AUTHENTIC REPRODUCTION of the Original Printing — 1696

Jane Lead, 17th Century Prophetess of God [1624–1704]: Her Seventh published Prophetic Work bringing Divine Manifestations and Knowledge from the Godhead. 

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  Last update: February 24, 2014


Jane Lead’s

The Tree of Faith

The Ark of Faith


The Tree of Faith
and its Supplement: The Ark of Faith

Jane Lead’s seventh published Prophetic Work, brought forth to exhort the Nazarite candidates to realize that their Faith did not come up to the ancient Apostolical Faith, and had been stopped for some 2000 years.   Details as to what yet is needed, what is lacking and what is vitally necessary so that they could be prepared  and trained to do the Wonders which the Last Age of the World is to produce.  This was made public in 1696 following the printing of  the first two Messages to the Philadephian Society.

This authentic manuscript from the 17th century has been out of print for a very long time and has been inaccessible to the general public.  It contains terminology and wording that are missing  from modern edited versions.

The on-line reproduction presents the authentic old manuscript "as close to the original as possible" — rendering  the text and appearance of the 1696 printing without any interpretation or commentary — both of which are here left for the Spirit of Truth, who will always provide for the seeking and humble in heart.  Notes of the author, that were printed in the margins of the original, have been included "in-line" with the text, but are shown in a reduced size.






The Tree of Life,

 Springing  up   in  the

Paradise of G O D

From which
All the Wonders of the New Creation,
in the Virgin Church of
the First-born of Wisdom
must proceed.


By J. Lead.


Matth. 13.32     It is the Least of all Seeds:
but when it is grown, it is the Greatest
of Herbs, and becometh a T R E E.


L O N D O N :

Printed and Sold by J. Bradford, 1696.




T O    T H E

R E A D E R.

HAVING given an Account of the Confusion of the Babylonish Forms, being rejected by the head Shepherd; from whom an angel is gone forth that hath sounded the Trumpet, to proclaim, That all Formal Worships set up by Man, and constituted by Rational Inventions, as a Shadow must pass away: For nothing in this Day shall stand but the Power and Spirit of the Lamb; that will cast up his Church into no other Mold, but that in which he himself in his Resurrection-State did Appear. So that the Gathering together of his flocks from all Parts, shall be for the making up this Resurrection Church, as new born into the Faith. For which Reason I have here superadded a Manifestation, which some Years since was given me; which I judge may now be of as General Use to make Publick, as it was first for my own Particular Information and Instruction: whence it was never design’d to see the Light. But seeing that this Church that hath been describ’d by the Spirit of Christ, is to consist of the Branches of Faith, growing up from the Root and Stock of Abraham; it was found very Expedient that this should follow the foregoing Treatise; Because the New Creation which is to be brought forth, must have their Consistency of Life, by the Faith of the Son of God; that as he was in this World, so may also his Bride and Spouse be, acting in the Holy Ghostly Property, to do the Wonders which the Last Age of the World is to produce. For it is expected that mighty Deeds and Works shall be wrought by this New Risen Virgin Church, such as have, and such as never have been: For the Patriarchs, Prophets, and most highly Spirited in the Faith and Love, Power and Purity, shall again descend, to assume Persons that are of this Resurrection Life, so to do all the Worthy Exploits, according to the Lot in which each Ancient Saint did stand. All which shall be renewed again, for the state of the Prophesies relating to Christ’s thousand Years Reign: which will overspread the Earth with the Kingly, Prophetical, and Priestly Train.

I had some thoughts of Obliterating the beginning of this little Treatise, being only a Private Recollection of my Spiritual Travels, which I have used to make from Year to Year; but I quickly check’d my self herein, for that it was mov’d upon me, that it might be Useful and Beneficial to some Souls, and for a Pattern to excite them to the Recollection; Wherefore I resolved to let it go, without any Alteration, according to its full and Genuine Sense.

J. L.



Tree of Faith, &c.

§ 1. BEING come to the Conclusion of this year 1686, recollecting and making Observations from one New-Year to another of what hath passed both in reference to the Internal Attainments, Growths and Degrees arrived to in Spirituals, and what hath happened by special Providence concerning the outward Bodily Man, both which I have for some Years kept a Memorandum of, for my own private satisfaction, taking special notice how the Work of God hath gone on in order to the perfecting of what my Soul hath been these many Years in great travail for, but in special for what hath been in sight and view through the Spirit of Prophecy, declared unto me since 1670, in the which Year, and so forward on to this time, entering upon this New Year, I have found the working Wheel from the strong Hand of the Most High, and have driven hard on for the bringing back of my Soul into Eternal and pure Nature’s Originality again: the which to be plain, is no less than to be Born again into another World, where this visible Birth in Sin, with its world, is as forgotten, and shut out: no otherwise remembered, but to give occasion of the greatest Wonder, and admiration of that great and infinite goodness that hath unfettered and set the Soul free to be born into a divine and spiritual Body, so to dwell and inhabit in the high and heavenly World, where my Correspondency hath been maintained much since the Year 70, gaining Year by Year some increase, and higher degree of Wisdom and Understanding in the secret Mysteries of Eternity, as to what doth lie hidden there: which through our abstraction of Mind, and watchful Attendance, in new Varieties from that World do present themselves.

§ 2. Now as to this last past Year, many have been my Internal provings, and secret Combats that have followed me hard, to shake my Faith as to the great and wonderful Revolutions relating to the accomplishment of a full and perfect Redeemed State among Mortals, here to be seen and known, in order to which I have been followed with renewed Predictions and Promises for the keeping up and open the Springs of Faith, which otherwise would have been stopped; therefore I must proclaim the goodness of God, who hath kept the stock of Faith going on in me, for the hopeful consummating of what is yet behind, which are great and weighty things, worth waiting upon; which if successfully I may attain, will quit all suffering loss of what ever can be called Earthly and Terrene in sensible things, which are of this World, only among Mortals seen, from all which I have been much called from: as finding every Year hath renewed upon me great abatements, and weariness of Life and Love to all perishable things. A good reason there is why; because the Heavens do before me open stand, by which my Mind and Spirit is so well entertained, by the Objects there seen with all substantial Varieties, that I need not care any more to look out for these.

§ 3. When at any time drawn and pluck’d away I am by strong motives from this World, then great Wo, Pain and Trouble do me possess; for so it is when at any time I am out of the Heavenly Places, where now only my Life doth lie, within that secret Cabinet of Eternity, preferring that as my chief and only Excellency. So I resolve to go forward by the Power of the Most High this ensuing Year, for what of this kind may multiply and prosper in my Hand Mightily. For the which all care and strict Watch I see must be, that so I may not overslip my Day, acting accordingly as Power doth move and rise, the which is to be attended upon Day by Day, as God shall clear up the way, otherwise all Attempts are but in vain, which set upon may be, as I have proved by what hath been undertaken contrary to this all high and approving Eye. Therefore Wisdom doth me teach in a passive brokenness of Will to stand, till my God shall come forth with the Express Word of Command; that so the Heavenly Plantation may go on, and nothing it withstand: for lets and interposing have got in: as I have from Year to Year seen, and will be still, I do find, until the Spirit of Faith do get the upper-hand, which in God the driver on is to be, that so the long set back Work in Pentecost Day, may after so many Years delay come forward once again. For the which I have been a private and earnest waiter and diligent seeker, where ever I might find Spirits that hereunto were inclined, to wait in a pure Temple-mind unitedly for the great Dowry of the Holy Power again to rise: but to this Day a scattering and dividing among the Holy People hath been; who hitherto are scared and affrighted away from each other, upon poor, low and worldly Circumstances; so as no Body of Saints can yet get together. The which hath been very grievous unto me, carrying a secret Sorrow and Mourning in my soul here for: I having according to the power given me, made offers here and there; but oh how little hath this Call been understood? No not even by those who might become of the high and holy waiting Disciplehood; so as that upon this account, in long-suffering I have been looking this way, and that way, for the most holy Wind to blow some one or other in for a beginning, into this great and Spiritual Gathering.

§ 4. I have often seen my own Angel Spirit fluttering to and fro, from Plant to Plant, and so on to each Lebanon-Tree, to find where the Eagle-Body might make her Nest, her Young there to Hatch and Brood in safety from the ravenous Birds of Prey: but no sooner was I here alighted, after many a long Flight, but the flying Serpent hath with great fury come forth, to prevent, and demolish what was prepared for this intent, and so hath often permitted been hitherto to keep off a selected gathering, as a Heaven-Born Society, which by coming together, may make up the holy Priestly Body, whom God may give witness unto, by pitching with them his Tabernacle-Presence, in great Power and Glory. O for this, how hath my Soul and Spirit been carried forth to seek and wait upon it? and still must it pursue, till my God shall it fulfill, as decreed it is in his Will.

§ 5. Now as to what hath passed this present Year relating to the outward Being, with all Circumstances thereunto relating, it hath been very considerable and worth taking notice of. Wherein my God hath appeared greatly for my support, answering all Bodily Necessities, which hath been brought in by a signal Hand of renewed Providence, as occasion hath required: Although great plunges and difficulties, with Temptations thereupon attending, for my proving, did meet upon me, for the trial of my Faith. Which the Power of the Most High did still maintain and uphold invisibly, and thereby brought me forth out of all most victoriously. My Tribulations and Distresses were known to God only: For I saw it in vain to complain to any Creaturely Being: but still in all I did apply my self to that Name, Great JEHOVAH: whom I found a Refuge at all times very nigh, procuring deliverance oft-times unexpectedly. For the which great goodness from my God thus by me proved, I have so much to say and make mention of by way of thankfulness and praise, that the number of Times and Days are far too little, to rehearse and proclaim the Bounteousness of this great Love, that hath thus minded me in a desolate Widowhood state. But what I may be short of in Time, let Eternity while in Time, and out, and beyond all time, for ever celebrate one Everlasting Sabbath of Laud, with pure and powerful Praises to thee oh, Holy, Holy, Holy, Infinite Almighty! whom my Soul doth so greatly adore, that Silence must speak much more, with a Life that must excel both.

§ 6. Now waiting still upon thee, O God, for what may further produce this Approaching Year, in order to the accomplishment of what hath been the main drift, and whole Scope of my Life’s attendency, since the unsealing of the Heavenly Mystery. By which the obligation hath pressed in so deep upon me, that hath made me to relinquish all impeding Multiplicities which possibly I could wind my self off from, that so I might follow on in pure Heart Spiritual-mindedness, that so I might be a partaker and a possessor of what is to follow, as hath been accordingly made known through the Spirit of Revelation unto me, which have raised all the powers and forces of my Soul for the giving up it self to this high and heavenly Calling, which is the Holy Profession of Faith, which now my Life that I am henceforth to live must wholly consist of; for so my Lord hath averred and established his Word renewedly unto me.

§ 7. The Spirit doth hard upon me for this ply, declaring unto me, that upon Faith’s bottom I must stand and go forward on all steadily: the Work is great which I do stand chargable withal, for the which, oh God, my own strength is but small, therefore to thy Omnipotency I do call, for that must be my all in all, to make me a Practitioner in this high and Heavenly Calling. The Matter which I have to work upon, is only from that Word of Faith, which did create all Worlds: the which doth greatly support and satisfie, and support me as a stock of strength and power, that will carry on to Victory, keeping my Eye always staid hereupon, as the Priestly Portion which is set out for me, who no Propriety have among the Tribes, whose Inheritances are of another kind: and therefore the Lord will still my Portion be in full, for all things that shall needful be.

The Vision of the Tree

§ 8. Now in order to this, there was shewn to me a Tree that should all suddenly spring up in me, which spread forth its Branches for increase and fruitfulness: and that no dependency would have upon any other Tree but itself. Which was instituted to me to be Faith’s Tree, on which, without fear, the Eagle-Bird may build her Nest, and not be disturbed, while she is hatching her most holy Priestly Brood, who from the Fruits of this Tree are to be fed, and nourished, till unto such strength arrived, as to take their flight transcendently, up unto their own Priestly Thrones near to CHRIST their Priestly Head, there to meet that Company, which of their own Royal sort and kind, in sacred and pure White Robes all cloathed are. So that here a mutual fellowship betwixt the lower and higher Worlds, all agreeably will be, which is the great Wonder that in the Heavens hath lately been opened to me, not for Speculation only, but for Provocation, to set upon this Work, with such as shall hereunto added unto me be. For the which a pure bright attractive Eye is gone forth, to fetch in such as are numbered to stand with me, while the Eagle-Spirit is hatching her Young upon Faith’s Tree.

