Revelations and Prophecies from God's Eternal Virgin Wisdom given through Shaker Instrument, Paulina Bates, 1841.  

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  Last update: December 25, 2017


About the Work done by Christ Jesus when he came in the Flesh of the Male.

The word of God will stand forever. His way is plainly marked out for all who walk in it: Woe to those who reject it: Judgment against opposers.

1 Thus saith the holy proclaiming Angel to the writer; Bow down thy soul even with the dust, and fear not to write the words which I shall read unto thee, from a roll written by the hand of the Lord of hosts, to be revealed by me, the holy Angel, to be recorded for generations to come.

2 Holy is my word, from generation to generation, saith the Lord. And thus hath it seemed good in my sight, to reveal, in this portion of my Zion upon earth, that word which will stand forever, and the gates of hell shall never be able to prevail against it.

3 And so clearly have I marked out the way, and so plainly have I placed the waymarks, that all who hear with understanding hearts, will be left without excuse. But he that shutteth his eyes, that he cannot see, and closeth his ears, that he cannot hear, and hardened his heart, that he cannot understand, how is he to receive and be healed thereby? If the prize be set before such, and they refuse it, who will be the loser?

4 But Woe! Woe! be to them who hear and refuse to obey! For lo the time is come, when I the Lord, will hasten my work, and cut it short in righteousness. And all the ends of the earth shall know that I the Lord will work, and none can hinder. And I will hasten my work, which I have begun with the inhabitants of the earth; and they who become willing in the day of my power, them will I heal.

5 But they who refuse and reject the offers of my grace, them will I reserve in chains of darkness, to be punished at the last day. And I will sorely vex the inhabitants of the earth, and I will send my judgments, and my fierce wrath, until they are willing to let go the captive, whom they hold under the Egyptian bondage of sin.

6 Yea, I will vex the inhabitants of the earth, until they let my people go, and set at liberty that which is mine, the soul which hath long groaned under bondage, in servitude to the uncircumcised and polluted oppressors of the rights and liberties of my people.

7 Thus saith the Almighty, I will call my sons and my daughters out of Egypt; and as my servant Moses was preserved from the destruction of the king of Egypt, (who sought to subdue my people, and still retain them under the yoke of bondage and servitude,) to be an instrument in my hand, to lead my people from beneath their oppression, that I might call forth my figurative Israel;

8 So in like manner did I preserve my beloved Son, (whom I sent to break the yoke of oppression,) from the destruction of the haughty monarch, who sought to slay the infants, lest one might arise who would undermine the power of Satan, and let go my captives, and set my people at liberty.

9 And as my beloved Son came not in the form of an Angel, but took upon him the bondage of the seed of Abraham; so in like manner did I cause him to go into Egypt; and out of Egypt did I call my Son.

10 And this is my firstborn and first begotten Son, the first whom I ever called out from under the yoke of spiritual bondage, who broke the band of strong iron, and burst asunder the partition wall, that the captive soul might arise and conquer the son of perdition, the tyrant of the soul; and thus did I call my Son out of Egypt.

11 And thus will I call my sons and daughters out of the spiritual Egypt: for I will call forth that soul which I breathed pure into Adam, which became captive under the bondage of sin; yea, I will call forth that soul, and I will vex the oppressor, until he shall let my captive go.

12 And I will call my sons and my daughters from afar, and bring them near unto me, saith the Lord. Yea, with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, will I deliver my own; and they who will, may become conquerors, as did my first-born whom I called out.

13 He obeyed my voice and hearkened to my call, and came out from thence, and became purified from the nature of bondage, which he took upon him to conquer, root and branch, slaying the enmity thereof, until he was enabled to return unto Me and say, I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do; I have conquered the strong enemy, and slain the cruel oppressor.

14 And thus did I behold my beloved Son, in whom my soul was well pleased; my first-born and only begotten Son, who was the first that conquered and subdued all evil in himself, and became a free and rightful heir to my kingdom of peace and righteousness.

15 Thus and thus must every soul conquer, who ever becomes heir with him, in my kingdom of peace. And this is my beloved Son, the Prince of Peace, the Prince of my kingdom of righteousness and peace, which hath no end.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 8



About "Purging of the Dross and Consuming of the Elements" in the Individual.


An exhortation to gather up and save every word and gift of God, to feed and nourish hungry souls. The natural and spiritual elements of man. The final state of all souls must be decided in this dispensation.

1 Thus saith the holy Angel of God to the Writer, I am an holy Angel of the Most High, sent of Him to communicate and make known his mind and will unto thee, as an instrument chosen of him, to sound forth the truth in his most holy name.

2 And now unto thee I say, bow down thy soul and be willing to suffer tribulation to receive that word which will serve to feed the hungry multitude; that word which wasted not, neither diminisheth by using; but as the loaves which Christ brake and gave to the multitude, so shall this word be.

3 For it shall never be diminished from generation to generation, but thousands of thousands and tens of thousands shall be filled with the miraculous word of God, and be nourished at the hand of those who will break and give to them, as kind parents, who delight to feed their hungry offspring.

4 Therefore I say unto all; be careful and gather up all, let nothing be lost; gather up the little fragments, and the little crumbs, that ye may have confidence towards God, and say, Father, of all that thou hast so mercifully bestowed upon us, we have wasted nothing; but have gathered the whole into garners, safe and secure from thieves and invaders.

5 Yea, saith the holy Angel, let not so much as one word spoken, either for instruction, reproof or counsel, fall to the ground, unpreserved, for if ye do, ye cannot look to God with confidence, when the harvest is ended, and ye no more receive his word by verbal communication; but the bitter remorse of mis-spent time will hang heavy upon you, if ye make not the best use of the time given you to work and lay up a store, while the day lasts and the harvest is lengthened out.

6 And this is my word unto you, saith the holy Angel of the Most High: Holy, holy is my word in this day of my mighty power, saith the Mighty One of Israel; a day which hath long been looked for, by the anticipation of the wise and the unwise, the learned and the unlearned, the rich and the poor, the high and the low, the honorable and the base, the black and the white, the Jew and the Gentile.

7 For they have all centered their anticipation towards some future event, which was expected to decide the point with every son and daughter of Adam's race, that ever was born into the world, by a natural birth, according to the will of the flesh.

8 And thus saith the Holy and Eternal God of Israel, The ages have rolled round which have brought forth the day, according to my decree, in which the case is to be decided with all souls who possess an immortal existence, which must eternally endure, having been created by that Eternal Being of Almighty power and endless existence.

9 But man being formed of two general elements, the earthly and the heavenly, the natural and the spiritual, was brought into possession of two bodies, one earthly and perishable, the other spiritual and eternal. Like the beasts of the field, he was formed of the dust of the earth, except that breath of endless life which must endure forever.

10 For the beasts possess an animal life, which I the Lord gave them, which gives living powers to the animal and earthly body, formed of earthly elements, four in number, namely, earth, air, fire and water. These combined, compose the earthly substance which constitutes the natural and earthly part of man.

11 But that element of life which I the Lord breathed into man, formed in him a spiritual body, composed of spiritual elements, four in number, represented by the four natural elements. These, when formed in the heavenly principles of love, charity, mercy and peace, and combined in their proper order, compose the heavenly body, which can never molder nor vanish away, but will eternally endure.

12 And from these four spiritual elements which compose the heavenly body, proceed all other heavenly graces and qualifications; but these are the standing elements which compose the spiritual body, that can never decay. And as it is said, that man was fashioned of the dust of the earth, it is truly so, the natural body of man was formed of dust, and returns to dust again.

13 But the heavenly body which is formed of the spiritual part of man, when purified by the new birth, and fashioned into the nature of God, who is love, returneth to God.

14 For as the earth, with the natural elements, bringeth forth fruit of all kinds, profitable and useful to the natural life: so in like manner doth love and the heavenly elements, bring forth fruit of all kinds, profitable and useful to the spiritual life of that body which is composed of love.

