Is Me-Centered Instead of Christ-Centered.
Since the time that Jesus walked the earth, the prince of darkness has
had a covert plan to weaken, change, undermine, and replace the with something which would be assumed to be the original, something which used
similar terms, but which was rooted elsewhere — deep in his kingdom of
darkness. This plan was implemented very slowly over time, a tiny bit at a time, so
that no one would really take much notice as the generations rolled by. By the
clandestine execution of this plan, the has
been systematically deprived of its major components, robbed of its purpose, and
modified according to the plan of the dark prince, who saw the handwriting on the wall,
when Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
The centers
on the work of Christ Jesus, and the fact that Christ came to redeem each of us, from our
sins, and from our fallen state. It promises us the hope of becoming what we were
designed by God to be, by dying to ourselves, by confessing our sins, and by agreeing to
be made-over by the Spirit of Christ from the inside out, in mind, heart, soul, spirit,
and body.
That message of the has been superceded by
the message that is preached today by all the leaders touting — a message that is very me-centered,
because it appeals to the SELF that we choose to be; and it allows SELF to seemingly
stay in control. It promises that we can improve ourSELVES, feel good about ourSELVES, love ourSELVES,
enjoy ourSELVES, get for ourSELVES all that we ever wanted, without
ever being required to look at our own fallen nature, at the sins we have committed or at
the sins that we were born into. It tells us that we are basically good people who
have just made wrong choices — instead of fallen, degenerated beings, whose divine
spark has been buried under the reign of the serpentine, beastial nature that we inherited
from our earthly parents.
So the two gospels are opposite
in their central focus and message. The original called for death to SELF; the modern allows SELF to stay alive and well, and to think it can call the shots.
Is Shallow, Cheap, and Offered as a “Bargain.”
The fact is ... presents a counterfeit Jesus that
has reduced the good news to an easy ride, an instant new birth, a band-aid fix over an
infected, draining sore in the soul of man. People are serviced, entertained, and
offered rewards for making a ‘decision’ to join the Christian club, assured of
their free ride into the Kingdom of God, assured that they'll be with this Jesus when they
die, without ever facing their own individual sins, without mention of what it will cost
them. All the tough requirements aren't mentioned by the preachers of , because people might become uncomfortable and hesitate to
come forward at the ‘altar call’.
Our modern Christian leaders are so
eager to see those people coming down the aisles, so
eager to count how many of them ‘got saved’ at their last conference, revival
meeting, crusade, concert, or church service; so eager to publish their own
statistics, and so eager to gain coveted recognition for themSELVES, that they'll use whatever high-pressure
sales-tactics it takes. Getting ahead of God and meddling with His timing for
bringing a lost soul home to Him, is a dangerous thing to do; but that hasn't stopped our
modern evangelists and Bible teachers. What will be the eternal rewards of these
leaders for all their unrepentant and manipulative efforts during their time on earth?
And modern Christian leaders don't stop
there; the merchandizing that goes on in most modern ministries is down-right disgusting
... the leaders who preach hustle
deals, run promotions and peddle their wares just like the world — in specialty
stores, on TV, over the radio and through the Internet. Today we have seen the
diluted teachings of being mass-marketed via teaching tapes, CD's,
DVD's and books; and then, to add to the revenue-generating possibilities, their
‘line of merchandize’ is expanded to include spiritually embellished doodads,
bric-a-brack, T-shirts, knickknacks, toys, blankets, wall-hangings, stationary, icons,
ornaments, graven figurines, jewelry, accessories, relics, etc., etc., etc. ... all these
things being sold for gain!
And worst of all ... is the routine
appearance of all this ‘stuff’... set up on tables at the back of the church,
the auditorium, the convention center, the meeting hall, the revival tent — where the
sheep (and the goats) can go to shop during the break, where they can be herded down the
aisles and past those tables manned by ministry moneychangers, where they can plunk down
their money and get their change, or better yet, where they can charge the merchandize to
their credit cards and go deeper into debt! Jesus of the would have walked up to those tables, whip in hand,
dumped the whole lot of them and chased the moneychangers from the place! But
the resident Jesus of stands by, smiling in silent approval.
The leaders of also promote themSELVES and their own ministries, proud of
their accomplishments and intellectual prowess, concocting money-making schemes to tickle
their fleshly lusts. When did you ever run across a scripture-account of a few
apostles organizing a cruise for potential followers? We don't think so. How
about a preacher offering to do a promotional stunt if only there was a sufficient
financial reward? These and other mercenary antics make the devil proud of his
agents. Most of them bask in the mistaken belief that they are servants of god, and
they are — just not the one preached in the time of the .
Do you see the contrast here to what
happened during the time of Jesus Christ when all things were held in common
and the good news was freely shared without money and without price? So here are examples that the Jesus portrayed by does not have
the same attributes and requirements as the Jesus of the .
Most of these men and women, who act as leaders today, were taught what they know
in a worldly organization, using worldly methods ... without realizing ... that they were
being taught by the prince of this world and his more experienced agents. These
leaders consider themselves to be Bible teachers/scholars and are proud of it. They
mostly view their line of work as a career choice, a way to make a living and a way to
have the respect of many. They use worldly tools to manage their ministries,
and they are paid a salary. Many may consider that they have a calling on their
lives, but the question is, from whom? They are beholding to the hand that
feeds them; they are paid agents who must tend to the bottom line, just like any other
business. Examine whose name is exalted in the presentation of their ministry
(business), on their letterhead, on their website — is it Jesus Christ's, or does
their own name appear predominantly to the world? They are just
posturing for position among their peers ... just as any actor, paid agent, or sales
representative would do ... their SELF-seeking and lack of humility are tip-offs as to their
true source.
Produces Converts that are Selfish,
Feelings-Oriented, and Looking for Blessings
The ‘me-first’ focus of
appeals to the selfish and it produces so-called
‘converts’ who have come to God or Jesus for what they can get out of Him.
They have come to get saved, get forgiven, get healed, get delivered, get prospered, get
access to that promised ‘wonderful plan for their lives’... all of which are
completely selfish motivations.
The new ‘convert’ of likes to feel good about himself, his own family, his own
beliefs, his own works, and especially he likes the feeling of being spiritual. He
may hop from church to church looking for those fuzzy feelings, and when he finds one that
has a ‘mutual admiration society’ ... full of people who are just like himself,
people who gloss over any conviction of the sins [that they all have in common] in
favor of sentimental feelings ... then he may just settle in for the long haul. He
does not seek the face of God, but rather the hand — for the handout of the
This type of ‘Christian’ is
really only after the rewards; he desires all the privileges of the Kingdom with none of
the responsibilities. He wants all the outward perks without doing any of the inward
works! The god and the Jesus of are very accommodating along those lines. Their roles
have been customized to fit each particular church division, denomination, fellowship,
diocese, home church and congregation — and the parts of all the major players have
been filled from the lowerarchy of the dark prince ... dark powers disguised as
“angels of light”.
But the requires that each convert ‘fess up to’ and take
responsibility for his own sins. By comparing the way he has lived his life
to the requirements of the Most High God, a sinner can see that he has separated himself
from God by his own choices and he can see that he is reaping what he has sown. In
fact, God’s real plan for any unrepentant sinner is, that if he continues in his own
stubborn disobedience, he will stay separated from God’s presence for the rest of his
life and beyond. But for the sinner that knows what he is, and what a mess he has
made of his life, that sinner will have no hesitation about giving his wretched,
screwed-up life, including mind, heart, spirit, soul and body, to be redeemed by Christ
Jesus from the yoke of his own sins.
So the converts from the two gospels are
very different from each other ... and again, the God and Jesus of the original, and
the god and Jesus of the modern are exact opposites regarding what
they require of those converts.

