AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTION of the Original Printing — 1700

Jane Lead, 17th Century Prophetess of God [1624–1704]: One of her later published Prophetic Works bringing Divine Manifestations and Knowledge from the Godhead.

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On-line at PTW: November 6, 1999
  Last update: March 9, 2015


Jane Lead’s
The Wars of David and
The Peaceable Reign of Solomon


The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon

Two Messages containing more guidance sent by the Lord God of Hosts
to the Nazarite Sons and Daughters of God showing a deeper meaning to the coming of the Melchezideck Priesthood.

The First

( In 2 Parts )


Alarm to the Holy Warriours to Fight the Battels of the LAMB;

      Admonitions and directions to give ALL effort to the inward war, to hold fast, and to “expect and believe” that we may be endowed, enabled and used of the Lord Christ and His Holy Heavenly Priesthood.


The Second

( In 2 Parts )


The Glory of Sharon, in the Renovation of Nature, introducing the Kingdom of Christ in his Sealed Virgins, Redeemed from the Earth.

      More details of the needed attributes and high degrees of Faith necessary to be counted among those who will be vessels for the Ghostly Powers, capable of performing works greater than those of the Apostles.  Encouragement for them to be quiet  and resigned that the internal Work may continue, to wait upon and open the Ministration of the Spirit upon the Earth.

Note from PTW:  This was made public in 1700, and at that printing, it contained some publisher’s comments and additional material that had not been seen or approved by Jane Lead (as stated by the publisher’s Advertisement).  This  on-line reproduction is based on that original printing but has omitted the writings that were not from Jane Lead’s hand, directly. 

Further Notes:  An edited reprinting of this material was later done in 1816, at which time excerpts from Jane Lead’s Fountain of Gardens Journals, as well as the works of other writers along with some editorial commentary were added.  

In the 1990’s, both the Alarm and Sharon were, to the credit and blessings upon those responsible, brought to public awareness once again.  However, upon careful comparison with the originals,  they now appear to have been heavily edited, re-worded, the sentence structure changed, the section numbers removed, and the meaning of the contents modernized to mix with 20th century theological thought,  especially the versions from Shofar Publications, which also added  extensive commentary.  Even with those changes,  the light of God still shone through — enough to quicken the awakening few.



wars-cvr.jpg (23671 bytes)
A Photographic Reproduction of the
Title Page of the Original Printing.

This authentic manuscript from the 17th century has been out of print for a very long time and has been quite inaccessible to the general public. It contains terminology and wording that are missing  from modern edited versions.


The on-line reproduction presents the authentic old manuscript "as close to the original as possible" — rendering  the text and appearance of the 1700 printing without any interpretation or commentary — both of which are here left for the Spirit of Truth, who will always provide for the seeking and humble in heart.   Notes of the author, that were printed in the margins of the original, have been included "in-line" with the text, but are shown in a reduced size.





Wars of David,


Reign of Solomon,

Symbolizing  the  T I M E S

Of  Warfare  and  Refreshment  of   the
Saints  of  the  Most  High  G
O D,

To whom a Priestly Kingdom is shortly to be given, after
the Order of

M E L C H I Z E D E C K.


Set forth in Two Treatises Written by   J. LEAD: and according to
Divine Ordination Publish’d in this present Year of  J U B I L E E.


For the Service of all the Children of the Captivity, now Watching
and Praying in many Countries, for the Great Jubilee of the
L O R D to begin, and follow upon This very Speedily.


I. An Alarm to the Holy Warriours to Fight the Battels of the L A M B.
II. The Glory of Sharon, in the Renovation of Nature, introducing
the Kingdom of Christ in his Sealed Virgins, Redeemed from the Earth.


Dan. vii. 28.
—— Hitherto is the End of the Matter.

L O N D O N,   Printed by J. Bradford,   in Little Britain,   1700.




The  C O N T E N T S  of  the  First  Treatise.

§. I. to V. A Signal Deliverance from the Angel of Death, being the Preparation and Occasion for the ensuing Divine Manifestation and Alarm; with what thereupon did follow, both for the Exercise and Encouragement of the Author’s Faith.    V. The ALARM.   VI. The Manner of the Lifting, and Calling forth the Soldiers.   VII. The Time of this Call.   VIII. The Persons made choice of.   IX. The Kingdoms of David and Solomon Typical.    X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI. Motives for entering upon the Holy War.    XVII. The First Engagement of the Holy Army.   [ Part. II ]    XVIII, XIX. The General’s Speech, and his Instructions to the Soldiers.    XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII. The Alliance and Joining of the two Armies Superiour and Inferiour.   XXIV. A Description of the Descent of the Heavenly Watchers.   XXV. The Third Watch set.   XXVI. Rules prescribed to the Watchers of the Inferiour Army.   XXVII. to XXXIV. Motives and Encouragements propos’d to them.   XXXIV. An Universal Call to every one under Heaven, to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of Christ, which is at hand. The Three Orders of them that are call’d.   XXXV, XXXVI. The Seven Spirits, and Seven Rewards confer’d on those of the Third Order. The Conclusion.


Of  the   Second  Treatise.

I, II. The Manifestation of the Rose of Sharon.    III. The Multiplication of this Rose: Or, the Garden of Sharon.   IV. The Threefold Circle and Fence, about this Garden described.   V. The Approach of this Beautiful and Blessed State.   VI. The Manner and Means of its Introduction.   VII. The Paucity of its Number in which it will begin.    VIII, IX. The Interpretation of the Twelve Leaves of this Rose.    X. The present Budding of this New Plantation.   XI. The Glory and Excellency of Christ’s Kingdom hence arising.   XII. An Order to some Elect Persons to Build the Walls of this Glorious Garden, with its Palace.   XIII. A Description of the Twelve Foundations thereof.   XIV. The Qualifications of the Builders.   XV. The Manner of their Incorporation.   XVI. The Wonderful way of Communion betwixt all the Members of this Royal Corporation.    XVII. Their Assemblies and Colledges, by a Personal gathering of the dispersed Members.   XVIII. Their manner of Life here, and their Redemption from the Earth.   XIX. The Disciplehood of Abraham Planted in this New Plantation.   XX. The Renovation of the Paradisiacal Life: And the Hidden Fraternity of the Rose of Sharon.   XXI. The Admission of the Inhabitants to the Kings Presence and Favour.   XXII. The Separation required in all, to obtain this High Honour.   XXIII. A needful Caution to all the Candidates that would be admitted into this New Sharon.   XXIV A General Invitation to all Persons to accept and press after the same.   [ Part. II. ]   XXV. The Manifestation of Wisdom’s Cup.   XXVI. A Particular Invitation to all the Inhabitants of this new Plantation to drink of it.   XXVII. An Interpretation of the Three several sorts of Wine drunk out of it. And first of that which appertains to the Priestly Spirit.    XXVIII. Of that which is appropriated to the Prophetical Spirit.    XXIX. Of that which confers the Royal Spirit.   XXX. The New Sharon further Described, its Seven Pools, and the Royal Honours and Prerogatives therein to be enjoyed.   XXXI. The Ministers of State that attend the Prince: their singular Wisdom, and great Power.   XXXII. Their Commission to Proclaim the Time of the Lily.   XXXIII. The Union of the Lily and the Rose: and their Royal Generation thence produced.   XXXIV. The Variety in Unity, and Unity in Variety within this Blessed Plantation.   XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII. The Conclusion, being an address to all sorts of Persons.





T O    T H E

Lambs Holy Warriours,

To Fight his

B A T T E L S,

In the Power and Might of that Spirit, that shall go on
Conquering and to Conquer, till the Peaceable Reign
of  C H R I S T  shall take Place, and be Established on the Earth.



Rev. xix. ver. 11.14.
And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a White Horse, and he that sat
upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteousness he doth
Judge and make War.   And the Armies which were in Heaven followed
him upon White Horses, clothed in fine Linnen, white and clean.


L O N D O N,   Printed for the AUTHOR,   1700.





The Introduction.

I HAVE given some Account in this Tract of the Jeopardy, that my outward and natural Life did appear to be in, which after the manner of Hezekiah has received a Reprieve as from the Sentence of Death: which I judged expedient to give some Account of, not only for my own particular Memorial, but for the Information and Benefit of others, that may be brought into a like condition, as to their Elementary Part. Wherein I have had the experience, that where God has any further use and service for the Organical Man to do or perform; his Power is at Hand, to strengthen and renew those weak and feeble Stakes of the Mortal Life, according to the purpose of his own Will; as knowing further what was to be brought forth, by so weak and inconsiderable an Instrument, to be imploy’d herein, as a Trumpet to Sound the Alarm for the Holy Warriours, to be gathered together from all Parts, and out of all Nations and Tribes, where-ever they lie scatter’d and hidden. For as it is a Spiritual War, so none but those that are Lovers and Waiters, and Zealous for the Appearance and Coming of the Lord’s Kingdom, can be engag’d in it; here will be no requiring of the Persons outwardly to appear, but to meet together in one Spirit, holding in their Hands the Bow of Faith, and from the Centre of the Heart, sending forth Fervent and All-powerful Prayers, that may prevail to overcome that great usurper and monopolizer, that has hitherto ingrossed what of right belongs to the LAMB and his Adherents. But now there is a Heavenly Call and Summons, in such an extraordinary Day and Time, as now approaching is, for these Valiant and worthy Batteliers to appear, each one in their own Precinct and Station; for they must well know that the Kingdom must be taken, all by Spiritual Force, from out of the Hands of the King and Prince of this World. So go on ye high Spirited Souls, nothing fearing nor fainting, because you have the great commanding Champion, that will be your General and Leader; till the Mighty Towers shall be subdued under you.

For know there is now moving and stirring up the Spirit of DAVID; that will not fear to meet the Great Goliath, that has put on the Armour of daring Defiance, and disdaining the Spirit of Faith, because there is nothing of a visible Strength that does appear: but out of the unseen Bag will fly that Sling-stone of Power, that shall cause this great Champion to reel and fall. This is the only way to gain the Kingdom as David did, through true and undaunted Valiantness, as a President to encourage such as shall be moved hereunto in this present Age; which is not to cease nor stop till it has made way for the great Solomon’s Reign, which may renew again in greater Splendour and Glory, in more abundant Peace and Plenty; when the Eternal Virgin shall open her Bank and Store to give Rewards first to these Holy Warriours.

For this nothing more is required, but to wait and watch at her several Gates, till the Key of David shall given be to the Patient holders out, that will not think much or grudge, though there may be at present some delay; in the which proving Time many will be in hazard to fall away. But a thousand Degrees of Blessing will surely come upon those who have received the Mark of the true Philadelphian Fold; that in Love’s Golden Chain inviolably united are, together to abide and bear up, until the Hour of Temptation be overpast: that so they may enter into the Possession of Love’s Reign, which will first open and begin from the first gathering, which may be so small as to appear contemptible. But know it will be as that Stone cut out of the Mountain without Hands, that shall make all other Mountains to melt and bow before it, and worship at the Feet of him, who is the Great Shepherd of this little Flock: whose Pleasure it will be to make them joint Heirs, to possess with him the same Kingdom and Glory, which the Father hath given to him.

This is only what I have to commend, and leave with you as a sure Word of Prophecy. A sufficient Motive let it be, that you may fight the good fight of Faith, Watching, Waiting, and Praying in the Spirit with her who in that Love and Unity, that burneth Everlastingly in the Bush of Christ’s Humanity, shall rest ever known to be in the same Fellowship with you,

Jane Lead.





A  L  A   R  M

T O     T H E

Holy Warriours.


Some Special Observations and Openings, in Reference to the Distempers
I past through in the Elementary Body, from the Tenth of
October, 1699.

§. I. THE First part of this Illness seemed to prey upon my Vital Part, as if a Sentence were passed for departure out of the Body, to the which I was resign’d, and made free to yield up thereunto. And as I was debating and preparing for it, after some natural Rest, as soon as awaken’d out of it, there appeared a White Horse, with a bright Clarified Body Riding upon it; calling me to Mount up, and sit behind him and I found myself immediately raised up accordingly, putting my Arms about him, who having a Bow in his Hand, bid me lay my Hand upon it, to draw with his Hand; from whence did fly a bright Arrow down to the Earth, where there lay many black Shades or Figures, which represented the Shadows of Death, which this Arrow did make to fly away; The Horse and the Rider treading down all dark Powers under him. Then was it said, Victory, Victory to them that can sit the Horse of Power, and draw the Bow of Faith, which will make all the dark Ghosts of Death to fly away! Then immediately upon this Vision shutting up, I found my self greatly relieved, and my Faintings in Spirit did pass away.