15 God is love, the fountain of love, and the source of all good to man, and he that dwelleth in God, dwelleth in love. Love is a consuming fire; love is a never failing stream; love composes the atmosphere of the heavenly body, which is formed in love, and centers in love, that sublime element which giveth life to the spiritual body, the soul undefiled, created in my likeness, of which the natural body is the emblem or earthly resemblance.

16 And had man kept his rectitude by obedience, and yielded to no inferior nature, then might the natural earth have been peopled in the likeness in which I created man, walking in the pure element of love, breathing its pure atmosphere, according to the order of his creation, and this would have been his element.

17 But as he became the subject of an inferior nature, which worked hatred, envy, malice and strife, which constitutes the body of sin, instead of love, charity, mercy and peace; this brought an opposition of spirits, one warring against the other.

18 Therefore, with this species of beings was the earth peopled, possessing an animal body of earthly elements, and a spiritual body composed of spiritual elements, which became captive to the body of sin, composed of the elements of darkness, which work in direct opposition to the fountain of all good.

19 And thus ye may see the state of man, which bringeth forth the fruits of both spirits, a mixture of good and evil; evil having the greatest influence, which bringeth the spirit of good into captivity to the spirit of evil; and the death of the animal body, composed of earthly elements, diminisheth not the power of the body of sin; therefore is man left in possession of the two opposite spirits, one warring against the other.

20 But the day and time hath arrived for the great harvest to take place, (of which there hath been much written and spoken by man,) which must make the separation between the precious and the vile, between the good seed and the evil seed, which have grown together until the harvest, which is now begun.

21 But it still remaineth a mystery to the greater bulk of mankind, how and in what manner the Lord will accomplish his purposes; the object of which is to destroy and consume all that is not of his own planting, and gather that which is precious into his garners.

22 Yet, saith the Lord, this will I do, and this work have I already begun, in which I will harvest the earth of its inhabitants, and lay low the power of the sower of the evil seed. And I will destroy with fire unquenchable, not only that nature which worketh death and bondage to the soul, but the author thereof will I destroy, and consume from my new creation.

23 For I will call forth the soul of man, by that spirit which is a consuming fire, that spirit which forms the heavenly body in the new birth, which worketh by love, and purifieth the heart from all the evil influences of Satan; that spirit which is an unquenchable fire against everything that worketh in opposition to the nature of love.

24 And thus will I consume Satan and his power from the soul, and his elements shall melt with fervent heat, and his dross shall be consumed so as by fire. And this is the way I the Lord will call forth my sons and my daughters from beneath the power of the oppressor.

25 I will call forth his soul by that spirit of love which will consume the body of sin and death, until it becomes as ashes under the soles of their feet. And thus shall be fulfilled the prophetic words of the Apostles; "And then shall that wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming."

26 And thus will I accomplish my harvest, and the separation and the consummation by fire, so much spoken of in the words of the book called the Bible, which hath given rise to a multitude of opinions, and a diversity of ideas, which weigh nothing in my sight, except as fuel reserved for the fire.

27 For in the days of darkness, I uttered forth my word in dark and hidden mysteries, that in hearing they should not understand, and in seeing, perceive not. (See Isa. 6:9.) But the day of light hath come; therefore do I no more speak in dark sayings, hard to comprehend; but I will declare my word in sayings easy to be understood, easily comprehended, that they who hear, may not fail to receive a correct understanding of the nature of my requirements to them.

28 Yea, saith the Lord, the Author and Father of love, who is a consuming fire, I will leave upon record, sufficient to stop every mouth, which openeth to declare words in defense of that nature, which is destined to the unquenchable fire; yea, I will stop every caviler of Satan, who openeth the mouth to confute the work which I the Lord, have begun, which will never end unaccomplished.

29 And thus shall man be harvested from a state of sin and death, and be regenerated into a state of life and peace; and become refined from the dross of an evil and corrupt nature, by the refining fire of love, and the washing of regeneration, which is like unto fuller's soap, which cleanseth with water.

30 And thus shall man return unto Me, and become one with Me, the Father, being redeemed from the elements of sin, which shall be consumed by the sun of righteousness, which ariseth with healing in his wings.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 11


That "Consuming the Earth by Fire" is going on NOW.


The children of men in this day, being more wicked than those destroyed by the deluge, cannot escape the just judgments of God, who will destroy the old earth by the divine fire which is already kindled, and people the new earth in his own likeness.

1 Again, saith the holy Angel to the writer, Write, Holy, holy is the word of God unto man, in this day of his mighty power! And who among the sons of men will be able to abide the coming of the holy and just One? Him who spared not the old world, because of their wickedness, and because of their transgressions, and their innumerable abominations in his sight.

2 How think ye to escape my fury, ye who daily provoke Me to anger, whose trespasses are far more heinous in my sight than those of the old world, which I swept and deluged by the overflowing element of water, which destroyed the animal life of every living thing that breathed upon the earth, save those only whom I the Lord preserved in the ark of safety, that a remnant of the seed of man and beast might be preserved. For the final end of all flesh had not, as yet, come before Me, saith the Lord.

3 But this was my decree, that the earth should never again be deluged by the destroying element of water; and thus I placed my bow in the cloud, for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth, and a witness of my unalterable decree.

4 But did I ever decree that I would never destroy the earth by fire? Truly, saith the Lord, I never did: And this is my decree, unalterable; the earth and the inhabitants thereof shall be consumed by fire; because of the wickedness of man. And I will consume all that is of the earth, and no flesh shall stand before Me: For the end of all flesh hath come before Me, saith the Holy and Eternal One. And I will kindle the fire of my wrath, and it shall never be quenched until the old earth is consumed, root and branch.

5 And know, O ye ends of the earth! I the Lord have already kindled that fire, which will prove the conflagration of the whole world, beginning at the Zion of my righteousness; a fire which cannot be assuaged by water; but a fire from the Lord of hosts, which will never cease its ravages, until the earth shall be swept of all that is rubbish in my sight, and nought shall remain but that which is of the nature of fire, of a consuming spirit.

6 And thus will man become like the fountain, and one with it. For as I the Lord am a consuming fire; so are they who are counted worthy to become the inhabitants of the new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness: for the old earth, with all its elements, have I destined to the fire, to be consumed root and branch. Yea, every branch of that earthly and fallen nature of man, will I cause to become as ashes, by the consuming element of fire, which worketh by love and purifieth the heart, and cleanseth it from all dross.

7 And thus shall the new earth be peopled in my likeness, saith the Lord. And this is the manner in which I, the Lord, have purposed to destroy the old earth by fire, and create a new earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness.

8 And let him that heareth understand, and reecho the same, that the world may know that I, the Lord, have set my face to destroy her, root and branch, and that I have already kindled the fire, and many have become purified and made white, cleansed by the element of fire, and remain as a consuming fire in my likeness, and as bright and shining lights in the earth, my new earth.

9 And where is the man so dull, that he cannot understand these my sayings, that are herein brought to the capacity of a child in the gospel; yet they are hid from the learned and the wise of this world, and will ever remain hid from that natural and earthly part of man, which seeks to glory in his own wisdom, which is foolishness in my sight. But in the wisdom of God, these things are revealed unto babes.

10 Thus saith the Lord, Weep O earth, because of thy calamities, and mourn because of the hardness of your hearts, O ye inhabitants! For as the old world repented not at the warning voice of my servant, wherein he foretold of the deluge of water, but derided and mocked him whom I the Lord had sent;

11 So in like manner will ye, O inhabitants of earth, mock and deride those whom I send to warn you of the destruction by fire; neither will ye believe, although a man declareth unto you, until ye see the element of fire which shall sweep the earth, and ye become enveloped in that flame which ye cannot escape.

