remembering that was one of Christ’s Petitions in the Lord’s Prayer, not to be led into Temptation, but if in it, then to find an escape out of it. Which now was experienced, by a manifestation of a Sumptuous-Chair, let down with a Person setting in it, with a Crown upon his Head, very Amiable and Glorious, reaching out his Arms, calling to come, and to prostrate before his Mercy-Seat, from whence I heard the blessing pronounced, saying, God, even Thy God, give thee of the dew of Heaven, and the precious things, out of the everlasting deep, and let People serve, and Nations bow down to the rising-Star, that over thy Earth shall have Dominion. This was both amazing, and consolating after my Agony. Drawing me up, and transporting my Spirit into an excessive sweetness of Love’s freedom with him whom I had seen in Vision. From which my Spirit found all liberty of Speech to Eccho to this Love-Salutation back again. So that my Night was turned into Day, and my Heaviness into Joy.

But now the great concern is, how to keep up in a raised divine posture of Mind, answerable to the degree of Light and Revelation given in. For it is shewn, that is it, which will entail and make sure this great blessing. And the Holy Unction did give further Counsel, To present the Father, (who doth set now upon the Mercy-Seat) with an Able’s offering, to wit, with the firstling and fat of all the flock, that is, to be found in the field of refined Nature. This verily will commend us to God our Father, and give us favour with him, so as we need not matter all Creaturely unkindness. If Jehovah will us bless, and be our countenance, it will be Jacob’s Enough, to which alone let our Faith stick. For there is very much in it, as the Holy Ghost shall make out the property of Blessing, in all its various out-flowing Powers, according to these particulars unfolded.

As First from the Dew of Heaven falling down, to enrich and make the Seed to spring, which under the binding Earth doth lye. The Celestial mist is that, which makes the inward Ground to thrive and multiply to the Thousand fold, as Abraham’s visible increase of Cattle, and Goods were; which grew to that abundance, as the Places were too strait, where ever he went, to contain them. Even so it may be considered Spiritually of this degree of Blessing, upon whom it shall rest. This internal Frame, and Model, as confined within this form of Corporeity, will be found much too strait: for the out-birth must depart and give way, that so the strife may cease, and full inlargement may come in, according to the utmost bounds of an Abraham’s blessing; which was so excessive great, Figuratively, to let us know and understand the line of Blessing, that it should run in this Age far more high, as we shall come capable hereof. Now let us enquire, What will qualifie us for Blessings of this high Nature and Degree, that so we may not be the Tail but the Head, in all Rule and Authority over the Nations within, and the World without? The way and rule, which the Holy Spirit hath prescribed for it, is obedience to the law of Faith. Whose precepts run the Soul upon the Ground of all-sufficiency: Nothing less, than God’s all-sufficiency stands before its Eye; resting upon that Omnipotency, that calleth those things that are not, for to be. Which saith not in the Heart, how can this be? That a dead Womb should bring forth a living Seed, or the vile sinful Body be made pure, and unrebukeable, nay, Angelical and Powerful? For to them, in whom the law of Faith is written, what is it that shall be impossible; if they decree any thing in this Spirit of Faith, Almighty Power is at hand to make it good. If they will to do any Miraculous Cures, either Internal, or External, it may be effected, by keeping to the exact rule and method of this highest degree of Faith. Which hath been sunk down so deep in Nature’s Ground, that it is incredible, that ever it should be brought up in any for activity. But the Earth shall not always cover her slain, for the Celestial-Dew, shall make this dead Faith to live in Christ’s raised Body; and yet do wonders again in those, who are of the Sealed-Number.