Now let's take a hard look at some of the
major component parts of the that
have been systematically REMOVED from most of today's preaching.
Then we'll go over what's been ADDED, and how these additions have
become so much a part of contemporary preaching as to have become the very essence
of .

So... What has been REMOVED
from the

Jesus Christ said, “If any man will
come after Me, let him deny himSELF, take up his cross and follow Me”.
Jesus willingly went through a physical death, that he did not deserve, on our behalf, and
we must follow him willingly in the mystical inward death. The cross that we must
bear, will bring us to the end of what we are in the natural; the old life of SELF must die, so that a new life in Christ can be
born. But the leaders of present
a relatively painless process, giving the impression that once a person accepts (their)
Jesus as his ‘personal savior’, his life will forever more be filled with bliss
and blessings.
No mention is made of the necessity to
follow the pattern that was set for us by Jesus Christ — to take up our cross daily,
to deny our SELF, to control our SELF, and to yield our will to God's will, as the
requirements for salvation — those requirements were in the and they are still there!
So, with the true cross of Jesus Christ
removed, what has taken its place in ?
The prince of darkness has substituted the visible image of the crucifixion-cross for the
true cross; this tangible cross can be found in various forms in all modern Christian
churches, and this has been redefined as the cross of Jesus. Whether or not Jesus is
still shown on that cross, it is still an image (produced by the hands of humans, i.e. carved, sculpted, molded...graven) that exalts a victorious point in time when the
dark prince thought he had taken out the challenger to his dominion over mankind. In
the spirit realm, this substitute cross is an ongoing reminder, a memorial to the
mechanism that his agents used to remove Christ Jesus in human form from the earth.
It is an image that he can flaunt before the Most High as long as it continues to be
habitually exalted and bowed down to by modern Christianity. In every case,
this image of a cross is displayed and promoted as a substitution for the true cross of SELF denial. It is an iconic cross that has
been turned into merchandize, and sold over the centuries ... to be displayed and
worn. The appearance of this substituted cross, in some form or other, in every
modern Christian church represents a satanic victory because all ‘Christians’
who revere it, who bow down before it, who wear it, who display it ... have been caused to
enter into idolatry against the living God, and continuing in that idolatry puts them
automatically under the curses for idolatry.
And then, there is yet another meaning to
the exhibition of this iconic cross to be considered and recognized ... this substitute
image of a cross has joined the ranks of the other phallic symbols in this world, where it
is now displayed as a tribute to the serpentine fertility of the fallen human race.
Crosses may be found on the tops of modern Christian churches, their cathedrals, their
buildings, emblazoned on their flags, their crests, their shields, and their armor...as
much a phallic symbol as the obelisk, the minaret and the spire — all penile
extensions, exhibited and exalted, in some form or other, by every other pagan
fertility-based religion in the world ... a proprietary territorial marker pointing in
defiance to heaven, laying claim to all who pay it homage, exalting the reduction of man's
original perfect state to that of a beastial degenerated creature, a creature that is
still listening to and serving the serpent which cunningly deceived Adam and Eve in the