12 Then will ye know of a truth, as did the inhabitants of the old world, that I the Lord have spoken by the mouth of truth; and ye will then seek the Ark of safety, when ye shall be driven to despair, and ye know not where else to flee.

13 And they who are willing to endure the fire, to the consumption of all that is not of Me, blessed and holy are they, and they shall become purified and made white; and they shall become sons and daughters unto Me, saith the Lord: For I the Lord, will say unto them who come into, and abide the work of this purifying fire, ye are mine, this day have I begotten you by my spirit; and thus ye are of my spirit, as was my first begotten Son, in whom I was well pleased.

14 And in like manner, saith the Lord, will I be well pleased with all who will return unto Me, and become one with Me, as did my beloved Son, who slew every thing in himself which was not of Me, the Father, and by the spirit of love consumed it, root and branch. For in love he gave up his life, a ransom not only for himself, but that the whole world, by that spirit of love manifested through him, might be saved.

15 For I the Father, so loved the souls of the children of men, that I gave my only begotten Son, that they through him might be saved, by becoming purified as he was. And thus said he, when he had conquered all that was not of Me; Satan, the prince of this world cometh, and findeth nothing in me.

16 And thus shall all say, when all that is evil in them shall be consumed, and they are purified to my acceptance. For I the Lord, will no more have a mixture of the seed of good and evil; for lo! Both have grown together until the harvest, and I will make the separation once for all.

17 Thus is my decree unalterable; for I will finish my work and cut it short in righteousness; and I will consume the earth by fire; and thus cometh the end, and this is the end of the world, brought to an end by the consuming element of fire.

18 For all those who will not come into my holy fire and be purified thereby, so as to become fit subjects of my holy kingdom, shall be destroyed by the fire of my judgments; and thus shall the world of the ungodly be destroyed, and the end shall come; as the beloved Son of God declared, saying, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

19 This is my word, which altereth not from generation to generation; and he that through ignorance, preacheth any other end of the world but this which I the Lord have decreed, which is by the fire of my spirit, is blind, and knoweth nothing of the things of God aright. But he that preacheth any other doctrine in willful rebellion to my word, let him know that he shall meet the fire of my judgments.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 12


The gospel shall be published to all nations; the time hath come and the work hath commenced. The mysteries of God cannot be known till the appointed times, and blessed are the wise who wait God's time, for they only shall understand.

1 Again, saith the holy Angel, Write Holy, holy is the word of God unto his people, and holy shall it be through all generations, even to the end of all things. For this word shall be preached to all nations, and this gospel shall be published to the uttermost parts of the earth; and every soul in the possession of an earthly fallen nature, shall hear this blessed gospel of free salvation, without money and without price.

2 Yea, saith the Lord Almighty, this gospel of my beloved Son, in his first and second appearance, shall be preached unto all nations, kindreds and tongues; and then the end cometh and the world is no more: For the times shall be accomplished, and the end shall come, as was spoken of in the prophecies, when the mighty Angel of God lifted up his right hand towards heaven, and sware by Him that liveth forever and ever, that time should be no longer.

3 And now in this latter day of my glory, do I, the Lord of hosts, utter forth in my own name, and declare unto all nations, that the day which bringeth the end hath already come, and the work hath already commenced, that will bring an end of all flesh before me; and this is my word, which altereth not, and my decree unmovable henceforth and evermore.

4 And they who vainly think this natural earth is suddenly to be consumed by the natural element of fire, with every living thing that breatheth the breath of life, they will yet see the folly of their belief, and they will see that I the Lord spake not as man speaketh; neither is natural man able to comprehend the Almighty, nor to set bounds to his work.

5 But man, according to his natural understanding, hath sought to comprehend my way, and reveal my hidden mysteries, those mysteries, which I suffered not my holy Angels who surround my throne, to understand, until the times were accomplished for them to know; but by their natural wisdom have mankind filled the world with damnable heresies, and false ideas concerning the Deity, and concerning the mind and will of the Most High.

6 And thus have thousands spent their days on earth, prying into hidden mysteries, such as were designed to remain mysteries to man, until the times were accomplished, in which I the Lord shall come forth in my mighty power, and through the weak and illiterate ones of the earth, (in the eyes of the mighty and learned,) shall confound the wisdom of this world, and through them reveal my hidden mysteries unto man.

7 Yea, saith the Lord, man hath indulged that nature, which sought to know and be as gods before the time, instead of quietly seeking to know the mind and will of God concerning their daily walk, in that present dispensation wherein they lived. For in no age, since the foundation of the world to the present time, were they left destitute of a knowledge of their present duty, which they owed to Me their Creator, to themselves and to each other.

8 But vain man chose rather to pry into that which was not for him to know, until I the Lord saw fit to reveal it in my own way and time, than quietly to walk in the path of his duty, as I had made it known to him, according to the day and dispensation in which he lived; and had he done his duty by living up to the best light given him, then would he have been able to meet every increasing manifestation of light which should thereafter be given.

9 In so doing, would the children of men have been justified in my sight, according to the day in which they lived; but not so with mankind in this day; for lo, I find them behind the days of the old world, which I destroyed with water. And why so? Is it because the light of that age was greater than the light of this present age? Truly ye will all say, Nay.

10 Why then is man so dark and benighted in this day of light and understanding, wherein knowledge hath increased, and man hath become exceeding wise and subtle? Do ye not read in the prophecy of my servant Daniel, that "Knowledge shall increase; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand?"

11 And who are the wise that understand? and what do they understand? Is it the cunning and artful devices of man, wherein he hath become wise and subtle in earthly inventions? Truly those who are really wise will all say, Nay; for the natural, cunning and artful man comprehendeth not the wisdom of God, for it is foolishness unto him; but the wise shall understand, and be able to comprehend the mystery of godliness, hidden from the wise of this world.

12 "And they that be wise, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever." Blessed and holy is he that waiteth and cometh to the end, in which the words that were sealed up shall be revealed.

13 And thus do I declare in my own name, saith the Lord of hosts, the end hath come, and the words which contain the mystery of godliness, so much spoken of by the wise of this world, my hidden mysteries, which were sealed up unto the end, have I revealed unto the wise, who are able to understand; they who have become purified and made white, who have waited unto the end.

14 And blessed and holy are they in my sight, saith the Lord; for they are of the camp of the saints of the Most High, which was to be compassed about by the armies of the wicked, who understood not of the end of the world, nor of the hidden mysteries of the Most High. And thus will the wicked continue to do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand.

15 But they who are counted worthy to understand, and wait with patience until the end cometh in them, blessed and holy shall they be in my sight, evermore; and as dazzling stars of brilliancy, shall they surround my throne of eternal beauty and brightness forever and ever.

16 And thus and thus shall the end come, so as by fire, which shall bring an end in every soul that receives and obeys the gospel of Christ, the refiner, whose gospel will prove a refining fire, unquenchable to the nature of evil. And they who hear and are wise and obey, shall be wise unto life everlasting; and they shall escape the snares of death, having their names written in the book of life.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 15



To the Doubleminded who promise to serve God while harboring the Enemy within.


The nature of man shall be beaten in pieces by the judgments of God, until there remains no power of resistance against his will. The hypocrisy of professing to own Christ as their King, yet serving his enemy. God will have but one kingdom and one King to rule over the earth, &c.

1 Thus saith the holy Angel to the writer; O thou writer, fear not; for I am with thee evermore, so long as thou art called to write the word of God. And now I say unto thee again, bow down thy soul and give thy heart to understanding, while I again read his word for thee to write.

2 Holy, holy and eternal is my word, saith the Almighty. Hear O earth, and hearken O ye children of men! and learn my statutes and my judgments. For lo! my arm is stretched out towards the East, and towards the West, yea, and towards the North and South, have I stretched my arm in wrath, and the sword of my truth shall slay them, and the rod of my anger shall break them and shiver them to pieces.

