Last Update: January 19, 2021
Bibliography & Index of the Authentic Works of Jane Lead
Pass the WORD has hosted the authentic Jane Lead Manuscripts in electronic form since the late 1990's. The electronic-files (e-files) of the manuscripts contain word-for-word transcriptions that were done by anonymous volunteers one keystroke at-a-time, working from xerographic copies of Jane Lead's authentic works just as she, together with Francis Lee, had published them in the late 1600's and early 1700's. The manuscript reproductions of the original text (e-texts) were completed and made available freely for personal use, without money or price, to those who would feast upon their content. The volunteer transcribers may have made typographical errors as they typed, but they did not otherwise modify the presentation or precious messages that were revealed from the Godhead through the instrument of Jane Lead over 300 years ago.
Dear Readers: Be aware that there are now other modified versions of Jane Lead's writings being sold in the on-line marketplace, where the meanings of the text have been deliberately changed; words have been substituted; the order of the text has been altered; text has been removed; words have been added that were not in the original manuscript; sentences have been broken apart; paragraphs pertaining to particular revelations have been broken apart so as to confuse the meaning to the reader; numbers have been added to paragraphs where there were none; section marks have been added where there were none; continuous text of prophetic messages has been broken into chapters where there were none in the originals, etc., etc., etc. leading to the extreme confusion of the reader... and who, one might ask, is the author of confusion?
Buyer Beware of the pirated, modified, corrupted counterfeits of Jane Lead's Works that are being offered at and elsewhere. By Jane Lead's own definition, these are "impostures" of her messages. Background on the corrupted editions.
About the Authentic Jane Lead Manuscripts (from the Preparatory Epistle to The Signs of the Times:1699)
The Writings of this Author are full of surprizing Manifestations of Divine Knowledge, and are chiefly given forth for the Children of the Kingdom, as their Direction and Assistance in their Preparation-Work; on which account They are Recommended earnestly to Their constant and diligent Study above all others. And all that would receive the Benefit of 'em, are advised to suspend their Censures, and pass over such things as at first sight they may not be able to receive; and go on, and draw together, and Compare the whole Scheme of her Writings, whereby I doubt not but there may be easily discerned the hand of God, and the Conduct of the Divine Wisdom therein.
The Spirit of Wisdom at this Day calls aloud to all the Lovers of her, that they stand with open and enlarged hearts to receive her Instructions, and learn her Secrets. She invites and encourages them to proceed in the Quest and Knowledge of her: and at every step and advance they make, she cries, Believest thou this? thou shalt yet see greater things than these. And to those that shall thus freely admit her Doctrine, and obey her Discipline, her Intent is no less than to lead them on to full Redemption; even the Recovery of their Lost and Faded State; the opening and enjoyment of Paradise upon the Earth again.
A Bibliography & Index of the Authentic Works of Jane Lead with Links to the On-Line Authentic Transcriptions of her Manuscripts COPYRIGHT
As Published |
1681 |
1701 |
1683 |
1701 |
1694 |
1695 |
1695 |
1696 |
1696 |
1696 |
1696 |
1698 |
1696 |
1697 |
1697 |
1699 |
1699 |
1700 |
1700 |
1701 |
1702 |
1705 |
![]() |
A Continuing Escalated Fair
Warning ! |
Recent Update Summaries: (2012-2015 in ascending date order) May 2012, PTW added to this website a detailed set of evidentiary Reports on the SDV impostures {forgeries} of Jane Lead's writings that were illegally created by the editor at, Diane Guerrero, (DG). These Reports included examples and images of the counterfeits, comparisons to the authentic original e-texts done by PTW, evidence of copyright violation, and evidence of changes of meaning to Jane Lead's authentic messages by the SDV editor. This is a continued sounding of a warning that readers of JL might not be deceived, misled or fleeced of their resources. There have been new developments to report. August, 2012 UPDATE: Shortly after the Reports of copyright violation were made public, was completely transformed by the editor into a totally commercial enterprise complete with 16 Add to Cart buttons, a Buy Now button and a Donate button! No more of her previously committed free SDV