The importance of the shed
blood of Christ Jesus is mostly missing from the preaching of ; the word, ‘blood’, might be contained
within song-lyrics and in the popular phrases used when we play church, but the modern
gospel doesn't dwell on it. That most precious blood had to be, by law, from an
undefiled, unblemished first-born male...and from Jesus of Nazareth, it literally was.
In addition, the blood of Jesus was not only innocent, virgin blood, but it was
unique in that it was not contaminated by the serpentine sperm of a human father; it was
blood that was prepared by God as the ultimate pure sacrifice, to satisfy His Old
Testament requirements and to bring to Christ Jesus the irrevocable right to redeem any
man or woman who came to him, to remit his sins, to infuse and cleanse him with His
purifying blood, and to prepare him to be a vessel worthy of his Master's use.
Christ Jesus took our place physically in the death that we all deserve, and He has
promised to be with us through the mystical inward death that each of us must experience
— He has promised to regenerate that which was degenerated.
The whole picture of the blood
sacrifice of the Old Testament, the Passover lamb and its analogy to the death of Jesus
are mostly not mentioned by the leaders of ; they are kept much too busy, and the dark
imposters, masquerading as the bloodless Jesus and the god of the modern gospel don't want
us to think about that blood, because it is death to their kingdom. So the includes the necessity of the ongoing efficacy of
the blood of Jesus Christ and does not...another example of an exact opposite.

removed reference to the fact that anyone who would come to God must be aware that he is
guilty of sinning against God. Specifically he must come to know and admit that he
is guilty of having robbed and dishonored the living God, by living outside of the Laws of
God — that he is an outlaw, choosing by his own
free will to be disobedient to those Laws — choosing to live life his own
way, by his own rules. Anyone who does so is guilty
of disobedience to God. They are, by definition, ‘sinners’. They have
chosen darkness over light; they have aligned themselves with (and become agent hosts for)
the powers of darkness; and they have chosen to live in the kingdom of darkness, where the
devil and his minions have their authority. In this hellish realm, this living hell,
which does not end for them at physical death, they will continue to reap the reward of
their own choices, a reward that consists of the prescribed results of disobedience, which
were revealed through Moses and set before mankind by a loving God so long ago.
Sinners have no right to look at themselves in any other way. We were warned in the
beginning; blessings and curses were set before us, and we were exhorted to choose wisely.

Our Lord, Christ Jesus, came to seek and
save the lost, but the lost must know that they are lost, and the lost must seek to be
saved! An outright sinner, who is irreligious, flagrantly obscene, and openly
walking in disobedience can easily understand his depravity, but it is much more difficult
for a person with good manners, trained in civility, raised in a ‘Christian
home’, full of self-righteousness and steeped in religious achievement. The teaches that no matter what our background, all
of us are sinners.
The easiest way to convince someone of
their sinful state is to require them to hold up their life and their actions to the Law
of God; that means ‘preaching about the Law’. The Law is a yardstick by
which we can measure our thoughts, our actions, and our motivations. The Holy Spirit can
use it to convict us of what separates us from God, and convince us that we have
unconfessed sin to be dealt with. The reason that the Law was given was so that sin
might be known. has removed the importance of the Law of
God by relegating it to a place in history and no longer of concern, except to those who
are ‘legalistic’.