3 And woe! woe! Be to the East, West, North and South; because I the Lord am against them, and I will fight against them until they become beaten in pieces as upon that rock which is sure to break whatsoever falleth thereon.

4 And they who are willing to be beaten, and become broken, until they have in themselves no strength to resist the wrath of the Almighty, and they lay down the weapons of their warfare, their carnal weapons, wherewith they shield and defend themselves, and whereby they fortify and secure their carnal lives from every invader;

5 Yea, saith the Lord, when man shall be willing to give up all self-defense, and say, "Here I am, O Lord, weapons and all, I lay at thy feet; take me and them, and do whatsoever seemeth good in thy sight; only grant that my soul may live, and not suffer death;" Here, and here only, will I be reconciled and cease my war with the children of men.

6 For I, the Lord of hosts, have set my face to subdue the whole earth, and make of many kingdoms and nations, but one kingdom and but one nation, but one holding dominion, and but one king. The King who ruleth in Zion, the same is the King who should sit upon the throne of David, having dominion even to the uttermost parts of the earth.

7 And thus will I subdue all things, and break down all powers which shall resist the power of the Mighty One of Israel; for I will go forth to battle, and I will ride through the land with my armies to battle, which is the great day of vengeance of the Lord of hosts. And I will sweep and lay low all who shall lift up sword or spear, and I will make an utter destruction of all who shall resist and bid defiance to the armies of Israel.

8 But they who resist not, but join hand in hand in battle, taking up arms with Me, saith the Lord, shall become conquerors, yea, more than conquerors, by following the example of my beloved Son; for they who conquer shall become heirs with him who conquered all things, and when he shall reign in his glory, they shall also reign with him. And they shall be kings and princes to him, giving him all honor and glory who first conquered and subdued all things, and triumphed over every enemy within.

9 How long, O ye children of men, will ye call upon the name of the King of Zion, the son of David, and say, "Be thou my King," while ye are not willing to go forth with him to battle against the strong enemy?

10 Where would be the propriety of the subjects of any royal name paying great homage to their king with their lips, and bowing their bodies never so low before him, so long as they were not willing to go forth with him to battle; but secretly conspired with the enemy, against whom their lord had set his face like a flint, to rid his kingdom?

11 I say, where would be the propriety of this? And where would be the loyalty of such subjects, who cared not for the prosperity of the kingdom of their lord, but were secretly undermining it by harboring the enemy, taking part with them, and supporting them from their lord's treasury?

12 Hear ye this, O ye children of men, and ye who profess to be the servants of my beloved Son, saying, Be thou our King; for we want no other to rule over us, saying, Go thou before us, and fight our battles, and we will be thy faithful servants, and render unto thee our services and our strength; meaning at the same time, to support the enemy within and take part with him, in battle against their king whom they have sworn to obey.

13 O ye children of men! How long will ye seek to support two spirits? How long will ye be double minded? having a mind to serve two masters, deceptiously calling upon the name of the King of Zion to be your king, while ye pay tithes to the king of Sodom.

14 O ye deceivers! f ull of vain imaginations! How will ye escape the wrath of Him who hath come as a rewarder of the works, and a tryer of the hearts of the children of men! Woe be to them who say and do not, who make fair pretenses, and perform not, who draw near with their lips, while their hearts are afar off; neither choose they to draw near only with their lips, lest they be consumed by the wrath of the Lamb, who is revealed in wrath against the enemies of his people.

15 How long, how long will the children of men make a mystery of the kingdom of heaven, and remain blind concerning the all important battle which is to be fought, which will decide the point with every soul, and make a settlement between the two armies?

16 For to whomsoever ye yield yourselves servants to obey, wherein the mighty conflict is to take place, in which Michael and his Angels go forth to battle, in the name of the Lord of hosts, to destroy the devil and his angels, I say, to whomsoever ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are.

17 And if ye take part with the mighty Prince, who standeth up for the children of his people, and are armed by him, and are true and valiant in his service, ye shall be honored by him, and become conquerors with him.

18 But if ye side with Satan, and commune with his angels, will ye not prove traitors to your Prince? And will ye not receive the reward of the traitor, which is death? Truly ye shall.

19 Therefore beware, O ye children of Zion, and ye sons of men, beware that ye take no part with Satan nor his angels, in this great and decisive battle of the Lord of hosts, in which his mighty Prince goeth forth in his name, conquering and to conquer.

20 For if ye do, ye will surely be numbered among the slain of the Lord of hosts, and shall fall among the wounded of the enemy; and ye shall not be numbered among the conquerors, who take no part with the enemy, but are ever true and faithful to the Prince under whose banner they have enlisted to fight the good fight of faith.

21 And this is the day of the great battle of the Lord of hosts, which hath already begun, and Michael doth already stand up with his armies to battle. And he is a mighty Prince, and all nations and tongues shall know that the mighty Prince hath arisen, with his armies to make war and accomplish the work of the latter day, and fight in the name of the Lord of hosts.

22 Yea, to fight and subdue the power of the strong enemy, and lay low the strongholds of Satan, that his power may be limited, and a mark set upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, but that all may know and see the mark of the beast in his forehead, and shun the grasp of him who hath deceived with his lies, being the father of all manner of deception and lies.

23 And he hath caused all nations to worship the beast of iniquity, and to become drunken with the wine of fornication and beastly indulgence. And he shall no more go about as a deceiver among the nations: For I will strip the beast and the whore, and men shall no more glory in their shame: But their glory shall be in me, saith the Lord.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 19


The True Meaning of the Lord's Supper.


Concerning the true nature of the Lord's supper.

1 Again saith the holy Angel, Hearken, saith the voice of the Lord, while I reason with thee O man! While I make known to thee my mind and will, and show thee concerning my righteousness and my justice towards the children of men, and declare my tender mercies towards the workmanship of my hands: for my love endureth even unto the end, and my power is sufficient to save to the utmost, all who will come to Me and seek Me in the order of my appointment.

2 For the time is come for all who would find mercy, to seek it where it is to be found, and knock at the door which hath been opened, which no man is able to shut against the soul who knocketh, and seeketh mercy and deliverance from sin; and the wages thereof. For one door is opened, one faith and testimony sounded forth, one Lord, and him crucified, is set forth, and no soul can find Christ the saving power, except in his people who constitute his body, and who are separated from the root of iniquity and all its branches.

3 And although they may cry lo here! Or lo there! Or flee to the desert of sin and wickedness, and look for him among those who yet remain in the service of sin; I say vain is their search, and useless is their hope of finding the Savior among a diversity of opinions, among those who remain in the thicket, enclosed in the forest of sin.

4 Although Satan may transform himself into the appearance of an Angel of light, and show forth many signs and wonders, to deceive, if possible, the very elect; yet I say, believe him not. He that crieth lo here! and lo there! holding forth any doctrine, save Christ, and him crucified, daily, let him be accursed. For they who receive Christ, must gather to his body; for "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together."

5 And they who receive Christ, must receive him crucified, and be baptized into his death, and drink of that cup of sufferings which will crucify them daily unto the world, and the world unto them. And by this will they be profited by eating and drinking of the Lord's supper, which is to partake of the spirit and life of his body; for the time of the shadow, the resemblance of the substance, passeth away, and the substance cometh.

6 And they who eat and drink worthily, by partaking of those sufferings which bring a daily death to the nature of evil, and a daily life to the spirit, which is of God, they become one with the body, and are thereby crucified and slain to the body of sin.

7 But they who eat and drink unworthily, making the cross and sufferings of Christ of no effect, through their disobedience and unbelief, they partake of that which will prove the condemnation of their souls; and in this they eat and drink damnation to themselves, and are more accursed than they who know not the way to become partakers of that saving power, which bringeth the death of all evil.