Then the Second qualification in order to the obtaining this high degree of Blessing, is the pure working source of Love, that boyls up like a Pot of perfumed Oyntment: this carrieth a strong force indeed. For nothing hath greater Power with God the Father, than the strong melting Fire of Love, which over-looks all checks and denials, being resolved to pursue the Blessing. When Isaac put Jacob hard to it; to have a confirmation, whether or no, he was the right and first-born Heir of the Blessing; The great vehement Love, made him plead and stand to it, and over-look the difficulty of a repulse from his Father, and thereby he supplanted Esau in his Birth-right. Likewise again, when he was proved the second time, if he had not wrestled hard and resolvedly, not to let go his hold, till the Blessing was again confirmed upon him, he had lost it. Thus through the continued pursuit, he conquer’d all. Which the Holy Teacher hath called up for your example, not only to be strong in Faith, but ardent in Love. Which hath so much of God’s own Nature in it, as it overcometh all things. So that it may be said, what resistance can be made against Love, that is pure and unfeigned? It dissolveth the very Stone, wherein all Powerful virtue lieth. It enters where nothing else can. It is a Spirit-flame, that can ascend, where the Mine of all Treasury doth lie. Our Lord Jesus Knew the great efficaciousness of this Love, when he prayed, that the Love where withal, the Father did love him, might be in them, who were given unto him, for that would be of mighty Potency. Therefore to whom ever it is given for to love much, such will have the greatest share of the Blessing. Now by all this, our Eyes may be opened to see, what will necessarily qualifie us. Whereupon we are exhorted to mind, and look into it, and to examine whether or no, we have this high provoking Love kindled in us, which may mingle with God’s own flaming Nature of Love, so as to kiss each other. Then may it be concluded, this may be the time of Love, that whatever we ask, we may receive. Oh happy were we, if we could arrive to this vehement strong Love, Faith working with it wisely, maintaining the Furnace, that may keep it up boyling. Truly it is evidently shew’d unto me, that this hath been the great set-back, and let in the rising of the perfect Love, to wit, the Water-floods that have so often quenched the Furnace, so that we never could keep up Love to its boyling height. Sometimes in the heat of a Love-Passion from the perswasion of the Holy Trinity, it may force pure Love from us, then cooled it is again, as sensible objects and things do come in to smother the Life-flame. So that till the Love fire does get the Mastery, we must expect to be great sufferers, and thereby the Blessing sought will be still prolonged, till Love gets the Victory by immutability. But now what is to be considered for our help in this respect? Shall we always subject be to this Mobility and Life-extinguishments, and Love-coolings? No: the Ghostly Comforter hath proposed a remedy, if we can give to him, our Eyes, Ears, and Heart, then we shall have his Love shed into us, so as to see it a bubbling-spring. Now then it is given us, as in a Glass for to see, what will provoke, and raise our Love to this high degree of a Nuptial-tye, which never can be loosened, either in Time or Eternity. Oh! What shall be able to separate from the Love of God, (Now observe the Emphasis) that is in Christ Jesus? This is that, which tieth the knot so fast betwixt God and us, that there is no loosening of it; because his Blood-Life is so shed into our Nature, and doth gradually change us into his perfect Humanity. But this Birth comes on by degrees to the Unity of the Faith. While it is young, wisdom and care must be taken for to hide it: for there is a great confederacy in the Herodian-Kingdom to root out, and destroy it. (This the wise in Spirit do foresee.) If preserved till unto full Age, then this Love-Birth will undoubtedly be a Conquerour, and will come and Reign, till no more an evil Spirit be left to offend, throughout all Nature’s properties. But during this state of Infancy warned we are, (as Joseph was) to fly out from all, that would kill in the place of breaking forth, and growing up, and to make away with this Heir. Now the Virgin-Mother of this Holy-Birth is all tender, to fore-spy any Conspiracy, and it always gives its own Natural, and Celestial Food, that it may be nourished in the Wilderness, till the time, and half time is accomplished. Then is it to go forth in Strength, Power, and Force: and then we need no Herod, or Pontius Pilate to fear, because raised above their low Sphear, impowerd from God-Almighty, to possess the Blessing of the everlasting Kingdom, in Peace, Joy, and Righteousness. As our Lord ascended into Heaven, Blessing his own, whom he left in the World: Now again, he is to descend with all, and every Heavenly Blessing to bless all those in whom this Love-Seed hath been tenderly cherished. For this the Holy Spirit hath now left with us in charge, to watch over it, as Joseph and Mary did over Jesus during his Minority. Because this is the Seed to whom only the utmost Riches, and fulness of every Blessing in Heavenly or Earthly places doth belong. Thus in the way of divine Rule, we are still to go on, and not as impatient to think it tedious or long, but wait for this Birth of Love in us, yet to grow more Mighty and Strong, to enter us into the very essential Being. Wherefrom we may command all, and every kind of Blessing. Thus in Blessing, we shall be Blessed. To which, O Love-flame, bring us up above all Seas and Floods, that would it either kill or quench.


April 11. 1678.

The Lamb’s Warriours.

THIS Word given by way of Counsel to us was: Come, come, and hide within the Bridegroom’s Chamber. For Vials upon the outward Court, and Whorish Principle are upon pouring out, haste and fly away from whatever of this ye do feel in your own properties of Nature stirring, and in this respect do you hide from your own Flesh, for that is all treacherous. Therefore be ye sure to run into the secret Rock-cleft, that is very near to you, nay, in you. For destruction and waste, are determined upon the goodliness of all Flesh. Then had I a sudden prospect, of a great Train of Bodies, that gave a lustre, and moved with such swiftness, as no Horse could keep pace with them. And it was said, These are those, that shall fight the Battles of the Lamb, and bring him to reign on (and over) the Earth; that all Kingdoms, and Nations, may serve him, as appearing in his Saints.


April 13. 1678.

The Nest-Hunters.

THIS Night in the Sleep-Magia, I saw several Nest-Hunters that searched the common Hedges and Trees, that were reachable, the Birds so soon as they were Hatched, to take them away. And when they found Eggs only, they sucked them. Such were these ravenous Birds of prey, though in Corporeal shapes. Then was there a Cry from on high, saying, Thus it will be while any build their Nest, where a common thorough-fair is, that is not raised above the stature of a Man. Consider the wise Eagle, that buildeth on high, where the Vultures Eye cannot spy. This may be very fitly applyed, to this our present State. Which thus was explained, That every pure motion is as the offspring of the Heavenly Being, and it from its first conception, a warm Birth-Nest must have, where nothing may disturb, scatter, or disperse it. Which will be in peril hereof, if placed in the highway Hedge, which does present the common thorough-fair of the Mind: The Nimrod-Hunters will certainly take, and root out every sublime Cogitation, before they are perfectly winged with Power to fly up to their Author. Therefore wisely we are cautioned, Eagle-like to build on high, above the stature and reach of the Man of fallen Reason, whose arm will be too short, to reach those Holy Faith Conceptions, which are hatched on that high Cedar-Tree, which in Christ, who is the rich Ground of Lebanon, doth grow above all those Shrubs, and wild Plants of profuse imaginariness, that so hurtful are. Therefore evermore lodge your thoughts on high.