downloads or free booklet offers for the SDV editions were to be seen. So much for keeping her word. As of mid-August, 2012, the editor had also created a second website,, which for a time attempted to sell access to the editor's studies where any unsuspecting visitor was invited again to cross her palm with silver, and sit at the editor's feet as her student. That did not last long, however. For whatever her reasons, both websites soon had identical content. November, 2012 UPDATE: In order to cover up the exposure of her broken promises of free downloads and free booklets of her SDV versions revealed in our August, 2012 Update, the editor at again changed the look of her merchandise-list for sale. Added back were 'free downloads', but they were not her previously promised SDV editions. Instead, an offer of free downloads of what she labeled as the 17th century versions of JL's work which, as we have shown, were pirated and modified illegally from PTW. The look of the items for sale list, continued to change with various formats of the documents being offered at high prices. May, 2014 UPDATE: When the editor's change into a totally commercial enterprise on both of her websites failed to generate the revenue she had planned, probably due to your realization of her broken promises and deceit, DG once again re-did both websites in the Spring of 2013, this time offering free downloads, not only of her illegal, SDV derivative-documents, but also, of the blatantly rebranded, modified and further corrupted set of PTW's e-files which she labeled as the 17th century versions. Her promise of the free SDV booklets has never reappeared. All of the editor's e-files of her impostures of JL's writings are now identified only with an ambiguous 8-digit number to further obfuscate the editor's fraud. Based upon what has been revealed already [in the on-line, evidentiary Reports mentioned below] about the actions, honesty, motivations and integrity of this editor, we suggest that you do not trust her 17CV texts to be true to the authentic originals. She continues to solicit donations from both her websites. This same editor is now selling her illegal counterfeit versions as booklets, Kindle E-books, etc. in the online marketplace where you might find the publisher listed as Diane Guerrero, Spirit's Day Publishing, or Spirit's Day Christian Publishing, etc. In some of the listings of her Kindle e-books, she even lists herself as "co-author" along with Jane Lead. Further booklets are being sold in the on-line marketplace, which marketplace now extends to more pirated electronic texts that have been manipulated and are being sold at Amazon Books, Barnes & Noble,, etc. Buyers Beware, there are more disturbing facts. March, 2015 UPDATE: The editor's second website,, is no longer directly listing the links to her impostures of Jane Lead's writings, but DG still offers them at |
More Disturbing Facts
about the modified Serpent Deceiver's Versions
Since 2008, what can only be called imposturous counterfeit edited, modernized versions of some of Jane Lead's Works began to appear on-line at When we first publicly sounded a warning that something was amiss in late 2009, the editor, DG, at busily began covering her tracks, making different versions of JL's works, turning them from HTML files, whose source code could be examined, into PDF files with different names thus adding to your confusion. At the same time, she offered printed copies and accepted donations for her SDV derivative-documents that she had based on PTW's copyrighted electronic files of the authentic texts. At the beginning of 2012, DG once again changed her list of available JL Writings this time removing, from her individual document-descriptions, any reference to the fact that the writings had been modified by her. Persons selecting a document from might assume that they would be viewing an accurate rendering from the Prophetess; when in fact, the editor had already made her changes, not only to the construction, formatting and appearance of the documents but also, under such a cover, she changed, in many instances, the meaning of the text at the same time. And this has been the hidden agenda all along, to confuse, obfuscate, compromise, dilute, refute, and negate the words from the Godhead that were given to JL for the called-out Nazarites. See the Updated Fair Warning [March 9, 2015 edition] for the unfolding of the editor's hidden agenda, including historical screen captures from DG's older websites. The Five Evidentiary REPORTS made public: In the Spring of 2012, a more radical change of meaning between an authentic writing of Jane Lead and DG's corrupted SDV version of the same