8 And thus closes this short sketch, declaring the word of the Most High, concerning the eating and drinking of the Lord's body and blood, which is neither more nor less than partaking of his sufferings, to do the will of God, which becomes their meat and drink, and brings life and peace to the soul; but death and destruction to the nature of evil.

9 Thus have I written, and thus it shall stand forever and ever. And all souls who ever become redeemed unto righteousness, will find the truth of this statement as it is here laid down. And in this way, all souls may partake of the Lord's supper to profit, and not as a vain form without the substance.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 20



About Foot Washing and Preaching for Hire.


Concerning washing feet: The hire of the laborer, and the beast of Antichrist.

1 Thus saith the holy Angel; Again bow down and write concerning the example of the Lord and Savior, wherein he abased himself, being their Lord and Master, by washing the feet of his servants, of those who had become one with him by obeying his voice.

2 Thus saith the Spirit of the Lord God; How much greater do those who claim to be the servants of the Son of God, seek to be, than he whom they claim for their Lord and Master! Who among the sons of men, are found to perform this degrading ceremony of washing each other's feet in remembrance of their Lord and Savior? Is Christ's example too humiliating to their pride?

3 Why is not this equally as binding a duty upon those who profess to be the followers of Christ, as that of breaking bread and drinking wine? Was not this one among the last of his sacred ordinances among his followers? Why then has this been neglected, and that of breaking bread held so sacred? Did not the Lord say, "If I your Lord and Master do wash your feet, how much more ought ye to wash one another's feet? And if I wash you not, ye have no part in me?"

4 Why is it that those who profess to be ministers in the name of my beloved Son, they who in remembrance of him do break and bless that bread which they hold as the resemblance of his body, and hold forth the wine in resemblance of his blood, which was shed for a ransom for many, why do they not call for a bowl of water and a napkin, and commence the mortifying duty of washing each other's feet in remembrance of their Lord?

5 But they say, this would be a very inconsistent and unreasonable task, never designed of the Lord to be practiced in remembrance of him. But saith the Lord, Why so? If the ceremony of breaking bread and pouring forth the best wine, be held so sacred, why not the humiliating ceremony of washing feet?

6 I the Lord will give the answer, and the truth will I state. The reason is this: Because it is not, as a ceremony, calculated to fit the dark reign of Antichrist. But in the beginning it was not so; the one was held equally sacred with the other, so long as the spirit of Christ, which wrought humiliation in his followers, remained in its purity.

7 But when the spirit of the true Christ was overshadowed and stifled, by the spirit of the world, in the hearts of those who professed to be his followers, they began by degrees to throw away all the ceremonies of their Lord, and set at nought all which served to abase and lay low the loftiness of their natures, and reserved nothing but that which would cherish that propensity which is directly opposed to the nature of Christ.

8 In this way, and by these means, was the spirit of Christ, in its purity, wholly driven from the hearts of the children of men, and the reign of that kingdom set up, which glories in nought but that which is great and exalted in the eyes of the wise of this world.

9 The ceremony of washing feet, was a simple humiliating service, showing the humiliation of him who had become a simple child, a Son well pleasing in the sight of that God who delighted in nought but that which cometh of a meek and lowly heart, denying all self-exaltedness, all self- righteousness, which puffeth up each one above his fellow, and shunneth to perform humiliating acts of servitude to his fellow beings, and in a special manner, to those of the household of faith.

10 Not that it remaineth a binding ceremony, upon those who have received the substance of that testimony, which terminates in the death of every spirit that breathes forth anything else but love, meekness and true humility, any more than the ceremony of breaking bread; but both are shadows of a spiritual work.

11 Again, saith the Lord, concerning the laborer's being worthy of his hire; the same exalted sense, through which the professors of Christianity have shunned every appearance of the cross of Christ, hath caused them to err. How have those who wish to shun all appearances of the humiliation of their Lord, taken this saying of my beloved Son, to justify the erroneous doctrine of preaching for hire, and living at ease by the hard earnings of others, pleading that the laborer is worthy of his hire!

12 O, saith the voice of the Mighty One! abominations untold, and crimes unseen by mortal eyes, must yet be loudly proclaimed in the judgment, committed by those who boast themselves in this way! who take this saying of my beloved Son, to prove and justify the propriety of preaching for hire, and living at ease upon the earnings of others, who are far better and more acceptable in my sight than themselves.

13 Open your bibles, ye vain pretenders! And find this saying of my beloved Son to his disciples, when he sent them forth to preach the gospel of free salvation, without money and without price, and see how far it agrees with your manner of preaching what you call the gospel of Christ; but to me it is a delusion of Antichrist, the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

14 And who are they among the sons of men who wander not after the beast of Antichrist, whose deadly wound was healed? Who among the sons of men have not received the mark of the beast, excepting those whose names are found written in the Lamb's Book of Life, slain from the foundation of the world? And who is there among the fallen race, that doth not give glory and honor to this beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? (See Rev. 13:4.)

15 But lo I say unto you, ye inhabitants of the earth, ye who wander after the beast, who receiveth his power from the prince of darkness; him who worketh miracles, and doth many wonders in the sight of those who wander after him, by the power of him who giveth him his power; Know ye, that power hath begun to operate on earth and in heaven, which shall roll through the earth, and no place shall be found for the beast and for those who have received his mark.

16 For he that hath made war with the saints, and overcome them, and reigned triumphant for many centuries, the same is the beast of Antichrist; and the spirit is the same, let its name be what it may, whether Catholic, or Protestant Reformers, or any other name.

17 Those who follow that spirit, which maketh war with the simplicity of the gospel of free salvation, without money and without price, preached and practiced by the Son of God and his immediate followers, let their name and persuasion be held in never so high reputation, by the wise and prudent of this world, they give honor to the beast of Antichrist, and receive his mark.

18 And therefore, that spirit which killeth with the sword, shall perish by the sword; and that spirit which leadeth into captivity, shall be led captive. Hence the sword of truth is already sent forth, which shall slay the spirit of Antichrist, and bring into captivity all which worketh in the soul, in opposition to the true spirit of Christ, and against the purity and innocence of the gospel.

19 And this is the word which I, the God of heaven, have written, and caused to be revealed to an instrument of mortality, that all who hear this my word, may know the views of the Most High, concerning those who profess Christ, and possess nought but the spirit of Antichrist; that spirit which gathereth not with Christ, but scattereth all which cometh forth in his likeness, and possessing his spirit.

20 Thus saith the holy Angel, I, the holy Angel, do cheerfully witness this to be the word of Almighty God, faithfully written by a mortal hand, and brought to mortal view. And with pleasure do I seal it with the seal of the Almighty, to remain a durable word, never to be blotted out through time.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part II; Chapter 21


About the Woman 'clothed with the Sun' in the Vision of St. John; Prophecy about this Book and the Sacred Roll.


2 The Woman seen in the vision, represented the Eternal Mother Wisdom, who first brought forth Christ in the male order, Therefore saith her first-born Son, "Wisdom is justified of all her children." She was the Mother of that testimony of everlasting truth in him which roused the enmity of the great dragon of iniquity, who sought to devour this holy child as soon as he was brought forth; but this he could not effect.

3 But when the true spirit of Christ was caught up from the earth, to God and to his throne, then the power of the bloody dragon, who had sought to destroy this man child and his testimony, that it might not supplant his kingdom, made war with the saints, and overcame them.

4 Then the Church of that day, being destitute of the true spirit of Christ, fell to the earth. For this cause, the divine Mother or Holy Spirit, emanating from Holy Wisdom, which had dwelt in the primitive Church as the Spirit of promise, fled into the wilderness state of the witnesses, from the face of the persecuting serpent which had overcome the Holy City.

5 These witnesses who abode in the field, were clothed in sackcloth and mourning: for they were driven from the Holy City into the wilderness, by the Gentiles, where this Mother Spirit was fed by divine revelation, and kept alive by their testimony, during the dark reign of Antichrist.