§ 9. Which Tree, I find, can grow upon no other Soil, but a Ground all purely refined with oily Springs and Dews from Heaven, which must its watering be. Then will it spread and flourish all richly, having fruitfulness in it self, without any dependency. Oh! this is the Tree that will us bless, with Wisdom, Strength and Righteousness: for the which I find it in my Heart most earnestly to seek and pray, that it may be most choicely kept, and circled round about, with the pure Love-Fire blown up by the Holy Ghost. Which may its shelter be from all the invading Spirits, that so diligently do watch to break in, to crop and suck away its strength. For this, O my God, an holy awful fear is upon me, because I do well know what damage and spoil it hath occurred, keeping it of low and little stature, to prevent what might be the World’s Conquest, and great working Wonder. Therefore now, my God, what is to be done for its preservation? Make me privy in the Secrecy of acting so wise a part, as few, or none have in this later Age found out, and why is it so, but because no skillful Artist in this Mystery of Faith, hath been made to understand the way for the preserving and cherishing this choice Golden Grain, from whence this Tree of Faith might to its full growth attain.

§ 10. For the which such Rules prescribed are, and revealed unto me by the only wise Counselor, my Friend: which if I can observe and obey, I may then win the Day, God’s great working Powers thereby for to display, much more than have been in former Days. But the way is such an aversion to what in the whole Universe of Mankind is practiced, that it will be a difficult point to enter hereupon, so as to hold on; for here is required a crossing of the Tide and stem of Nature, in all its motions which do put forth, and generate so aptly. Against which resist in the Faith I must all steadfastly till Conquest be wrought out by the growth of this all-powerful Tree.

§ 11. This hath been shewn me to branch forth it self in twelve rising Degrees, for the Manifestation of the Ancient Apostolical Faith: which in this Age is to be recovered anew, for the cutting short that Work which in thousands of Years many Holy Souls have been puzzling and striving about, while sticking in the weak and low degrees of Faith. From the consideration of which Relapse a mighty stirring up I feel, so to press on, as to reach to all of these twelve degrees, which from that small Mustard-Grain Seed of Faith sown by the Spirit in me, may to such a great and full increase spread out it self, as may transcend the growth of all other Trees that in the Forest of this World do stand bound down with Iron Yokes, and Bands: now the twelve Degrees of this Tree in their distinct Properties were thus expressed unto me.

§ 12. 1. The first degree of this Faith, is to believe the apostasy and ruinous heap and matter of which the Body of Sin is contracted into.

2. A second degree, is to believe that this Degeneracy hath parted the Soul from God, and made it a Stranger to all Knowledge, and Possession of those high and precious and choice things, which might have been the propriety of the Soul in God, had it not gone out from him.

3. The third degree is to believe there is left a Spark or Seed of Eternity in all Mankind, which may incline and turn them in, so to feel after God, as to lament bitterly their own Apostasy.

4. A fourth degree is to believe the Eternal Word was incarnated in Flesh for a Universal Redemption, and Restoration out of this lapsed state, through Faith in him, for the begetting a Likeness and Conformity through an Essential Birth, brought forth in Spirit, all evidently.

5. A fifth degree is to believe that there is an All-sufficiency in CHRIST thus conceived, and brought forth in Spirit internally, within the Soul’s essential part as may have power to purge, refine, save, and cleanse the Soul from all its Sins.

6. The sixth degree is to believe and expect the Holy Ghost to come to join, and co-operate with this new begetting Birth, for the bringing it up, and securing it from all Assaults, Perils, and Temptations, maintaining an holy Clarification, cherishing and strengthening it, till it be strong to go forth for Manifestation, to shew it self to the World as thus regenerated.

7. A seventh degree, is to believe and witness that Christ, his risen Life in the Soul, doth become a death to the Body of Sin totally, which we may call a Love Kiss, whereby Christ doth sweetly, and secretly draw, and part the Soul from all the dregs and relicks that appertain to a Lapsed Nature, which is known by a power working supernaturally.

8. An eighth degree is to believe, that when all this is finished, Christ will appear in the Soul without Sin, and so present it unto the Father, as a new created Wonder, all completed to be his Spouse and Bride, rejoycing that the Marriage of the Lamb is come, all things therefore being made ready.

9. A ninth degree, is to believe, that Christ the Lord will not fail to perform the sacred Nuptial and Marriage-Union, both for Time and Eternity, with the Spirit of the Bride thus made ready, and will own and confess her so to be his choice before his Father and the whole Assembly of Angels and Elders, Principalities and Powers in Heavenly Places: and also here upon the Earth shall so owned be for her Excellency, as shall be an all-amazing Glory.

10. A tenth degree, is to believe, that hereupon will follow all mutual Joys and Pleasures, in Love Festival Banqueting which she is so taken up and ravished in, as all former Mournings and Sorrows are forgotten, coming no more into Mind: so ineffable are the Bride’s Solacements with the Lord her Bridegroom.

11. The eleventh is to believe that Christ will settle upon this espoused Bride all that is his: that she shall have a mutual Interest with him, in what the Father hath put into his Hand, which is all Power, and Wisdom to manage that power; which reacheth to a dominion in, and over all created Beings, and Things, whatever: herein for certainty she will be put into a Joint-possession, with the Lord her Bridegroom, as her Propriety.

12. Twelfthly and Lastly, as the sum of all, is to believe undoubtedly, that after this Representative Bride of the Lamb, so declared in this World to be by her Ornamental Gifts, and fruitful Powers, that will generously go forth for the multiplying and making up of the pure spotless Virgin Church here on Earth, will the Lord from Heaven descend in great and high state to fetch his Bride the Church, up to his Fathers House, or Royal City, for the consummating and celebrating such a Triumphant Glory, in Unity with the Body of Saints, that are in Heavenly Places before hand, even such a Glory through the Spirit, until we come there into the very same Glory, as Christ had with the Father before the Worlds were, which is too great to be known here.

§ 13. Thus having had all the Degrees and Branches of Faith’s Tree opened, and set before me, for Trial, Examination, and Information: not only in particular for my self, but for such as do agree to ascend with me, and go forward on to all these Degrees; for the which God hath chosen some one or other, that are made all willing to give up hereunto, by waiting upon it until the great Operator shall bring forth this Tree in its full stature; that the Eagle-Spirits may find all variety of Food for themselves, and therewith greatly increase in all kind of Substance, without being beholding to the World; for it hath been testified unto me, and that from a sure Hand, that the Eagle and her Brood shall in all Worlds have command, for the which I received an express charge to wait all believingly with such as hereunto are with me to agree, for the full accomplishment of those Gifts and miraculous working Powers, which so long have been silenced and laid asleep: and by whom are these to be awakened, but by the close setters, and constant feeders upon Faith’s Tree who are not to hitch off and on; for if so, the Work of Faith will never go on.

§ 14. The Spirit of my God hath opened this Sense deep upon me for the bewailing of Faith’s apostasy, and how that the Jerusalem-waiters in this Spirit have been a long time scattered, and carried captive into Babylon, and the most holy Vessels and Things profaned, (so considered in a Spiritual Sense) and the anointed Holy Place, where the great High Priest’s entrance should be, is greatly demolished, and made common for unclean and worldly Spirits to pass in, and so hath brought in great confusion. Now it is much set upon me to strengthen the feeble Hands of Faith, for the recovery of this All-commanding and Powerful Life, which may bring us back from so great a Relapse: for the which end, it is averred by the Spirit, that there is to be maintained one continued Act admitting of no Cessation, as to what may be agreed upon, to have Faith in God; either for binding up what hurtful and pernicious is, to hinder the process or going on of those perfect things yet behind; then again for the unbinding and loosening of those mighty, great, and Heavenly Powers that may make us terrible as an invincible bright Army of flying Banners, which as light Flashes may go forth, on this hand, and on that; as directed they shall be for the securing, saving, and delivering those who sorrowing and mourning are under Sin’s oppression, and the worldly captivity.

§ 15. Now hereupon followed this Vision, there being put into my Hand twelve Arrows, and a Bow, the Bow seemed to be of pure Gold, and the Arrows tip’d with Gold, and directed I was to make my aim at this Tree of Faith, which was the Mark to shoot at. Which keeping my Eye upon steadily, the true Archer, the Spirit in me, did let fly one Arrow after another, till I came to the ninth Arrow, which all did well hit: and then there was a stop, and I could to no higher degree go; but was commanded to gather up those Arrows, and give them into the hand of them, who were to come up to the Unity of this Faith. With the same Bow and Arrows, one, who designed in special was, did follow on to try, with great industry; and did hit the first and second, and then attempting the third Degree, the Arrow fell somewhat short, for want of a fullness of Faith. Whereupon I standing by, directed the holding of the Bow; so heeding and observing well, she reached the third Degree. Then the other one came on to try with the same Arrows, appearing in great resolution, and hit the first Degree, and going upon the second, was pulled away, which made a present delay. Then did the other that had shot to the third Degree, stick to it, and after one or two onsets got to the fourth Degree, then saw I her stop: and it was said, Be not hereat dismayed, for Strength will renew, though the Arm too weak may be, yet lay not down the Bow, but hold it steadily, and through constant Exercise, the Arrow will not fail to fly from the hand that diligent shall be, till it do attain to all Degrees. For it was testified unto me, that there must be a continual keeping up, and bending the Bow of the Mind; that so we may all of this Faith’s Treasure find; and although to the Eye of the World nothing of this is seen, they looking upon the true Archers of Faith in great derision, saying, That they are come to be desperate indeed, that have nothing to live upon but what Faith’s Tree must bring forth: for such are look’d upon as a forlorn hope. Oh far be it, that this any discouragement to us should be; for the Lord hath said it again and again, that if any can hereunto reach & come to an all-full persuasion, then the whole World could not contain the Treasures, which this Tree of Faith for us should command; that so proved it may be who are the wise in Heart, who have made it their choice to learn, and exercised be in the Art of Faith only.

§ 16. At another time I was alarm’d out of my Sleep with a Voice that cried in me thus, O the Restorative Tree of Faith! And when I came to consider of the Word, and the Meaning of it, Wisdom’s opening Key was put into my Hand, to unlock that Place where this Precious Tree doth stand. It did now appear to be enclosed by it self, and a most lovely fair Tree it was, the body whereof seemed to be all of sweet smelling Cinnamon, and in the Hollow of it there was a strong scented perfuming Oil, which did produce fruit of the same Kind, all of a spicy Nature; the which was shewn me to be of Twelve Sorts. But this Fruit appeared different and more various, than what I had ever seen in all former Representations. Which made me very Inquisitive, praying that I might know the Mind of Divine Wisdom in that Surprising Word, which came so suddenly upon me: For I could no way be satisfied with any Visions, or Magical views of things barely, and without Interpretation.

§ 17. Which through a renewed Glance of Light, from her Orb I obtain’d an Understanding of: And it was thus said to me, O Spirit, what makest thou here? How dost thou think to live now that thou art departed out from the Earthly Region, where thy Sensitive Life was maintained through the industry of the Rational Mind? From these pleasant Things of the Earth thy Soul is now gone out, and thou must eat of them no more: For here is quite another Way and Manner of Living; which thou, and those that are with thee united, must fashion your selves unto; living only upon what Fruits this Holy Land, which is by thee now seen, doth afford. Therefore did I call thee to come to this Tree of Faith, not only it to view, but, having hit the Mark, thereof to feed; that so a Spiritual Body may to thee renewed be, of an Incorruptible Nature and Kind, answerable to the various sorts of Fruits, which will restore Nature to its Ancient and Vigorous Beauty, that hath looked to be altogether withered and consumed.