§. II. But then Three Days after this, another onset I had of a very Dolorous pain in my Head, Teeth, and Face, which put all out of Course, and Order in the Body. This gave me much exercise, and proving, in reference to what I had so lately seen of a Deliverance; recollecting and making reflection, that after so many Excitements to bear up in the Faith, whereby an overcoming of the Malignancy of the Stars and Elements might be, I should be exposed yet to lie under the Dominion and Power of them; which caused a great War, and Mutiny in the Bodily part, being attended with a Feverish Distemper, that might very easily have released the imprison’d Soul out of the decay’d Body. And truly many Expostulations did arise in me hereupon, so that I said with Elijah, Lord what am I better than my Progenitors that were Elders in the Faith, who did Prophesy of the Glorious Kingdom of Christ to come: But yet died in the Faith of it, not seeing or possessing it themselves. So making it parallel with my own State, (God having taken me up as an Organ, through which many weighty and wonderful Manifestations of the secret Things of God have past, that reserved may be for their fulfilling part, beyond what is the limit of my outward Life: ) I endeavour’d to pacifie and reconcile my self to whatever I felt in the sensitive part, under the Dominion of the jarring Elements, which gave me great longing therefrom to be uncloathed, and set free from this Body, that was such a Depression of my Superiour Life and Spirit, and which prevented me of the free use of my Supersensual Faculties.

§. III. Then I said, Lord! Of what service can I be, or what good can my Life do me, while such a dry unprofitable Tree I am, as one worn out in the Body, by reason of my so great Age? And as I was complaining and spreading this in Prayer to my Lord, I received this Reply, O where is thy Faith? Why still so slow to believe what is to be beyond all sensible feeling of Old Age with its infirmities? Is there not another Age that I have set before thee? Which you are to keep your Aim and Eye upon, from the time and date, in which you were born into my Spirit? You are now to mind how short you are from coming up to that good Old Age, and Eldership, in the Spiritual Humanity, and full grown Body of my Strength and Power. Which is to have its increase: though you may have some Humblings by the other, in its decay and decrease. Which yet must not weaken the Force and Power of the springing and growing Lilly of Faith, though it stand in the midst of a Thorny Ground: an over-topping of all which from the deepest Fund of me thy God shall still make it spring and live.

§. IV. Now for a further Confirmation, there was a Representation set before me of a bright Crystalline Mill, that stood as it were upon a Mountain, in a very clear and serene Air, where it had Sails of a Silver brightness, and a Door was opened therein, with an invitation to me and some others to ascend, whose Spirits made free were, to draw off from the common Walks of the Inhabitants of the World: And entering thereinto, we did find precious Golden Grains, said to be from the Paradisiacal Ground, which were here to be ground down, so to make Heavenly Manna Bread. Which was to be Provision for those that were separated from the Earthly Stores, to live upon, the increase of this Meal that should never fail. For so long as the Holy Wind from the Eternal Element should still stir these Sails about, then a fresh Grinding should be, and so the renewed Fruits of Faith should be for the sustaining and strengthening of the Birth of Christ, till it should arrive to its full Maturity. And the Word was added, Suffer the Grains of Faith to be under the Grinding Mill, that they may make up such a pure Mould: For thereinto the pure Leaven of the Deity shall pass, and so make up most Celestial and Savory Meat; which shall be Angelical Food for all such as shall hereto yield themselves up, even those just and perfect Ones, that live upon Faith. Therefore the concluding Word was; You must not think much to have your Faith ground down, tried and proved.

Now follows a Call and Summons from the Lord God of Hosts,
to the Lamb’s Holy Warriours, to Fight his Battels
in the Power and Might of that Spirit,
which shall go on Conquering, and to Conquer.

§. V. After this I had a Summons, as hearing there was a Council of War to be call’d in the Heavens, in order to the raising of a Spiritual Army, that were to Fight the Lamb’s Battels, under Christ their great General. For his Kingdom that has been so long expected upon the Earth to come, could no otherwise be brought down in Dominion and Soveraignty over this lower Principle; where the Beast and Dragon have had so long their Reign, but by the Force of Spiritual Warriours. For hitherto many Ages and Times have run out, and nothing is effected of the recovery of the Lamb’s Right, of his Kingdom in his Saints. But now this Word came to me, as I was Lamenting the dismal State that all the Faithful do yet lie under; “That there was a Decree seal’d for the raising up such a Mighty and Invincible Army, as shall Fight Valiantly, till they have overcome and regain’d that Possession, which does of Right belong to him, who is the King over all Regions, or Worlds, whether in the Heights above, or here below.” This was said to me to be a new Method, which had not yet been taken; which was the cause that it has been so long Protracted hitherto. Much has been spoken, and many Calls have been to the Exercise of these Spiritual Weapons: And many have put on the Armour, but put it off again before they had gain’d the Victory; being apt to faint and grow weary, meeting with so hard and so long a Contest from that Potent Prince of the Air, with all his numerous Legions. But it was said to me, Be of good Comfort; for his Day is expiring: For behold, there is a Priestly Host that is out of God’s Tabernacle to come forth; who shall be Cloathed with the fiery Breath of the Holy Ghost. No Rumor or Noise, as in the outward Hostile way shall be heard Here, for all these Spiritual Weapons invisibly shall Exercised be, so as to do Execution upon the Violators and Oppressors of the Lord’s Heritage; which do set themselves in Battel Array, for the maintaining their own Kingdom in Vain, and Pomp and Earthly Glory. All which will be scatter’d by these Powers, so strongly bending against them, that they themselves shall be amazed, and confess there is no dealing with, or standing out against these Mighty Hosts of the Lord. With whom is the Flaming Sword, proceeding out of their Mouths, and the Motto that they bear upon their Breast, is the Eternal Word that gains the Victory by his own Blood. Thus the lifted up Standard shall be mounted up so high, as to cast a Dread upon all the Armies of the Aliens, that will run and therefrom fly. Then heard I this Word, O Blessed and Highly Honour’d shall all those be, that shall offer and lift themselves under the great General, in this Royal and Holy Army.

§. VI. Upon this, some Queries I put forth to that Dawning Light that invironed my Understanding in such a Marvelous and Mysterious way: Asking How, when, and upon whom this Lot should fall, to be call’d forth to Fight for the Lord’s Diadem Crown, here upon the Earth to be shewn.

The manner how is prescribed, First they are to be brought up and qualified in Wisdom’s School; trained up in the Divine Skillfulness, in the use of the Principal Instruments, and Engins of the Spiritual War. For which cause enough there is, For all her Children must first commence War against, what within themselves so repugnant and opposing is, to the full possession of the Love and Peaceable Kingdom of the Prince and Lord of Life, wherein they must expect to meet with strong Encounters; but as they obey and follow the Rules of their Captain Leader, the Conquest will be obtain’d. Further these Holy Warriours are to be so qualified with Love and Amity, as not to push against, or wound each other, all agreeing in this one Point, to Fight for their Lord and Master’s Right. Such as are found in this Spirit, shall not want an Endowment with Power, whereby they shall prevail, as they have overcome all within them, so also outwardly and visibly fulfilling that Prophecy, that by the Iron Rod the Nations should be subdued under them.

§. VII. Now as to the Time when, It is not to be put as a Day afar off, but the Time is present, and is already begun in some, that are known and Register’d in the Heavens, and shall from a little number to a full Body increase.

§. VIII. Then as to that Part upon whom the Lot shall fall. They are to be consider’d, as yet dispersed and scattered, and cannot come forth and appear, until they are awakened by the mighty Trump, that from the Lord of Hosts shall sound in their inward Ear. Whereby Alarm’d they will be to put and gird on their Spiritual Armour. And they shall know their place of Rendevouz, where they shall meet all together in Spirit: So pitching their Tents upon that Rock of Strength, so impregnably as that the Nations Hearts shall melt before them, and as Senecherib’s Army be made to fly. So dreadful will the going forth be of this Angelical Army. So that not by outward Might or Strength, but by the Spirit of the Lord shall all be made to fall under. And through the continual Presence of the Eternal Ark, Deliverance shall be wrought out.

§. IX. A further Query may be, How long this War may be expected to continue? The determinated end hereof is foreknown to God alone: But ascertain’d it is, that there is a time prefix’d when David’s Wars shall cease; and Solomon’s Reign shall begin and increase; that throughout the whole Earth there may be Rest and Peace. The Reins of whose Government shall throughout all Generations abide.

§. X. Now some Motives were given to me, for encouragement of this Holy Soldiery. The First, was that they should enter into a present Pay; which should come out of Wisdom’s Store and Bank, who would for them command a peculiar Dowry, as they are call’d forth for this Divine Militia-Service; being taken off from all other imploy; conferr’d upon them, should be supplies of another kind, so great, so weighty, so wonderful, as none can know but those that receive them. For then the Mystery of Faith will begin to work its Wonders and Marvelous Deeds, when it has had its pass under the Grinding Mill that has been made mention of. Then the Divine Magia will open, and work to those high Degrees that shall usher in the immense Glory of Christ’s Kingdom.

§. XI. Another Motive was, that every particular Warriour here who faithfully shall abide, and hold out in this Holy Battel, should Conquer and obtain a Crown and Kingdom, each one for themselves; and that not only future, but present, upon the Earth: as substituted under their great King and General.

§. XII. But an Objection here may arise. Whether all that have engaged as Batteliers, for the Recovery of their Lord’s and their own Kingdom, shall escape the Mortal Death? For if not, how can they come to Reign as Kings upon the Earth?

It is Answer’d, That many of those that are engaged in this Spiritual Warfare, may dye the natural Death, and yet before this may have made a fair progress, and enjoy’d much of the Kingdom, and bid high for the full Crown, but dying in the Faith thereof, shall not lose their Reward, for they shall enter into the Joy of their Lord; and be kept in his Hand, in order to their Return again with him in his Personal Glory, to begin their Reign anew with him upon the Earth.

§. XIII. It was further declared, that in this Holy Warfare there would be some eminently endowed with the Spirit of Prophecy, whereby they should know the event of all their Engagements, and what success they might expect: as in the Battel against Sisera. Wherein Barak and the Princes of the Tribes that went with him to War, were Strengthened, Directed, and Encouraged by the Spirit of Deborah, after they had offer’d themselves Willingly, to the help of the Lord against the Mighty. Which figures out that Mighty Potentate, the Man of Reason; which by that Holy Weapon, the Hammer of Faith must be nail’d down to that outward and Earthly Principle, to which it belongs. Then the Triumphant Song of this Victorious Overcoming shall by the Prophetical Spirit be Sung. These Conquerours shall still go on to maintain their Ground, and as new Invasions shall be made upon them, and the Floods of the Dragon be still cast out, then will that Glorious Virgin (mentioned Rev. 12) begin to appear, as the Sun shining in its Strength. That has been long Travelling for the bringing forth of this Mighty Monarch, which is the Product of all the Exercises of the Spiritual Weapons, and all the Wrestlings of the Holy Warriours in Faith and Prayer hitherto; that they might see this King of Nations brought forth, to whom the Scepter and Rod of Dominion shall be given.

§. XIV. In order to this, all the Supercelestial Planets shall in their course Circle about, till the Land of Paradise shall be found out, which so many Ages under an hiding and obscurity has been: which prepared is for these Holy Warriours, who by their Mighty Lord and General shall find entrance here: Which none can do, but those that have passed through all the Degrees of Faith’s Mighty Race. For though attempts may be made by unprepared and undisciplined Soldiers, to enter into the Gates hereof, yet by those Angels that do stand as Keepers of them, they shall lock’d up be, by that Key that opens only to the Believing, in whom the Love doth work so high as to cast out all Fear.