6 Had it not been for this, the holy spirit of Promise would have died away from the earth. But here this holy spirit travailed in pain to bring forth the second birth, until the time came for her deliverance, and for the work of full redemption to be made manifest, according to the ancient prophet Micah.

7 During this period, the gospel of Christ's first appearing was preached in the spiritual world; and by the power of this testimony of eternal truth, he received to himself a kingdom, which was extensively spread and established, according to the order of that day, agreeable to his parable; "A certain nobleman went into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return." This alludes to the ascension and work of Christ in the spiritual world, and to his second coming.

8 But when the power of the dragon, in the Gentiles, had prevailed against the saints of the Most High, and trodden under foot the Holy City, and set up his kingdom upon its ruins, which is "The abomination of desolation;" so that, through Antichrist, he reigned triumphant on earth; then he sought, with all his hosts of angels and powers of iniquity and darkness, to extend his kingdom in the spiritual world, and to supplant the true order and power of the kingdom of Christ, and to get the dominion there, as he had done on earth.

9 Here was the heaven in which the war of Michael and the dragon first took place. For Michael, the mighty Archangel, who always stood for, and defended the perfect work of God, was sent forth by the Eternal Parents, with all the Angels and spirits of the righteous, who were moved by the perfect spirit of God; and they fought against the dragon and his angels, and the mighty powers of evil.

10 And the Dragon and his angels fought with all their power and deceptive influence, and prevailed not so as to find any place in heaven, that is, in the kingdom of Christ. For Michael and his host made war upon them, in the name and spirit of Christ, by the perfect testimony of eternal truth, against every spirit and principle which was not like God and the pure life of the Lamb.

11 Therefore it is declared that, "they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives unto the death." That is, they loved nothing in their lives which was contrary to the pure spirit of Christ; but sacrificed every principle to the death by the cross, that was not of God nor like God.

12 And thus the great Dragon of iniquity, and his angels and powers of darkness were overcome and cast out of heaven, from all the regions of the spiritual world, where the kingdom of Christ had been extended.

13 By this means the way was prepared in the heavens, for salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ, to come and be established, to rule and reign forever; and for the full testimony of the everlasting gospel to be sent forth on earth, to supplant the dominion and power of the dragon in the kingdom of Antichrist, and to overthrow it to its foundations.

14 But until this victory was gained in the heavens, the work could never take place on earth. Thus in the issue of this war of Michael and his Angels, against the dragon and his angels, the power of the work of full redemption and eternal salvation was brought forth.

15 For when the victory was sufficiently gained in the heavens, and the way was prepared on earth, by the power of Michael, who pursued the dragon, and cast him and his angels out of the Holy City; then the Eternal Mother brought forth her true representative on earth, Christ in the female order, even the holy Bride.

16 And she abode in and upon that woman, who was prepared by deep sufferings and the baptism of the holy spirit and fire, as her tabernacle on earth; and to her was given the two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly to her place in the wilderness of America, from the power of the dragon, who persecuted the Mother Spirit in her.

17 For the dragon now saw that he was cast out of the Holy City, where he gained the support of his power, to spread his false principles through the earth, under a garb of christianity. Even this his hiding place was now uncovered and exposed to open view, by the providential work of Michael, whereby the rights of man and liberty of conscience were brought to light.

18 Therefore this great dragon, even the Devil, was obliged to flee into the world, among its dark inhabitants, to cover and shelter himself. And thus he brought the great woe, foretold in the vision, upon the inhabitants of the earth: For he came down in great wrath, and overshadowed them with clouds of darkness, and stirred up enmity and opposition to the light of truth, and spread the raging principles of confusion, blood and carnage through the world.

19 Then he sought in his wrath, with all his power, to destroy the second birth of the divine spirit of Christ, in the female line, as he had in vain sought to do, when that spirit was first brought forth in the male line.

20 For he plainly saw that if he could not effect this, the united and perfect testimony which would be brought forth by the divine Twain, would supplant and utterly overthrow his dominion, both in the natural and spiritual world, and establish the everlasting kingdom of righteousness and truth in the saints of the Most High.

21 Therefore great was his persecuting rage against the woman and her seed. But on the wings of liberty and independence, which God had provided for this very purpose, she flew to the place prepared for her, where she was nourished three years and a half, by the divine spirit of Christ, and fed by the holy Angels.

22 Thus was she protected in the wilderness, from the rage of the persecuting serpent, until she brought forth the testimony of the everlasting gospel of Christ's second appearing.

23 Then the dragon, in his wrath, sent forth a flood out of his mouth, that he might cause the woman to be carried away thereby. This flood, in a general sense, signifies the persecuting power of Antichrist; but in this case it had special reference to the tyrannical power and armies of the beast, which were sent forth by the dragon, to prevent the establishment of the rights of man, and the effects of the testimony of the everlasting gospel in this land of liberty; though the actors therein were ignorant of the designs of the power by which they were moved.

24 This flood also signifies the persecuting venom stirred up against the woman, by his malicious slanders and base falsehoods. "But the earth helped the woman, and opened her mouth and swallowed the flood." First, by stirring up the liberal spirit of earthly men, to assist her and her children; and secondly, by establishing a liberal constitution, which secures the rights of conscience, and in a great measure, protects her children from persecution, and opens the way for the increase of light, and for the spreading of the testimony of eternal truth through the world.

25 But this hath raised the wrath of the dragon to its highest pitch. Therefore, when the woman had done her work on earth, and was taken up to the heavens, from his persecuting power, he was then exceedingly wroth, and commenced a war with the remnant (or residue) of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

26 This war will continue in various manners and degrees, and will never cease until God hath effected his full work with the race of man. And in every increasing degree of the work of God, the dragon will cast out a flood of false principles and malicious, persecuting slanders, to overflow and destroy the seed of the woman, and the seed of providential light from the world.

27 But he shall be defeated by the power and the renewed war of the great Prince, Michael and his Angels. And the earth will continue to open her mouth more and more, by divisions in the corrupt institutions of the world, and swallow up this flood, by which means the true seed shall be preserved; and being nourished by the genial rays of the Sun of Righteousness, and the life-giving power of the divine influences of heaven, this seed shall continue to grow and extend its fruits until it spreads through the world, and produces the everlasting kingdom of God in its perfect order and glory, saith the Angel of God.

28 Again, hear the word of divine truth, saith the Angel, concerning the degrees of progressive increase of the work of God, in this final dispensation of the Two Anointed Ones. When the holy Bride ascended into the heavens, then was the marriage of the Lamb accomplished in its fullness.

29 At this time, the trumpet of full and perfect salvation was sounded through the regions of the heavens, and the faithful souls, who had been waiting for this work, embraced the call with great joy. And many of those who slept in Christ, were awakened by the sound, and came forth to judgment, and entered into the perfect work, and were born into the eternal kingdom, by the seed of the Parents of the New Creation.

30 Therefore the kingdom of Christ was established, in its perfect order, in the heavens. Then the same power and perfect testimony descended to the earth, and by divine revelation, was established in the principles of the same perfect work and order, by the spirit of the Two Anointed Ones. After this, the immediate presence of these divine Parents was withdrawn to the Heavens, and went forth to effect a further conquest over the powers of darkness, and to extend the kingdom of Christ in the spiritual world.

31 This caused a renewed war between Michael and his Angels, and ministers of the perfect work, against the dragon and his angels and ministers of evil. And the dragon and his hosts were again cast out from all the regions, where the kingdom of Christ had ever extended, and from all the regions where the armies of Michael came, and where the perfect testimony was sounded.

32 Therefore the dragon came down to the earth in great wrath, and renewed a furious and malicious war with the seed of the woman, and many of them he wounded to death. This caused clouds of darkness to overshadow Zion, and many of her children who, for a time, had shone as stars of light, were attracted by the tail of the dragon and cast down to the earth. These things caused great mourning among the faithful.