In the time of the the Most High God was much revered and
respected; the fear of Him was the beginning of Wisdom; it was a fearful thing to fall
into His hands; disobedience to His Law placed a person outside of His Love, and into the
dominion of His Wrath — into the dominion of ‘tough love’ where discipline
and chastisement were provided by the fearful mechanism that was set in place with the
revelation through Moses of the curses of disobedience — where the devil and his
lowerarchy have authority to take their prescribed, ‘free shots’ at any
disobedient person.
The certainty of each person being judged
for the deeds they had done in the flesh at the Judgment Seat of Christ, was also well taught and understood under the . But the god that is presented in our
modern gospel is very easy-going, loves you just the way you are, sins and all, and he
can't wait to bless you. And the Jesus of today’s churches just wants to be
your servant, promises you a clean slate from your sins, if you'll just make your
decision to become a ‘Christian’.
So here is another example that the god and
Jesus portrayed by do not
have the same attributes and requirements as the Most High God and Jesus of Nazareth, the
Christ, as preached in the .
The god that is presented and taught
by is not the true God, but one that
has been drastically changed — a different god; and if he's not the true God,
then he is a false god; and the plan that this false god has for your
life, is to keep you in subjection to the darkness that is in you, which will keep you
yoked in bondage to your sins and to him; he doesn't want you to make the connection that
you are reaping what you have sown, what you have inherited and what you have allowed to
be sown in you; he doesn't want you to know that there is a way out from under his
dominion, his servitude, his control.

The requires that each man admit and confess his own
individual sins and disobedience to God, then turn and repent of them, before he
can be forgiven and cleansed from those sins. There is a specific order, and
specific components to that order, and repentance is smack in the middle of it.
Repentance is not just wishful thinking, not merely a change of heart, not just a change
of attitude or a change of mind. Repentance in any person must be an earnest desire,
a full-blown commitment to leave, to turn from, to not participate any longer in... an
area of sin that he is bound to. Once an area of sin in him, is openly exposed,
acknowledged and confessed to God, this whole-hearted, strong commitment to, this
resignation to, and this agreement with God, allows the Holy Spirit within him to apply
the forgiveness of Christ to those sins, and to do all the internal cleansing work
necessary, to the end result that he literally walks in repentance in that area. So
true repentance should manifest in outward action. There is no true forgiveness without
repentance; there is no true conversion without repentance; and there is no true salvation
without repentance.
In the preaching of , repentance is rarely
mentioned. For the potential ‘convert’, only a vague mental acknowledgement
that he has sinned, is required ... and that he is sorry for having sinned, and this
is the (redefined) meaning of repentance in the modern Christian churches. How very
different the two gospels are, regarding the requirement for repentance and what it

The Jesus of called us to, and set an example of ... SELF denial, SELF control, sexual
purity and holiness; of His own free will, He gave up (died to) all His human rights
(especially his right to procreate) that He might be the first pure human vessel in which
there was no trace of the sin nature, where the Holy Ghost could take up permanent
residence, and usher in the return of the Kingdom of God once again to the earth.
The New Testament contains many Scriptures that teach
of His call for us to come and follow His example, as well as His promise to be with
each of us through the entire process. This was not an optional walk; it was, and
still is the requirement!
ALL YOU CAN GET’ appeal of and the leaders that tell you
about the counterfeit Jesus whom they serve, never mention this requirement for SELF denial. If
you just accept their Jesus, they say you'll be seen as pure and holy by the new god of ; it
happens instantly at the time you say the ‘sinner's prayer’ when you answer the
‘altar call’ and make your ‘decision’ to ‘accept the lord’
as your ‘personal savior’.
The requirements of the call for SELF to be denied;
the requirements of allow SELF to thrive, stay in control, be exalted and have high esteem — again exact