§ 18. Upon my Further Inquiry at Wisdom’s Oracle, what might be the Qualities, Properties, and Natures of these Fruits of Faith, and how we might be enabled to take of them, having a Right thereto as Natural Denizens, that have a Dependence wholly upon what this Heavenly Country of Immanuel doth afford and produce; that so we may have no Occasion to look back from whence we come, or to be tempted to lust again after Mortal Fruits, among the Fallen Spirits. From which state we have been called forth to live on this Precious Tree of Faith: the several Properties of which I will now open by Name, according as they have been to me declared, to the end that I and those that with me in the same Spirit cojoined be, may here satisfie our whole Internal Appetite, and in all Parts and Degrees be made complete, as we shall hereof Magically in our Spirits be able to eat. Now the First Quality applicable to this TREE is Majestical Glory; the Second is Fathomless Wisdom; the Third is an Almightiness of Power; the Fourth is Transparency of Light; and the Fifth is Perfection of Purity; the Sixth is Sovereignty of Will; the Seventh is an All-excelling Goodness; the Eighth is Infinite Natural Knowledge; the Ninth is an All-seeing through the Incomprehensible Eye, the Tenth is an Essential Generating working Spirit; the Eleventh is an Omnipotency of Creation, giving New Existences, where nothing did visibly appear; the Twelfth is Immutability of Love, which worketh in, and through all these. Thus have I given a true Dimension, and Description of this Immense and Restorative Tree, springing up from the Seed and Root of Faith; which will bring Dead Souls to Life again, and do all the Wonders of the new Creation Church by the Great Philadelphian Worthies, when they shall be made to appear. On it the First begotten Son of Wisdom did continually feed, which made him a God-Man indeed: who is not contented of these unknown Sweets to taste alone, but cries, and calls, to his Sister, and his Spouse hereof with him to partake; that so it may have the same operation and effect on her, Godlike to be, according to the Pattern of her Lord CHRIST,

Whose Image lively drawn I may thus see,
Through Participation of this Spicy Tree.

§ 19. Some considerable time afterward, I was again call’d in Spirit to view this Tree of Faith, and the Tree now seem’d to be enlightened with a bright Body, which appeared standing in the midst of it: and it bore all those several mentioned sorts of Fruits, being therewith most richly laden, but none were yet Ripe, or fit for Eating. But the Bright Body in the Tree said; Go, call such as willing are to wait for the Transmuting Power, to act forth the Amazing Wonders of a God. Let such, with thee, come, and sit under this Tree, till the Fruit into Gold ye shall see to be turned. Then eat thereof ye shall, and Power will be born suddenly, to do and act in the Property and Nature of the Holy Ghost. For this must Transmute, and alter the whole Inward Part; for that it will be no less than the Leaven of the Deity it self. Whence this hath been frequently repeated to me, that this kind of Power, which we would have, must proceed from a deep Ground, and Root; which is no less than the Godhead.

§ 20. Also at another time, I felt a mighty stirring Life of Faith get up, which did overtop all Self-Reasoning, whereby I found a Pass for my Spirit to enter nearer still to the Aimed Mark, which is the Central Power. And while I was in Prayer, that my Bow might abide in Strength, and that it might also be given to my Fellow Labourers to hold it out with me, for Assurance of this there was shewn me the Bow in a Blew Cloud descending, and it was put into my Hand. All Crystalline the Bow appeared to be, with Seven Golden Arrows belonging to it. Then was it said to me, Arise, Arise, now put on thy Strength; for the Arm of the LORD, in thee, shall stretch the Bow, and make the Arrows fly where the Invincible Power doth lie. For the Work shall not be starved for want of Power to feed and strengthen it, while two or three do stand in one Spirit knit. Therefore to you each one this Bow of Faith is given, with the Sevenfold Arrow: Try, and see, whether at the Seventh Attempt it may not the Power hit, and all the Twelve Degrees of Faith arrive at. Now put thy Hand hereto, and be very nimble and quick: make the first Onset, that those others who aiming are at the same thing, with thee, may also reach this weighty and worthy Prize; That so in the Lord ye may rejoice together, in such a goodly Habitation, and Golden Tent, to celebrate the Praise of Great ELOHIM, who hath this Power down sent to display, and make way for the Gathering in of his Priestly Flock, and Royal Train, that shall no longer at the Worldly Spirits Gate knock and wait. This came to pass in me the 25th of the Month January, in the Year MDCXC.

§ 21. After seven Days, being upon the First of the next Month, the same Vision was renewed to me, and I strongly felt the Impulses of the Spirit driving me forward towards the Mark, which seemed to stand very fair to be hit; as inviting us who in One Faith were knit, to try and prove. Where our Seven Nazarite Locks of Strength do lie, which answer to the Seven Spirits and Powers of the Tri-Un {Triune}Deity. For the Seven Arrows specified in the former Vision do all of this signifie, as that these are to be a Guard upon each Arrow, according as from the Bow they shall be made to fly. For with my Lord I discoursed this matter, concerning the Thorough-Pass of these Seven Arrows, Querying whether I, or any one that principally aim’d at the same thing with me, had shot them home to the very Center-Point? Then upon this Inquiry the Spirit of my Lord told me, that Five of them had already hit the Mark, but that two yet remain’d; which were to make the grand Breach, and Onset, where the Rich Prize was to be taken. And the Spirit shewed me further what stopped the ascending Might of these two remaining Arrows, which was a muddy Gulf that stood in the way, which I beheld: and it was said, That this did signifie the Lake of Self-Reasoning Spirits; which the Starry World from Without doth qualifie, with what of Fear and Unbelief is stirred up from the World Within us, so as the Power could not arise strong enough for so Great an Enterprize. Wherefore there was all the need that is possible of a strong Guard upon these that were yet to go out from the Bow, that the Gulf might not swallow them up. This was the Counsel given from the Holy Spirit, with this encouraging Word, that strength of Omnipotency should attend us, in whatever our Hand shall find to do, as we go on to pursue so worthy, a noble and God-exalting a Glory, as the Finishing Part will most evidently to all Spectators appear to be, when we shall come to sit under Faith’s Tree, having through the seven-fold Spirit and Power of God arriv’d to all its Twelve Degrees, there to feast upon all its Fruits, and to know the true Banquet and Supper of the Lamb.

§ 22. Now turning again into my Watch for the Inspeaking Oracle, to satisfie several Inquiries which arose in me, one of which more particularly was with great submitted Humility, an Inquiry Why the Expected Power of Faith in any one yet could not go forth; albeit so many Promises have been Renewed and Repeated upon one, and upon another of us, that have been kept up still in the Infallible Word? And it was hereupon Answered me thus, saying, Do ye think it a light or a small Thing which ye are aiming at? Know this then, for a present Stay to Thee, and to the Waiting Spirits with Thee united in the same Eternal Band, howsoever and wheresoever dispersed they may be upon the Face of the whole Earth, that there is a Sphere, which must be cut through, that so the Spirit may pass to find the Central Power, which this Starry Sphere and Outward Constellations do yet stop and hinder, who would hold their Dominion still up over the Mortal Man. For if this Circle be broken through by any [Margin Note: See Enochian Walks, p.39] Mighty Champion, in the Faith of God himself, opening in the Soul, then all of that Opposing Kingdom falleth: and till then the Kingdom of the Power can have no Place. Therefore fly ye, and get above the Starry Bindings, and all that is of this lower Elementary World: Mount, mount above all the Elements ye Flying Archers, and shoot the last and Seventh Golden Arrow, which hath on it the Emblem of an Eye that is all-seeing, and two Wings that are over all Gulfs to fly, and so to pass God’s secret Treasury; then the Power will be set free, and effect what each one of you have desired so exceedingly. This gave for the present some satisfaction to my Spirit, and an Encouragement to press forward to the Mark of the High Calling of Faith.

§ 23. But having pressed on, for some considerable while longer, to this Mark, and being still kept back from it, I have been frequently casting up my Accounts in the Trust of the Heavenly things, which have been to me committed, and considering that the Thread of my Mortal Day was near spun out, it hath often drawn my Mind and Spirit into God, my Deep, for Inquiry to find out, what it is that hath so very long kept me from hitting the Mark of High Faith, and that hath obstructed the Reigning Life in the Power of the Holy Ghost, by one continued Motion and Act from the Deity; that so I might know my self to be thereinto Baptized: being no less than what I have been caused to Hope, and Believe, that I am to possess and enjoy, through great Strife, and Soul-Travels {Travails} tending hereto; as no way to be Pacified, till I had brought forth in me the Mighty Birth of Faith, the Heir of the Promise, and the First-born of the Power, Actually and God Manifestatively.

§ 24. Now as I have been in this Inquisitive State, and Unsatisfied, that I had reached no further with my Arrow, I have still found fresh Manuductions and Encouragements to lead me higher, and nearer to the Last and Utmost Degree of Faith. But more particularly, while I was, about the middle of April in the ensuing Year, thus bemoaning and lamenting the melting and passing away of Time, without any thing of a God-working Power that is seen as it was in the Day of Christ, and of the Apostles; I had this spoke in me from the Only Revealer of Secrets. Who in Plainness of Speech discoursed the matter, and caused me to receive right Information concerning the with-holding of God’s wonderful Appearance throughout Soul, Spirit, and Body. And it was thus made out, that the separation from the corruptible Matter was not yet wrought out, for there was yet a dividing to be, as of the pure from the impure, in the very original Ground, and Essence of the Soul. For all is there to be consumed, which is not clearly of God: and this is to be done by the eternal purging Fire, from that one pure Element, which at first produced the Eternal Angelical Natures: and as thus it was then, so the same Motion of the Deity must in the Chosen hereunto be made manifest in its residing power, which will multiply it self into a Heavenly and New Born Generation: Which will be the fulfilling of the universal, and particular Prophecies concerning the Reign of Christ in the Spirit. For which now the Trumpet soundeth, for the gathering the Tribe of Judah, to whom the Scepter and Ruling Power of the Holy Ghost will first come, in the waiting and separating Ground-work, as hath been described by Judah’s Law-giver: Who hath said that a Body of Virgin Spirits he will rear up, that shall renew his great and mighty Works, which all of former ones are to excell. Therefore said he to me, Go on to perfect that which remains in the Soul’s ground, from which may spring that which will multiply Numberless Powers.

§ 25. Upon which Word of Counsel, great and strong drivings I felt still following me for the very Body of God, which is Christ, to be manifested in a growing Substantiality, from the first Eternal Nature, without the which Deifick matter do again spring, and feed and maintain it self, by and from it self, it cannot otherwise live separate, and be free to act and do after its own kind supersensually. And that it may thus get the upperhand, I was taught here to sink away from the old Creaturely Nature, with all its sensible Passions, and Affections; that so losing that Life, I might come to find my Eternal Native Life, from its own Original to put forth, which is God in a fixed Body, created and brought forth from the first Creating Word, which is to restore the Lapse again.

§ 26. So that this is the work and business that my Lord of Life doth set before me to practice constantly, and is the true meaning of Christ’s Doctrine of Self-denyal, which teacheth me where lies the Vein of corrupt Blood, that must be let out, whereby the precious Life may be secured and saved; that so the Blood of Spirits from God may circulate pure and free. This will renew Incorruption, where the Selfhood of Corruption hath so long reigned; for my Lord hath said this to me in solemn Verity, henceforth therefore I see what it is which must be dismissed, before ever I can come to say God is in the Act of a continued flowing Spring from the Express Deity, passing through the Image of the Annointed Christ into me, distinct from all creaturely Images that are raised otherwise in the Mind.

§ 27. This is the summity of the Everlasting Gospel, that some Angels, who thus qualified are, shall as flying Messengers from the Heavens declare: Then said my Spirit, which was taken up into the Lord, Oh who, and where are the Angels of the Power that have prepared their Trumpets to sound? No Tidings of them yet can be heard. No, said my Inspeaker, they have not yet acquitted their Earthly Tombs, nor put on their Resurrection Bodies, that so they may have boldness to be witness-bearers to this Gospel-Revelation, which yet to very few is made known, and but darkly understood, because there hath not been Credit given to that still Way of the Holy Spirit’s infusion and dictation; which requires great heedfulness, and an interiour watchfulness within the Mind, at all times.

§ 28. While thus I was entertain’d with a pleasant Internal Conference in the Spirit with my Lord, I moved on the behalf of a Person, Whether or no he might not be designed to go forth in this Everlasting Gospel-Message, as having been a waiter with me for this? And it was Answer’d me, It might be his Lot if he could fix to it, and observe the Method and Rules now given, not digressing or dividing in his Mind, but sticking close to the One Thing, as gained to it he hath been: for the Ministry of the Spirit was a very nice and pure thing, that did require extraordinarily qualified Persons to speak God forth therein; for if any thing of Self-hood should intervene, it would quench the fiery Lamp of the Spirit, and make it burn weak and dim. This is caution for my self, and Friend, and such also who do separate themselves to this end, to build up an Holy Priesthood and Tabernacle, in which the Holy Ghost may come to Evangelize with a new Spring; which will work away the pudled matter of every Selfish born thing, that hinders the Live Coal of the Spirit from Burning.