33 For this cause the doors of heaven were opened, and Michael and his host of perfect spirits descended, and made war upon the dragon and his ministers of evil, and overcame and drove them out of Christ's kingdom upon earth.

34 Then Michael and his ministers followed the dragon into the world, to effect a further conquest over the powers of darkness, in the order of Providence, to prepare the way for the testimony of eternal truth, which is the word of God that was seen in the visions of Saint John, to go forth and extend the kingdom of God, in the perfect order of Christ, throughout the world, both visible and invisible.

35 After Michael and his Angels had cast the old accuser out of the kingdom of heaven, then the heavenly Parents descended, and reestablished the Zion of God in its order and power. And ever since this was effected, the war of Michael and his Angels has been going on in the world, and continues to increase with greater and greater power.

36 This causes the many wonderful operations, and extraordinary events, both natural and spiritual, which have been rolling on, with increasing rapidity, in the world, for several years past.

37 And now, saith the Angel, the time is fully come, yea, is already in operation, for that spirit which is Faithful and True, whose name is called the Word of God, that sat upon the white horse, to go forth into the world, in a greater degree than ever before, and in righteousness to judge and make war against the powers of darkness.

38 This signifieth the eternal testimony of the gospel of truth, which is the word of God, brought forth by the Two Anointed Ones; Christ in the perfect order of the heavenly Parentage, who were first sent forth into the world in and upon purified human tabernacles.

39 This is represented by the white horse, and the armies that followed on white horses, clothed in fine linen, clean and white, made so by the blood of Christ, which is his life, signifying purified souls, those in human tabernacles, who follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.

40 The likeness seen upon the white horse, being clothed in a vesture dipped in blood, signifieth that the pure testimony that is and shall be sent forth into the world, must be brought forth by great tribulation, which will take the life of the fallen nature of man.

41 The Sacred Roll sent forth by the command of the Almighty, and the words of this Divine Book, now commanded of God to be written and sent forth, are declarations of this eternal testimony of the word of God, which shall go forth to all the nations in the world, and shall increase in greater and greater degrees of power and light, until it accomplishes the whole designs of the Eternal Parents.

42 But against this word of God, and the armies that go forth with it, the beast and the false prophet, and kings of the earth and their armies of fallen beings, will be gathered together to make war. But the beast and false prophet have been, and shall be progressively taken by the providential work of Michael, and cast alive into a fire unquenchable. For though their spirits will yet live, their power and dominion shall be taken away; thus they shall be bound and tormented in darkness.

43 And the remnant, those who are stripped of the covering power of the beast and false prophet, shall be slain by the sword of him that sitteth upon the white horse, even by that testimony of Eternal Truth, that proceedeth out of the mouth of the faithful and true witnesses of Christ.

44 And all the fowls shall be filled with their flesh. For those who cleave to the flesh, shall be tormented with, and devoured by the fowls of Satan, which live and fly in the air and elements of darkness.

45 But those who cleave to the spirit, shall be caught up in the air or spiritual elements of eternal life, and shall inherit the everlasting kingdom of God; and thus shall they be ever with the Lord. Then shall the kingdom of God be established in the saints of the Most High, to stand forever even forevermore, Amen.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part III; Chapter 2



About the Second Coming NOT being a physical one; the Two Witnesses.


Address of the holy Angel, and of the apostle John to the inspired writer. The voice of God to the inhabitants of the earth. The time of his judgments near. The true sign of the coming of Christ in his glory, and the two witnesses explained.

1 Thus saith the voice of the holy Angel to the writer; Bow down, O thou child, hearken and understand, hear and believe! For lo, I say unto thee, the time hath come for the word of God to go forth, and the testimony of eternal truth to be sounded to all nations, kindreds and tongues, that word of God which shall slay and bring low, in man, all which is not according to his pure and holy spirit.

2 And by this word of God, which is revealed in this day of the second coming of the Son of man in his glory, all the inhabitants of the earth who are alive to the nature of sin which bringeth death to the soul, must die to that nature, or never be made alive to righteousness and peace.

3 Again saith the holy Angel; Arise, O thou instrument of clay, and fear not: for lo, I am with thee, and have heard thy groanings of spirit, and have beheld thy tears which thou hast shed for the word of God's sake. And now I say unto thee, be comforted and fear not: For there are now four bright Angels standing by thee, to guard the instrument chosen of the Most High, to sound forth the word in his most holy and eternal name.

4 Know thou also, that at the present time, the beloved apostle John is present, he who ate the little book that was in his mouth sweet as honey, and bitter in his belly, he who was to prophesy, before many peoples, kindreds and tongues. And knowest thou not, that I the holy Angel am present, who gave the little book to this beloved one? I who stood with my right foot upon the sea, and my left foot upon the earth. Surely I am present; therefore fear not, but bow low and receive the word of the beloved apostle John.

5 Thus saith the beloved apostle; Hear O thou little one! Hearken and understand the voice of him who hath suffered much, while remaining in time, for the word of God's sake, and for the testimony of truth which I held in the name of the Son of God.

6 But my sufferings while here in time, were more outward sufferings, through the persecution of the enemies of the cross, than through severe tribulation of soul. For the time had not then come; for the refiner of silver and purifier of gold, had not yet come with his fan in his hand, to make the separation between the precious and the vile, but merely to begin, as being the beginning of that work which will accomplish the end of all unrighteousness.

7 And as that day afforded not the power of full and final salvation, which cometh by the fire of the refiner; so in like manner were our sufferings more outward than inward. But the time hath now come for those who receive the word of God, the power of revelation, to receive it through deep tribulation of soul; that tribulation which will be sufficient to bow their hearts before Him in every word, thought and way.

8 And those who are not willing to bear this deep tribulation and sorrow of soul, for the word of God's sake, that they may be pure vessels unto Him, through whom to convey his mind and will unto man, are not worthy to receive the word of God.

9 And the Lord himself will reject them as unfit instruments, unwilling to be tried stones and purified vessels, to receive the durable riches, which will serve to feed and clothe the nations with righteousness, when their souls shall be awakened, to cry to God for a right understanding of his mind and will to them.

10 Then will they be able to receive the word of God, and it will be to them food and clothing to obey it; and it will bring death and destruction to every branch of a fallen and corrupt nature, and refine the soul from all dross, and bring it into the likeness and image of the Refiner, who hath already come.

11 And now, O thou instrument! I John, say to thee, be thou comforted, and know that without sufferings of soul, nothing is gained to profit; therefore be cheerful in sufferings. For if thou art called to fill up the cup of thy sufferings in the service of God, as an instrument in his hands, to bring about his purposes, wherein canst thou be better employed? I say thy sufferings are not in vain; for thou shalt reap, if thou faint not.

12 Now I will read to thee from a little book, which I received from the hand of the mighty Angel, which will cause me to prophesy therefrom, in spirit, before many people, kindreds and tongues: for in this book is sealed up the word of God, hidden from mortals from the foundation of the world.

13 Hearken, O earth, to the voice of thy God! And howl, O ye inhabitants thereof! For lo, the time draweth near, when the vials of his wrath will be accomplished to be poured out upon thee, O earth, and the inhabitants thereof; for the Lord who is mighty in judgment hath come.

14 And not one word or syllable, of all which is recorded in the book of the prophecies, of the Revelations of John, the servant of Jesus Christ, shall fail to be accomplished upon the earth, and the inhabitants thereof. For the anger of the Lord is great, and his fury terrible against the earth, and the abominations committed in it, by those who dwell thereon.

15 And the fury of the Almighty shall never be stayed, nor his arm be slackened, until his warfare be accomplished with the inhabitants of the earth, and until his arm hath gotten the victory "over the beast and over his image;" that the nations of the earth may no more be servants to Satan, by yielding idolatry to the beast, who receiveth his power from the prince of darkness, the son of perdition, and goeth to perdition.