Through His life, death and resurrection, Jesus, of
the was declared by
God to be both Lord and Christ; He was invested by the Father with absolute Lordship
over the church which is His body. All authority is now His, in heaven and in earth;
He requires that we walk in humble obedience to His commands. With Him truly in us,
we manifest a changed life, no longer walking in the proud vanity of the world, but
instead, walking in humble resignation to the work that must be done in us, and the works
that He would have us to do.
The Jesus of , however, is only promoted and presented as a servant in the
modern ‘me-centered’ church. We are invited to turn to him when we
want anything, when we're in trouble, when we've tried everything else, when we can’t
get the result we want any other way. He's okay with just being given some
lip-service once in a while, and he's okay with our continuing to do our own
thing the rest of the time. But this Jesus of the modern church is rarely viewed as
Lord; he is usually not consulted when it comes to dealing with church issues.
What church board consults our Lord’s words to
decide matters under discussion? What Sunday (or Sabbath) school committee goes to
the Word for directions? Who can remember an instance when a church committee
chairman brought his Bible to the table with him, for the purpose of using it? What
foreign mission board actually seeks to follow the guidance of the Lord as provided by His
Word and His Spirit? If there happens to be any pre-meeting prayer in the modern
church, it is just to ask for divine help to carry out their pre-decided agendas; they do
not ask what the agenda should be.
In the conduct of our public worship, where is the
authority of Jesus Christ of the to be found? Modern
pulpits are the platforms where the agents for the Jesus of , can perform on a regular basis, where they can read a bit of
scripture out of context, and then proceed to put their intellectual spin on it for the
remainder of the time devoted to preaching. Any potential movement of the Holy
Spirit is squelched by pre-planned, scripted, and often pre-printed programs, laying out
just what's going to happen in the ‘service’. We even have scheduled
‘prayer lines’ — queues where people can go with their wish lists, where
they can wait in line to place an order to this servant Jesus of the modern
What modern Christian, when faced with a moral
problem goes straight to the Sermon on the Mount or other New Testament Scripture for the
authoritative answer? Who allows the words of Jesus Christ to be final, in matters
of obedience? Modern ‘Christians’ would rather follow the liberal
scriptural interpretations of their scholarly leaders, who know so well how to excuse
disobedience, comfort carnality and make the words of Scripture to be of no
effect! The fact that Jesus Christ of the has absolute and final authority over the whole church, and
over all of its members in every detail of their lives, is simply not preached.
So each faux {imitation} Jesus of allows us to do our own thing
and to think we are in control — and he is a counterfeit of the true Jesus, who
requires that we be in total resignation, obedience and submission! — exact
opposites again.

In the time of the the thrust of the message was... that ALL
sinners had a hope of salvation; and it was preached and understood that the promise
of Christ Jesus was to ALL who came to Him for redemption and that the promise and
provision of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Counselor, the Spirit of Truth ... was
available to ALL, without the need of another human being between the sinner and the true
shepherd, Jesus Christ. That message is still true for today.
But now in the time of , with all the modifications that have happened to the
original, we now are firmly fixed in a state where there is always somebody between the
sinner and the true shepherd, Jesus Christ. The most blatant early examples
installed their glittering priests in the middle. Then came the ministers, the
preachers, the pastors, the scholarly leaders, the media evangelists...all building a
flock for themselves, — a flock dependent on these middle-men to teach them, to lead
them, to comfort them, to guide them and to counsel them — a flock willing to pay
tribute to their leaders with financial support, admiration, and adoration. These
middlemen have usurped the ministry of the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus Christ.
According to the only the Holy Spirit is to teach us, to help
us, to nurture us, to comfort us, to lead us, to guide us, to convict us, to counsel us,
to show us the truth about ourselves ... as the Scripture promises, the
anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need that any one
should teach you; as His anointing teaches you about everything, and is true.
is also silent about this internal work that only can be
done by the Holy Spirit ... it would not be a good plan to let the ‘Christians’
know that they are not hearing all the truth about the Holy Spirit. So the selfish
flock just hears a lot about the ‘gifts’ of the Holy Spirit ... and gifts always
appeal to SELF.
What happened to the original ministry of
the Holy Spirit? It has been replaced by this counterfeit ministry of sin-filled
humans ... proud humans, who have set themselves up as the ones to whom the sheep must
run, who have become their idols. These false leaders, whether they know it or not,
are agents for the same dark prince who would ... “be like the Most High”.

As vital parts of the were removed or replaced, there was a systematic,
methodical installation of the planned new features, designed to make-over the
original into what the prince of darkness could fully utilize, to divert mankind from ever
learning the real plan of God for humanity. So the modern leaders of , under the influence
of the master of lies and misinformation, came up with some inventive additions to
what Jesus Christ and His Apostles originally preached.

Then ... What has been ADDED
to the

A different Jesus
— a ‘Personal Savior’.

We have already shown above that allows SELF to seemingly stay in control, and so in keeping with this
focus, the new Jesus that offers, is called a ‘personal savior’, one
who will serve that SELF, one who will be under the personal control and
ownership of SELF — in the same possessive and selfish mind-set
as one would have a personal assistant, a personal trainer, or a personal computer.
And to get your own ‘personal
savior’, all one has to do is mentally assent that once upon a time there was such a
person as Jesus Christ who died on a cross for sinners. etc. ... and this acknowledgment
has been redefined as ‘belief’ in Jesus Christ.
The Term and
Concept of ‘Accepting the Lord’.

This term, which is not to be found in
Scripture, also appeals to SELF, in that it implies that control is still in the
hands of SELF, to choose the timing and the desired choices
from the menu of free goodies that offers to anyone
that will make a ‘decision’ to join the ‘Christian’ club.
Jesus Christ of the makes no offers to a disobedient rebel who is steeped in his
sins, who has no plans to leave his fleshly lusts, who wants all the assurances of
salvation while continuing to live in disobedience; but the counterfeit Jesus of has no problem offering these things to anyone who will just
‘accept’ him.
A different God
— one who plays Favorites.