§. XV. I shall now conclude with this Prophetical saying, Behold your King cometh, the King of Glory, with his Heavenly Armies, that shall join their Forces and Powers with the Holy Warriours here upon Earth, to take Vengeance on all those that have usurpt the Dominion and Kingdom from him, whose right it is (in his Saints) to Reign. And tho’ none of these Armies shall to the visible Eye appear, yet in the Mount of the Lord they shall be seen, from whence the Face of covering shall be drawn away. Then as Elisha’s Servant, they shall see this Holy place all fill’d and covered with the Chariot-Powers, going forth in the Ghostly Might, that shall smite on this Hand, and on that Hand; so that the Enemies shall all blinded be, and nothing more of their way see, to besiege this Holy City and Camp of the Living God. To whom a new Song of Triumphant Victory shall be given; that the Field is won, and the Kingdom of our God is come; and now the Everlasting Gates are opened, where a free pass for the Holy Over-comers shall be, where they shall sit down and rest in the Possession of the vast Glories, and Riches, and Treasures, as the beginning of the New Jerusalem-State: All of which is to encourage, to go on to fight the Lord’s Battels.

§. XVI. To which end, this Trumpet from the Heavenly World was sounded, to gather them together out of all Nations, Languages, and People, though never so much dispersed, in the Unity of the Spirit: Where they all stand upon unmoveable Ground, in their due ranks and orders, carried on all in a Spiritual Mystical way: not fearing to Jeopard all that is Temporal, Cruel, and Earthly, for the Love they bear their Lord, and the Desire they have to see him Exalted in his Kingdom, Reign, and Dominion upon the Earth; that they with him, and he with them, may possess both the upper and the nether Regions, in those Joys and Pleasures that shall know no end. Even so let it come to pass by him, who is the Yea and Amen.


Part II.

November 9. 1699.

§. XVII. This Morning, according to the foregoing Word of Prophesie, there was presented to my view a certain number of Figures, riding upon White Mules, with Golden Censors, sending up a smoky Perfume; which rose up to a fiery Flame; which drew down many bright flaming Figures, as descending out of the Heavens. When upon enquiry it was shewn to me, that these should be the prevailing Army, that by their strong Cries and Supplications should effect and bring forth Deliverance to the Groaning and Oppressed in Sion; Therefore this Summons was sent forth to the Holy Warriours, to engage herein without delay, and to come together to hold up their Hands unweariedly, staying them upon the two Golden Studs of Faith and Love, and thus the Conquest should be obtained; not by outward Strength, but by Power, Spirit, and Might; by which Spirit as Joshua did command the Sun not to go down till the Enemies were all made to fly before him; so should the everlasting Sun give its Light in a sevenfold Degree, till an overcoming should be: First in each one in themselves; and then they should herewith expel, and overthrow, what opposite is to the Reign and Kingdom of our Immanuel. This was shewn me should be the present and first pitched Battel, after which there might be some Rest; but still keeping their Ground, expecting new onsets might be. But as they in Holy Bravery shall continue to hold out, wonderful things shall be effected by the Holy Army, that yet concealed is.


November 29. 1699.

§. XVIII. Having finished our Course of our more sequestered Days of Waiting, to the number of seven times seven, and three times three; at the end thereof I enquired of my Lord, what further of his Mind was to be known by us? whose Spirit replied in me, Think not, that here you are to stop or stand, for the measuring Line stretched out upon you still is, to lead you deeper, wherein your true Rest you shall find, by the Descent of your New Jerusalem Mother, which will open her bright Glance distinctly, in each individual Spirit; whereby a peaceable Habitation shall be known, so that the Noise of the Warriours shall not here molest. For I heard this Acclamation of Joy sound, saying, The Circle of Peace upon these Holy Waiters shall descend, and upon them surround, that they may attend with all Sereneness and Calmness, till the Tabernacle of God shall come down, and therefrom mightily impower to Act and Work, in order to the maintaining of the Dominion and Reign, in the Appearance of the Lamb that was slain; he that was dead and is alive again.

§. XIX. The Word opening thus further in me: I shall put no other burthen upon you, but that you hold fast the Word of my Counsel, which is to abide, and not start aside, till you be endued with all those Ghostly Powers, as the present occasion doth require. Then shall you know, you are in that boundless Circle, into which neither the Dragon, nor any of his Adherents shall be able to break to annoy, or hurt. Then was added this Word, Blessed are those, that are found watching and waiting, till the Lord shall appear in the full Power of his Godhead, to Magnifie his own Kingdom, and maintain the Right thereof above all Kingdoms of the World. Even so come Lord Jesus, and make good all of these thy Faithful Sayings, to the Joy and Praise both of the Jerusalem above; and of that beneath. For which waiting in all Obedience, we acquiesce in thy Will herein.


December 10. 1699.

§. XX. As upon the Mount-watch I was taken up in my Spirit, a soft whispering Voice I did hear, as from the higher Sphere: to the Lamb’s Batteliers it was directed, that had fought the good fight of Faith, whether near or remote; To you is the Salutation of Love, with Approbation and kind Acceptation, in that you have so Valiantly held out. Now nothing more required is, but that you rest in the Bosom-joy of your true Native Mother, there drawing out the all-nourishing Spirit of Life: So shall you become as Nazarites white, to receive and entertain your Glorified King and Bridegroom, with his Holy Virgin Train, that have been touched with those fiery Sparks of your Love, that hath prevailed for their Descent; so to concur and operate with you in the United Powers of their Spirits for help and aid, as seeing great need you have, for such extraordinary Strength and Assistance.

§. XXI. For it is well seen in the upper World, that it is now, as it was in the Days of Esther and Mordecai, which do represent the Royal Seed and Free Born of the New Jerusalem-Mother, that are scatter’d here and there as Captives, in the Babylonish Land; against which many Plots and Conspiracies have been hatch’d, to break and cut them off, that they might be no more a Peculiar Holy People upon the Earth. This being Figured out to me, that upon the breaking forth of this more sublime Dispensation of the Spirit, (as relating to the children of Wisdom, who had been taking in the deep Sense thereof;) A Consultation was to be held in the Mordecai and Esther Spirit, what was to be done to still the Enemy and the Avenger: that so inraged and embitter’d is against the Children, that are taken up into the Bright and Glorious Appearance of Christ’s Kingdom. And it was given out by way of Advice, That there was a fair Way opened for such, as in Wisdom’s Temple did wait, because of that Affinity and Favour through Espousal to the great and mighty King, which over all Worlds and Spirits doth Rule; that after their time of Sequestration, and Dedication, and Fasting from all Mortal things, they might adventure to make their address from the Jerusalem-Court below, to the Jerusalem-Court above: Presenting their Petitions and shewing the Danger, that this Young planted Spring of a Spiritual Lebanon was in, by subtle Foxes, to be rooted out.

§. XXII. This in the Esther Spirit was presented, and was as Graciously accepted by the most high lofty One, with this Gracious Answer and Assurance, that all Fury and Despight of this kind should be overturn’d and quell’d, so that all, whatever the dark Prince of this World hath Decreed, should be controul’d and made void, though permitted for a little season, the dark Mystery of Babylon might be, to work till the Light and Divine Mystery shall rise in its Might and Victory.

§. XXIII. In order to which, this Word of Promise was given, that Mount-Sion Orb should open, and a Heavenly Host thereout should come: And in special was noted the Number of four and twenty Elders, that from the Lamb’s Throne should come down, to influence and impower the Holy Waiters, that in the Stillness and Passiveness of the Spirit of Faith are found, and all Deliverance and Redemption both inwardly and outwardly should be wrought out, without Noise or Sound. It was further said to me, Now wait and expect, all this shall be perform’d to you in certainty. But you are not to reckon your Attendance, to be bound up to Time’s Calendar here, for you are entered into the New Jerusalem Sphere, where boundless Glories and Powers shall meet you, as you persevere.


January 6. 1700.

§. XXIV. About Three a Clock in the Morning, I was awaken’d with a Sound as of many Voices, harmonizing together as in one Voice; saying Arise; up to your Watch-Tower: for there is a great Day that is drawing near, for Expectation of what is ensuing upon and after the opening of the 1700th Year, which belongs to, and is to be understood by those only, that have past the First and Second Watch, and are entering upon the Third; as the Break of a new springing Morning, that shall rise brighter and lighter, till the whole Earth shall be fill’d; for many Stars out of this Orb shall rise in order hereunto; and go forth and appear to lead the way into Wisdom’s All-plenteous and Blissful Land. As I was considering These Voices from whence they did sound, I had a sudden Glance of Light broke forth, and saw numerous Figures appearing in shining Garments of a Silver brightness, with Golden Shields on their Breasts and Vials of Golden Oil in their Hands. And in a silent inquiry of my Mind what these were? It was Answer’d, They are Holy Watchers sent down from the Heavens, to pour out the Consecrated Oil, into those Vessels that were Sanctuary proof, that so they might be enabled to hold out the Third Watch, with those of the Higher Order: who did further note to me “That some Persons and Families that were found under this Vow of Consecration, and watchful Sequestration, their high Faith should Unite withal, and secretly Assist and Support their Hands to hold out the Probation-Hour.” For it was said to me, That must of necessity be, before the Mighty Deeds and Works, that are to usher in the great Dominion of Christ’s Kingdom, can be brought forth.

§. XXV. Then I was further inform’d, That the two first Watches that I and my Fellow Watchers had passed through, were preparative for the Third, by Centres of Light, and Revelation, and Prophesie breaking open. And that this Third Ward and Watch belonged to the Father’s Appearance; for a special Impowering, and Opening himself, within the Centre of the Soul as a deep Gulf and perpetual Flowing Fountain, of all variety of Gifts and Powers. For which the Mediatorial Power in Christ the Lord, in answer to the Cries and Petitions that have been put up, does interpose with the Father: He knowing that there would be but little advance of his Kingdom, so long as a mean and contemptible figure was the Cloathing of his Saints upon Earth, in Impotency, Poverty, and Subjection to the Spirit of this World; which is indeed the Shame of their Nakedness.

§. XXVI. Now these following Rules were prescribed, to such Persons as had obey’d the Summons, to be the Lord’s Warriours; and had engaged themselves in the Fight of Faith, till they should overcome all those contrary Powers and Forces, that would put a stop to the Reign and Dominion of Christ’s Kingdom. These are those that are now call’d to the Third Watch, as seeing the Morning break from the Cloudy and Dark Night.

Now the First Rule is to put on a Resolution, not to go off from the Watch, till some extraordinary Appearance of the working and acting Powers shall open from the Centre of the Deity, as it lies hid in the Essence of the Soul; whereout Eternal Nature must be raised and recovered again, to bring forth a New Created Form, after the Similitude of the Tri-une God himself. According to its Virgin Nativity in Christ the First Born, both of the first and second Creation.

Now that this may not be prevented in its rising All-powerful Body: this Counsel and Direction was given, (as the Second Rule.) That there must be a sinking and dying away out of the Creaturely Life and Being, which consisteth of all the degenerated Properties, that have estranged and banished us from that living Principle of Light and free Liberty, in which Man was first Created. And which no way is to be recovered again, but as the deepest Deep of the Uncreated Word, shall come to Spring as a Seed of Life renewedly sown in Nature’s Ground. This is the Eternal Word and Seed of Faith, that must exclude and bind down all that would put forth from the Rational and Sensitive Nature: which first Husband must expire, before there can be a true Matrimonial Tie with the Lord, that is risen out of that Body, wherein subjected he was to all the Evil Occurrences, that the Fall of Man brought forth: which he passed through, as bearing the Weight and Burden of our Sins; that by his Conquest we might be set free.

§. XXVII. Upon this Internal Speech of the Spirit conferring, it was further express’d: Who would not be willing to enter upon this Third Watch-Gate; there to wait in a silent Deep, till this Resurrection-Marriage consummated may be? For by this Nuptial Union with Christ the Lord, nothing less may expected be, but the Fullness of the God-head to bring forth its own increase, incorporating with the pure Virgin-Humanity, which is Christ in us; whence all fruitful Gifts and Powers of the Holy Ghost must unavoidably be brought forth. Which will show another Day of Pentecost, more durable, lasting, great and wonderful. And as the Apostles had Power to transfer the Holy Ghost, by laying on of Hands; So it will be renewed from those, that are of this first Resurrection-Union of Life with Christ. Who shall produce Births of the Holy Ghost, by way of Spiritual Impregnation in those, who are in a good Degree, made meet and qualified herefor, through Purifaction by Faith. And thus shall the Off-spring of Christ in Conjunction with the true Bride, spread on the Earth, and multiply into a Spiritual Generation, that shall stand up this latter Day, as distinguished from all others, that only in formal Profession have been; by the Resurrection-Mark they shall be known: wherein they do bear that new and hidden Name, that gives them Right to possess, and to inherit the true Virgin-Wisdom’s Dowry. Which is all Mighty and Defensive Power from the Father, and the Son, managed by the Holy Ghost, that is the Agent instructed to move, in that part which is Immortal, and that too which is Mortal; that all may be Leavened from out of the springing Root of the Deity, which will give the wonderful Decision and Character, who they are that have their Dwelling in the Heart of Christ. Out of whose Fountain Heart does flow an incessant River of Oil, that does empty it self into such Hearts as do lie near to his Heart.

