Corrupted Modern Gospel |
Personal Independence of all believers; SELF gets to stay in control of our actions. |
Personal Dependence of all believers on the Indwelling Spirit of Truth. |
Reliance on our OWN abilities, study, reasoning powers, logic and actions to bring us to cleansing and improvement, both internal and external — a do-it-yourself approach. |
Reliance on the still small voice, the Comforter, the Counselor, the Holy Spirit promised by Christ Jesus, to convict, lead and guide us through the regenerating process. |
Pride & Self Esteem Taught, Encouraged & Allowed. |
Humility & Self Denial Taught, Encouraged & Required. |
Our relationships with others are of primary importance to God; we must seek to build and improve those relationships. |
Our relationships with others, which we allow to take priority over our relationship with God, are major obstacles between us and God. They amount to idolatry. |
The Laws of God can't be kept by men; they were Old Testament; Jesus kept and fulfilled the Law, so that we don't have to. |
The Law was given to us that sin might be known; we hold ourselves and our actions up to it as a measure, that we may see and acknowledge the depth of our fallen state. |
Jesus wants to be our “personal savior”. All we need to do is answer the “altar call”, recite a “sinner’s prayer”, and “accept the Lord” whenever we are ready. |
No such terms appear in the scripture record of the original gospel; they are modern additions — gimmicks used to pump up the statistics of modern Churchianity. |
Free salvation while in our Sins (we are told that we are “saved” but we find ourselves continuing in our old ways and sins). |
A Savior from Sin is freely provided to All for the asking, but each must allow the saving work to be done within. |
God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives. Once we are “saved”, we can go boldly to God in prayer for all that we desire and then we may expect that he will give us the desires of our hearts. |
Our former life was full of sin, we had rebelled against God. Now SELF must be denied, appetites turned from, our OWN desires must yield, our OWN will must give way to the will of Christ Jesus who is now in us, to become what God intends for us to be. |
Imputed Righteousness is ours without our doing anything but accepting it; all that is needed is a general acknowledgement that we are sinners; repentance just means that we are sorry for having sinned. |
Each individual has personal responsibility for confession and repentance for each of his/her own life's actions, thereby making room for the Spirit of Christ to forgive and cleanse, to the progressive and ongoing perfecting of the soul. |
Instant Salvation; with the repetition of a few canned words, spoken by us while being led in the “sinner’s prayer”, or by the answering of an “altar-call”, we are completely and instantly born again into a state of perfection in God's eyes. |
We are to be gradually regenerated in an ongoing process; the renewed virgin mind will be overshadowed by the Holy Ghost and bring forth the birth of Christ who must grow up in us to accomplish the saving work that is required and that only He can do for us. |
Wars & Violence in the physical realm are condoned and supported. |
Only Spiritual Warfare is to be engaged in. |
Election & Reprobation (some are to be saved; some are doomed to Hell for all eternity). |
There is a divine spark in every man. The first gospel revealed the plan, by which a patient, loving God has made provision to redeem All who will, to come home through Christ Jesus. |
Jesus died instead of us. |
Jesus died on behalf of us. |
God only spoke through the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, i.e. revelation and inspiration stopped with the Biblical Scriptures; only the Bible is left to us in this present age. |
God's revelation is progressive and ongoing, as the age and condition of mankind is unfolding. Each true believer may expect to hear from God. The immediate, ongoing, inspiration and operation of the Holy Spirit is promised, is available and should be expected to be experienced by all believers. |
We should study from any of the modern (commercially available) Bible translations because the Kings James Version (KJV) is too hard to understand and out of date with modern times. All Bibles have the same content, so just find one that appeals to you. | Modern Bibles are for-profit items; enough changes have been made to each subsequent version to make them eligible for copyright. The fact that the uncopyrighted KJV is still available, should be a hint that God made sure it should still be here for us to study. The content of the modern Bible versions has been changed! |
The Kingdom of God is “out there”, available only through his priests, pastors, preachers. |