document at came to our attention. The verification of this major reversal of the meaning of the message given through JL prompted us to make the following evidentiary on-line files available for the review and discernment of those who have been misled by DG. See the review of Changes of Meaning to the Messages of JL [first posted August, 2012] to learn of the discoveries that had been uncovered as further examples of why this editor cannot be trusted. As you will see, there was and is good reason to believe that the editor of the corrupted versions at generated them from pirated copies of PTW's on-line electronic text files even after she was denied permission to use them in 2004. To see visual evidence of this piracy, view a General Comparison of Early Files with Commentary; these screen-captures were done on behalf of PasstheWORD after the piracy became evident in 2009; a few pictures are worth a thousand words. The smallest files (shortest documents) were the first to be copied, corrupted, and put on-line at by DG. At a point in May of 2009, a review of the available downloadable site-content found that 267 out of 316 pages or 84% of the material at had been pirated from You may also view a Detailed Comparison of a Copied File utilizing, as an example, the first pirated JL writing, to show you why these early documents looked so much alike. It was in 2009 that the copied files at were examined in detail. It became very clear to us that the editor at had saved the copyrighted HTML e-files of the authentic transcribed works of Jane Lead from PasstheWORD, then made her modifications to them and branded them as her own from that time forward...all which actions are against the copyright laws of the United States. The editor at also claimed that she had scanned the originals of Jane Lead's works into electronic text. Multiple email requests were made by PTW but she refused to provide the required documentation as proof that her cover story was not just a very elaborate fabrication. She even posted a long, involved, and highly questionable explanation of her scanning procedure, which later disappeared from her site. You may inspect excerpts from the editor's explanation on the Scanning Claim Review page where you may view this investigative report, and ask the Lord to show you the truth. You are also free to view the Contact History to see the game that was afoot during the time period between 2004 and 2009, as well as recent developments. This self-appointed editor has taken upon herself the authority to change the words from the Godhead that were given to us through the prophetess, Jane Lead. We might all be concerned that she follows the agenda of another, an angel of light, who would distract, deceive and confuse those who are called to read and act upon the messages of Jane Lead. The mission and intention of the editor at are depicted by her actions and her fruit; our experience with her, as can be seen in these on-line reports, is that she did not deal truthfully with any of us prior to, and since the launch of her website(s). Buyer Beware!
Dear brethren, be wise as serpents and innocent as doves; take heed and be always alert for the agents of the Kingdom of Darkness, whose observable fruit is to lie, to steal, and to cheat in order to enrich and exalt themselves at the expense of the lambs. These are the Counterfeit Christians, produced by the counterfeits of Christianity that are so prevalent in this world, whose modern gospel in no way resembles the Original Gospel. |
On-Line Manuscripts from the Past
Stewards of this Site: Pass the WORD Services
Printing the Manuscripts: For step by step instructions, how to possibly deal with printer problems, how to customize page headers/footers, suggestions for those with no computer/printer, and more information about the on-line documents at PasstheWORD ...
Please report any typographical errors on this page to the Site Stewards. Also please report other typographical errors using the link at the bottom of each document. Although many proofings are done before the documents go on-line, we always appreciate fresh eyes and what is revealed through them. Many thanks and blessings.
Details of the various named IMPOSTURES of Jane Lead's individual
that have been or are currently listed on the ''
website ... they are listed below by the Authentic Document's Title.
Background on the Editor's ongoing chicanery {deceitful, tricky maneuvers or subterfuge} in her attempts to confuse readers and to cover up the truth about her piracy of the copyrighted e-text-files from Pass the WORD, as she proceeds with her mission to corrupt them, for the god whom she serves, the prince of this world.