§. XXVIII. From out of this running Stream that opens from the Godhead Deep, there arise Seven Lamps, which are the Seven Spirits, proceeding from the Throne of the Majesty; which are appointed to attend, and be a Guard upon the Holy Watchers, that upon Faith’s Tower steadily do stand. These Seven Spirits are to be as flying Eyes, sent forth into all parts of the Creation, for to spy and discover what is stirring, moving, and doing; and so accordingly to shut and bind up what may be of Evil consequence and hindrance to the Promulgation of the weighty Matters, relating to Christ’s Appearance in his Kingdom. And on the other Hand, they open and set loose and at liberty, that which may answer to the heavenly Orb and Kingdom, that the same that bear Record in Heaven, may also bear Record on Earth. The Fullness of Time, for which by these Seven Spirits is foreseen to be at Hand, and therefore calls up to such a Faith, as may turn the now moving Wheel, in order to bring about that great Change, so long expected and hoped for, in Reference to a New Modification, of what lies now in Rubbish and Confusion: Which deplorable State has been presented, and carried up by the Petitioners, for the redress of it; which hath prevailed and moved the Heart of God, through the Mediation of the great high Priest, to raise up some principal Worthies, that shall be as Mighty Saviours and Deliverers; furnish’d and replenished with the sevenfold Powers of the Holy Ghost. For the Infinite Divine Wisdom sees it is expedient, that they should be thus invincibly impower’d, and clear sighted, to make infallible Judgment of the present State of Matters and Things; now in this difficult and critical Age, in which such various Pretensions on the account of Religious Profession are found.

§. XXIX. All which has open’d a way for God to set his own Mark and Seal: As First by giving forth the Spirit of Prophecy and Revelation; and thereupon to follow the fulfilling and consummation of whatever has referr’d to the Establishing the New Jerusalem-State, as that Bride that has put on such Rich Adornments of Divine Gifts and Powers, as may well suit and agree with the Mighty Kingly Heir of all Kingdoms and Worlds. Who being thus made ready, the Bridegroom in his Glory cannot fail suddenly to appear.

§. XXX. For the which end, a fresh Summons has been to call up the true Disciplehood to watch and wait in Jerusalem, the Holy City of Peace, till they receive anew the Promise of the Father; as the second-Shower of the Holy Power, that may bring up the second Crop and full Harvest of the Spirit. Now the Voice of enquiry may be to these Watchmen, that have already sat upon the third or break of Day Watch; What hope and expectation is there for the fulfilling of these Prophecies? The Reply is, Behold there is seen in the Heavens, Troops and Myriads of Angels with Trumpets in their Hands, that are Sounding, That there is a Joyful Jubilee at Hand: giving this Word of Consolation, Fear not; Faint not; but hold out Patiently: for the Redeeming Power is strongly moving and breaking forth; and the Crown of Dominion is descending, Guarded by the Heavenly Hosts of Angels, to be put upon the first Overcomers.

§. XXXI. All this is sufficient Motive and Excitement to such, either single Persons or Families, whether in this Nation or more remote, who have put on the Shield of Faith, and are inclosed with us in the Flaming Circle of Love. To whom the Watch-Word is from the Lord Jesus, No other Commandment do I put upon you, but that you hold fast in the Band of Love and Unity, until I come to Cloathe you with Power, Strength, and Glory: Adding further the Word of Counsel, Draw and wind up your Faith to the Mount, where I will not fail to meet you, who are one in my Spirit. For now is the Season and Time for a more bare and naked Manifestation of my self, which by immediate Speech you shall from your Lord know, what has hithertowards been kept secret; as finding so few that could gather up their Faith and Expectation herefor: but it will be given to the close Setters and Waiters for it. Because the Lord has taken notice what wrong Judgments have past from those, that have professed to promote Light and Knowledge, relating to the Mysteries of his Kingdom. Therefore he will call some aside as he did Moses, to hear his own Voice expressly out of the Burning Bush; as that was visible and outward, so now it will be invisible and inward, in the flaming Heart of Christ’s Humanity, that stands Guarded and Separated from all whatever is of the imaginary and outward Part, which the Soul must turn aside from; that nothing of a mixed Spirit may here enter in.

§. XXXII. Now further it was intimated to me, That when any great Deliverance was to be wrought for the Sion-Flock, there would be a calling up such as should stand in the Meek, and Gentle, and yet Zealous Spirit of Moses, to receive Counsel and Command: to be as God’s Agents, to perform all that revealed to them shall be, from the Mouth of the true infallible Prophet, Christ the Lord in them: This being the needful Season herefore, to be Commissionated, for such principal Work and Office. Therefore is required this Watch and Ward, to receive not only Ordination and Commands, but also the Divine-Magical Rod, to confirm the Truth given forth. For what has past away in former Ages, by way of Revelation, and Miraculous Deeds following thereupon, will not serve the peculiar Exigencies {urgent circumstances, distressing conditions,or plights}of this present Age of time, and what is approaching. Wherefore it is required by the Lord himself, that there should be an Expectation of something greater yet, that has been hid in the manifold Wisdom of God, to be brought forth; as this latter Day does require; wherein the Ominipotency of his Reign and Kingdom in his Saints, as they stand United to their Head Christ, shall be Consummated.

§. XXXIII. Now to whom shall this Kingdom first appear and come; but to the Holy Separated Priesthood, that are continually waiting in the inward Court and Sanctuary, who are offering up the Grievances and Calamitous State of the oppressed Flocks of Christ; whose Cries these Holy Ones do present, in the unwavering and high wound up Faith, that admits of no doubting, but that the Lord will suddenly in these appear, as if he were Personally made manifest, for redeeming and releasing the Groaning Captives, that under the Tyranny of the Luciferian and the Beastial Kingdom have been.

O Blessed and Happy are those, who thus call’d and chosen are, to stand all in a prepared readiness, to entertain and receive the first Openings of what has been so long concealed from the World, but what will happen to this present and the ensuing Age of Time.

§. XXXIV. A further Notation was given, that there was a Call to all Universally to expect and believe for the Lord’s Appearance in that Kingdom, which shall prevail and overpower all the Kingdoms of this World. Which should first be exhibited in such Holy Watchers, as should hold out and maintain their Ground at the Watch-Gate. There were three Orders or Degrees of Persons, which had their Invitation hereunto; in allusion to three sorts of Guests in the Parable, that were bidden to the Marriage Feast.

The First of these made their Excuses, that they had no leisure nor time from the Worldly Business and Occasions: their Minds being engag’d to pursue and hunt after Pleasures and Preferments; not looking beyond what the Animal and Sensitive Life pleases and satisfies it self in; cutting themselves off hereby, from what might bring them into the Possession of all durable and everlasting Treasures; making good that Word, many are call’d, but few chosen.

The Second sort, are half Believers: These have some Conviction that there is a Blessed and Wonderful Time approaching; according to the Prophecies Recorded of the Dominion coming to the Oppressed Daughter of Sion. These being quickened up by the Alarms of Prophetical Spirits sent forth, as this Day grows clearer and brighter, moving them hereunto, they most readily offer themselves to come up to this Watch-Tower; as hoping some sudden breakings forth, of the Miraculous Powers from the Heavens may come down: But waiting a while, and meeting with some Suspection and Frustration as to their present Expectation, they begin to faint and grow weary in their Minds, saying in themselves, “Why should we wait for the Lord any longer; for we may spend out our Days, and nothing of Sion’s full Redemption see; as many Ages have run out their time hitherto, and so may we. Therefore we may take a Lawful Liberty to draw off from such a strict Attendance, and take up and be satisfied with what we have hitherto attain’d and reach’d unto, relating to the Kingdom that is yet in Reversion.”  And in this demur and doubting, they draw off from this Watch-Gate.

But here comes on in the Third place, such as do take up a Resolution in an Heroical Spirit of Faith, resolving to live and dye at the Foot of this Gate in a watchful Posture, and as keeping up in the Faith, and ardent vehement Love, and importunity of Prayer; the time not seeming long and tedious (as the true Believers make not haste) being confident that the Lord will not fail their Expectations. Which for a stay to these Waiters, was presented in a Visional way, wherein a Voice was heard, as a rushing Sound of many Waters; saying No longer delay, for the Watch-Hour is now passed away. Therefore open wide the Gate, and give free passage to enter the Blessed Land, where the everlasting Rock does stand, consisting all of Sparkling Stones.

§. XXXV. Out of this Rock which open’d to view, were seen going forth Seven fiery Streams, which did represent the Seven Spirits, made mention of, Rev.1. Which compleat the full number of the Ghostly Powers, which those Faithful holders out were to be Baptized withal; and so to go forth back again out of this Gate as Fire-Stones, to show themselves to their fellow Brethren, that they have obtain’d the Prize they waited so perseveringly for: For Excitement and Provocation to them, to obey this watchful Call. And it was further made known, That to these that had made their way through this Gate, it should no more be shut upon them; but they should go in and out, and renew their Strength and Power from this flowing Rock, that they might hereby act the Mighty Wonders of the Deity, Whereby a great Change and Turn throughout all Nations should be effected; that so the Mighty Lord and Saviour might come to set his Foot here upon the Earth, representing himself, in such as Worthy Overcomers and Holders out in the Faith, shall in this latter Age of Time, raised up be.

§. XXXVI. O Stupendous and Immense Love, that hath revealed these great Mysteries, and Motives, to strengthen the Hands of the Fearful and Feeble, that they may be Strong, to persevere and hold out the Proving Hour. Then no failing will be of the Seven Rewards, promised to the Seven Overcomings. Therefore this Word sounds aloud, So watch as that you may not Lose your Crown, but among the Conquering Worthies in the Celestial World be found; to take your Place and Seat with Christ upon his Throne: which is the Reward from the Yea and Amen.






S H A R O N:


The Renovation of Nature,

Introducing the Blessed

Kingdom of Christ

In the Sealed Number of the First Fruits,

Being the Hundred and Forty Four thousand Priestly Virgins
of the Israel of God, standing with Him upon

M O U N T - S I O N.

Isa. xxxv. 1, 2.

The Desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the Rose: it shall blossom abundantly;
and rejoice even with Joy and Singing. The Glory of
Lebanon shall
be given unto it, the Excellency of
Carmel and Sharon: They shall see
the Glory of the Lord, and the Excellency of our God.


L O N D O N,   Printed for the AUTHOR,   1700.






The  E P I S T L E.

As foreseeing in the Glass of Divine Wisdom, what a Wonderful Time is approaching upon this Visible Creation; which Predicts many great Revelations and Changes, in order to the Bringing in of that Kingdom, that shall have such firm Establishment as to admit of no Change: An Alarm has gone forth, that was opened to the Author thereof, from the Beginning of January 1700, and so onwards to Summon and Call in the Lamb’s Spiritual Warriours, to Fight his Battels; that the Decision may be given for those Great Hero’s, that shall hold out the Fight of Faith, with that Covenant-Bow, the Arrows of which pierce through the Seven Headed and ten Horned Beast; of whom it is said, Who shall be able to make War with it? Who but those that mounted are upon the White Horse of Immaculate Purity and Brightness, wherein their Strength shall be, to tread down all Infernal Spirits and Powers, that in a Body may be rallied together; which is either to be understood Inwardly and Spiritually, or Outwardly, as Evil Spirits may animate Persons to pour out Fury in a Hostile way. It is plainly to be seen, that this Time is commenced already; therefore those are here called upon, that have renounced the Mark and Name of the Beast, which with numberless numbers doth come forth from the troublesome Sea of this World, to cast up and bespatter with the Muddy Earth. All which resisted and overcome, is to be by those that come forth from out of the calm, serene, and quiet Ocean of God’s Love, which the Glassy Sea does represent: as including where the great Conquest and Overcoming is to be: For this Holy Army shall bear the Name of God upon their Foreheads; and the Sealed Name of the Eternal Word upon their Hearts; and gird on the Flaming Sword of the Spirit, whereby they shall put all to flight, that with the Beast and with his Kingdom do take part; therefore be wise and understand all you to whom this comes to hand; to which Side or Party you do belong: and try your more inward State, whether you do engage in War for the Lamb, or contrarily give place to this Grand Enemy. Therefore Counselled be, to abhor to be upholders of the Horn and Strength of the Beastial Kingdom, whether within or without. For heaped upon you will the Immunities and Blessings be (as you Valiant in the Fight for the Lamb’s Kingdom shall prove;) which are open’d here in this following Treatise, as the Reward of those that shall hold out in strong Resolution, till they have the Conquest gain’d.