April 16. 1678.

The Essential Matter of the Universal Blessing.

THIS considerable Word passed through me, as I was longing, and in an eager pursuit to find God, and to lose that which was not capable of such unconceivable Purity and Glory, abiding in this Mortal frame, which is compacted together of sensitive parts. Now it was cryed in my hearing, What can retain God? Nothing, verily but the New Heavens framed in Man’s Nature, all Spiritual, descending from the Eternal Element, for congealing such a Body, as the high Spirit of Eternity may move free, in supernatural faculties: for no such Schism is to be in the Body of God. This is that wonderful Creation, that Jesus Christ will work forth, through the Holy Ghost, in those, who would ever live in God, and forget the earthly self. Now then we are Counselled to cherish that rising birth of Love, that would reach, and bring us to this Principal-Dignity.

The Spirit did also further shew, that in this New Model the Essential Ground of Universal Blessing is existing: for what else can Bless till leavened it be, all through with the rich spice of the Deity, for a thorough Change in every property of the Soul. This is that, which must renew Nature, into its Primeral Beauty of Wisdom and Perfection. Nothing can do it, but what open is from the deep Original-Ground, from whence Spirits are generated in Angelical figures, for the bearing a very God-like Signature. This is the Essential matter and substance, of the High blessing. This is the substance of the most High blessing, which we are directed to, as the root of all Eternal matter: from whence the Tree of fruitful Blessings, in all their distinct and various operations, doth successively act forth. For the bundle of Life, and the Treasures out of Wisdom’s Ocean, may be commandable, when God in any one shall introduce this high Nature, and sow in pure Essences. That which may work through every part, for the over-cloathing it with excellency of Spirit, as with its covering. Which the Lord will grace the Birth of Love withal: For the revenue of Love’s Blessing will come then into our own Hands, that we shall have the Power of disposal. As the Father did commit all Power to the Son, who through suffering had learned Obedience: so we being found after his Example, may derive such high credit from our Lord Jesus, as to be found Incorporated, and Dignified in the very Life-Essence of this our Lord Jesus Christ.


April 20. 1678.

Redeem the Hour.

THIS Morning this Word sprang in me, saying, Time’s Mystery will shortly be finished: for the half hours Minutes are running swift. Who so then are wise will redeem the Spirit’s day, before the Night of great Tribulation come upon them. It is meet to know, and understand, what the Lord is a doing in this day. The blind in Mind, and the gross of Heart can see nothing hereof: but where the Eye of the Mind is clear, and the Heart purified, they will come to know beforehand great and secret things, from the Counsel of the Lord. But then the Holy Spirit does give caution fully hereunto, to attend for continual enquiry. Since that is all necessary, for seeing into what lyeth beyond the reach of all Mortal sense. The Heaven-born and Illuminated Spirit is apt alone to lay its Ear to hear, what will still be spoken from the Lord. Because by the outspoken word into us, we do in Spiritual nature attain to the perfect Measure and Degree thereof. Therefore it is the concern of our Superiour-Life to wait hereupon: as the outward Man is in daily Labour for his food; so we for the getting in this our Eternal Manna, our Life-food. For we well know, our strength will else fail, and then we are fit for no work in our Spiritual calling. Which neglect by no reason is now to be allowed, lest the Night come suddenly upon us.


May 8. 1678.

A Call to the Mount of Divine Vision.

A Call there is to the Exile to return into the secret Pavilion, where God only does appear, and does declare his living Testimony. For who else can have freedom of conversation from this high Sphear, with the perfect One. To which height of Dignity, some out of this gross Earth called out may be, as Companions for the Holy Trinity. But then we must sue out a divorce from all Creatures, and things that are mean and base. Because the just One will appropriate to himself all that is in the Mind and Will, there the Tabernacle of Witness is all-powerfully opened. Therefore there is an absolute necessity so to do, for such, who would maintain intimate Friendship with their God: they must keep from all and every defilement, which does readily cling about the Spirit of the Mind. This by experience hath done great injury to the espoused Soul, upon which Wisdom hath uttered her Voice, Crying through me, and saying, O ye foolish of Heart, when will ye be of such a perfect understanding, as to foresee and avoid the dark and slippery way, which does lead from God’s Mount of Vision. Behold and see, the Tabernacle-Lamp is set for light, that so you may see your way, and be guided back again to the most Holy Place of Purity. For this know, ye cannot blossom nor be fruitful, without ye still abide in God’s own Sanctuary, whereby living Waters did ever flow thereupon to make it for to grow.

Then after this Word, there was a representation of a Person, in the visible Firmament, walking there all AEthereal, Pure and Bright. But while I fastened my Eye upon it, it descended, and as soon as it came into this Region, the same that appeared so Celestial, was changed into a Terrestrial Corporeal Form, like to the Inhabitants of this World, but soon after the same ascended up, and walked in the Air, as it was before all AEthereal. When I came to consider it, the meaning hereof was opened unto me, by the present Comforter, who after the way of Spirit, gave it thus unto me. That this clear and AEthereal Body, that in the Element did appear, was for this end shewn, to convince us of that high, and pure Region, or Eternal Element: Whereto we should Ascend, and therein have our Walks in a pure and uncorrupted Air, from the super-Celestial Heavens: for that should be ever our settled Place and Home.