§ 29. Then was I minded also of our Nazarite Vow, whether or no we had kept to it; for default herein found might keep back the Crown of Anointing, which is, and ever will be the true Mark and Character of Christ’s anointed and most Holy Priests who are called, within the Vail of the most Holy Place ever to attend. There is no going out, to pollute our selves with dead and unprofitable things, as we would succeed and prosper in this High and Honourable Profession of Faith, which by holding fast to, my Lord hath it verified, we shall become his anointed Priests and Kings, being impowered to work the New Creation-Wonders according to the Holy Ghost’s pure Act and Will in us.

§ 30. This is the great encouraging Motive which the High Throne and Kingly Priest doth set before us to enkindle fresh Love and Zeal to complete, what lieth yet imperfected in the Ground-work in us for further purification, so as passing through to the very root Essence of the Soul by the Hand of the Separator, whose Love-Fire it is that cleareth the morsy rough Metal from the Golden Ore, that lieth so deeply hid; which O God, is that we would no longer be at a loss by seeking for, and not finding: But through the lustre of thy shine and Glory,

We in our selves this Golden Deep may find,
Still Watching to the Furnace of our Mind.


July the 26th

§ 31. THE Eternal Word did open it self thus in me, how that the Spirit from this Word of Life, had at sundry times, and diversly by Vision and Prophecy been opening the Mystery of Faith unto me, for the end that I might a skilful Practitioner in it come to be, and now again a Live Coal was put into my Hand with an inspiring Breath that I did feel as Wind did blow upon it while I held it in my hand, so as that many Sparks were blown from it. Which observing and inquiring into, it was revealed that those Sparks were the Seeds of Faith that had been already in me sown, which had for several Years been putting forth only as Sparks, but the Live Coal it self which is the Root and Body of the Sparks of Faith had not till now been given; the Power, Nature and Quality of which I should well understand, for it was designed I should still carry it in my Hand to go forth to touch such as called and chosen are to wait and live with me, in Love’s Burning Bush, being thereto invited with my fellow Believers hitherto to turn in; for out of this Flaming Body the Wonders of Faith should evidently be seen.

§ 32. And it was further denoted unto my Intellectual Mind, that God is upon Spiriting some in special to be as Moses and Elijah, to act in the Spirit of Faith, to deliver as Moses did God’s Israel out of the servitude of the oppressing Pharaoh. Whose Spirit in this day doth trouble, molest, usurp, oppress, and trample down the Holy People: and no deliverance there will be till the lifted up Standard of Faith’s Power shall into the Hand of some be put: who set apart, are to go forth in the Power and Spirit of Elijah. The which Manifestation of Faith is to be set afoot and revived now in this present time, for which purpose the Revelation of it is renewed.

§ 33. The mighty Powers from the Heavens do in me roll with the mild and sweet, yea thunder Cries; which from the Heavens I do hear to call, and gather in the dispersed of the Dove Flock, who in Thrall and Bondage have all their days been locked up, that now into Faith’s School they may come there to be taught the true Ancient and Eternal Freedom. Of the which, I shall as I my self have been taught by the great Master of this Divine Mystery somewhat thereof declare from that Scripture which was brought, and opened unto me, Gal.3, 22,23,24,25 For being all included under Sin, this brings cursed Miseries, as Cares, Toils, Sorrows, Fears, Distresses in Mind, and upon the Soul’s account also Clouds, Doubts, and Anxieties. So that both inwardly and outwardly here is a sunk deplorable Case; and what must relieve, and redress, and redeem Souls out of all these Evils, but Christ, who is the saving Ark of Faith, giving himself to such as can receive him to be the Body, in which the Live Coal of Faith by its Heat produceth vigorous Acts of Faith? Now before this Faith is received, or Christ who is the Power and Spring of this Faith: we who were as the Scripture saith, under the Law; Under what Law? even that Law of an Earthly carnal Sense, that is ever more warring against the Law of Faith; and next to this is the Law of Righteousness, which the Apostle mentions. And which must also give place unto the Law of Faith: All Righteous Works must be excluded; for only the Righteousness of Faith must here stand. Now if we look in, and examine how it hath been with us, we shall find we have been in bondage to both these Laws, which have carried it very severely towards us. So that before Faith came to be revealed, in what a dark imprisoned Life were we kept? There was no Comfort, nor Satisfaction in all strict Observation of the Law of Righteousness, no more than in the Law of Sin and Carnal Sense; so that it is time for us to look out for another Law, which may redeem us out of both these: which is this revealed Law of Faith. Which will become a New Birth-Nature, as is mentioned in the 26th Verse, becoming all the Children of God by Faith in Christ Jesus, and so Born from the Virgin-Womb of the Jerusalem-Mother.

§ 34. So that you may plainly understand the drift of God our Father, is to bring us up in the Faith, from the very Day of our being born into it; so that we as little Children must learn the Rules of Faith, like as in the first and natural Birth we were brought up habitually, and inherently, in the rational corrupt sensibility, and indeed were bound by that Birth, and under the Laws also, of righteous Rationality and sober Sensuality. Which although good, in its kind, and to be obeyed and subjected to, till such time as the Royal Birth of Faith comes to be Born: then is to be sounded the Jubilee Hour, the Hour and Day of our Release is come, then no longer are we under those Laws which was the manifestation of bondage, curse, sorrow, heaviness to Death. From this first Husband we are by the Law of Faith set free, that so we may gradually come up to that Unity of the Faith, as to come to be in great solemnity married to him, who is the full Body, Life, and Resurrection of this Faith; so that by this divine Matrimonial Continuity fruitful Births of Faith may be, that may bear the Name of God’s Angelical Hosts; For none else can ever be capable to do the great Works and Wonders which are to be manifested in him, while under the covert of a Mortal form: but such as have the Live Coal of Faith conceived in their Hearts, and put into their Hands, whereby they may go forth to tincture and to touch, and leaven from the Virtue, of the central Marriage-Union, which may bring forth the flaming or blown-up-Coal of the Holy Ghost, which always the Birth of Faith doth precede as a Forerunner. By which all Miracles may then most easily be wrought, which must the last redeeming part of Mankind clear up and finish. For all Dominions and Powers in the Worlds of Death, Darkness, Wars and Strife shall and must evidently, by the Holy Ghost in Faith’s Power and Might, be put under and to flight: Even so let it be in Faith’s Spirit pray we.

§ 35. Waiting further in Spirit upon this High Matter, the Oracle of Witness again open’d in me after Three Days, and it said: Go forward, & do not slack to promote, and to draw forth for an United Body, in the Faith together to stand. For hereunto are ye called, to Accord and Believe in the One only Saving Name JESUS: and such as with thee so shall avouch the Everlasting God, their God only to be, the Blessings of Faith upon their Heads shall flow. Then hold forth do ye mutually a clear Testimony hereof, by giving up your selves in way of Pure Separation, as in a Silent Wilderness, there to attend, for what is yet to come from the Seven Fountain Throne Spirits: Which way being to light such Precious and Unutterable Things, as have been kept from all vulgar sight. Therefore I say in Faith’s Tent together abide, and to no other Business your Minds apply, that so a Praise ye may be to Elohim Great; who will assuredly own and stand by you, in the Work he hath appointed you to: which followed is to be close, and uninterruptedly. O therefore Courage take, my Called and anointed Ones, that hereby raise up ye may that Glory which under a Cloud of Apostasy hath lain: and withal count it all Joy, that ye who thus agreed are together, to see and obtain that high Love-Prize, which others have negligently lost, and which a warning may be to hold out, and to Conquer the Temptations of a Mortal State.

§ 36. As this Word came in, the Figure of a Crown was lifted up upon the end of a Scepter, which cast from it a Glance of Transparency of Glory. And then the Word came anew, and said: Behold, and see, this shall be the Reward of Unwearied Waiters in the Faith, who for a Kingdom are seeking, and deserting all Visibles. Such as these who seek out and wait Believingly, and who through this Belief are made to forsake all, shall come infallibly to inherit, and possess the Scepter and the Crown, with CHRIST their Head Prince of Righteousness. Wherefore gird up ye who are Lovers of, and Waiters for, the Lamb’s victorious Day, to be revealed in you; that so glorious Representatives in his Life ye may come to be, in the Kingdom of Conquest and Victory. The which holding out to, shall and will endear you to the Heart of your God and Father actually, who hath waited for to see, who so Valiant could be, as to break through every Cloud of Temptation, and in no wise be prevented of the great Felicity, which by this Victory of Faith is to be.

§37. Then was I for some time afterward followed still with this Word, saying: Fear not, but go on to perform what hath been in the Platform presented to thy Mind. For the Heart of thy God will strengthen, and cojoin such with thee, as of a Gideon-Might and Spirit approved are in Valiantness, for that which undertaken is now to be. Thus having been encouraged to stand up unmoveably in that Faith, which is of Divine Operation, and not to be afraid in the least, or wavering in the Belief of the Promises, which have been given of Old Times, and which have powerfully been renewed to me; I have been made to hasten from one Degree of Faith to another, and to shoot continually Arrow after, that so at last I might obtain the Prize, by aiming at the Unity of it, in hitting the Point which for these many Years I have been Aiming at.

§ 38. Thus having received Line upon Line, and Prophecy upon Prophecy, for my Encouragement, I was still upon the most inward Debate with the Lord Christ, or rather with his Agent the Spirit, why the Word of Revelation and Wisdom in the Prophetical Sense opened, should not be attended with Miraculous working Powers? For, indeed, that is the great Thing that the Mystery of Faith moves hard for, namely to bring the Eternal Working Properties to Fix again in Nature’s inward ground. Against which all the Earthly Senses conspire to resist, continually raising up Blocks of Unbelief; which hath been the one great Cause of Restraint, as we in God’s Light do understand.

§ 39. But it was said to me by the Word of the Lord, that these great mighty Working Powers, that the whole Course of the Visible Reign in the Earth would change, could not be intrusted with any till God becomes Man, and Man becomes God, all throughout in a distinct Personality, as after the Manner of our Lord JESUS. To which estate we are to be Redeemed, that so we may come into a Joint Commission in the Kingdom, which is all Power.

§ 40. For this was the very Word that was given me, Be not solicitous for Almighty working Power, till the Deity hath wrought out Mens gross Essence, that from the Mortal Birth doth spring, and replenished all anew, by pouring in his Baptizing Name, which will the Seal of the Power again engrave. For the Gifts and Powers no more given out will be, till a Fixed Body be all Substantiated with Ingredients pure from the Celestial Orb. Which said the Word, Ye shall do well to believe, and make all Haste after this Hope to pursue it: for it hath its Season to be fulfilled.


June 6. 1691.

§ 41. THIS Morning I felt the Spirit opening further unto me the Mystery of Faith, of the which I have Recorded much for my own Private Improvement: but this Day much more hath been Revealed, out of the deepest Ground from its Eternal Originality, God abstractedly; which in a most full Body opens in me, like as in all its Useful Members. Now the Birth of Faith is on this wise shewed to be, full of Life, Motion, and Activity: yet all whatever it worketh and doth, is after an hidden and silent way. For as the outward Man hath all in a Visibility to exercise his Original Faculties upon, so contrariwise doth this Spirit of Faith, put forth all its Powers, and Spiritual Faculties most effectually after a Secret Invisible Manner: and effecteth that which it aimeth at, though no outward Speech or Noise of Words may be here needed, nor visible Hands to work, or Feet to walk; but all lieth hidden in the deep Center of a Pure Mind, which works and performs Great Things on this Hand, and on the other, and yet no Vulgar Corporeal Being can the ground of this way of working find out, or discern. It is only known by the Operator, who can Experimentally tell, that it is Nothing less than what doth lie as Deep as God, there Incorporating with the Soul, and going forth with pure Acts of Power.

§ 42. This Opening and Manifestation concerning the Mystery of Faith; hath been presented to me as the Magical Key, which openeth the shut up Wonders of God’s Eternity. Now my Business is to handle and employ This Key, as skilled and instructed I shall be from my Tutoress, the Supreme Wisdom, who hath shewn, and brought me to her several Gates; and hath given forth to every Gate a distinct Key, for the Opening One Deep upon another: Whereinto my Spirit is to pass, which now call’d forth afresh I am to follow. For well satisfied I am, that the Bright Star a Conduct will to me assuredly be, and arise suddenly, after some Years delay, which had made me ready to give up the Ghost of my Hope, in reference to that which in Divine Wisdom’s Glass I have seen, heard, and understood, concerning what in my Day is to be Accomplished, and brought into Effect.