Now by Commission from the Sovereign Governour of this Sharon-Land, I am to go forward on and further proceed to declare and make known, to such who have passed through their Probation-Hour, and have in good Degree demolish’d the Body of Sin, these joyful Tidings to them pronounced, That the Jubilee Time is at Hand, and the Everlasting Gate now stands open, for their Return into their Native Paradisiacal Land. The Great Jehovah-Jesus as the Joshua-Leader has for each one cast their Lot: according to the renowned Deeds they shall have perform’d, so much larger and greater their Possession assigned must be. But no Lack or Deficiency shall be by any here complained of: Such full Portions are provided by the free Donour, that must not be thought any way inferiour to what the first planted Flower of Paradise, whose Glory so soon decay’d, was instated in. For this Plantation described in this little Tract, will be as an unshaken Foundation; the Lord Christ being their durable springing Root. For if the First Plant had continued stedfast, many Degrees he would have been advanced to higher, which must now have its rise and accomplishment by him, that is the great Restorer; the Measurer of which ascending Glories in these New Paradisiacal Plants no Line hitherto could reach.

But thus far the Morning Star of Wisdom has cast forth her Glance of Light: whereby it is clearly seen what a pleasant Peaceable and Joyful State of Life does here for the Inhabitants of this New Earth remain: which consisteth not of outward Lands, Houses, Pomps and Sensual Pleasures: but is Pure, Holy, Radiant and Spiritual. And which is appropriated to each one, to Enjoy and Possess in their own particular: Where we may set forth Mansions and Tents, which indissolvable are; because God himself will the reared up Tabernacle be, for the Soul to inhabit in: To which no Creaturely Power can either add or diminish. All refreshing and delightful Tastings in abundance, from this Spiritual Rock will also flow; no Mortal can of this Divine Food taste or know. Rich and Sumptuous Cloathing also which well becomes the Natives of this Heavenly Country: whose Robes must suit and agree with the Royal Court and Family of the Tri-une Deity. This all belongs to the Inward and Spiritual Body, which freely Corresponds with the Powers and Immunities of the Celestial World: Passage being made by Christ (their ascending way) to go in and out, and feed upon the Sharon-Pasture; which is ever New, Fresh, and Flourishing; Because there is a Golden Mist that waters it every Moment. And forasmuch as they are Cloathed upon with Corporeal Vehicles, this is not disdainable, because Christ hath formed himself therein, opening the Rosie Tincture of his own Deified Being. Upon which account also the outward Image has a Right to possess such Accommodations of all things, as this Temporary State can afford, Habitations, and Vineyards, and the Olive Fatness, which in all Fruitfulness may about them spring, as they abound in such Blessings, as the pure Life of Faith is to bring in. For these Plants of Paradise have no other care nor labour, but to Dress, and Trim, and Watch their Inward Ground, as their inclosed Garden. Heedful to prevent all mixed Matter, that from the rational part may put forth. Then nothing shall hinder or stop the free Current of the Abraham’s Blessings, which abounded and came in from the upper Fountain-store. The commanding Appearance and Presence of God among this Holy Separated Fold, shall so clearly be manifested, that all Courtesies and Favours shall be thrust in upon them, even by those that are Without. For they shall have wherewithal to Bless, with such returns as shall far Transcend all that this outward World can to Them extend.

Thus the Author has faithfully given forth out of Wisdom’s Bank and Treasury, so much as may be for the Inducement and Encouragement of all that Ambitious and truly Aspiring are, to know a Transplantation out of the Wild, Barren, and Cursed Earth, to become springing Plants in this Paradisiacal Ground; where they may come to inherit all things Substantially. Motives manifold are set before your Eyes to provoke, and hasten you, that are of this Elected Number, that must fill up this Holy Court, upon which the Sharon Rosie Glory, the bright Face of covering shall be. No time delay, but speed and make your flight as Doves away. Which is the Voice that Cries in me to you all, who still remain an Interceeder for you, as for my self, that we may meet together in this Blissful Sharon-Land, as Roses always springing and giving forth their Odoriferous Savour, even here in Time, as in the boundless Circle of Eternity.



T  H  E

Glory  of   S H A R O N.

Part I.

I. ON the First Day of May in the Morning, Anno. 1700, I was casting up in my Mind the many Circles of Years that had passed over me, and considering with my self the way that God had taken, in bringing forth those Manifestations that I have been visited withal, which has been much after the manner of Metaphors and Similitudes, to unfold and shadow out the Heavenly things themselves: and while I was Contemplating what this present Season might further bring forth, as having been big with Expectation these many Years, of somewhat great and signal, relating to the new Scene of the Glory of Christ’s Kingdom; and being desirous through great Age, and the long delay hereof, to put off this Body, that I might enter into that which is indissolvable in the Faith of Assurance, of a Triumphant Reign with Christ, among the Just and Perfect Spirits; with whom such present Communion my Spirit is influenced withal, as hath taken such hold, as hath drawn me in desire to be both with their and my Prince and Saviour. But while I was debating this matter in my Mind, the Eternal Word met me, saying, Think not much, neither grudge at the passing away of so many Rounds of Time, because thou hast not yet arrived to that Flowering Age, where no blemish or defect may be found. For another Time is yet to pass over thee, in which as a translated Plant thou must be in the Paradisiacal Property, with such others as are singled out with thee in the same Unity of Faith, for the making up of a Glorious Sharon-State, that shall come as a Morning-break upon the Benighted Earth, Terrible as an Army with Banners, streaming forth in their impregnable defensive Powers.

II. After this imbreathed Speech from my Lord, there was presented to the inseeing Eye of my Mind, the Similitude of a Rose upon Golden Stalks. The Ground from whence it sprung, was Pure, Refined, and Clarified Mould. The Leaves of this Flower was to the Number Twelve. Each Leaf being distinguished by a different Colour, according to the Oriental Colours of the Rain-bow, seen about the Throne of the Lamb, and in the middle of this Rose grew a Golden colour’d Seed, which sent forth so strong Perfume an Odour, that it attracted down the Vertues and Powers from the Heavenly World; appearing as so many Flaming Eyes, darting their Beams upon it to Cherish it.

III. This withdrawing from my sight, left me to ponder upon the meaning of it, But I was bid to be still, and not further enquire till it should be given me. Thus my Mind being still in a posture of waiting for what might further be made known, the next Morning after some Mental Ejaculations, it appeared again, as having multiplied it self into a threefold Figure, upon the same Root, according to the first Similitude. Then was it said to me, Take good Observation of this unfadable Tri-une Flower, that shall cast forth its Seed, to multiply such Plants as will replenish what in the first Paradise was put by and prevented by the Transgression; but now restored again by him that can never change, because there is no possibility that he should disobey the Everlasting Father’s command. Then came there forth a soft, sweet, warm Gale, that made the spicy Seed to fly and Scatter it self abroad upon this inclosed Garden, from whence did suddenly spring numerous single Flowers of the same Variety of Colours, and Number of Leaves; appearing some in the Bud, and others more or less blown.

IV. Then was it imparted to me, That there was Counsel taken, and Care for the Fencing in of this young sprouting Plantation, for else the Ravenous Beasts would break in to devour, and the Wild Plants that grew every where about, would cast in their Evil Savours to hurt and annoy. Whereupon from the upper Court and Council did come forth a Decree, that it should be inclosed round with a threefold Circle. The first appeared as a Circle of Golden Light: the second was a Circle of a Silver Light: The third a mild gentle Fire, yet of invincible Strength for Defence.

From this Foundation Metaphorically represented, God will further
open his own Meaning herein, what may relate to the approaching Time.

V. Hence followeth the Opening of this Presentation, by which is signified the near approaching of a Paradisiacal State. Some Plants whereof are now beginning to put forth, though in a kind of Chaos, or Wilderness-State as yet, and suffering very much from the wild and ruinous Principle round about; applying this to the case of such, in whom this Seed from the Sharon-Rose has been inwardly sown, being but weak as yet, and the outward Degenerated Birth full grown, and strong, and so would bear Dominion, having all advantage of the Starry Constellations and this Tempting Principle. That does set hard to beat and keep down this Holy and Perfect thing from springing. The Sense whereof does so deeply enter into the Central part of the Soul, that it provokes it to search and enquire whether or not this Divine Seed and Birth has not right to recover what was lost. This was put forth as a Query for my self, as to my own particular, and in behalf of such others, as in Love’s Band of Faith do with me stand. And that I might be assured hereof, the Records which were in the Heavens were made obvious to my Eye. That nothing less was designed by the unreversible Council of the Trinity: But that, that first Flower that sprung up in Paradise, which was Man made after God’s own Image, being deflower’d, and losing its Virgin Rose, and so became Weak and Impotent, and introduced the same effects throughout the whole Creation, involving his whole Off-spring into Curse, Death, and Sorrow, as we all are Witnesses of: This decay’d Plant by a strong Odoriferous Wind or Breath from the Tri-une Deity, blowing up what was under such quenchings and Death, obtains a new Springing Life in those that shall make up the Glory of the New Sharon. And as the first formed One lost the Honour of bringing forth his Virgin Off-spring, for the replenishing of that Blessed Region in which he was placed: So now the never dying or decaying Flower of Life does here come to fill up the vacancy with a more Noble and High Graduated Generation, by their passing through the Womb of Eternal Wisdom. All which Spiritual Births lie hidden in the Visible Corporeal Figure, which cannot bear the Glory of a Celestial Body, as yet to visible Sight; till transplanted into such an Eden-Garden together, where we may all one Cloathing wear as our Immortal Robes, as may suit with our Glorified Head.

VI. Had not the Lord himself so condescended, as to Cloathe himself with the self same Dishonourable Image, that we through the Apostasy of Sin do bear; We might have disdained our selves in such an appearance. And truly I have often my self reflected hereupon, (as well I might do) finding such Nakedness and Impotence, with Maladies and Infirmities. But as I have been sometimes complaining to my Lord concerning this Vile Body; He has answer’d me in the most kind and friendly manner, saying Think not much, nor be dismay’d, seeing it is but for a limited Time that thou bearest this Badge, that so contemptible is; seeing that I my self did not despise it for your sakes, nor suffered it to be any Impediment to the springing and growing body, that moved in it invisibly, for the fulfilling of all Righteousness. So in like manner you are not to think it an impossibility, but that you may to the same Perfection arrive gradually, as the Deified Seed which is cast into a new Created Heart, shall come up to a Spiritual Body, answering to my own. Which when made compleat, as occasion may require, This inward Body by the Rosie Tincture may give a Radiancy and Shining Glory upon the visible gross Part. But however, all the Defects and Impotencies are not to be charged upon the outward form, so much as upon the inward Root and Body of Sin, the Destruction of which is to be principally aimed at. For while that Life is strong, the Spiritual remains weak. But as this Rose of Sharon shall come from its Budding, to a Blossoming, as its Root is from the Deity, so it will shew it self as a compleat Body according to Eternal Nature, Replanted in the Paradisiacal Land, by which the Outward Birth of Depraved Nature shall sink away down into its own Root again, and be bound as with a Band of Iron to prevent its Dominion, through the Sinful Properties, that otherwise would mingle and interrupt the Peaceable and Serene Reign of the Spirit. This is the true Essential Ground, by which the lapsed Creation will be set free.