For this Vision did present our own Figures in a new Celestial-Body. For this hath been experienced at Times and Seasons, when the Mind hath been drawn out from all low and Terrestrial things, and suffered nothing of this outward Principle so much, as to touch it. Then immediately it hath been overcloathed with the one Pure Element, and all in Light environed: though it be yet, as to the outward appearance still in the form of a Mortal Body. Which cannot hinder nor prevent the Spirit of the Mind, to pass away in its own Incorporeal cloathing, to its Eternal AEther. From whence it came, thereto it will be often ascending; When once it comes to know its own high consistency, from and by which it may take its flight. Which is revealed to be these Powers, that the Spiritual Body is compounded of, and are hid within the Natural.

The First is a Potency of Will, that is so resolute for Conversation, within the Circle of the Pure Element, with the Holy Trinity, that it will admit of no controul, but can resist and put by all subtle drawings down, and drivings back, from its Father’s Mansion, fixed in the Heavenly Region. Because it knows when ever the Will-Spirit has been prevailed on by the Wiles, and Insinuating Powers of Darkness from this evil World, so as to fall in, and to be at Amity and Concord with it: and accordingly to fashion itself to the course, and manner of the Inhabitants of this World: What Internal Soul-sufferings it hath been under, which none can discern, or judge of, but those who have been Spiritually exercised therein. Whose lot and gift it is to be admitted into those free, and high Familiarities with the Holy Trinity; For such to come down into a low and Earthly Conversation, is a great aggravation of Trouble and Sorrow to the Spirit, that has had its walks with God, in the Light of Life. Where all Joy, Peace, and Tranquillity, do surround as a Guard.

Now the Other Powers that are helps to wing the Soul, for its Bosom-rest, are Faith and Love, they having the Eternal gusts from the AEthereal Region, do mount with Mighty force the Potent Will-Spirit, into the Celestial Harbour. Which doth so Clarify, and put another Form, and Transparency on it, so long as it abides there. It perfectly finds it self fashioned into another Image, which does most suitably agree, for fellowship with the Supreme goodness, and the Holy Train of Just and Perfect Spirits.

Oh, who is able to set forth the Glory and Excellency of such a Transportation as this, when the Heavens shall bow, and as a Curtain be drawn about, enclosing round the Holy aspiring Mind, which is all filled from the Fountain-head of Springing Joys, and unconceivable Pleasures, (as the tastes or first Fruits of what will be the constant Food, Portion and Habitation) from the refreshing Glory of God, opening in the Life’s Center. Which as an Ocean-Sea will flow to cover and drown the Gross, Dark, and Earthly part, that nothing thereof may be more a Trouble to it.

But it may be Queried, who and where are such, that can be with the bright Heavens in such a high degree, thus involved with God, for any duration of time? or abstracted with God from all of this Earthly Region? In answer to this: It is no new thing, but what has been Witnessed in foregoing Ages. A cloud of Witnesses is recorded hereof, in the Holy Scriptures, as Enoch, and Moses, Elisha, Elias, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Steven, Paul, and John: They were caught up with God to see, and hear, what the invisible Heavens did shew. From which they did give forth all their Records, from clear Sight, and Inspiration. Upon which all the Holy Patriarchs, and Prophets, and Apostles attended. They neither framed nor formed any matter, but as the Holy Ghost gave it unto them, knowing no other Ministry, but what was immediately dictated unto them by Vision and Revelation. They were contented to be dumb and silent, till the Lord gave them Words, Fresh Words, from time to time, to utter. They who were called hereunto, were not to go off their Watch-Tower, but to keep to their undefiled walks, where the Spirit from Jesus meets with a full lading of all precious Truths.

But it may be further Objected, There is now, and hath been a long season, a mighty stop to the running streams of these Revelations. If none should Preach or Minister out of the old Store, there would be a Famine indeed, throughout the whole Earth, and barrenness and deadness would be the effects of such silence. As to this grand Objection, Mind, and give Credit to that Spirit, which hath not ceased to reveal God’s secrets, and to give forth to the pure in Heart his Counsel. Which was this, The former Words and Testimonies given forth by inspiration have been, and are of sacred use, as the Spirit shall them open, and expound, and take up afresh the deep Mysteries therein hid, for to unfold. As the Holy Scriptures themselves may be divided into these parts, Historical, Doctrinal, Prophetical, Allegorical, and Parabolical. Wherein are included such Mysteries as will puzzle any, Nay, the highest light of Reason and Wisdom of the whole Creation, to find out; till the Holy Ghost be poured forth, for the clear and right sight, and understanding of those wonderful secrets, that by obscure Similitudes are set forth. Which are as a strong enclosure and seal upon them, till the Spirit be poured from on High, to give the true Sense and Knowledge of God’s own Mind in them. As there are Prophesies contained in them, that are yet to be fulfilled, they are not to be neglected nor dispised, but owned, as the express of God’s Mind; that is not to be shut up, nor confined, but enlarged upon by the same Spirit, that did in that day inspire those, who were anointed hereunto: and is now again present to open the rich Bank, from whence those First Fruits of Revelation were drawn forth. For there is yet a vast Treasury behind, that is to be fetched out: but by whom? Not by any common Spirit, that would both a Heavenly and Earthly interest drive on together, No, My Lord hath said it again, and again, it cannot be. That any such searcher can be meet to enter into those unknown depths, is all impossible, but such Spirits, as can hereunto wholly addict themselves: And withal do find some mighty Drawings, and Instigations, from the Supream working Agent, that would employ them in this high Ministry. And therefore he does make choice of those, who are Vigilant, Constant, and Vehement in Love, and carried out beyond all Faintings, Discouragements, Fears, and Dauntings, as not caring to give offence to Earthly awing Spirits, which Iron Bar upon this account, he must be resolute to break through. For perfect Love rideth over all fear of this kind. Which like a Saphire burning Stone goeth through a Mountain of Earth, and as Lightning burns up all Briers, and every thorny Shrub, that in its way does stand. For of such a resolute Spirit, the Lord’s Holy Seers and Prophets must resolve in themselves to be: Or else what trust in Eternal Counsels and Secrets, can from out of Wisdom’s Treasury be intrusted with them? Who requires the whole Bark of the Mind, as knowing, she hath rich Goods enough to replenish it withal: and likes not, that the Soul, (who to this high Function is set apart,) should take in any trashy or light matters, and concerns; for that does make confusion, and a Wrack in the Mind. For by known experience, it raiseth the Dark Mists, and Muddeth the Chrystal Glass, through which we do see Eternal objects and things. But the Crowds and Noise of this Earthy Camp, do put a stop to the Inspeakings, and Eternal Sounds, which are sent forth from God’s Throne.

