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Pass the WORD Services

... our intent is to electronically share materials, documents, and manuscripts (some very old and some not-so-old) whose contents were, at some time, deemed to be of great spiritual value ... and which, for whatever reasons, are presently not easily accessible through other media ... and to present them in a format that can clearly be read on-screen or easily and freely printed by visitors via their web-browsers ... for their own personal use, study and spiritual enlightenment ...

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Authentic On-Line Manuscript Reproductions

Dialogs & Documents From the Past     ||    Shaker Manuscripts On-Line    ||      Miguel de Molinos
Jacob Boehme     ||     Jane Lead     ||     Thomas Bromley    ||     Francis Lee, M.D.
William Law     ||    Francois Fenelon / Madame Jeanne Guyon
Abstinence & Self Denial    ||     Gospel ReDiscovery
Spiritual Diagnostics         
What is going on in the World?  

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. . .  News from Pass the Word Services to ALL Site Visitors . . .

    A 21st Century Prophetess of God Has Appeared in the On-Line Realms !   
     Read the 2024 Report

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About  the Manuscripts
What are they?  Where did they come from?
Who wrote them?  Why are they here? 
Who are they for? 
Who is PasstheWORD? 
Why are the documents copyrighted? ... etc.

Reading Manuscripts On-Screen
Tips for easier on-screen Reading &
Suggestions for those with impaired Vision,
including how to produce a Large-Print
Hardcopy edition of a given Manuscript.

Printing the Manuscripts
Step by step Instructions.
Customizing page Headers/Footers.
What if you have no Computer?
More Background on Copyrights.
Suggestions for Linking to Manuscripts ... etc.

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ALL Electronic-Texts © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009,  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2023. 2024   Pass the WORD Services.          
E-Text Copyrights renew with each published update.   


Beloved Visitor and Reader,

The Most High God has led you here, in His Providence at this time in your walk upon the earth, to do you good.    We invite you to partake of these writings, left to us by His servants, most of whom have long passed from this realm.  

In the words of a precious Brother who has gone before us ...

" If through His infinite mercy, you have had a personal experience already of the matters herein written, your heart will be filled with thanksgiving and praise as you read.  If not, you will find many things strange, and it would not be surprising if you should be ready to pronounce some untrue.  But beware of being wise in your own conceit!  The Spirit of God, that searcheth the deep things of God, alone can decide."

  "Do not distrust the reports of these spies whom God has sent before you into the promised land.  It is a land flowing with milk and honey;  true, the children of Anak are there, in whose sight we are but as grasshoppers, but they are bread for us.  The Lord God, He it is that shall fight for us, and He will surely bring us into that exceeding good land."

  "The natural man receiveth not the things of God, for they are foolishness unto him;  neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.  If, then, you have not experienced the things that you find here written, think it not strange that they should seem foolish and false;  in God's own time they shall be perceived, if you follow on in Him."

  "If you will be advised by one who knows nothing, and who is least in the household of faith, you will deny nothing — reject nothing — despise nothing, lest haply you be found fighting against God; you will receive nothing but what is accompanied by the Amen of the Spirit of God in your heart;  all else shall be as the idle wind.   Reading thus, in absolute dependence, not upon man's wisdom or teaching, but upon the utterances of the blessed Spirit within, you shall infallibly be guided into all Truth.  Such is the promise of Him who cannot lie. "

  "And may His blessing rest upon you ! "  

James W. Metcalf — 1853


Email: PTW Services