This convolution of the good news
— making it only available to some, while others are relegated to the domain of the
dark prince forever — was first set in place to give his human agents, who stood
between god and the sinner, a mechanism to extort money from the families of those who had
died, ‘unsaved’. From then on it has been used to coerce people into acts
that they were not otherwise inclined to, and now it is being used to intimidate potential
converts into accepting the message of .
This whole idea of a vindictive god, who is
partial to some, who loves only some, who offers salvation only to some ... this idea is
horribly wrong and so destructive. But the devil loves it, because he is exalted by
this idea; he is perceived as the victor, purportedly receiving all those reprobated souls
into his kingdom of darkness, and because the precious work accomplished by Jesus Christ
of the is seemingly made a failure
— as though the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is not sufficient for the salvation of ALL.
This twisted concept contradicts plain statements of Scripture, and the teachings
of the Early Church.
Not only that, but this convoluted idea,
carried to its planned conclusion, puts all the evil in the world on the doorstep of the
Most High, instead of being the invited result of the disobedience of the first man and
all his posterity through their continued yielding to the deception of the serpentine
The god of
then, has no problem with his ‘Christian’ children being partial to their own SELF interests, engrossing their riches and honors for
their own posterity, playing favorites, being divisive, going to war, imposing their ideas
by force, or getting their own way...they're just ‘chips off the old block’.
The propagation of SELF, i.e. the exaltation of our own
fertility, perpetuates all these diabolical attributes, as it is the foundation of
partiality in all its various and subtle forms. The god of is a god who supports partiality; the Most High God
of the does NOT ... again exact
The ‘Altar

We're taking aim here at the present form
of this crowd-manipulation technique which has become a standard part of many evangelical
meetings or presentations. There are no examples of this type of theatrical
mechanism recorded in the Scripture. The individual versions of the
‘altar call’ used by zealous leaders, can (and often do) contain language that
smacks of coercion, intimidation, blackmail and extortion in their attempt to manipulate
people to 'walk the aisle'. If you are offended by this statement, then perhaps we
have touched on a tradition that you hold very dear.
The ‘Sinner's
This is the culmination of the
message presented by the puppet leaders of .
When they have preached all about the blessings to be gotten, the guarantee of heaven, and
the rewards of ‘accepting the Lord’ as ‘personal savior’, then they
run the ‘altar call’ pitch, or another form of 'invitation', which
pressures people to come forward, to be led in a ‘sinners prayer’, which is to
be their ticket into the ‘Christian’ club, with all its promised fellowship, and
its menu of membership benefits.
There are many variations of the ‘sinner's
prayer’, but they all are very similar; each leader usually has his own
version. The problem is ... that any ‘canned’ prayer does not
contain the words of the sinner, but of someone else. This declaration is not a
magic spell to be recited so that we can get something out of God! These words
should reflect the state of the mind and heart of the one saying them.
But even though this substitute prayer from the
lowerarchy, was designed to divert the convert from true salvation into bondage, there is
a ramification of that ‘canned’ prayer that the dark powers cannot
control. Since every word that a human says, is binding in the realm of the spirit,
the one who is led to parrot this ‘canned’ prayer, does agree to set in motion
the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not that person has any true knowledge of what it
And because of this back-door entry into what they
assume to be God's Kingdom, many so-called Christians of this age are still struggling
under ‘condemnation’, the enormous burden of their own unconfessed sins.
These unconfessed sins continue, in turn, to invite upon them more of the curses of
disobedience to the Law, which disobedience to the Law (their sins), should have
been individually confessed in their ‘sinners prayer’, at least to the
extent of their awareness at the time that they said it. So around and around they
go, not making any progress, one step forward and two steps back, effectively stalling
their growth, and hardening their hearts. They are surrounded by others like themselves
— all of them thinking they have already arrived at their destination, when they have
not yet even begun the journey!
The prayers of truly awakened
sinners, who are totally convicted of their sinful, disobedient and depraved lives, will
come naturally. Their prayer will not be just a few
sentences; it will not be some nebulous generalization of their
sinful state, but it will, instead, bring to light each individual's sinful thoughts,
sinful acts against God, against others or against themselves, sinful associations, sinful
relationships and sinful motivations, as they are brought to mind, acknowledged and
confessed to God with the help of the Holy Spirit. And their prayers may go on and
on ... and off and on, as the Spirit leads.
There will be confessions not only
to God, but to those against whom they have sinned, restitutions to be made, forgiveness
to be sought from those they have wronged, responsibilities to be assumed,
unforgiveness to be admitted, practices to be renounced, allegiances to be rejected, and
whatever else the Holy Spirit directs. This is not an instant accomplishment; it is
an ongoing, unfolding, continual process; it takes place at the rate that we agree
to and allow, and at a rate that we can bear ... and it requires our ongoing cooperation
with the Spirit of Truth, who tailors it for each individual.
But it seems that each resident Jesus of has substituted a
short-cut into the sheepfold, through the recitation of this ‘sinner's
prayer’ from a prepared script! Nothing like this is found in the Early
Church. It is an invented tool designed to manipulate and control the actions of
others and to divert humans onto a dead-end road that does not
lead to eternal life. If you have been involved in the use of this fraudulent
practice, do you realize your own accountability before the Most High God?
The requires that each man admit and confess his own
individual sins and his disobedience to God, and it brings the good
news that the Kingdom of God has come again to the earth, not only globally but locally
— within. That good news is for anyone who will follow
the call and example of Christ — that His Kingdom will gradually overcome the
personal darkness that each of us carries from birth. The substitution of the
canned ‘sinner's prayer’ is a ploy from the prince of darkness designed to keep
people in their sins and under his control.
Deliberate Spiritual