Now by all this, the Spirit and Word of Truth doth unto us shew, what is required of those, who are to be Stewards of the Heavenly Mysteries, and who are to be lodged in Christ’s Bosom of Revelation, as his Friend and Bride, to renew a fresh stock of Light, Wisdom, and Understanding, for the compleating what is yet behind. The reason, why we have stuck at such a low stature in this matter, is because we have not kept up to our AEthereal Region. But according as the Vision did shew, have often dropped down therefrom, as not able to keep our Saphire-Habitation, till such time, as our Natures were so sublime, as nothing of this Earthly-Climate could be able to change, as to the Face and Purity of our Minds: or any Corrupted soil deface our Heavenly Image. For thus it was with our Lord Jesus, who is set forth for our Pattern: From whose Spirit, we may be raised to this high Degree, as to meet him in this pure Element, in the Heavenly place to hear and see wonderous things; if we are contented to trust our selves beyond the Shadows of what in common hath been seen, and to commit our selves to the safe conduct of the Spirit, and so to launch with him, into that unknown Circle-Element, where only Pure Eternal Saphire-Spirits do appear, and do only declare matters of high and Eternal import. Which puts a Divine and Transparent Beauty of Holiness upon each one, who are hereto carried up. For as Earthly Inhabitants do Smell all of the course Rudiments of this World, and are black and deformed, from the intemperate Element, to which they are Subjected. So behold and see, you would among these obtain a high and more excellent Degree of shining Purity, by something of that Spicy-Element. O that some one, or other, would adventure, upon the terms Specified, to give a new Probatum in this last Age.


May 10. 1678.

The Key of the Properties of Eternal Nature.

BEING waiting this Morning in my Spirit, for some fresh Discovery, and Visitation, all being quiet and still within. I then saw a Place, whereupon was the Engraving of a Key, held by the Form of a Hand, and there was Written about it, This is that which has Power to open the seven Properties of Eternal Nature. The Engraving was so plain, as I could read it, though my outward Eyes were closed. Ah Lord! Open this deep thing, and shew it in its own Simplified meaning; for sure there is much in it.


May 12. 1678.

The Mountain-Seal.

THIS word I had further given me in upon these Properties. A great Mountain of Earth does yet lie upon them, and before them, therefore it is impossible for it to dissolve away. Grudge not therefore thy time here wholly to spend, and fixedly here stand, imploring and calling upon Great Jehovah, (from His great Name Engraven within the Table of thy Heart) then may you see it rend away, as Joshuah did by that name Jah, divide Jordan’s Floods, and so make this Mountain to pass away: That the Key may come to reach the seven Properties, which will surely bring to the perfect Restoration.


May 15. 1678.
The Interpretation.

THE Vision of the Key, which openeth the seven Properties of Eternal Nature, was to me explained, from the spring of Wisdom, and Fountain of understanding. For which I besought with great earnestness the immense Goodness, for that Spirit which might sound the depths hereof. Whereupon this Word was ministered, Where Truth is found in the inward Parts, there I will cause to know Wisdom. That is this Key that doth lie hid in the hidden Mind, that only can unlock Eternal Nature, which hath lain as a Mountain-Seal, fast enclosed, and shut up under Sin’s defiling Nature. Therefore all need there is, for the calling up the high Counsel of the Holy Trinity, to make this heavy Mountain to pass away. Which is that dark Form and Body of Sin, that does so vigorously exercise its adverse properties, in Nature’s depravities. Which while they be in their active force, the Superiour Powers of Eternal Nature are as over-clouded and extinct.