VII. But Note further, that it is testified by the Spirit, That this is very rare, and peculiar only to some few, at first in the beginning of this Sharon-Plantation, that Mighty Worthies in the Faith shall be; as Lilies, that shall appear to be the Espoused Bride of the Lamb, that shall answer to the Jerusalem above, co-joined as Denizons of that City, to make up such a Temple Body, as God with his bright Star of Wisdom, and with the Lamb shall be the Glory of it.

VIII. This is represented by the Twelve Leaves of the Rose, made mention of, which signifies the Twelve Foundations, with their sparkling Colours, which also signifie the Twelve Gates: which renews the calling of the Twelve Tribes, not only of the Jews, but out of all Nations. This refers also to the Apostolical Number, that are all to be Sealed with the Tri-unity of the Rose, springing from the Golden Stalk: And the great and marvelous Wonder will be, when this Jerusalem consisting of such pure and bright clarified Spirits shall appear, compacted together to dwell on such a Vile, Gross, Material Principle, as this World does appear at present to be.

IX. This shall be the Beloved City, which though the vile and perverse Generation may make their Attempts against it, they can find no way to come through the threefold Circle, which is so Defensive a Glory about it, as it will Devour and Consume all that makes Enterprize against it. Which may well strike a Terror to the Unbelieving and Opposing.

X. And I was commanded to Declare, that this Glorious Sharon-Plantation is now at this time Budding forth. And therefore to blow the Horn, to awaken and raise up the Seed that has lain buried for some time in Paradisiacal Ground; and also among the Wild Plants in the Desolate Wilderness, that lies without. For this is the set time, wherein the Seventh Angel does utter his Mighty Voice. Which the Dead in Christ, understood Mystically, shall hear, and so as Lilies put forth and spring in that Faith that shall multiply the Blessings of unknown Treasures, which shall outvie, and excel all of the outward typical, Solomon’s Grandeur and Glory.

XI. Now what does this presage or speak forth, less than the Mighty Reign and Kingdom that is coming upon the Earth. In which the Sharon Plants shall so renowned be, as to carry the Scepter Rule and Government over all that is Mortal and Temporary. For Christ who is their Prince of Life, will take to him that Alpha and Omega Name, that shall make the Inhabitants of the Earth to know that his Jerusalem-Bride shall sit with him upon his Throne and Reign, till all those that have refused Obedience to this Name, shall be constrained to Come and Worship before his and her Feet. Who also has verified by a new express of his Mind, that he will give into the Hands of such as he shall approve, a Rod of Strength dipt in that Golden Circle; by which they shall Sprinkle and Baptize many that shall receive of the same Ghostly Power, for a Witness from, and in whom the Spirit of God and Glory does go forth to touch, and inflame with that Love that answers to the Deified Name.

XII. By way of preparation and order for this to be accomplish’d, in This very season of Time, A Royal Command from the King of the Superiour Jerusalem is gone forth, to stir up some Heroical Spirits, to lay the Foundations for the Building up this Mystical and Spiritual Defensive Wall, which bears an Analogy to the Building of the Jewish Temple. As the ancient Temple was laid waste, so likewise has the Spiritual Gospel Structure, of which the Twelve Apostles were laid as the Foundations, with their Head Corner Stone, been much demolish’d and decay’d, so that its first Pure and Primitive Model has been, as it were, obliterated for many Generations past. In the sense of which, I was spreading before the Lord, and Mourning for so great a Lapse of this Ministration, as Daniel for some number of Weeks; after which I found a strengthening Power girding me up, and several bright Clouds encompassing me, out of which I saw several Persons, as I apprehended to the number Twelve, representing Twelve Apostles, that had each one a Golden Reed in their Hands, to measure out the Lengths and Breadths, upon which this Edifice was to stand: who did depute and impower some Persons now living in this Age of time, for the building and raising up what the Babylonish Spirit has been pulling down.

XIII. And as I was enquiring whether or no these opposing Powers would not still let and hinder, as they did in Christ and the Apostle’s time. It was answer’d me; It is not always so to be. For this Mystery of Iniquity after it has had its full Unmasking, must have its Downfall; as this Holy Apostolical Fabrick shall have its rise. And it was further noted to me, That I was not to fear upon the renewing of this great Work, by Persons so ordained, as to represent the Apostolical Order, (which may in process of time exceed that Number,) that these should be prevented by Persecutions, and from the Flood-gates of the dark Kingdom letting out upon them, to take them off from the full Accomplishment of their Work. For though this was permitted, that both the Head Stone and his Followers were to be cut off by Suffering and Death, yet as a new Progeny from, and in their Spirits shall rise, they shall not only be endowed with the Holy Ghost for Gifts and Acts of Power going forth transiently, but possess the Holy Ghost, as resting upon them for duration. For to this end it was necessary that those should suffer, and enter into their Kingly Power and Glory, and in that Spirit descend, to co-operate, and inlarge that Kingdom which they do possess in the Heavenly World, in such as are herefor fitly qualified, that they may receive not only of their Gifts and Powers, but also Fortitude and Strength to uphold them against all Violaters, so that they shall have no power to hurt, or impede them in this great Enterprize that they are ingag’d in. Which will be made manifest by the several Foundation-Stones: (as mention’d Rev.21.19) that were denominated to me in their peculiar Signatures and Properties.

The First is the Jasper, which denotes the Creating Word of Light, multiplying it self to a Sevenfold Degree of Light; that swallows up the Seven Darknesses or Nights, which were divided from the Light.

Secondly, Out of the Womb of everlasting Light, is brought forth the Love, or the Jacinth Stone multiplying and manifesting it self, as Burning Gold sending forth a Ruby Lustre. Which vanquishes, and by its Tincture expels the Venom of the Anger and Wrath.

The Third Foundation Stone is the Princely Wisdom, and may be represented by the Chrysolith-Diamond, sparkling forth in all Variety of Powers and Operations, putting to the Blush and Shame, whatever is of Folly and Lightness. Thereby extinguishing and getting the Victory over it.

The Fourth is the Sapphire, which signifies Truth, springing from its native Originality, which never could be Tainted or Adulterated. Which will dispel all misunderstanding and uncertainty of things.

The Fifth Stone is the Emerald; or the Flowering Spring of an everlasting Righteousness, eating out the Curse of the unrighteous Properties in degenerated Nature; and opening the Fountain of all endless Treasures.

The Sixth, or the Topaz, bears the Motto of Peace, all mild and kind. It will admit of no Jarrs or Rendings; or whatever shall make Disquietings or Warrings; this it that Virtual Stone that makes up all Breaches, and heals all Wounds.

The Seventh is Impartiality of Justice and Judgment, that cannot be Biassed or Corrupted, judging all Causes, and weighing all Matters in the Balance of Equity: And stands against all Oppression, Fraud, and Cruelty. Represented by the Amethyst.

The Eighth is the meek and even temperature of a Spirit, all Mild, and Kind, whereby the Harshness, Fierceness, and Frowardness is overcome. Which is signified by the Beryl.

The Ninth is the high Magnetical Faith, that attracts the Virtue and Essence from the first Author and Original of it, by which Incredulity, Fears, and Doubtings are expell’d. Applied to the Sardine Stone.

The Tenth is Invincible Fortitude and Strength; which so over-rules all contradicting and opposing Powers, that nothing remains to Let or prevent what Almightiness does intend. Which is referr’d to the Chrysoprase.

The Eleventh is Triumphant Joy and Delight, flowing from that Fountain, that is Pleasure for evermore. Which swallows up all Sighing and Sorrow. Which belongs to the Sardonix.

The Twelfth bears the Crown of Victory, Dominion, and Glory, as the top Stone or greatest of Wonders. Returning all in Praise to the Founder of all this Glory, Assigned to the Chalcedony.

XIV. Thus has been described the high Composition of the Wall, being all of Fire-Stones, temper’d and compacted together, wherein is couched and hidden the deepest Secrets of Wisdom: That shall be brought forth into Manifestation as Builders upon these Foundations shall be raised. For which a Cry is heard from the All-piercing Eye of Love’s Eternity. Who among Mortals shall be found fitly qualified to obtain this Honour? The Answer is, It is Assign’d for such as do spring as Lilies from this new Planted Earth, that lies all level and low; that shall from pure Nature be renewed, put forth and grow; as the Rosie Tincture shall through them flow: Which does express no less than the Anointed Christ, to be as the spreading Flower of Glory, in the midst of these Plants that are yet but in their Budding Infancy, whose over-seeing Charge will be, till each one to a mature Spiritual Body, according to the Similitude of Christ their Lord may reach, whereby they shall be Capacitated, their own Wall of Defence thus to Erect. The Plat-form hereof being given by the Supream Governess of this Principle, which is the Eternal and Divine Wisdom, to such Angelical Persons, as shall measure out the Dimensions hereof foursquare, lying open to the four Quarters of the Earth; on each side of which are three Gates, all Oriental and Transparent. Which signifies an opening of that Ministry, which hath been for some Ages shut up, which shall rise again out of the Sharon Root in greater Magnificence and Glory. And as the Lord in his Humiliation-State did ordain, and call’d Twelve Disciples that they might be Witnesses of his Mighty Works and Deeds, as he was the Son of God and Saviour of Mankind. So herefrom is understood that he will now also elect and assign Twelve Principal Persons, as the Foundation-Builders, who shall stand each one at his several Gate, intrusted with the Key thereof, to lock out and to open as they please, as directed from their principal Head. And so to go on, to multiply the number of Disciples till they be numberless; for the publishing and reviving of that more than Glorious Ministration, that consisteth purely of the Fiery Baptism of the Holy Ghost: Which all that shall find admittance through these Gates, must be made partakers of, as they shall pass through the three Circles before-mention’d and so hereby they shall be made Natives, to dwell and inhabit in this new planted Paradise: For here it is to be understood, that these that are born Natives in this Holy Land, they have Government and Laws quite different from what is after the manner of the Worldly Principle, for they all here move, according to the Compass of the Supream Magical Working Wheel, that winds them up to mighty, high and wonderful Acts of Faith, which inspires with Wisdom and Knowledge, to find out those secret Arts and Sciences that have been lost, and could never be found, till reimplanted again in Paradisiacal Ground. Till these Divine Magus’s come to be brought forth, there can be but little Expectation for an Establishment of that Kingdom, in which the Reign and Dominion of Christ in his shall appear.

XV. Therefore this new Model of the Court and Palace within, and the Wall without was described to me, with a Word of Counsel and Information, with assurance that such an Orb or Principle should open and take place, for Joy and Praise to the Inhabitants of this new Earth, whereby the old Earth with all their Crafts and Merchandizing, and the Pomp, and Riches, and Glory they have gotten, thereby shall all be out of date and esteem, as drossy Mettal, when compared with Fine Gold, or right Jewels with Counterfeit. And as none can Traffick in the Babylonish Wares without having the Mark of the Beast and his Name; so none can in this Holy Land, but they must first obtain their Freedom from the Supream Judge and Law-giver, and receive the Seal of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost upon their Forehead, to signifie that they are ordained free Denizons here. To work and act not by the outward Bodily Strength, but by the Motion, Operation and Activity of the Spirit.

XVI. Now it may be asked, Whether this is to be understood to be a gathering together of Persons to one Place, so addicted and qualified? It is Answer’d, There is no necessity requires this, because it is from the Divine Principle that opens it self Individually, and so each one may have a Paradise opened within him. And become himself a Plantation water’d from the Golden Circl’d River, being a Builder, and laying the Foundations first of his own Wall, by him who is the springing Flower of that Seed, of the Eternal God-head that does here sow it self, giving forth its Increase and Multiplication, as Matter and Ground prepared herefor shall be. Neither can a Local absence hinder the Commerce, that may be maintained between those that are of the same Sanctuary-Function and Order. For it is the Property of the Spiritual part, to dart into another as swift as a Thought, and for one Soul to be Essentially present and united to another; This is a great Mystery, and has been little understood; of the near Affinity and Conjunction that one Spirit may have with another, though even in different Kingdoms. But it may be ask’d, what is the benefit and use of this passing of one Spirit to another, and into another? and what Ground is there for it? and what is the Benefit of it? It is Answer’d, The great Apostle speaks of being absent in Body, but present in Spirit; and of his Spirit being gather’d together, and meeting with them to Determine Matters and Things, as one having obtain’d more eminently the Spirit of Discerning and Judgment, 1Cor 5.6,7. So also the Spirit of Elisha went along with his Servant, and actually saw what he had done. This is experienced more or less, according to the degree of the Spirit poured forth. So that much help and strengthening mutually of each other may be maintained, by way of this Entercourse of the Spirit. Hereby in a true Sympathy they have a real feeling of each others Sorrows and Temptations, and also of their Freedom and Joy: And particularly of the Powers of the Holy Ghost, moving and acting through one unto another, which is the high and singular Benefit through this Union, that none can understand or perceive, but those that are in it.