People who are victims of the
counterfeit scam being peddled as , get the idea very
quickly that they are completely ‘saved’ Christians, that they have a sure
ticket to Heaven, no matter what they could ever do. And when the things they were
promised don't come to pass, when they don't see changes, when they are still in the same
mess as before, then they are encouraged to work harder, buy some more books, attend some
classes, increase their financial offerings ... or whatever else is currently being
offered as the ‘fix du jour’ by the zealous peddlers of ... to keep the ‘converts’ confused, keep
them busy in OWN-doing, keep them striving to do for themselves
what only the Spirit of Christ could possibly do in them. And when they still fail,
many give up, bitter and disillusioned, returning once again to the life they were leading
before they ‘got saved’.
When the added gimmicks of are used to bring pressure on someone prematurely to get a
‘decision’, then those people who applied the pressure, are made guilty
of getting ahead of God, tragically interfering with His timing and the work of the
Holy Spirit. And they, themselves, are
responsible for meddling in the Father's drawing of that soul to the Son and His
The Jesus of the revealed that "No man can come to me except
the Father which hath sent me, draw him"; and " I am the way, the truth,
and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". Oh, it should give us
pause to think of that awesome day, when God will judge those unrepentant leaders who have aborted the potential new birth in so many precious
souls. Do you understand your own accountability for having taken part in this?

The abominations of forbidden
rituals, unclean practices, unholy institutions and the merchandizing of the things of God
are now recognized and condoned by
. Covert pagan symbols and images, rooted in
the kingdom of darkness, can be found incorporated into the modern system of
Christianity. Church members often unknowingly dabble in occult practices, inside
and outside of church, because the prohibition to do so is no longer preached. Satan
is alive and well in the modern Christian church; he provides a made-to-order Jesus,
and a customized god for each congregation. These imposters fill all the needs
of ‘Christians’ of every sexual orientation, and provide a place where all
of them will be quite comfortable in their sins. All they need to do is shop around
to find the church that fits their lifestyle, that has like-minded people, who understand
what they are going through.
In order to draw new members,
to add to the body count, to add treasure to the coffers, and to add property to the
churches, pagan practices have also been adopted — their names, traditions and icons
have been changed and their practitioners have been made to feel welcome. Pagan
festivals are now routinely celebrated, under the guise of holy days, by counterfeit
Christianity. Pagan traditions are adhered to by the modern Christian church and by
‘Christians’, even though many know of their dark and idolatrous
origins. ‘Christians’ set up icons, pagan symbols and idols in their
sanctuaries and in their homes, because of their upbringing and church training, and
because these traditions appeal so much to their unrepentant flesh. So
‘Christians’ end up teaching young children the same practices, and so the
abominations continue, multiply and magnify as time passes.
The god of , is a god that tolerates what the scriptures called
abominations, mixtures, uncleanness, and idolatry, but the God of the demands
purity, holiness and singular worship of the Godhead — again exact opposites.
The Corruption of
the Written Word of God.

What better plan could have been devised to confuse us, to divide us, to keep us
ignorant of the precious preserved written words from the Most High God, than what has
been systematically going on ... the corruption of the Scriptures themselves, and then
making merchandise of the modified modern versions! There are so many versions of
the Bible in use today, that the basic message is not even recognizable ... let alone can
one Christian share with another, nor can one Christian exhort or edify another with the
written Word, because the wording is so radically changed from one version to the
next, that they are not confirmable, one to another. So there is confusion and division,
misunderstanding and separation among those who try to make progress.
There are currently many hundreds of different English translations, paraphrases
or re-tellings of all or parts of the Old and New Testaments. And most all of them
are unique enough, have enough changes made in them, to make them eligible for a
copyright! These Bibles are published by businesses (many of them publicly held
corporations who answer to their stockholders) to make a profit; there is a large amount
of money to be made ... hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year on Bibles.
And the marketplace is wide open, because when SELF is in control, it likes to
pick and choose which Bible it will study from, for its own reasons, most
of which involves finding a version that agrees with its own ‘belief
system’ and lifestyle, as well as one that verifies an easy way into, what it thinks
to be, the Kingdom of God.
But in reality, the road is narrow, and the way is hard that leads to eternal
life, so ... if your study-Bible has a fairly recent copyright on it, then you are using a
commercial product from the world, and the prince of this world couldn’t be happier
about it.