Now the Holy Inspirour does proceed in this method: First to shew what are the adverse Properties, which must be brought to an Annihilation before the other can break forth. Our strange introduced Birth hath the Essence of all evil in it, opening from a dark Ground: from whence our degenerated Nature does put forth many evil Properties, as Harshness, Wrathfulness, Bitterness, also, Envy, Malice, Hatred, and Strength of self-Love towards the pampering up this strange Monster, in the Pride and Vain-Glory of an Earthly-Life, in Craft and Covetousness. These are the first Fruits, that do put forth themselves from the dark Ground of Dying, and Temporary Nature. But this we have not only to do withal, for to put to Condemnation: But other Qualities there are, that are to be Purged out of all Nature’s Ground. Though these Qualities are of a more seeming good, in Relation to a God and to his Holiness in Worship, yet here they must come to the Furnace-Tryal, before the Judge of the inward Court, that is set in the Mind to judge betwixt the Dead and Quick Essences, and to search out, what is alive at the Root, and what is dead. For it is a considerable thing to know, from what Center all divine Worship and Services, that do pertain to a Holy Convocation, do proceed. If only what may be learned from outward Precept, and from literal Knowledge, (though taken from Scripture-Rules) it may prove but Formal and Dead: Imitated as a Picture, that has Figure without Life; and so numbered may be, among the Evil and Unfruitful and Dead works. Because, if searched into, they issue not from a fresh Fountain-Spring, that the Unction of Wisdom and Light is to give by fresh and new Operations, as waited upon Day by Day. Therefore we are to try all Speakings, Prayings, and Offerings, in Sanctuary and Church-Assemblings. For thus it is shewn in the Glass of the Spirit: who is come all of this to lay open, that so we might not still lie under a spiritual defraud, to raise the living Temple of the Lord’s Body, from a dead Foundation; as if the Hand of the Almighty Power were altogether restrained, and shut up from these, who are his earnest Seekers. No, verily Stores and Materials, that have not yet been visibly seen, will be given forth to those, who are elected for to repair Mount-Sion’s Tabernacle. They shall, as in the days of Solomon, have all in abundance from the Heavenly Country, and Region, wherein all Precious things are contained, to Build and Beautifie the Places of God’s Residence. And no need or use there will be made, of what looks old, and as a Flower is all wither’d and decay’d. For from the deep rooted stock of Life, whose Ground purged is, and from Heaven’s Dew is moistened, may be expected a new shooting forth in fresh Colours, Beauty and Glory as the old may pass away. This and this only will make out and give proof, that the quick Stock of the Immense fulness abideth here: and the Holy Teacher hath advised this, that a mighty Degree of Wisdom, Light, and Knowledge, surpassing what has yet been, will rise and encrease upon the Temple-Builders. Therefore God will, for the bringing in of Stability upon this New Model, and High-framed Piece, that without material Hands, it shall be brought forth, not only to Men’s but to Angel’s Amazement. Nothing beyond this Wonder will be seen, for God to become the Tabernacle of those, who are fallen into Polluted Gross Forms, and that in a visible Body of Transparency. This is yet to be known and manifested: and that which must magnifie, and aggravate, and heighten the Glory of this Mystery, is, that this change will come upon some, while yet alive in the Mortal Body, to turn them out of a Fleshly Corruptibility, into a Vehicle made up in all perfect Spirituality, for subsistency with the Holy Trinity. Who after this manner the New Jerusalem, that hath been seen in Vision by John, and others since his Day, will now perfectly frame. By fashioning those dark and course Elementary Forms, into AEthereal Pure matter, that may abide with God, without Shame, and Contempt; because Transfigured as the Lord Christ was upon the Mount.

Now the Holy Revealer of secrets, doth further shew How this will be brought to pass. Which will be only by awakening the Properties of Eternal Nature, that have been entombed and buried under Dying Sinful Nature. But, What, and who, is sufficient to stir and raise up this invincible Power, which pertains to Eternal Nature? may be Objected. It is answered, that deep calleth upon deep to open the shut-up-Properties. Which is the out-cry of our own Eternal Spirits, that are enclosed in a strange and dark Nature, and would break through it, and come to rest in its own Element. And if the Will-Spirit does go forth with all its force, Power and Might, it may be all-effectual to enter the Cabinet, where the Deity doth lie hid in Simplified Nature, that is without any mixture of Corruptibility. For know, God will never resist what is of his own, which is part of his Essential Being, that cannot longer bear to be dis-joined from its Originality. Because as it is a Naked Spirit, having no cloathing of Power or Might; while thus it abides distinct, it suffers much by reason of the want of those adjunctive Powers, concurring and incorporating with it; being set upon and encompassed with what proceeds from the old Natural Sin-properties, which are Strong and Potent, to cross and thwart the enlightened part of the inward Man. Therefore the Eternal Spirit in us knowing upon what disadvantage it is, cannot cease to Cry, and make out for more Strength and Aid to come in, to overcome the Mighty, that will give no liberty, but will still bind the Will-Spirit under Oppression. From hence, we are made to consider, what may help, and loosen it, from this Thraldom, and Egyptian-Bondage, that it is evermore subjected to, while it remains in Nature’s depravity. And truly the long experience we have had of the Impotencies that do attend us, being still crushed and born down, as occasion is Ministered, doth abundantly convince us. For who can yet say, that all of this World is overcome, and all Rule and Authority brought under the Kingdom of God? It is yet (Alas!) come so to none, as to bear the Scepter of Royal Soveraignty: If it were, the Fame thereof, we should describe not only by Words; but Deeds like Lightning would run through to the utmost ends of the Earth. Far be it from us, then to rest in any of those ascending Degrees: but let us still make forward, and pitch our Eye upon the seven Throne-Properties, that only can instate into the great Dominion, that will be limited to no Creaturely Impositions.