XVII. And thus the Temple-Body of Christ will be Built, and the Spiritual Stones will be joined together, and as convenience shall be found, there may be a joining of Family to Family, for the holding an Holy Solemnity and Convocation together in one accord; to Worship God in Spirit, waiting together for a more full Inundation of the Spiritual Powers, as sequestering and giving up themselves Unanimously for this Great and Worthy End. That the Dove-Spirits that yet may lie scatter’d in several Nations and Kingdoms, may have a Call to the Temple-Body, rising visibly where-ever it may be pitched.

XVIII. For which end it is requirable, that there be an abandoning and coming out of all Immersements, in the common Spirit and Principle of this World. Here must be a ceasing to intermeddle with the Earthly Crafts and Sciences; entering themselves into a new way, to be brought up as the Children and Disciples, of the Heavenly Wisdom. Who will assuredly make All-sufficient Provision, for the outward Bodily part. The seeking after which is not for the Heaven-born Soul that is redeemed out of the World. For these are the things, that as our Lord tells us, the Gentiles seek after. But the Father stands more peculiarly charg’d for his own Family, as knowing what things are needful for them, and by conferring that Princely Gift, which is Faith in him, as the Key that opens that unknown Store-house, where all Treasures shall open stand at the Hand of Faith’s Command: which must be steady and never wavering, looking upward with a fixed eye, not divided between two Principles. Then will it be experienced, as it was by the great Patriarchs and Prophets of old, who were encompassed with Blessings on the right Hand, and on the left; not knowing which way they would be brought in; confiding in that everlasting Fountain that unsealed was unto them, in all its Fruitful Springs.

XIX. This is such a Dispensation as cannot gain Credit with any, but such as of the high Faith of Abraham are. That can go naked out, and Obedient be to the Call of God, who as a Father did much transcend, in giving him a Lot and Portion, which nothing could parcel withal from this outward World: Therefore he said in Confidence of his God, He would not be beholding for a Shoe-latchet to the Sodomitish Spirit.

XX. It is little known or consider’d what Faith may extend to, in Relation to the increase of all Temporal Blessings. Instances of Adepts herein, and also of the deep Arcanum of the Philosophers, through their Knowledge of the original Ground of Nature, may be had from a certain Fraternity (However counted Fabulous, yet) known to be in Existency and Being: having hithertowards obscured and hidden themselves, because the Universal are not accounted worthy to have it communicated to them. These are Planted as in an outward Paradise among themselves, in some part of this visible World. Where they do act, and bring forth great and marvelous Wonders, being Masters of the Treasures of the Mineral Kingdom. These are reserved for a great Work in their Time and Season. Which will be when such a Generation shall rise up, as are born into the more refin’d and Spiritual Part of Divine Philosophy, growing up and taught in the School of Pentecost, in the Ghostly Faith, which is the Kernel and Seed, from whence may grow that Spiritual Body, that answers to the express Similitude of Christ, after his Resurrection-Appearance: Who ascended into Paradise, preparing Mansions for all such as quicken’d into the same Resurrection-Life with him should be, and as he was parted from the visible World. So mystically and spiritually will he gather up to himself, that they may live after the Paradisiacal Manner and Way, as the first Adam did before his Lapse; so Christ, the second, being made Manifest in our Human Form, paying the full Price of our Redemption, has opened that Gate, whereby we may return to our Native Country again. For all such as have put him on as their Essential Paradisiacal Body, though in this World, in their outward Figure, they may yet Inhabitants be; yet in the true Liberty of the Spirit they may maintain their Entercourse and Conversation: Christ in the Divine Mystery opening and dilating himself in the Soul in all its Virtual Powers and Properties, in such a Divine Sensation and Enjoyment, so as that Blessed Principle is recover’d and possess’d again. The Evidences are by the Immunities and Priviledges that belong to the Paradisiacal Life, which is such a pure Climate and Heavenly Air, which the Soul maintains Breath of Life from, that nothing of Death is to be tasted there. Because here to them the Tree of Life doth open stand, without any Guard upon it: For none are incapable of feeding on this Tree, but such as are Diffident and Faithless; to every believing Plant, here it offers it self all free.

XXI. Thus they shall as Princely Spirits have their Tents pitched near unto their Kingly Shepherd, as encompassing his Throne-Glory. Here shall need to be no enquiring for, here they are no longer turned aside from the Flocks of his Companions, neither need they say, Tell us O our Beloved where thou feedest, and where thou makest thy flocks to rest at noon Day? Because thou hast sent thy Dove Messengers, not only to give us intelligence, but to lead and bring us up to our ancient primary Rest in thee, as making us Partakers of the same Glory, which thou hadst prepared for us in thy self before the Foundation of the World was.

XXII. Now it may be Queried further, Upon whom this Paradisiacal Principle may be made manifest?

In Answer hereunto, They are such as have a peculiar and high Degree of Faith, to set themselves apart for it: keeping steady in a Watchful Posture, which has been known already by some, both in Ages past and also present, that it has not been without effect, but they have Witnessed the opening of this Spiritual Temperature and Climate, where all Peaceable, Fruitfulness, and Pleasurable Conversation with their Princely Lord and King is enjoyed, who is return’d in Spirit to keep his Walks in the inward New planted Earth. And as the visible Paradise was separated from the grosser part of the World, so it is to be understood in the Garden of God inclosed. And as Adam went out of Paradise into this World, so now in the Restoration or Returning back again, through Union with the Spirit of Christ, there is an abiding in this Place, in a most Free and Glorious Liberty.

XXIII. But Caution is given, That after once being scituated {situated} here, there be no turning the Eye out or off from this Tree of Life. For out of all danger of being tempted we are not exempted, nor got beyond all Probation, till we come to be Established, Rooted, and Grounded so firmly into the Tree of Life, as nothing may shake or disettle these living Plants. Thus when we have past {passed} our Probation-State in both these Principles, the outward and inward, then will be the Season to any that are thus far advanced, to expect the mighty Ghostly Powers will be poured down as a rushing Wind, and warm penetrating Showers, which will bring up the Fruitful Pledges or Tokens of Christ’s Presence, returning and resting for the distinguishing Marks of another Apostolical Resurrection of those various Powers and Gifts, that the Apostles were indued and replenished withal: As, the Spirit of Prophecy, which will shew things both present and to come; as also the renewing of the healing Medicine or Balsam that shall be sent forth from the Internal Word, incorporating it self in Nature’s Property and Form. But it is not commandable at the Will of the Creature, but when the moving is in the Oily Pool by the Angel of the Covenant, then Virtue may be sent forth for the Cure of Mortal Infirmities, as the Faith of the Patient upon whom the cure may be perform’d, does concur here withal. So the Corruptible is healed by the Incorruptible Tincture penetrating through; which is attributed to the Deified Blood of Christ the Lord’s Humanity. As also may be mention’d those other Gifts that were exhibited in the Apostolical Day, as the Word of Wisdom, and fresh Centres and Springs of Revelation, that shall open what has been shut up, and seal’d from the Knowledge of any, without it be such as are set apart upon the Ministration of the Spirit to wait; to whom it will be given in Speciality to know the deep Mysteries, that are needful in this latter Age for help and direction, to the Builders upon this Foundation. That have a Call at this Time, more immediately to set upon this Work from the Flaming Ardency of Love, to carry on and not to stop till the top Stone be laid, as a Covering that shall appear in the Tri-une God, in all Splendor of Majesty and Glory.

XXIV. Who then would not now think it worth their Time to come out from the Babylonish Land, and cease to be Traffickers in that only, which is Vulgar, Gross, and Carnal, and enter themselves as Divine Magus’s in that Inward and Holy Court, where only the Anointed Priests are to exercise their Function and Calling, differing from others, who yet do remain only in the first Rudiments of a Christ-like Profession, in the Outward and Exteriour part of Knowledge, having not pressed yet forward into the Internal and Essential Formation of a Christ in them: Who prepares his own Paradise for Habitation, as the Land of all Spiritual Fruitfulness and Blessed Stores, which gives ease and rest from the Burdens, and Cares and Cumbrings from the Worldly Principle, which is the peculiar Privilege appropriated to the Inhabitants, who are the Traffickers here, and do exercise themselves quite in another way, that is, from a stock of an All-springing Powerful Faith, which is that Golden Coin that bears the Inscription, The Lord God Omnipotent here does Reign over all Worlds, Centres, and Principles, the Blessings from the Heights above, and the Depths beneath to command. And as Joshua had the Commission and Power given him, after he had brought the Tribes of Israel over Jordan, to divide to each their Lot of Inheritance; so the great Joshua-JESUS, by Conquest has brought a Selected and Chosen Number into this Love-paved Land, where each one has their Portion divided for them after a Spiritual manner, according to the free Donation, decreed from the Council of the Trinity, as Persons are found higher or lower in their Growth and Capacities, to possess, some one Portion, others a twofold or threefold, or others proceeding till they arrive to a sevenfold Portion, which full Portion belongs principally to the Holy Anointed Priesthood, as the Celestial Revenues, from the Power of which, what is Terrestrial, for the outward Form which yet we bear, will be made Subject to serve, till Mortality shall put on its Immortal Robe. Which may happen to such, who to the highest Pitch of Faith shall arrive; so as to transmute according to the Divine Chymistry, course and gross Matter into refined and pure Gold.


Part II.

XXV. After this opening as I was recollecting and calling it over, and considering how near such a wonderful Time might be; it was replied, That there was prepared a Tri-une Cup, which out of Wisdom’s Principle and Land, compounded of Rich Deified Matter, was as by a Chain let down, to be drunk down by such as were denoted Principally for to go forth in the Spirit of Prophetical Divination. This Cup had three Bowls upon one Handle, and three distinct Sorts of Liquor springing in them: And it was told me by the Spirit of Wisdom, from whose Hand it was Ministered, that one of these was the Rich Oily Composition. Another was as a flaming Breath of Fire. The other was the deep Ruby Tincture of the Royal Blood. Upon which it was said in me, Behold, and see what the Sacred Trinity hath let down for an inspiring Dowry, that shall give the distinguishing Seal to such who are Born into Wisdom’s Kingdom. And who so shall first able and fitly qualified be, to taste of the first of these, they shall know a healing Spring will immediately open and rise: To disperse and dispel the Contagious Venom of the Body of Sin; and from thence will go forth to relieve, what in outward Nature diseased or disorder’d may be. The Property of the second Cup, is termed to be the Ghostly Draught; the effect of which will be a Baptizing Power, that will pass through all and every part, producing a Mighty Shine and Ray of Light and Glory. The Nature of the third Cup, is the Blood of full and perfect Redemption, setting free, and giving a true Spiritual Release and Jubilee, from out of the sore Travails, and Sorrows, and Burdens, which the outward Birth of Degenerated Nature, so Universally has involved all in, as well those that are Inlightened, as those that are in Darkness and Ignorance.