§ 43. But at this time the Power beginneth mightily to stir, and the Virgin-Tincture of the pure Spirit of Wisdom, doth in my Spiritual Veins run, that the Revealed Things may into an Heavenly Body turn. For I now do see, and find a Body to its full grown Stature prepared is to be, in wonderful Spirituality, till every Organ, Member, and Faculty be run through with the highest Virtue from the Deity. This my Lord in the Spirit did tell me, bidding me patiently to abide, until this true Shilo-Body in me was to its full heighth shot up; for that then should the most powerful and Glorious, Holy Ghost, appear to do and act his Part: and after such a long Silence even in the very Heavens, should then Speak through me, not by Voice only, but by pure Act. O this is the Proof that my God will of himself give, when being thus filled with Him, Deeds from a Deified Power and Root shall spring up and manifest themselves. Some Workings in order to this I do already sensibly feel, and therefore encouraged I am to wait, and to give all place for the Fixation of this Holy Being, which will nullify all other Beings; that so entirely I may possess the Great JEHOVAH as my Fountain, continually within to flow, for the washing away of the Impurities, and for the preparing a Body in which the Holy Ghost so Fixedly may dwell, as never out of it to depart away.

§ 44. Some short time after this the Manifold Wisdom did again open it self in me, for my further Information, that so I might hit the Mark, which I have been so longing for, and aiming at. Now that I might be right set in my Way, the Spirit and Bride gave me not only a Call, but a Love-enforcing Pull, from all that is of this low Element, and the Astral Life; and so up my Spirit was presently Caught to understand, and learn, what was to be expressly wrought by the Supercelestial Art, from which Altogether is excluded the outward Hand of Craft.

§ 45. Now the Copy I was to learn by, was that Original Word that was from Eternity; which by entering, or opening it self in that Part which purely doth relate to God, simply, and abstractedly apart from the Lower Rational Consubsistency {means of support}, that is from the Outward Elements. For all of this sort must be laid aside in this way of Working, which is after the Manner of him, who hath the Creating Power and Principle, for giving a Life, and Existency out of Nothing. This is the Celestial School which I am taken into, in order to be brought up according to the Degree of my Eternal Nativity; which I am driving to run back again unto, that so I might understand how to Act from this Supreme Part, even from the Centre of a New Heart, upon which may be written that great Name Alpha and Omega. Which only can renew the Working Power, that shall the Seal’d Testimony open, and get thereby the Crown of Dominion, to enter upon the Lord Christ’s Kingly Reign within the circle of the pure Mind; and from thence to go forth to govern in all parts without, till the Wonders of God shall as Lightning fly out, upon the Eagle-Wings of Faith: and the Fruits of this TREE, springing up in the Paradisiacal Ground of the Soul, so plentifully drop, as to convert the howling Desert of this outward Mortal Principle into a pleasant Sharon, and Eden of God. This for certain is the only thing, that will bring the long expected Redemption to its finishing End.

§ 46. After which, as from a New Gust, the Eternal Word open’d it self Expressly in my Heart’s Center, informing and declaring the High Prerogative of such a Spirit, in whom the Power of Transmutation did lie. For in whom ever this comes to be witnessed, it is no less than the Seed of the Trinity, retained in the pure Matrix of the Virgin Wisdom, which driveth forth, till it cometh into Transubstantiation. Nothing goeth beyond this, for as much as it is the Beginning, Strength, Might, and Excellency of the Father of all Spirits, who generateth in Nature this High Birth of Power, the true Heir of Faith, as it did appear in the Immaculate JESUS. How great is this Secret, and to whom hath it been Revealed? or who hath found this Wonderful Stone? True it is, that in all Ages it hath had its Seekers: but none have digged deep enough for it. Every Arm for these many Hundred Years hath been too short to reach it. Now unto thee, who art duly upon the Inquiry, and watching for the highly precious Gate to open, while thou art knowing in thy self the Invalidity of all other foregoing Births and Powers: that yet have been rested upon, as if this had been attained to, which thou art now pressing to find within the Borders of Immanuel, where the Seven Baptizing Pools are to be passed through, before this Transmuting Stone comes to its perfection of Colour. And though several of them thou has been plunged into, yet know this that there remain Three. Which were shewn me to be Blood, Oil, and Fire. The Four that I had passed through were, first the Pool of Conviction; secondly, Repentance; thirdly, Renovation; fourthly, passing my Spirit over by pure Dedication. By all which I was made meet to enter upon the last Three Baptisms, which would finish the whole Mystery of the Incarnation. The Bloody Pool is the Dying with JESUS, the Offering up thy self through his Spirit: to which end the many Lives are to suffer Death without pity, or sparing any one of them, as they were allied, and in concord, with the sensitive Root, from whence they all do spring, haply {perhaps} thou mayest believe thy self to have pass’d through every Death. I grant that thou has done so in thy Will; yet thou art not come to an actual, open, and Triumphant shew hereof, perfectly so expiring, as to a Total giving up the Ghost of that Birth, which was out of the Womb of that, which was from the Earth earthly, and into which it must be again delivered up through Death. Now no more would I have thee to draw any Breath of Life, from that Principle which is the Gulf of Separation: but to pass undauntedly through this Pool of Blood, which is the Fifth Circling Pool that surrounds that Wonderful Tree of Faith, and Life, which thou hast seen.

§ 47. Now having after some Years pressing forward, since this last Manifestation, passed through these Deaths in a good Degree, as hath been witnessed; the Lamb having been slain in me, gives a Resurrection of a New Life, which standeth clearly out of all that is of the Out-Birth, and that consisteth of the Astral Reason and Animal Sense, which the being dead to gains the wonderful Conquest, that maketh way for the being plunged into the Pool of Oil. Which Oil is the Matter and Essence from which the Holy Ghost doth spring. Then passing from this to the Pool of Fire, which also opens it self from this, being a Fiery Seed from the Deity, and so coagulating together, it makes up a Deified Body, which only can be capable to live in the Super-celestial Air of the One Element. This we may entitle the Divine Magical Body, whose Motions and Operations are all subsisting, & going forth in pure Acts of Faith. For that is the Life that the Risen in Christ are called to, to live by alone; for as much as by this they are always ascending above the Earth, as if they had no more to do with it; bringing down by Faith all needful Things out of the Store-house of Heaven, while yet they are in Bodies Terrestrial. Our Spiritual Merchandizing is only to be upon the Fruits of Faith’s Tree, which will bring in both for Food and Cloathing abundantly, while there is need for it. But there is an Age coming, as this Tree of Faith grows up in Persons in their inward ground to its full ripeness, when the Fruit being eaten thereof Magically, will Transfigure the very Elementary Body, and give it a Radical Ruby Glory; so that Mortality shall be hid in Immortality; which is the Garment that may last the Thousand Years Reign of CHRIST; and may be said to be the First Resurrection Body, whereby Death shall be swallowed up. All this will be effected by the Mighty Operation of Faith, which subdueth all things to it self, and changeth this visible Body into the Likeness of the Glorious Body of our Lord JESUS. For when this Faith shall be wrought up to its highest Perfection, it will be such a Prospective-Glass through which the Glorified Person of our Lord, and the Father in him, with the Virgin Wisdom, and all the Saints, shall so appear before the Spirit’s Eye; that according as it is written, beholding the Glory of the Lord as in Glass, we shall be changed from Glory to Glory: for when we see him, we shall be made like unto him. Thus hath it been shewn to me, what the wonderful Effects of Faith shall do in its Time and Age. But it may be said, who shall live such an Age as this to see? To which I Answer, though this be Prophesied in me, yet it is not Determinated, whether as to my own Particular I may it in my Age of Time see. For I rather think that I may pass into Faith’s Mystery, where with the High Worthies of Faith, who died in the Faith, not having received the Promise, but seeing it afar off, rejoyced in Spirit, as I do, hoping that others in the succeeding Age, or Ages, may this Transformation of Bodies know: which Joy will be so to me, when I into the Heavenly World translated shall be, having put on Glorification which I do now already see my Superior Angel in the Mount Sion Kingdom cloathed withal; in which my Rest and Satisfaction, in assurance hereof, do remain not knowing whether it may not be my Lot with the Elders and Worthies of the Faith, to descend with CHRIST again, upon the Earth to Reign.


The 4th of January, 169--

A Continuation of what further hereupon followed.

§ 48. THIS divine Opening was with me, holding me in converse for some Hours in my Spirit, saying, Though the staff of Time for an expected deliverance seemeth to be broke, yet cast not off the work you are called to, abide and stand together in, and understand it is the prerogative of God to change Times and Seasons, who under no bounds of Time will be, that his depending Creatures may never be off of their Knees as to Prayer and Watchfulness. Then after some large Conference with the Spirit, which cannot be brought forth in words, There was presented to me in sight a wonderful great Wheel, which seemed to spread over the whole Earth, the Colour was as a Ruby-Red, and it was full of Eyes round the circle of it very piercing: Then it was said to me, This presents God the Almighty working Wheel, of which there is no beginning or end, so I saw a living Spirit moving in the Wheel, hoisted up as between the Heavens and the Earth; then saw I four small Wheels descend out of this one, of the same colour, and had Eyes also: then I enquired, Ah Lord, tell me what this meaneth? And it was answered, These are the Chariot-Powers which pass through all things in Centers high and Centers low, and to whom these Wheels shall be joined unto, they only shall be able to act the great Wonders of time; then saw I where they descended and rested for a while: and then they went forth and were lifted up by the great Wheel, which as a Loadstone drew them up, and my Spirit was presently gone to them, and presently the Angelical Center stood open, and from thence my Spirit was carried by these Wheels into the Apostles Center, then into the Son’s Center, then into the Father’s deepest deep of all Centers, where I was to center and abide till the Wheels went forth, then my Spirit should go with them, who would be Eyes to see what way and whither my Spirit was to go, do, and act, for it was said to me, Now no Creaturely Will can move here; for the Holy Spirit assumeth all Will, Power and Act here, and then no defeat is to the high, holy, pure Enterprize, which you together in the Faith and Love co-working with these Wheels, it shall be as the spreading of the Net aright, and casting it, to the taking of a worthy and rich Prize: so go forward on and prosper.


February 10, 1694.

§ 49. This Morning the Vision of the Four Wheels appeared again, which moved in the Four Elements; each one being carried upward by a Spirit, that was as a bright Flash of Lightning. The which considering in my Mind, with an inquiry hereupon made, it was told me, That they did represent the working Wheels of Nature, that the All-powerful Spirit doth drive upward to reach the One Eternal Element; which being touched with it, would penetrate through the whole Bodily Man, that was made up of the Four Elements. Then did I see these Four Elements expire into one great terrible Flaming Wheel, that spread it self over the whole Heavens: and in the middle of the Wheel there were Seven Eyes.

§ 50. Which I waiting upon was thus opened to me, that the gross Earthly Part in the nature of the Four Elements, should by the Spirit of Christ, who took upon him the Elementary Body, so come into ours, as to wind them up by a strong Circling Motion, as every part may be so touched, as to be tinged with, and to partake of the Superiour Properties and Powers of this pure and unmixed Element; and so be swallowed up in this Great Governing Wheel, that ruleth over all the lower Wheels, with all the Planets, which thereto do coagulate and work. For all by Outward Nature are under their Power, and Empire, till got free, by ascending up to this upper ruling Wheel, with its Seven Eyes: Concerning which it was told me, that they were the Seven Supercelestial Planets, or Constellations, that did govern and control all in this lower World, and its Planets. This is that which will reach to Redemption of the Body.

§ 51. Much more the Spirit of my Lord discoursed me upon this Matter, which must be concealed till my Outward Elementary Wheels shall fully expire into the upper and superiour Wheel. Only this I may declare for the present time, that the upper FlamingWheel with its Seven Eyes, as a Loadstone, is drawing mightily, some known to me, that have been touched therewith. And it will not rest in its wheeling Motion, till they shall be, as to their weak Elementary Life, changed into the One Superiour Element; whereby the Heavenly Constellations shall predominate over all of these outward Ones, which hitherto have reigned over the Elementary part, that yet lieth Unredeemed.


February the 12th.

§ 52. This Day being much drawn inward in the Spirit of my Mind, this word met me: Arise, and ride upon the Mule of Faith: stand over all that is Elementary. There is a Thing to be done by some, that in the Crown Number do stand; who shall the Land of Havilah command: but Abraham’s High Faith for this must spring.


February the 14th.