But is it so, Cryes the Spirit, that hath been so long Bowed under, and Yoked unto Decrepit and vile Corporeity, That such a door of Grace and Hope is set open, to pass out of the old House of Nature, and our Eternal Spirits therefrom to break away to the seven Spirits that stand before the Antient of Days? Oh, what then may we conclude will be done for us, who have been so long in old desolate Nature? All do lie in our own Eternal Spirit’s untackling it self, and breaking through Mortality to reach that deep Center, where the seven Properties of Eternal Nature do lie hid. No other Trumpet, nor Cry, can them awaken, but the Shrill, Clear, and Pure Sounds and the Piercing Groanings of our own Spirits, that will fetch up the disappeared Model of Eternal Nature, after the manner, as the Lord raised up dead Lazarus. This the Holy Ghost hath given in for Truth, and now leaves it to see, who will be provoked to pursue these Rules.

But now let us in the Holy Spirit’s Light, and Knowledge define and make out, What these Properties of Eternal Nature be? That so we may understand their great Magnitude for defence, and their Fortitude to run the Soul up above, and out of the Serpent, and all of old Natures envy. Against which is required, that which is impregnable: For we must expect all the force and might that Satan with all his Legions, can raise in his dark principality. For it has not yet come to that touch and proof, so to throw him out, as he can find no more place, nor can see any of his Shape in the New Nature. Therefore the Trial will be, when all that, in which the Sinful Properties were enkindled and fastened upon, shall strangely dissolve and melt away: and another Incorruptible Body, in the room thereof, where no Sin can live, be only made to appear for the Heavenly Properties to be Manifested in it. But first it will be requisite to Denominate the opposite and evil Properties, that have stifled and kept down the good.

The first that may be considered, is the thick Darkness, that covers and blinds the Eye of the Mind.

The second is a Wrathful Spirit of Bitterness, that is easily and soon provoked.

The third is Haughtiness of Spirit, in Priding and Elevating it self, in what is Confusion and Shame.

The fourth is Self-Love: Engrossing all temporary Riches, and Honour, for its own Propriety, both in relation to the External and Internal.

The fifth Unstableness, Mutability, and Changeableness, apt to Waver and be unsteady for want of sound Judgment.

The sixth a Rash Heady incorrigible Will, that runneth out it’s Force, Strength, and Might, into all Mortal, Vain, Frivolous, and Unadvisable Things and Essences.

The seventh All-Incredulity, Infidelity, and Unbelieving, as to Eternal things that are not Consonant with Reason, and Captivated Sense.

These seven Properties are so deeply ingrafted into Nature, that they are very hardly to be severed. They would live in Time and Eternity together. From these Heads go forth all that is called Sin, and the evil Consequences of it. Which hath banished us from God’s Face and Habitation, and we are thereby turned into a Course and Mean piece of Corporeity. So as to our visible Image, we cannot be capable of so much, as the inferiour Order of the Heavenly Created Dignities, as to have any Conversation with them, much less to come to the plain and open sight of the Holy Trinity, as environed with Majesty and Glory. While we are in these Natural Properties, we can never hope to enjoy the Pure Degree of Spiritual Society. And although, these Sinful Essences may through some light of Illumination, be curbed and restrained from going forth into gross Activity; yet if the Seed of the matter be there, it will be a Cloud and a Partition-Vail, as was in the Figurative-Temple, betwixt the outward and inward Court. This true Glass the Spirit hath now put into our Hands, that we might take a view, as we are found in the Nature of these vile Properties, though kept under check and controul, yet the Root and Spawn of them remaining, is enough for that which is so perfect and immense in Holiness, to deny those freedoms of access and Fellowship, till we shall put on those new-fashion’d Robes, which Heaven’s Inhabitants do wear. Which doth give reverent boldness to come up to the Saphire-Throne, where the Deity does appear in amazing glory, to fill and satisfie every such Translated Enoch, that has slipped out of the gross Husk of stained polluted Nature, into a new Creaturely Clarity. For, verily, it is upon good Ground to be suspected, that we have seen our selves in a flattering Glass, and have been thereby deceived. But Christ our Lord in reproof, did come very home to the Laodiceans in this matter, that thought they had arrived high, and were so enriched, as they needed nothing more, till the Lord did present a pure Crystal-Glass, wherein they might see their own Nakedness, and great Deformity. So well perswaded, and also even satisfied, are the high-grown Saints in this Age of their State of Grace, because got out and refined from the more gross and defiling Nature of Sin; not considering the Body, and springing Root of Evil still remaineth, that old Garment spotted with the Flesh. That nothing thereof might appear more, the perfect One has signified his Mind, that the old Bottle of Nature cannot retain the strongest Vigour of the Spirit’s Wine, which is to be extracted to the seventh Number. And therefore doth not spare to tell us, that the very Heavens, which we have drawn as a shadow upon the old Fabrick of Nature, must depart away as a Scroll, that so the deep space of Eternity may open, and break in as a Sea, from which will branch forth the God-Essential Properties. Which are thus distinguished.

The first is the Morning-Day of everlasting Light: upon which no shade of Night can mix for to Eclipse the Temple-Glory, or any Mantle Covering be upon the shining Beauty of God’s Face.

The second is all high, and deep smiling Love from God’s Countenance, Amity without any frown: No cross line of discontent is here to be found, but what makes for Friendship and Peace.