XXVI. This Metaphorical Representation, has a most deep and intrinsical Signification, containing in it that Secret, which hath not in any Age of time been Revealed: But though in Christ the fullness of the God-head it was couched, yet this Mystery lay in him concealed, until the Time of the more full Effusion of the Spirit, and opening of the Centre, where the Tri-une Power has lain hid. But an Alarm has Sounded from the Heavenly World, first and peculiarly to the new sprung up Plants, that in the Sharon Pasture are inclosed; to whom it is given to take and draw in, of this Sacred and Sovereign Elixir, that may inspire according to each ones Measure, Growth, and Degree, as Faith can extend and reach hereunto; so accordingly will the Christ-like Form come to be Great, Mighty, and Strong, to Work transcendently such mighty Acts and Deeds, that shall justifie who are the Vessels that filled are with this Rich Dowry, that does only appertain to the Children of Wisdom’s Kingdom: whose Birth-Line does run from the Genealogy of Judah, to whom the Scepter of Government and Rule shall after a Paradisiacal manner be renewed, all being recover’d again by him, who is the First born from the Dead; who now in this new Creation-State transfers upon these, who are first redeemed out of the old Corrupt Earth, various and innumberable Powers for the upholding and maintaining that Glorious Reign here upon Earth. Which shall be acted by such Principal, Great, and Worthy Saints as shall represent Christ; who will intrust the Sceptor of his Dominion in their Hands, till the time of Restitution of all things, making ready for his Appearance in his Glorified Person. Which though it may seem Strange and too Wonderful for this mean and temporal State, as at present it stands in, yet by the Holy Unction it is to me verified, That there is such an Overturning coming on as will bring forth a new Time, such as hath not yet been, which will by little and little out of the Heavens spread and break forth, till the whole Earth shall be brightened by this Day-break of rising Light, through those Saints that dwell in the Body of Light. For the Confirmation of this Marvellous Reign of Christ in his Saints, that it is to set its footing upon the Earth, take that ancient Prophecy Rev. 5.10. And [thou] hast made us unto our God, Kings and Priest: and we shall Reign on the Earth. Which agrees with these latter Prophecies that have been brought forth as the renewed Witness and Testimony of Jesus.

XXVII. The Three sorts of Liquor in the Golden Cups answer to the threefold Office and Function of these Love Elders, that are to be Enthron’d with Christ the Lord. First Faith is begotten, carrying a vehement Thirst to drink in of this living Blood as a quickening Spirit, which answer to Christ’s own Words, Except ye drink my Blood, ye have no Life in you. The Virtue of which must cleanse, and take away that Putrefaction that Sin hath contracted, producing a healing Spring that renews Spiritual Life continually. This is the Blood of the Covenant, and relates to the High Order of the Melchizedeck Priesthood.

XXVIII. The Flaming Breath is appropriated to the Spirit of Prophecy, that searcheth into the deep Fund of the all foreknowing Wisdom, wherein those hidden Treasures of Knowledge do lie, making known the Mind and Counsel of God, as to things past, present, and to come. And though there has been a great Relapse, sinking down, and quenching the Spirit even unto Death; Now a Resurrection hereof is Witnessed, and is upon its further growth and increase, that God may be justified in this abounding Dispensation of the express Revelation of his Mind.

XXIX. The third Draught is of the Holy Composition Oil, which gives the Sacred Dignification of the Kingly Dominion, which the Saints of the most High have never yet reach’d unto, so as to Reign over the Earth. Now it may be known, what it is that has retarded and kept back the Possession of this Kingdom; because there has not been a drinking in of these two foregoing High Rarified and Spiced Liquors in that Measure, as to have it their Daily Portion. Though it cannot be denyed but some there are that have drunk deep hereof, but not being able to maintain it as a constant flowing spring, a stop unto the Kingdom fully coming forth hath been: but behold, a Cry is come forth from the Mighty Head Prince and King to them, who in the believing Thirst are found, to let them know that now is the great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles; wherein the Gushing Powers of the Holy Ghost are offer’d freely to be given forth, and emptied into the Sanctuary-Vessels, according to this fore-mention’d preparation. Who now upon such a Free and Generous Call would slack their pace? But throw off every heavy Weight, and whatever of this earthly Mold does cleave to them, and shackle their Feet; for it is a time that does require all haste. For the mild Summer from the Heavens is now breaking forth; in which their Flight may be easie and pleasant. For the Gales and Wind of the Spirit does warmly blow, to wind and draw up from all that is of the Earthly Ponderosity. Skip and Leap ye Lambs, who are Anointed to this Kingly fold; and be not any longer supplanted of your Right, who to the Christ-like Crown do belong; that as Princely Powers here over the Earth in him you may come to Reign.

XXX. Behold in the Spirit, and you will see the Everlasting Gates of Lebanon stand open and free; where in the Paved Walks of Love you will be greeted and kindly received by the Kingly Shepherd, and his Princely Bride the Jerusalem Mother: who hath provided here to entertain you the Seven overflowing Pools which Water this Garden; which makes it always Flowering and Springing; and the continual descending Showers from the Superiour Heavens, give marvellous feeding and refreshing to the growing Plants of this New and Blessed Earth, in which Righteousness does only Reign. And albeit this Mystical Paradise, which may every where be dispersed and opened, so as each Individual Person may carry their New Heavens and Earth within them, and Christ there maintaining his Throne-Dominion; though this be in the midst of this Wilderness, where the wild Plants do grow, and would tempt by their seeming Fair and Deceivable Fruits, yet no Force or Power will they have to Corrupt, or draw the Mind from what is Relish’d and Enjoy’d in this Paradisiacal Land: For the Inhabitants hereof as the Lily-purity in Christ their Life shall to its perfection come; they shall be all Temptation-proof, as Christ himself while he convers’d upon Earth, never gave Place to any thing that might Derogate from his high Descent. Such a Christ-like Generation now upon their coming forth is, to whom he will commit the Reins of his Government; and who shall be Princes, each one in this Lebanon-Kingdom; which shall have all free Commerce and Correspondence with Christ, and the highest of those Saints, that have put on the Robes of Glorification. And as Sin and all the Evil Properties have hitherto Reign’d with innumerable Evil Effects, after the Similitude of the first Adam’s Transgression: So by the second shall the Righteous Nature come to bear the Soveraignty and Dominion, in the Microcosm within them, and in the great World without them: For the Covenant of Faith will be firmly Established; whereby the Princes of this Lebanon-Court shall live above all Fear. For the Lion-Spirits shall be made to couch to the Lamb’s mild Nature in them: And such Gifts shall be conferr’d upon them, and such Divine Wisdom manifested in them, as the Nebuchadnezzars of the Earth shall intreat their Friendship; as they are Evidenced to be the great Favourites of the most high God: who may be assistant to them, where all the Power or Wisdom of their Kingdom shall be too Impotent to help and relieve them. Then shall the Proud Haman-Spirits also know that they must become Servant-Leaders of that Horse, upon which Christ has mounted his Saints, all cloathed upon as with the Heavenly King’s Glorious Apparel: and the Golden Chain of Divine Honour about their Necks; those going before and Proclaiming, thus shall it be done to those, whom the Head Prince of the New Sharon-Paradise shall delight to Honour.

XXXI. These are those that shall be the first Springing Fruits of the Sharon-Glory, separated and redeemed out of the Earth, to bear Dominion over it. For the Ghostly Powers from this sevenfold Pool, into which they are Baptized, shall expressly shew forth what they are designed for; not only to go forth to make report of the Kingdom approaching: But to be Active Instruments in the Establishment of it, by overpowering that which is Babylonish and Earthly, and making Discovery of all False Appearances of such as do pretend to own the Spiritual Kingdom, but are found as hollow and empty Trunks, that bear a Name to live when they are dead; not having the Sap of the Spirit springing in them. Upon the Plains of Sharon where the spicy Plants do grow, it will be given to them to discern, what under this Face of Covering does it self show. So that by the Rising of this Apostolical Spirit, all the false Magus’s will be tried, that they may no more go forth to deceive the Simple and Ignorant-minded. Which will prove a terrible Shaking to their Old Heaven and Earth, which must have an overturning. And may it rather be by the most Sympathizing Sense and Love-Compassion that this Holy Priestly Order have for them, than by the severe Vindictive Justice going out against them. That if by any means they may be in time deterr’d from being Supporters of the Kingdom of the Beast and the Spirit of Fallacy.

XXXII. Now while the Love-Trumpet does Sound, let all that have drunk only of the Bitter Waters, and have satisfied themselves only with the outward Husk of the Grape, but have not tasted the Sweet Royal Blood of it, that it might become a Fountain of Life within them: Let these make their pursuit to be Transplanted from their Wild and Barren Soil, into this Fruitful Land of all Blessed Store, to partake of those Immunities, which the here first Planted Worthies do really Possess and Enjoy; And it may be told you, That here is no Care or Turmoil, no Vexing Thorn nor Prickling Briar, but the Lily-time, which springs up naturally of its own kind, in which shall be no taking thought for the Morrow, because God here undertakes to Feed and Cloathe those that belong to his own Family and Household. For the Eternal Rock of the Spirit shall still follow for their Nourishment and Refreshing, both Internal and External.

XXXIII. But now, methinks there is an Eccho Crying in my Ears, saying, Here is made mention of a Strange and Wonderful Time and State to be made Manifest in this Visible World. But when shall it be? The answer hereunto from the Spirit of Truth and Prophecy is; The time herefor is present, as well as to come. The Fire-sparkles from the Holy Ghost have been sown, and are still sowing in the new refined Earth, herefor fitly prepared, in Persons scatter’d and dispers’d here and there: In some of them lying still under Ground, in others putting forth, but yet young and tender; in others grown up to a good Degree; as being under a more fruitful and thriving Climate. In such as have weather’d out all Storms and Shakings, and have stood their Ground. These are those that are come near, and shall be the first Lilies that shall put on the Rosie Crown in the Nuptial Tie, from whence will be produced Births of a God-like Spirit and Nature, that shall go forth in that Nazarite-Purity, as shall be accompanied with an All-commanding Power, that shall not fail to spring from the God-head Root within: and shall stand in these latter Days to Judge the Earth, and to bind down the Oppressors of it. For that Prophecy must be fulfill’d, I will make thine Officers Peace, and thine Exactors Righteousness. Such shall be the Eminency of Wisdom for Government, in these first ripen’d and grown up Plants.

XXXIV. These are they that are Born out of the Womb of Eternal Love, as Wisdom’s Royal Off-spring, to whom the Name of the Philadephian Church doth of right belong, for they can admit of no Jar or Disharmony, for their Consistency of Being is all made up of that perfect Love, that casteth out all Enmity and Envy: Each one manifesting and putting forth their Gifts according to their various Measures and Growth: the Infancy of one Plant doth not grudge at the higher grown Stature of another; and the highest Advanced do not dis-esteem that which is more weak and low in its Minority; but all appears in that Lovely Valley of Meekness and Humility, as from one Eternal Root, growing up together to make up that Pleasant and Sweet-scented Rose, from whence the spicy Savours of the Deified Nature are blown up: so that the Variety of the Gifts and Powers that do manifest themselves among these Sharon Inhabitants, do not impair and lessen but greatly illustrate the Beauty and Glory of the Unity. Thus avoiding all Contest or Strife with any, of what kind of Profession soever they be, offended at nothing, but where the Evil Properties of Sin do bear Rule and Dominion; and Detesting all Reconciliation with that, the Seed of which breeds and nourishes all bitter Enmity, each one against another; Let us go on to draw out of the Rock the Honey and Milk, that will make us mild and sweet, and of a peaceable Spirit. According to that which the Royal Prophet has Declared, Behold how good and pleasant a thing it is for Brethren to dwell in Unity. O Blessed are those that shall herein excel.

XXXV. Thus has been truly Figur’d out, and set before you, the true Resemblance of that Sharon-State, for to invite and provoke, such as yet in the Babylonish Land (as sapless and dead Plants) do grow; as feeding and being satisfied with the Dust of Corrupt Earthly Things, which is no better than Serpent’s Meat: Haste, haste therefore and come away and understand the Spirits’ Call this Day. For who would not of the Number be of these Renowned Plants, that shall bear and carry the Glory of the New Havilah Land, where Rivers of Pleasure and Endless Joys shall your Portion be; walking among the Fire-Stones that shall Burn and Devour the Briars and Thorns that stand in the way to oppose them.

XXXVI. Now as to those that have this precious Grain sown in them, but being yet under the Earth, and liable to the Stiflings of the contrary Principle, which may protract and delay its coming forth, this is the Word of Counsel; that they take care to dig and pare away what has imprison’d this Precious Grain, that it may put forth its Head for Increase and Growth.

XXXVII. And for such as have cut their way through, and are sprung up in a good Degree, Advertisement to them is, That they awaken such a Thirst that may draw down the Heavenly Mists and Dews, till they abound as a mighty Shower, that they may spring up, as Anointed Flowers. And thus being Beautified and Replenished, what less shall be their Entertainment, but the Glorious Lord overspreading them with his Presence of endless Love, Pleasure, and Joy: that they may spend away Time in a Parallel State to what the Saints in Eternity do enjoy.

F I N I S.

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