Last update: November 23 2020
A b o u t t h e M a n u s c r i p t s a t . . .
The authors of the materials on this site have, for the most part, passed from the earthly realm long ago. They were from a variety of places and times. What they did have in common was their pursuit of the Inward WAY, their deep relationship with, and commitment to, the Most High God, along with their uncompromising love for His son, Christ Jesus. The contributors of the materials to the site are from around the world and have been led by a power greater than themselves, to obtain, protect and prepare the materials that you will find here. Most of the on-line documents are formatted in such a way as to convey the 'look' of the originals, as they were published long ago, in print size that is large enough for those of all ages to easily read; for this reason, they may be described as on-line reproductions of the authentic originals of the manuscripts. Since many of the documents are from times long past, you may find the wording and long sentences difficult to comprehend at first; but keep your hand to the plow, and persevere. With the Lord's help, they will provide much meat to your hungry spirit. The PasstheWORD website is privately sponsored, and is not affiliated with any church, denomination or religious group. It seeks no donations nor does it sell anything. Those who have contributed to it maintain a low profile and are only interested in seeing that these precious manuscripts and documents are once again made available for personal study via the Internet and that their meaning is not changed or convoluted. It is our prayer that the Holy Spirit be allowed to use them mightily in the lives of all visitors who partake of this manna from Heaven, which has been brought to light and restored to us at such a dark time in our journey through the wilderness of this world. We are most grateful to the Most High God and we are humbled to be a part of the unfolding of His mysteries in these Last Days. ~~~