§ 53. While I was in a deep introversion about this Matter, this Word spake in me, saying; There is a Birth that is upon breaking forth, that shall bring the Blessing of mighty Increase to present, and succeeding Generations. Sarah in her Old Age is near her time of bringing forth the Heir, who must possess the good things of the Upper and Neather World. Understand thou then what this meaneth: the Old Age is an arrivement unto the Mystery of Faith. Now excite thou those that are of Good will, to encourage themselves with the Hope this good Old Age to see as mighty Hero’s in this Faith; that so ye may bring forth the Blessing to the weary and oppressed. Gird up, I say, and take heed ye do not falter, or turn out of Faith’s way: then shall ye bring forth a Nation as in One Day.

§ 54. Now as some of us were hereupon waiting together, and while one was in Prayer, there appeared this Vision from the Light World. From the which the Virgin descended, and met an ascending Spirit, that was pressing and expecting to come up to the Mount Sion Orb, unto the Glorious Lord. But there was a stop by the Descent of the Virgin of that Orb, who appeared to us in great splendour, and congratulated us saying: Thus I know whereto ye would in your Spirits have arrived, but I am come from your Lord, to make known the Thing which ye have long been in travail for. And now I do appear to you for this purpose, that you may be overshadowed with my Virgin Nature; which may be the Womb all sanctified for the conceiving of the Holy Ghost, which will be the Lordly Birth in Spirit. And as he was brought forth in the Fullness of Time, by a single Personal Virgin, so now in Plurality in Virgin Spirits, to multiply upon the Earth; that so Evil Births may sink and dye, as these Virgin Births shall rise. And therefore to you, who in holy Dedication are, this Counsel is given: Observe from this Day, how this Birth in you shall go forward on; and therefore watchful each one of you be. And after this Saying, she cast a wonderful bright shining Ray of Glory, as we were sitting together, upon each of us.

§ 55. Now at her first Appearance St. Paul stood with her, and Elizabeth that brought forth John the Baptist, and many others that attended her, giving audience to what she spake, giving great Reverence to her. So then she disappeared. And the next Morning my Spirit calling all this up into my Mind, she appeared again, and asked me whether I had Faith to believe what she had made known? For by Faith (said she) your strength will be to Conceive this Lord of Life. At which the Apostle Paul, who appeared, said, I will their Assistant be: The Faith that was Revealed to me, shall cowork mightily in the Spirit that willeth here unto. Then she said, It pleaseth me well you should their Helper in this Travelling Birth be, till to Perfection it may come. Then I was made to Query, What we should do further in order to this thing? And she said, Only Believe and Love, as with One Soul, and Heart. Then the Apostle John appeared, and he said, The Love which was begotten in me, I will in the way of the Spirit enter, to beget in them, who for this great Thing are appointed, that Love may the cherishing of this Heavenly Birth be, to carry it on till the place of breaking forth shall be found. Then the Apostle Peter he appeared with great Amity, and said to me, The Key was given to him to Unlock the Centre-pure of this Holy Birth: the Binding also is given, said he, to me; and the Evil Eye shall under a Tye be. The Loosening Power for the bringing forth hereof, shall to the Virgin Minds by me all freely be contributed; to effect what the Princely Virgin hath so graciously declared. Then being filled with a sweet silent Peace and Joy, as lying in a rich Bath of Flaming Love they withdrew. There were numerous Virgins in great Triumph with the Superiour and Chief One as her Attendants. This further is to be noted, that as I was considering still in my mind and watching hereupon, out there went before me Seven bright Stars, and a Crown over them. And enquiring what that signified, it was opened in me, that they were the Super-Celestial Planets that Rule, and were to Qualifie with the holy Birth: and that the Crown denoted a King was to be born, and all Dominion and Power should be given to him.

July the 18th.

§ 56. There appeared to me a Glorious Face circled as with a Rainbow: the Face sent forth such a Reflection of Light, that it drew, as out of a Cloud, another Face, which was as the Likeness or Figure of my own Face. Which received such a Bright Glance, as presently brought up several, who faced the Face of the supreme Glory. And many that lay still hid in the Clouds, came one after another, as the Clouds broke away. And by the streaming Light of the first presented Face, we all as in a Glass, did behold the shining Glory, that was upon all our own Faces, such of us as in the waiting Life cojoined were.

§ 57. Waiting the next Morning, and praying for the Vision to be made out more to me, that so I might understand the drift of the Spirit hereby, finding a vehement going out of my mind and desire after this Face to behold it again; it did accordingly again appear. And then I did not only see it, but heard the Voice, saying Thus the strong ardency of thy Love-desire hath opened my Face again, to let thee know I will make thee a Head-Leader of an Heavenly Train, that shall to me their whole Minds, Spirits, and Persons give up for a great and peculiar Work; which hitherto hath lain under a Relapse. Which now gird up to thou, with thy fellow-workers and waiters in the Faith, that have offered themselves up all willingly hereunto: for my Face and Countenance shall be turned still toward you for the breaking away those Clouds, that a covering upon the Faces of my chosen Vessels have been. Thus did the Lord commune with me, who, as the small Dust of the Balance sees her self to be; yet must stand in a Service for the Lord all obediently; who hath promised to be the Hands of Sufficiency, to bring to pass the great Wonders out of the Sea of Glass:

That shall these Gather’d Faces bless,
With Floods of Joy and Righteousness.


July the 23rd.

§ 58. Being still upon my Watch, for what was further to be Revealed, resolving to draw off from all the Dregs and Lees of sensible Operations, and launch still deeper into the Immense Deity: which thus did further open a sight in me of an enclosed Principle, whose Defense was a circling Flame. And within it there appeared bright Beryl Bodies walking up and down, and with them did appear as in a Looking glass, like as a round Globe, the Personal Glory of our Mighty King, who moved as they moved. The Ground they went upon, was paved as with Sparkling Stones, with Veins of Gold, which cast forth a mighty Lustre. This all precious and amazing sight in Spirit given me, moved to an Inquiry, What was to be learned and understood?


July the 24th.

§ 59. So next Morning attending this Vision, it was obvious to the Eye of my Mind still, and Intelligence came in all satisfyingly, that this enclosed Principle was the Land of all Blessed Stores, where the Eternal Springing Mines are, that no one could ever come in to see and possess, but such as had Faced the glorious Face of CHRIST in Righteousness: then added to such should be, the like Beryl Bodies as here I did see.

§ 60. Then did I make a further Inquiry, Whether or no I might with any other whom I would recommend to the Princess and Head-Governess, here admittance have? And it was Answered, That for this very cause it was thus by way of prospect shewn unto me; whereby I might understand there was a possibility for entering in, with such who in the Spirit of Faith’s Purity, should by me presented be here to come, that we might put on our Beryl Bodies; as burning Sapphires to walk, and talk with him, who in the moving Globe of Glory here was seen. Then upon this feeding my Mind with a pleasing Hope of finding entrance here, for my self and such who in Faith’s Unity do stand, this Word spake all powerfully: Hasten to put on your Flaming Garments, then free pass will for you be, the Flaming Wall parted for you shall be: the Governour of this Principle doth both love and desire your Appearance here, for which end he doth appear.

§ 61. So retiring still in my Mind, and casting up these Love-Visitations and Representations which took up my thoughts, moving the Spirit for further Information, what this Principle might be called, with the Inhabitants hereof; After some stillness and attendance hereupon, the Revelation opened in me, and I knew it to be Wisdom’s Orb, or Principle. The Inhabitants herein were all highly arted and skillful in Magical Operations: that is, whatever they bent their Will to do, it was produced and brought forth. So as it was shewed me they were exercised in such Faith, that whatever they Believed in the Essential Christ Consubsisting in themselves, they thereby could accomplish either for themselves or for others: even whatever they would that lay within the Circumference of what was either Visible or Invisible, in God’s whole Creation. And the Spirit of my JESUS did further again inform me, that my Lord did open this Principle to me, that I with such who in one pureness of Spirit could joinedly come to be, might admittance have into this encircled Principle: where Learned we might be in Wisdom’s divine Arts, thereby to free us from the Worldly Crafts.

§ 62. Now then know this is a Prophesy, that must reach to the Wise Men of the East, who have been hid in Obscurity, yet known you are to be Wisdom’s Divine Magicians, that are made skillful to act the mighty Deeds of our Great Jehovah Prince. Think not that ye are now much longer to lie hid, for there is an Holy Dove which hath into your Land taken her flight, and with her seven Eyes hath you descried, who in her Bill doth carry the Golden Egg, wherein lies the Deep Philosophy, that must multiply such a Treasury, that must set the Embondaged free, that from the Earth they may redeemed be, and bear the Name of their God upon their Forehead. For the Dispensation of the Fullness of Time is now already come, and the Fruits upon the Tree of Faith do present themselves ruddy, shewing that they are come to their Maturity. Therefore now Alarm’d the mighty Archers are from all their Obscure Corners to come, that we may now see upon whom the Lot may fall, to hit the Mark, and complete what was lacking of the Number Twelve, that so through all Wisdom’s Gates we may pass, then we shall stand upon the Sea of Glass in Triumphant Victory the Reign of Christ to proclaim, that so as Kings, Priests and Prophets upon the Earth and over the Earth, we may represent him; then will the Tri-Un {Triune} Deity shine forth most radiantly, to convey its power through simple, weak, poor Corporieties, which though outwardly so contemptible are, yet by this Golden Stone of Wonders, which out of the Dove’s Bill doth fall, capable may be to put on Bodies of Transparency, which will well agree with the high Assembly, that with Christ in Heavenly places do stand, that so the mutual Reign of the Saints above may be Joined concurribly with those below; and that that which is Above; and that which is Beneath may be one glorious Habitation for the God of Jacob. This new Prophetical Sound that now doth go forth, is to call and gather in the whole Kingly and Priestly Host, wherever scattered and hidden they be; for Wisdom’s Star will be their Conduct to the Second Birth of our Great Immanuel.

§ 63. But now Queried it may be, Where is the Place that we are to resort to, this Kingly Birth to see? There are a few Names that linked are in the Golden Chain of Love, and waiting are in the New Jerusalem, which is from Above, looking for this blessed Hope that may open in the Power of the Holy Ghost, whose burning Breath with fresh strong Odours and Perfumes are blown up, as that the scent and savour hereof may attract the high Elders of Wisdom, for the making up the true Sophia Bride, that hath for a while lain conceal’d, but now is to be reveal’d; this being the Fullness of Time, in which the sounding of the Seventh Angel doth her Marriage with the Lamb proclaim.

§ 64. Haste therefore, O haste and fly ye Holy Doves from all parts to this TREE of Faith, which will afford and make up a Feast of all Variety, to entertain you at your coming: where the New Wine from the new born Vine will run so free, of which we may not only drink our fill, but also be bathed therein, so as thence to appear in the Ruby Tincture, all glorious without, as well as within. This is the Message that I have to declare: Hearken, hearken unto it, for it is to the Love-Kingdom ye are called; which being obedient unto, ye shall know that God will be to you an everlasting Triumphant Joy.

§ 65. O England, England, understand the Day of thy Visitation, for this is the Acceptable Year, in which there is a mighty Star that in thy Bethlehem-City is born, that calleth the Ransomed Ones from all Nations, Languages, and Tribes, to come to the Brightness of its Rising. Take care, O England, lest this Star do from thee glide away: let not the Clouds of ignorant Suspicion or demurring Jealousie, concerning the true Heir of the New Jerusalem Mother, who is now to enter upon this Reign, and to rule with the Scepter of Faith, hinder thee from discerning that the Glass is now turn’d up, that its Half Hour is running, that the third Watch is set, and that the Golden Cock is thereupon clapping his Wings, and crowing the third and last time. Warned therefore ye are, O English Inhabitants, that ye do not miss this your Day, and suffer other Nations more watchful and obedient to this Call, to take the Birth-right from you, and supplant you off of your Crown. This Alarm to my Native Country I was first to sound; So discharging herein what I lay bound to, in the Peaceableness of my Mind, I retire into the Heavenly Choir, there waiting the blessed Issue and Success of what hath been here from the pure Unction declar’d.

F I N I S.











A Supplement to the

The Tree of Faith, &c.


Further Confirmation of the same.

Together With

A  Discovery  of   the  N E W
W O R L D.


By J. Lead.


By Faith Noah  being warned of God,
prepared an  A R K  to the saving of
his House;   by the which he condemned
the World, and became Heir
of the Righteousness which is by


L O N D O N,

Printed and Sold by J. Bradford, 1696









T O   T H E

R E A D E R.