16 Holy, holy are thy ways, O Lord God of heaven and earth! And just are thy judgments, O thou Kings of saints!

17 Again hearken, O earth, and hear thy doom! For lo, the spirit of prophecy is upon me, to utter forth the decrees of the Almighty, to a wicked and perverse generation, that seeketh signs and wonders in a natural atmosphere, to teach them of the coming of the Son of man in his glory; as though he would come in the natural clouds of the sky, surrounded by those who were visible to the natural and carnal eyes of man.

18 O vain and foolish seekers of the things of God, through the signs of the natural heavens! For I say unto you, as did Jesus while upon earth; "There shall no sign be given, but the sign of Jonah, who laid three days and three nights in the bowels of the deep." So say I unto you, O ye wicked and perverse generation, who seek a sign, a natural sign, to prove the coming of the Son of man in his glory!

19 But no sign shall be given, but the sign of Jesus, and him crucified, whose witness and whose prophecies have lain as dead carcasses, in the sight of those who dwell upon the earth; even those who have trampled upon the testimony of the Son of God, and gloried not in the death of that cross which torments that nature of evil, which is, and ever was opposed to the testimony and the mortifying cross of the Son of God.

20 And thus have they suffered the testimony of truth, which had power to subdue all things unto it, (when the times were accomplished,) to be trodden under foot, in the sight of men. Neither would they suffer the carcass without life, to be buried, but to remain as a stench, as from a dead carcass, having been lifeless many days; having a name that they live and are dead.

21 And by this may ye receive the sign of the coming of the Son of man in his glory. For as the Two Witnesses, which is the manifestation of the spirit of the Eternal Two in One, hath been, as it were, dead, killed and overcome in the bodies of the witnesses on earth, by the beast of Antichrist, for many days, and nought hath remained of the resemblance thereof, but the carcass, without the power of life; which implies the former and present dead and formal state of the professors of the christian name.

22 So, in like manner, when ye see life spring up, and that which was dead, and as a rotten carcass, come forth with life, then know ye that the Son of man hath come in his glory.

23 And the spirit which bringeth life, shall enter and cause that which is dead in trespasses and sins, to become alive; which will cause great fear and terror to fall upon those who dwell upon the earth, when they see the spirit of life enter into that which hath long slept in death.

24 When they behold that testimony which giveth life, by the death of every thing which is in opposition thereunto, how will they mourn and be terrified, and seek to hide from the face of those who were dead and are alive, and able to give life to all who are willing to be slain as they were.

25 And then shall they behold the coming of the Son of man in his glory, when they again hear that testimony of eternal truth, proclaimed by those who were in sackcloth, that spirit of prophecy, which cometh of the testimony of Jesus, which will torment and afflict that part of man which seeketh Christ in the splendor of this world; who look for him in the natural clouds of the atmosphere;

26 Yea, that spirit in man which seeketh to preach and prophesy, clothed with the splendor and wisdom of this world, instead of that meekness which was revealed in the Son of God, clothed in humility, and abased to the world in every form.

27 Yea, when ye see the witnesses of eternal truth, clothed in the spirit of Christ, and in mourning for sin and the fallen state of man, proclaiming that testimony which strikes a death blow to the world, and to the enjoyments thereof; then know ye of a truth, that the spirit of life from God, hath entered his two witnesses. And no soul heareth the testimony of the Two Witnesses, clothed in sackcloth, as a witness against the fashions and forms of this world, but must be terrified and tormented thereby.

28 But they who receive and obey the testimony of the Two Witnesses, which are the golden candlesticks and lamps before the God of the earth; the spirit of God shining forth through the everlasting Bridegroom and Bride, the spirit of life eternal to the soul; they shall, in like manner, be caught up from the snares and devices of the wicked One, and gradually ascend beyond the reach of their inbred foes;

29 In like manner as did the Two Witnesses, who first ascended to the throne of God, triumphant above their inbred enemies, by the power of that testimony which giveth life to every soul, who receiveth and obeyeth the same; which will cause them to arise and ascend to the throne of God, as did their Lord and Mother.

30 And although this testimony hath long been dead to those who inhabit the earth, and are in possession of that earthly nature which cometh by the fall, and hath been as a stench to those who desired to walk after their own heart's lusts; yet shall it be revived and fill the whole earth, and give knowledge and understanding to those who dwell upon the earth, of the way of peace, and of life everlasting.

31 Therefore, they who seek for the coming of the Son of man in his glory, by the signs of the natural heavens, they will seek in vain, and find nothing but sorrow and confusion of face; a fearful looking for of that which cometh not, until they be taken in the net from whence they cannot escape. And thus is the word upon this subject revealed from the little book, by the spirit of prophecy, in the name of the beloved apostle John.

32 The four guardian Angels present, bear witness to the truth of this word, revealed from the little book, to an instrument of clay. And thus exclaimeth the mighty Angel, who stood with his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth;

33 I do witness and utter forth with a loud voice, this testimony, which is revealed in this day of the second coming of the Son of man in his glory, which hath been sealed up from the understanding of man, from the foundation of the world, is that word of God, which is a consuming fire to the element of sin.

34 And by this word of God, cometh the end of the world; and the end of the world hath already come unto those who have received and obeyed this testimony, which is the word of God, and time no longer remaineth with them, but they are redeemed from the earth.

35 Yea, and they have become washed from the pollutions of the works of generation, and no more yield to defile each other, by the beastly indulgence of lust, which is the god of this world. But they become virgins for the kingdom of heaven's sake, and follow the Lamb and Bride whithersoever they go, which is in direct opposition to the fallen nature of man.

36 For as the first man and woman led into sin, which cometh by lust, infused by the subtile serpent of sin, and the whole human family have been led by them, and by that spirit of the serpent which composeth the god of this sinful world;

37 So in like manner, shall all who become followers of the Lamb, whithersoever he goeth, be led directly in the opposite road; which will regenerate and bring man back, not only to that state of innocence in which he was created before he became a slave to the beastly passion of lust, but raise him to eternal life.


Supplement to the preceding, in confirmation and illustration thereof, given by the Angel of PROPHETIC LIGHT.

38 Although the spirit of the Eternal TWO prophesied in the Witnesses of truth, called the two witnesses, being male and female, during the dark reign of Antichrist, and who, when they had finished their testimony, were killed by the beast: Yet these were but a figure of the only perfect and true witnesses, even the Two Anointed Ones, who are the likeness of the Eternal Two.

39 These have risen in their true witnesses, from the dominion of Antichrist, above the power of the beast, and have ascended up to heaven. For they overcame the world, and by the cross, slew the life of the beastly nature in themselves, and thereby receive the power of eternal life, and ascended pure and spotless up to the throne of their Eternal Parents.

40 And thus have they "led captivity captive;" and in this dispensation are able, and will dispense the same power and gifts of eternal life to all men who are willing to receive them: by which they will be slain to the life of their own beastly natures, and rise triumphant over him that giveth his power to the beast, and life to his image, which is a dead body, having the form of godliness, but is destitute of the power of salvation.

41 For such are only an image of the beast, let them be called by whatsoever name they will; and their life is the life of Satan, given in the beastly nature of fallen man. And know ye, saith the Angel, in no such body will Christ ever be found. Therefore, in no other manner will Christ ever come to the end of time, than in the spirit of the Two Anointed Ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.

42 This spirit doth and will appear, in flames of divine fire, to consume the man of sin, destroy the power of Antichrist and utterly overthrow the kingdom of the beast of fallen nature, in every soul that will pass through the purifying work of this refining fire. And in this way, "the wrath of God is revealed from heaven, against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness," as testified by the apostle to the Roman,serifs.

43 Then will the seed of righteousness spring up and grow in them, and produce the kingdom of Christ in their souls.

Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom; Part III; Chapter 3


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