The Kingdom of God is to be sought within; Jesus has made provision for each Soul to be assisted by the immediate, ongoing, inspiration and operation of the Comforter, the Counselor, the Holy Spirit in her return home to Him. |
God is partial to a particular group of people. |
God is NOT partial; all are invited to repent. |
We are basically good persons; we have just made some bad choices. Making a decision to “accept the Lord” will take care of all that. |
We come to this world fallen from perfection; we do not have to learn disobedience for it is part of our nature; we must first see the depth of our own sins before we know that we need a Savior. |
We are saved by grace with no works required after our conversion. It's a free gift; just come to Jesus to get saved, blessed, forgiven, healed, delivered, and prospered. Go to church, to Bible studies, read books, listen to recorded teachings, and you will be able to clean up your life. |
We are saved by grace, but then we are to come up higher — to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, in obedience, allowing Christ Jesus to do in us, what we could never do for ourselves, resigning OUR rights for His...for we are bought with a price. |
If our life circumstances are a wreck, it's just because bad things sometimes happen to good people. |
We reap what we have sown; if we are operating in darkness, we must leave it and walk in the light as He is in the light. |
To occasionally fall back into our sins is OK; after all, we are only human. |
To strive on to Perfection is the call; with Christ in us, the human will become a new man. |
Perfection is something impossible to achieve; only Jesus was perfect, so don't bother to try; it's OK to stay the same, to live the old life as before we converted. Jesus paid the price, so that when God looks at us, he now sees Jesus. |
“Take up your cross and follow me”, said Jesus. Only with Christ in us, can we conform to his pattern. He came as a man to show us that it can be done and He will undertake to do it in us, as each of us opens the way, allows and agrees to the process. |
After conversion, we just need to find the right church, one that has good programs that fit our lifestyle. We'll need to find a group of like-minded believers, that share our life views and it's there that we can go to learn about God's wonderful plan for our life, to be taught and fed, and to fellowship, praise and worship on a weekly basis. If we do that, then we're sure to go to Heaven when you die. |
After conversion, we need to spend time with the Lord, to feed upon his Word by reading it ourselves; we need to learn to sit at His feet, to hear His voice — not running to or waiting on others to deal with the issues that we are being shown. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is done in an individually tailored manner, just for our life, sins, and circumstances — it is to be done One-on-One, as the Spirit leads, not in a once-a-week club-meeting. |
Once we have converted, that is all there is to it. We have now graduated into the Kingdom of God. We can be assured that we are “saved” and will be with Christ when we die. |
Conversion is only the beginning. We are at that time, but babes in the nursery school of the Holy Spirit, capable only of milk which the Wisdom of God will provide to our thirsty souls. |
We can still be an active part of the World; we can still be involved in worldly business and social functions; we can still observe pagan rituals and holidays just as the World does. Our focus should be to work with other people within the World system and try to make it better. |
“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.” A holy Body is called for, one which is in the World but NOT of it. |
Once we are “saved”, our life will be a witness to others. Our mission is to witness to other people, in everything that we do. We can have fellowship with anyone and everyone, no matter their fruits, no matter their lifestyle, no matter what they do, how they live, how they treat others, even if they are gossips, or busybodies under the spiritual cover of their own churches or their own self-appointed ministries. |
Although we are in the world, we are not to fellowship with those who walk in darkness (that includes those at the church); you are to come out from among them, and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing. “The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God; be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God.” |
You need to tithe from your income to the church, to plant a seed so that God can bring a financial harvest for you. |
All that you possess and all that is under your stewardship and all that you are, belongs to God; there is no part that belongs to SELF. |
The icon of the wooden Cross is exalted, worn, displayed and merchandized by the fertility based modern christians. |