IT is hoped that this little Treatise, as well as the foregoing one, of which this is a Continuation, will not give Offense to any; but will afford matter of Joy and Comfort to very many, both in This, and in Several other Nations, to whom they shall come. Since it ought not to be supposed, but that as many as profess themselves to be Baptized into the Faith of JESUS, must be well enough satisfied to know what that Faith is, from such as have been a long time experienced in it, who must be allowed certainly to be the most capable Judges in that, which is not to be Learned without a continual and unwearied Application: or to be Attained to, in the Practice, by any low Degrees of Assiduity {diligence}, or by the ordinary Apprenticeship of a Few Years. And although by this Prepared Instrument of God, some great Depths of his Love have been already Publickly Declared, which, not being apprehended, seem but Foolishness to the Wise of the World, and are a Stumbling block even to those who call themselves the Children of Abraham; these two Treatises being more Experimental cannot but find a more favourable Reception, if not from the former, yet at least from the latter. However, let it be as it will at the first, it is not at all to be feared but that God will vindicate what is from Him: and all the Promises in the Holy Scriptures being given to Faith, it cannot but reasonably be expected that he will do Right to one that is such an Eminent Asserter of it, in an Age and Day, of which it hath been Fore-prophesied, that Faith shall hardly be found upon the Earth.

Whether it be not now high time for God to put to his Hand, and to manifest his Sovereign Authority by all such Ways and Means, as he hath done of Old through the Operation of his own Faith, in all the great and mighty Elders of it: and to shew himself in the behalf of Truth and Goodness (as an Excellent Person, who was never Censured as I know of for an Enthusiast expresseth it) which are so every where trampled on and despised, and to vindicate his own Honour from all those Affronts and Contumelies {insults}, which stupid and Disingenuous Men, which rebellious Spirits have cast upon it; having made Shipwreck of the Faith that was delivered to them; deserves well to be considered and weighed by every one. The Consideration of which, as well as of the genuine Sense of our Blessed Master’s Words, made this most Judicious Author, to conclude all Christians under a necessary and daily Obligation to ask of God, that he would be pleased to assert the Supreme Authority of his Government amongst Men; whether it be by a FARTHER and CLEARER Manifestation of his Will, such as was made by our Lord and his Holy Spirit; or whether some ACTS of Power be exerted for the Protection and Preservation of his Obedient Subjects, &c. Dr. Burton, Of seeking first the Kingdom of God, Published by J. TILOTSON, 1684. p.402. Whence it is apparent that every true Christian may, and ought to Pray, both for New Divine Revelation, which may be of the same Authority as that by Christ and his Apostles, and for Miraculous Acts and Deeds, which may be a Declaration of God’s Sovereignty and Kingdom. Even so let thy Kingdom come, O God of the whole Earth: let it come even so: yea, Amen! Thou art King, let the Earth rejoice: yea, let the Great Isles be glad thereof. Thine is the Kingdom, and thou wilt now take it to thy self, let the People be never so Impatient, yea, let them be never so Unbelieving. JEHOVAH Reigneth, let the People tremble, He sitteth between the Cherubims, let the Earth stagger. Great wilt thou be O Lord in Sion, and thy Scepter shall be lifted up high above all the Nations. The Captives and Prisoners of Faith wilt thou set free, and thy Salvation unto them wilt thou openly shew, in the sight of the very Infidels. Let the Sea of thy Love roar for Joy, and the Fulness thereof make a joyful Noise; for that the despised Ones who have Believed thee, wilt thou bring with triumph into the glorious Ark which thou hast prepared for them. With Trumpets and with the Voice of a Psalm wilt thou bring them in; they shall clap their Hands aloud, they shall praise thy great and awful Name; for that thou, O Lord, art Faithful and True, and canst not disappoint any that have Faith in this thy Name. Therefore a Fire shall go before thee, and thy Messengers shalt thou send forth as Flames of Fire: Thou shalt speak unto them as in the Cloudy Pillar, and they shall be kept as in the Ark of thy Presence. Samuel shall be seen among thy Prophets, and Elijah among those that call upon the Lord of Israel; Moses and Aaron among thy Priests, and great shall be the Company of the Preachers, to publish that our God liveth, and that our Life which was hidden in him shall be made to Appear with him. Out of Philadelphia shall thy Word go forth, and in Ramath of the Prophets shall thy Voice be known. Upon Mount Sion shall they stand victoriously, they shall follow thee there in thy mighty Deeds, and from the Balmy Mountain of Gilead shall the precious Ointment distill. For in the Name of their God shall they cast out Devils, they shall speak with New Tongues: no Weapon formed against them shall be able to prosper, they shall take up Serpents, they shall drink any deadly thing; but nothing shall hurt them: they shall lay Hands on the Sick, and they shall recover. So shall they go forth, and Preach every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with the Signs that follow Faith.

Thus hath my Spirit been carried out, and constrained to bear this Testimony to the Subject here treated on, which is the Resurrection of the Faith of JESUS, that has lain for a long time as it were in the Grave, and is now to be raised up early in the Third Day of the Holy Ghost. For which let us Watch, Wait and Pray, that we may be of the First Fruits, of those that are Risen with him; that so we may be admitted into Faith’s Flying Ark here Described, which will transport us into the New Earth of Wonders, delivering us from the Deluge of the Curse, that is from Infidelity.

When the Great Diary of this Author, or as much as can be recovered of it, shall come to be Published, the Several Progresses of this Life of Faith, the Various Manuductions for it, and whatever else may conduce to its growth, will then more evidently appear: and all that which opposes the Secret and Hidden Divine Life, will be more easily Removed, and made to Vanish, than till then it can be. However to those that have been initiated into the Mystery of it, enough is said: and it is not in the least doubted, but that they will see what is Delivered both in the Former, and in This Treatise, to move upon a Real, Solid and Substantial Bottom; such as all the Powers of Darkness shall be never able to shake, or the Gates and strength of Hell to prevail against.

Note:  The Editor was Francis Lee, MD.


Ark of Faith, &c.

§ 1. THERE is a Cry that hath gone forth from the Heavens these several Years past, for the Preparing and Building of an Ark for the Lord’s redeemed Ones; and I am at this time, as the Natural Term of my Years seems to be expir’d, in order hereto, again reminded of some former Prophecies, that were altogether by me forgotten. But the Spirit of Wisdom hath now presented them afresh to me, as telling me they were in this Day to be looked into, for Faith to be thence revived, and Prayer envigorated, that so the Heavenly Powers and Constellations co-operating therewithal, they might bring down the Golden Floods of Love to cover the Earth; that may bring up what hath lain under the Death, that is to say, a Resurrection Body of pure Spirits in a new springing Paradise, which is the New Earth so much Prophesied of, upon which Righteousness must dwell.

§ 2. For the Signs of the Superiour Heavens do signifie out as much, that the Time is very near at hand for the Accomplishment of all these: for which End there was shewn to me an Ark in the Figure, but which was declared to me in the Mystery to be no less than the Substance of the whole Triune Deity, who would suddenly send forth Ambassadours from themselves, that are to be as the First Fruits and Representatives of the Bride to gather in all such, as were to make up the whole Jerusalem - Bride; whose Habitation is prepared in Wisdom’s Wonderful Paradisiacal Principle.

§3. Wherefore it was not long after I had received the first Manifestation and Figurative Opening of Faith’s TREE, from the Spirit of Faith growing up in me; before I had further Notice given me of an ARK, into which Faith’s Archers who had hitten the Mark, were to be received in. For in a little more than a Year after that, I had this free Communication with my Lord concerning it, which follows: And notwithstanding the latter Part of this, amongst many other of my Papers, has been lost, yet this which hath been by the All-wise Giver of it preserved for that end, will, I know, be of some Service and Use; and therefore have I been prevailed with, to insert it here, though I am not able to recall what either went before, or followed after it.

February 21. 1687

§ 4. Being upon my Internal Watch in the pure stillness of my Mind, this Word came to me, saying, The Ark of Faith which the Lord hath been these many Years in raising and building, is yet not persued, and as little understood although Warning upon Warning, and Sound upon Sound have gone forth for preparing and building such an Ark, which may float upon the broad River of the Holy Ghost. Then was I touched at this saying of my Lord, as being conscious how he had opened to me this effectual Door, and Mystery of Faith, charging me to keep to the Rules of it, which upon this Word I questioned whether I had kept up to so precisely, as I had received command to do. Whereupon the Spirit pray’d in me, Lord God Omnipotent, if I have been negligent, shew it me: with much more to that effect, in which my Heart was enlarged to pray about it. Then was it in this wise revealed, and answered me: Thou hast been learned and taught as another Noah to prepare and build an Ark of Faith in this Invisible World: therefore slack not, but go on forward, and I will strengthen the Studs and Stakes thereof, which shall be as stable as Gold, that shall be laid in as a firm bottom. Who further said to me, That there was One known by Name, that should have of the same Spirit of Faith to concur, and build with me, and so we should be mutually made able to strengthen one anothers Hands, to carry on this great Work, as Male and Female in one Person, or Spirit, to enter first this Golden Ark of the Presence, when reared up, for which we should receive further Advertisement, as we should wait diligently hereupon.

§ 5. Then it arose further in me by way of Query, to propound some things relating to this Fabrick unto the Great Master and Builder hereof; who answered me most freely, to whatever my Spirit was made to Inquire. But the Particulars of this matter being obliterated and passed away, the same Divine Spirit that was then present with me, and ready to dictate what was requisite by me to be known, hath now (after many Years) revealed, and brought again to my Internal Sight, this Ark of Faith, in the ensuing manner; which I am commanded to declare and publish, for the Information and Encouragement of all those that seek to be redeemed from the Earth, and would enter into this Ark.

February 18. 1696.

§ 6. The Virgin Wisdom sounded a joyful Cry, saying, Come and see what an Ark is prepared for them that are Born into the Faith, as mighty Hero’s to act the Wonders of the New Creation; which Ark is made in my New Paradise, that hath not yet been inhabited; whereupon great Floods came down from the Heavens as a Golden Rain; which covered the Face of the Mountains, as the Waters did in Noah’s time drown the Old World: So that there was a mighty Sea, which was called the Love-Sea. Yet did it not as yet universally cover the Earth. Then after this did descend also this mighty Ark, in which was Faith’s great Conqueror Christ Jesus; with Abraham, Noah, and all the High Elders of the Faith; which floated upon this Sea. This Ark was all of a most diaphanous fine Gold, with Six Wings on each side branching forth from it; so that it did Fly as well as Swim: which Wings were full of Eyes. Then was it said to me, What dost thou think this Ark is sent down for, but to take in, and receive such as have looked for the Redemption, to be Saved from the Violence and Curse of the Old Earth, and from the Malignancy and Venom of the Starry Kingdom? A loud Cry and Call then came out of the Ark, saying, Come, Hasten, and escape for your Lives, for here is a Shelter prepared for you, while those that do slight this Call, and have not Faith to fly away, must in another Deluge be swallowed up, which will be as the Waters in Noah’s Day, falling down upon them from the Starry Firmament, while the Children of Wisdom’s Kingdom, who have obeyed her Voice, shall here be kept, having the Wings of Power, which I had before seen, given to them, that they might fly into this Ark. Whereinto some Eminent in the Faith were received with great Acclamations, and Embracements, and these that first entered had great longings to attract in others after them; which they waited here in hope to see.

February the 19th.

§ 7. Then the Great Captain of the Ark of Faith, Christ Jesus, did steer the Ark, which with flying Wings did swiftly pass, and landed us in the New Paradise. Where we were received by the Divine Magus’s and Masters of the Faith, who understood the Mystery of all Miraculous Faith. This was a wonderful Place, the like of which I had never seen, for the Walks were all paved as with Transparent Gold, and several Temples were here, in which these Elders in Priestly Robes all glittering did pay their Homage to the Great and Mighty King, by whom they did work all their great Works, and give Existency to that which never had been. Then were we led out to view the pleasant Trees and Groves for delight and recreation: and the Trees did seem to be as of pure Gold, and the Branches to be laden as with Diamonds, and all the variety of Precious Stones. Besides which there were Trees also laden with all sorts of precious Fruits for Food: and Rivers with Fountains flowing with spiced Wine, and Cups and Flagons round about the Fountain. So we were called to drink at these Fountains, and to eat of these Fruits, being entertained by these Magi: to whose Care by the great Shepherd of this Fold we were committed. Who were to usher us back to the Ark, to bring in others, and transport them hither. Which accordingly was done.