The third Wisdom; which is of that high Consistency, that comprehends all divine Secrets, and all Eternal Acts, foreseeing the events, of whatever it doth devise, create, and form from this inspringing Light. This Wisdom quits all Earthly craft with its sensible Species, and rational Operations. It is from a higher descent, and therefrom draws out deep Counsels.

The fourth is All Might, nay, Strength of Almightiness: which when raised and put forth, the whole Frame of all this Visible World must fall under, and be subjected to the stretched out Hand of this Power, which will magnifie it self in the Omnipotency of a God’s Soveraignty.

The fifth clear and sound Judgment: which determines all things according to Truth and Righteousness, allowing no false Grains of partiality, having the single Eye, that seeth all things nakedly, and passeth Sentence accordingly, and which can suffer no fraud to infect it.

The sixth Liberality, distributing answerably to that goodness and all-sufficiency that is inherent in us, not giving grudgingly, as from a self-Propriety, that seeketh its own advantage and dignity, above its fellow-Member or Branch, that is one with him in the Tree of Life.

The seventh and last Property is the Meek Property, that goeth forth as in all softness as Oyl, that runs out in all pleasant gentleness, that is forcible to dissolve and melt down the harsh, bitter, wrathful Quality, and sublime and change it from its fierce Spirit, into a sweet Flexibleness.

Thus the Holy Ghost hath defined his own most excellent Properties, that we might see the Perfection of Eternal Nature.

Which may be restored to us Mortals, as we are impulsed and made earnest here for it, and do pursue it most Vigorously. For if we can give credit to the Spirit of Truth, it will be well worth our Labour, Cost, and Charge. For a Word or Voice did utter it self in me, Oh! What arguments shall I produce, and where withal shall I perswade or incline the Heart, to give up all its old Earthly Properties, to Famine and Death, that they may cease from living at the Root? For these must first be removed out of the way, before the Womb of Eternal Nature can bring these seven Properties, that will figure out the express Glory of God bodily, as it was before the evil Essences of Sin were awakened.

But Objected is this, that This which is described, is a State all desireable for the old Creature to be made new, after such a God-likeness as this is, but the way to the accomplishment is so severe and hard, as it carrieth an impossibility with it. Answer, True, it is, saith the Holy Ghost, to them who would save the Life of their first Natural Birth, that doth consist in original Sin, who have such favour and Love to it, as they cannot give up, nor divide from it, during their whole Pilgrimage. Here hath been the Universal sticking: none have been able to go through the Eye of the strait Birth, so as to seal to the Truth of this more excellent Piece and Figure, of Pure and Eternal Nature, with its Powers and Ornaments. Now then to the good willing Minds, and hearing Ears, that all eager, and fervent are for quitting the ignominious Nature, whence the evil Properties do put forth themselves, the Lord by his Spirit does greet such with these special Rules, to whom this Light is risen.

The first Rule prescribed is to keep distance, and avoid all Familiarity, with this strange introduced Birth, that hath flattered thy Eternal Spirit into the greatest danger: and it lieth in this, that the subtle Spirit, through the lawful pretences outward Nature does make, comes to hold the free Mind in captivity. But be at no agreement with that Life, that riseth no higher than refined Rationality. Do thou still question, and mistrust all it would perswade thee unto; for the Serpent’s Treachery is verily in-got into it. Therefore be afraid to Parly with thy own Creaturely Being, as yet abiding after the Fleshly Birth.

2ndly, Abide in this variance and self-disownment, be irreconcilable to that Nature, where the Sin is, that has occasioned all the estrangement from God, and be thou in a fixed enmity thereunto. For if after forsaking and disownment hereof, thou fallest in with it again, and dost not maintain a perpetual hatred, both to Spirit and Nature, that doth bear rule from this outward World, the Birth of Eternal Nature, will be forceably retarded and kept back.

Therefore in the third Place; as advised ye are to rend off here, so to join and cement with that Spirit of Love and Strength, that hath declared these things to you, and that will help you then to stride over this Mountain of the evil-self, that so greatly hath hindered the White-Lilly-Body of Eternal Nature, from blossoming in all these high rarified Properties, that the Holy Spirit doth verifie may be reached unto, if careful ye be to observe these Rules. Surely the Just and Holy Yea and Amen is to be trusted, and confided in, for the wonderful renewing of this Pure and Sinless Nature, wherein we may have our fill of God essentially, from an endless Fountain of Life springing. O Mighty Flood of Love, force our Spirits through all of the old Nature, that figured may be the Holy Ghost, in these his working Properties, that are to be revealed in the Holy Ones of God.


May 19. 1678.
On the same Subject.

THIS Word was spoken in me, saying, If ye can fast with me from Mortal things: then will be given you to eat that, which will supply all of Eternal Nature’s Properties, for which your Spirit is so perplexed to find them out. But for this, give place to the Fire-Engin, that may display its bright Rays for your conduct to that secret place; wherefrom they will be raised. Look steadily with Faith’s Eye, till the Lordly Power doth out-stretch it self, a Vigorous Life to draw over that; which has lain under Death.


[ From the Authentic Version of Jane Lead's Journal of her Spiritual Encounters ...
— Entries from February 23rd through May 19th, 1678
from Volume THREE,  Part One,  of A Fountain of Gardens: this was File 2 of 4. ]

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