It should grieve us to see the use of
commercial mass-marketing methods so apparent in what calls herself Christianity
today. Where can we find any confirmation to do such things, except under the
direction and example of the prince of this world ... who encourages that his methods of
the world are okay to use for spreading .
‘Christians’ are counseled to be a witness to others via stickers on their
vehicles, plaques on their walls, slogans on their clothing, signs on their desks,
messages on their letterheads, return address labels, their personal checks, etc., etc.,
Another thing that should make us cringe is
hearing ‘Christians’ brag about how they are ‘the King's kids’, or
‘the sons of God’...when their life-witness shouts with the motives,
fruits and actions of undisciplined and spoiled brats! Then there are the
offerings of the soul-winning books and classes (for a fee) which promise to show someone
how to manipulate someone else into ‘accepting the Lord’. There are no
examples of any of this in the .
Are you getting the point?
Enough of the bumper stickers, the trite phrases and the contrived opportunities for
witnessing! The people of the world have been quietly watching the
life-witness of modern ‘Christians’ and their leaders, who are themselves the
products of , and the people of the world have
not seen anything that draws them to the Most High God. In fact, many have been
totally ‘turned-off’ by the poor witness and rotten fruit of modern
‘Follow-Up’ Program.

This is the final nail in the coffin, the
double-whammy, a way to increase the stronghold of the counterfeit Christian church on the
individual, who may just have been awakening to the call of the Holy Spirit, when he was
manipulated into attending the meeting, where he was pressured to answer the ‘altar
call’. Now all these orchestrated meetings (or media programs) have sponsors,
and those sponsors have an expectation to get a return on the investment of their time and
resources ... i.e. they want some new additions to their church's (or ministry's) role of
financial supporters. So each spiritually-vulnerable aisle-walker gets a
packet of well-designed literature, with instructions and directions to see that the
sponsors get what they paid for. If by some miracle, there were souls actually
convicted of their sins who truly wanted to repent, the ‘follow-up program’ will
effectively serve them up on a platter, right back to the same, corrupted local churches,
(or media evangelists), who preach the same counterfeit message that we've been
They preach an imitation gospel, with a
different Jesus and a different god than those of the original; they use
‘soul-winning’ tools of their own invention. They serve
up lies, and call them the truth, and effectively stop the potential growth of each new
captive soul. And since this has been going on for such a long time, since there are
so many splinter groups in Christianity today, each built on a little piece of truth,
we're all convinced that our group is okay and everyone else is wrong — another coup
of the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy for the dark prince and his
church-organizing powers.
And the prince of darkness is delighted
because he has pulled off one of the biggest cons of all time ... making a mockery of the by
substituting a counterfeit, which controls and thus uses the very dear souls that Christ
Jesus came to save ... keeping them slaves to their appetites, and ignorant that they are
still lost ... and they don't know ... that they don't know.
As you should see by now,
something is very, very wrong with ...

If we are open minded, it
should shock us to realize just how far the modern counterfeit Christian Church has fallen
— into the abysmal state that we find today. If we were
the true church, if the Spirit of the true Christ were truly in us, we
would be setting a powerful example for the World to see. How is that working for us? It is not!
And even those zealous ‘Christians’, who try to reach others,
are failing miserably because they are hustling an instant version of salvation, a
corrupted, reworked, made-over gospel, that they call the ‘good news’, to
mankind. They are offering a diabolical drink from a cistern made with human hands,
rather than a heavenly drink from the true fountain of life.
And here is one last, very
bold corruption to be noted ... who gave any human the right to pronounce that someone is
‘saved’? This is a common ‘assurance’ that is given by one
man to another, under the preaching of . Who dares to put himself on the throne of
judgment? Who dares to be like the Most High? ... it is the calling card of the
prince of darkness ... so beloved, wake up. The last time we looked, it is
Jesus Christ who will be at that judgement seat, who will separate the sheep from the
goats, who will say “I never knew you” to some who think of themselves as
assuredly ‘saved’.
Boys and Girls, we have
all been deceived. And we've been playing church for so long that we are all
inwardly filthy, hungry, thirsty and so very tired; and now it's almost too dark to
see. It's time to leave all the devil's ploys, leave all the busy noise, leave all
our selfish toys, and run as fast as we can, while there is still enough light, to make it