§ 8. After which it was said to me, this Ark doth represent the Body of Faith, of which the Lord Christ is the Head, of whom the Church that is to be gathered into this is the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife. Then did it float and fly with great force, with outspread Banners: and a mighty Angel that was in it, did sound forth his Trumpet, that all that would come out of the Babylonish Confusion, should admittance have. At this Alarm came diverse in, the mighty Spirit of Cyrus resting upon some, the Spirit of Elijah upon others, of Nehemiah and Zorobabel upon a third sort, of Gideon, Barak, and Deborah upon others, of Miriam, Huldah, Dorcas and Lydia upon some; of Titus and Onesimus upon others, with the beloved Mary, Martha and Hephzibah, with numerous others, both Males and Females that were unknown, of this and other Nations. For they flocked from the utmost Parts of the Earth as Doves to the Windows of this Ark, having heard the report of this Good Land, from those who had been sent thither as Spies to seek it out. And when thus the Ark was filled, it was by a Principal Angel sitting at this Helm, Steered to this Paradisiacal Land, where they were Landed with a joyful greeting; and had all their Tents here prepared for them; this being said to be the Plantation for the Virgin Philadephian Church, which has in former Treatise been Described.

§ 9. And upon an Inquiry made, whether all were now Landed? It was by the Spirit of Wisdom, answered, No: For that the Ark was not to rest, but to Fly and Float for more to be gathered in, till the Full Body of the First Resurrection state was completed, and brought hither, to put on their Immortal Robes, for the Triumphant Consummation of the Marriage of the New Jerusalem Bride. This is a wonderful Mystery, which in its Fulfilling Day, will better be understood: for which we are to wait in great clarity of Mind, and sanctity of Heart, in pure and perfect Dedication, and Separation from all that is gross and vulgar; for that none else can have admittance into this Holy Ark, but such as are fully and wholly Purified by Faith.

February the 20th.

§ 10. Here I thought to have stopped, as not knowing there should be any further Addition from the Spirit of my Lord; but the next Morning, February 20, all was opened to me again, the Ark descending, and a Commission given from the Lord to the Beloved John, to steer it, with some Few Names born into the Love, and Practitioners of the High Mystery of Faith, who were here with him to abide, and as Heralds to Proclaim the Love-Message, and to call in such as were willing upon the Report made concerning this New found Paradisiacal Land, to leave the Land of the Curse, and to wind themselves out of the Sensitive Principle, so as to be Disciplined into the Faith. So accordingly as Report was made by these Persons of what they had seen in this New Paradisiacal Country, the strength and power of Faith and Love did so manifestly appear, and give such a Witness in those that were in this Ark, that they did attract many from all Parts. And when the appointed number was fulfilled, the beloved Great Apostle spread out the Wings of the Ark, in which were fixed the piercing Eyes, that did see the way by which they were to move till they came to this goodly Land; who then delivered up his Charge to the Princess and Governess of this Land. Who received all out here with an amiable Reception, telling them this Climate was of a Transmuting Property, which would put another kind of Body upon them, that should be of such Agility, Purity, and Clarity, as the Old Body should in all its Infirmities be swallowed up into this. Then was there given a Roll, wherein there was written certain Rules, which they were to Act, and be Practitioners in, as the Laws of this Kingdom, whereof the Kingly Shepherd himself did give them a pattern, and said, Ye are to Act and Work, as my self have done and acted, as an obedient Son to the Father. What ye have seen me do, that are ye also to do, as Followers of me: for hitherto the Father worketh, and I work, and ye must be fellow workers with me, as risen with me: and so must all your Works now be by the Faith of my Operation in you. Then the Roll was Read to these that were now Landed, as it had been to those that were before admitted to be Inhabitants.


The Laws of the High and Holy Calling,
that are to be Observed by those
that are admitted into this Paradisiacal Land.

§ 11. These are the Particulars of that Holy Calling, which all are in this Place to Profess.

I.  The First of these, is to learn of me, (saith JESUS) to be Lowly and Meek in Spirit, even as I am, being contented with no lesser Degree. For this is the first Fundamental Qualification: for as much as my Lily grows only out of such a Ground as is all leavened, and of an even Temperature, neither too Hot or Cold, Moist or Dry; but found always in Contrition and Humility: from whence Exaltation to Higher things will certainly arise.

II.  The Second Degree which ye are to take from hence, is to know how to understand the Manual Operation of the Hand of Faith, by which the goodly Tent must be wrought for Shem and Japheth to dwell together in great and full enlargement. For through the Exercise and nimble Activity of this Hand, all Provisions necessary will be brought in for the Bridegroom and Bride to live upon.

III.  A Third Particular relating to your High Calling is to attend, and officiate in the most Holy Inward Court, there to wait, and be at hand to receive evermore fresh Command: as also to hear, and learn what further is requisite to reach to the highest Accomplishment towards Natures most Perfect Restoration.

IV.  The Fourth Particular, or Law, is to come to a putting forth of all the Essential Properties into Activity, according to what ye have seen, and been instructed in from the Father and me; stirring up the Gift, that so it may not lie useless in you in any Degree.

V.  Ye are not to think it sufficient that ye have Learned Part of my Calling; but ye are in this Place to learn All, even to the full Unity; according to the Example which I have set you. Therefore come, set your Hand of Faith to Work and Act, as I your Lord have done; who expect you should come up to those Measures I have set before you: who am, and will be to you, the same flowing Source of Life-quickening Power, if called out, that I was when planted in your Likeness.

Behold! I am at hand to do as great and mighty Works, as ye are able to receive. So will I imprint not only the Image of Purity, but of Power upon you; that so ye may full out be made Partakers of my Profession. Which doth not only consist in Love, Meekness, Gentleness, Patience, Wisdom, and Soundness of Judgment, but also in the Faith of the Omnipotency. For in my Calling it is not only requisite to have Light and Understanding, to find out the Mystery of this High Art, but Strength and Might to Work out the same from the Eternal Magia Root; from whence the Birth of Power doth proceed. Now before ye can Proficients and Practitioners in all things answerable to your President herein be; ye must come to be strong, and find ability to turn about that which moveth the Creating Word: by which all lost Dominion may be Renewed. But what can draw forth that, except it be somewhat, that is Equal in Might with it self; which will be found out if the Will-Spirit sinks deep into its own Central Root. From whence the Life sappy-Power may spring, which will do Miracles at Will. This was the Principal Work and Business belonging to my Calling, which on the Earth I did, and yet do appear again to walk, and to be admired through the raising again of this Mighty Power, which in all of you shall wonderfully work, that have ceased now to live promiscuously in that low Temporizing State, which I have called you out of: that so capable ye might be of this Worthy and Honourable Vocation; exactly in, and according to, the Method that I have shewn to you: That so not only in the Hopes circling about, but coming to the very manual Exercises themselves, ye may reap, and live upon the Benefits which this Pure Abstracted Calling shall and will abundantly bring in, and not only bare Grain, that is for and to your own Accounts; which the least in your Eye must be.

VI.  For Abel-like ye are to bring the First Fruits of this high extracted Calling, to sacrifice all in a flaming Oily Perfume unto your Great Melchizedeck.

VII.  Further ye are Excited to feed upon no other Fruits, but what the Tree of Faith doth give forth. I am that Tree which ye must feed upon; all other Trees forbidden are, which cherish up the Life of Sensibility. Therefore fix your Eye, and center your Heart upon that which may nourish up this Birth of Faith, till it reach to its full Maturity: then will it come to understand what Sovereignty and Dominion it is entitled to, as a King and Lord over all.

§ 12. Then Queried I with my Lord, What was meant by those Trees which I had seen all laden with Precious Stones, and the Trunks of them of such fine Gold? To which it was Answered me, that those did run Parallel with the New Jerusalem, representing the Bride of the Lamb that was thus to be adorned. For it was shewn me, that these Trees were Representative Figures of those that were brought into the Ark, and here Landed; whose Cloathing was to be in such variety of Sparkling Glory, that from the Golden Sap of Faith should be always fresh and flourishing.

§ 13. Then I Queried further of him that shewed me these things, Whether it were possible for Mortals, whose dwelling was in this lower World, to know such a Translation as this? It was hereupon Replyed, There is no less a thing designed: the Time and Age for this is already come to some, that in the Inward Figure as Representatives stand, who are in Spirit transported into this Mystical Land. But in obscurity they must be, till the Hand of Power shall rend away the Veil, that hath upon this Glory a Covering been; but yet the Faith is growing, and when to a full body of Strength it shall reach, then shall ye see the Wonders fly from each of these bright lustrous Trees, which in the New Paradisiacal Earth shall multiply numerously.

§ 14. It was then further said, To you that attentive are to these my Sayings, and obedient shall be to my Rules, I will put no other Burden upon you, but to hold fast the Faith, that springeth from the Golden Stem of Love; wherein your Strength shall be as Anointed Cherubs still to move, your Rest to find in me, where no annoyance can ever be. For this is a New Time, in which the new World will appear: therefore spare ye not it to declare and proclaim. By this now let all understand, what a wonderful Time is at the Door.

§ 15. Upon which my Spirit was carried to cry, O Mighty Alpha and Omega, Arise thou and Gather in, by thy great Power and Strength, into this Ark such as are to make up the First Resurrection-Body; to whom thou wilt be the Head, the Crown, the Joy and the Glory. Verily, this is the Time in which thou wilt send forth thy Messengers that shall sound the Jubilee Horn, and pour out therefrom that rich Anointing Oil to consecrate a Priestly Race, that shall no other thing mind, but to pursue, and follow after that which is highly Divine. For which there is this Day great Travail: O God, let not the Lordly Birth, which is the King and Heir of Faith, any longer stick: let thy Mighty Arm and Hand take hold of it, that no more drawings back there may be, but the Son of Joy and Laughter we may see. For surely the Virgin Bride preparing is her self in expectation that her Kingly Bridegroom will no longer stay, but make speed and come away; that all Redeemed from the Earth may be, that have waited in the Faith this Resurrection-State to see. And in this New World, do thou, O great Shepherd, plant us, as Trees of Righteousness and Glory, circling about thee, who the overspreading Tree of Life, and splendourous Brightness art, under whose Shadow we shall grow most fruitfully.

§ 16. Neither pray we alone for these First Fruits, but that a plentious new Sowing of thy Spirit may go forth, to bring in the rest of the Harvest, that lieth yet as under Death and Barrenness. For thou hast said thy Ark shall not take up its Rest till it hath made its flight to all Corners of the Earth. The Trumpet of thy Love shall such a loud Cry send forth, throughout all Nations, that constrained they may be, to fly as swift Dromedaries, and bring their Offering into thy sacred Ark. Even so, Blessed JESUS, let all these Prophecies fulfilled be, both what hath been in past Ages given, and hath been of late so plentifully Renewed, through them whom thou hast for this end chosen, though not worthy to be named, yet known by Name in thy Book of Life, which sufficient is: who shall never cease, or any Rest take up in, until thou hast made a Glorious Spotless Church upon the Earth to appear, as a Flying Ark with Banners, whose Eyes as Lamps of Fire may go forth, to gather in the whole Priestly and Heavenly Host, from all Quarters and Parts of the Earth. Even so, with thy Triumphant Church,

Shall we the Song of our Redemption Sing
Glory, Glory, Glory to the Triune King.

Even so: Amen, Amen.

F I N I S.





A D V E R T I S E M E N T.

WHEREAS some Things have been Scandalously set forth, and Printed under the Name of this Author to the Reproach of Truth, and the Dishonour of that which is Holy, it is thought fit for the putting a Stop to such Impostures, and the Evil which might thence ensue, to give a Catalogue of the Books which the Author hath hitherto Published.

The Heavenly Cloud, or, the Ascension Ladder, 4to. 1682. p.40.

The Revelation of Revelations, an Essay towards the Unsealing, Opening, and Discovering of the Seven Seals, the Seven Thunders, and the New Jerusalem State. 4to. 1683. p.130.

The Enochian Walks with God, found out by a Spiritual Traveller. 4to. 1694. p.38.

The Laws of Paradise; Given forth by Wisdom to a translated Spirit. 8vo. 1695. p.69.

The Wonders of God’s Creation manifested in the Variety of Eight Worlds, as they were made know Experimentally to the Author. 8vo. 1695. p.89.

The Message to the Philadelphian Society whithersoever dispersed over the whole Earth, together with a Call to the several gathered Churches. 12ves. p.108 1696.

The Tree of Faith: or the Tree of Life, springing up in the Paradise of God: from which all the Wonders of the New Creation must proceed. 12ves. p.122. 1696
The Ark of Faith, p.33.

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