The Cross of Self Denial is to be taken up and must be followed by each believer. |
After we answer the “altar call”, or say a “sinner’s prayer”, we're assured a place in Heaven when we die; it's all been done for us by Jesus, so now that we are saved, we just need to decide on our ministry, get our bumper stickers, put on our Jesus jewelry, load up with tracts, practice our soul-winning pitch, and go preach to others. |
Follow the instructions and examples of Christ; draw apart to your wilderness, where the internal work can be accomplished. Follow the pattern of Christ in giving up all that you are, to be crucified, buried, and raised from the dead; then wait until you are taught and empowered from on High. This inward work must happen before you can be a cleansed vessel worthy of the master's plan and use. |
Christ's next coming will be physically “out there” for all to see. |
Each true believer will first witness Christ's next coming within, that the true Bride, the true Church, may be prepared for His later visible manifestation. |
Spiritual Warfare is done “out there” and can be done by all, any time we feel like it. We need to practice rebuking the Devil and confessing scriptures to get what we desire in this world. Any condemnation that we feel is a lie from the Devil, not a conviction of unconfessed sins. |
The Warfare begins within us. The Counselor, the Spirit of Truth will show us the darkness that is there, at a rate that we can bear; we must obediently do our part against the strongholds of the Devil that Christ in us may be allowed to work according to His will. |
Presents only a Male Godhead, supporting a patriarchal power structure in this world, where women are of little or no use except to satisfy the male needs and/or produce and raise offspring. |
Acknowledged a Godhead consisting of the Eternal Power and the Eternal Wisdom, having both masculine and feminine attributes, That those who are truly in Christ shall be neither male nor female, but as eunuchs for the Kingdom of God. |
Our state at the time of mortal death determines our eternal reward; if we are not “saved” before we die, we are damned to be separated from God for all eternity. |
Purgation is offered after mortal death; continuing from the level that you have attained at the end of mortal life. Provision has been made to bring All who will, to salvation. |
Sexual Activity & Fertility are expected and exalted among married believers. Regular sex is the benefit of having a spouse, and is accepted as the call of God. Marriage and family are highly desired among believers. Those who are unmarried are urged to find a mate through the 'singles group'. |
Sexual Continence & Abstinence — the new patterns as set by the Master— are evidenced among the highest ranks of believers. Virgins and continent believers have highest regard; married believers live as brother and sister in Christ, supporting and protecting one another from the onslaught, temptations and pressures of the carnal world. |
Sexual uncleanness is accepted as necessary. Everything that the world does behind closed doors is OK for married Christians. Fertility is sought after, valued and applauded. Bringing forth children in our own image is celebrated. |
Sexual Purity, Self Control, Self Denial are required. Laying down of the propagation of one's self, giving up the extension of one's own lifeline, one's own fertility... is to be our ultimate sacrifice. Christ Jesus was our pattern in this. |
A Believer's Family is his highest priority. Your children, your families, your kin, your clan, your tribe... are so important to you that you would not hesitate to kill anyone who threatens to destroy them, for in their destruction, the fruit of your loins would also perish. |
The Family of God is our highest priority; the return to God calls us to deny earthly familial allegiances, traditions, behaviors and customs for they are of the World. We are, however, responsible for past sins with regards to others, and we must not continue in them. |
There will be no need for us to go through any tribulation in this life; we will be snatched away before Jesus comes again. |
The regenerating process, as it unfolds in us, takes us through the mystical death...the crucifixion of self, which is all the tribulation that we can handle, but we are promised — only at a rate that we can bear. |
Has this
corrupted modern gospel Has it been successful in
showing any holy fruit, power, or witness to this ungodly world? Do you hear the still small voice saying... |
A voice from out of the Past speaks to us today...
Used with permission.
For Additional Material on Self Denial and Sexual Abstinence
Other related Reports: :
Finding the Missing Parts of the Gospel
Is Our Gospel the Original Gospel?
A Spiritual Spot-Check List for Modern Christians
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