READER ALERT Impostures of The Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking (SDV) and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking -1681 (HC), converted it to a PDF document and branded each page with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were named "HeavCld-SDV-051312.pdf" and "HeavCld-17C-100312.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Heavenly Cloud Now Breaking had been once more re-named, "66044910.pdf" and "57456409.pdf" to further cover up the piracy. The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on July 10, 2009. Labeled PQ - (1225 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Revelation of Revelations, Second Edition: As of 2009, this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. It was first entitled, "A Revelation of Revelations 1701 Edition (17CV)" and then renamed "A Revelation of Revelations -1701 Edition (RR)". Then in January of 2012 a "Special SDV Preview" PDF file of this was posted by the same editor of the numerous other JL counterfeits. It was examined in great detail compared to PTW's e-text of the 1st Edition; that examination revealed 80 more substantial proofs of copyright violation by the editor at ''. More details of these proofs may be found in the on-line report, entitled Changes of Meaning to the Messages of JL.. By April of 2013, another version had been added; the document files were named "Rev1701-17C-093012.pdf" and "Rev1701-SDV-080912.pdf". As of early 2014, the files at '' that point to the impostures of The Revelation of Revelation, Second Edition had been once more re-named, '"57309565.pdf "and "66044938.pdf" to further cover up the piracy. We suggest that you further read the Fair Warning Reports Page regarding what has been spiritually discerned that we would share with you. Be cautious; the manipulated and changed content at '' is not faithful to Jane Lead's authentic 2nd Edition manuscript produced here at ''. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on September 15, 2011. NOT labeled PQ - (486 views & possible downloads as of 3/23/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Enochian Walks with God: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor.. The counterfeit was first re-named - "The Enochian Walks with God (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Enochian Walks with God - 1694 (EN)" and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named "Enochian-SDV-053112.pdf" and "Enochian-17C-102212.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Enochian Walks with God had been once more re-named, "66044978.pdf" and "58295791.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on June 25, 2009. Labeled PQ - (1363 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Laws of Paradise: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "Laws of Paradise (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Laws of Paradise - 1695 (LA)" and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named Laws-SDV-053112.pdf" and "Laws-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Laws of Paradise had been once more re-named, "66045033.pdf" and "57309640.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on July 10, 2009. Labeled PQ - (1313 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Wonders of God's Creation: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "The Eight Worlds (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Eight Worlds - 1695 (EW)" and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named 8Worlds-SDV-053112.pdf" and "8Worlds-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Wonders of God's Creation had been once more re-named, "66045131.pdf" and "57309665.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on June 25, 2009. Labeled PQ - (1228 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of A Message to the Philadelphian Society: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "First Message to the Philadelphian Society (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The First Message to the Philadelphian Society - 1696 (1M)" and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named 1stMsgPhil-SDV-053112.pdf" and "1stMsgPhil-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of A Message to the Philadelphian Society had been once more re-named, "66045153.pdf" and "57309672.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on July 10, 2009. There are missing pages from the editor's source images for this document that she posted at where would she have gotten the missing text from those missing pages for the production of her impostures?? Labeled PQ - (1077 views & possible downloads as of 3/23/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of A Second Message to the Philadelphian Society: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "Second Message to the Philadelphian Society (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Second Message to the Philadelphian Society - 1696 (2M)" and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named 2ndMsgPhil-SDV-053112.pdf" and "2ndMsgPhil-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of A Second Message to the Philadelphian Society had been once more re-named, "66045166.pdf" and "57309690.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on July 10, 2009. Labeled PQ - (972views & possible downloads as of 3/23/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Tree of Faith: In April of 2013, an illegal pirated 17th Century edition was posted at ''; the document file was named Tree-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the file of the imposture of The Tree of Faith had been once more re-named, "59003584.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on August 31, 2011. NOT labeled PQ - (326 views & possible downloads as of 3/23/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Ark of Faith: As of 2011, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was re-named - "The Ark of Faith - 1696 (AR)" and the editor branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named Ark-SDV-080612.pdf" and "Ark-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Ark of Faith had been once more re-named, "66045233.pdf" and "57309846.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on August 31, 2011. Labeled PQ - (290 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Messenger of An Universal Peace (A Third Message to the Philadelphian Society): In April of 2013, an illegal pirated 17th Century edition was posted at ''; the SDV version soon followed. The document files were named 3rdMsgPhil-SDV-011613.pdf" and "3rdMsgPhil-17C-110612.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Messenger of An Universal Peace, A Third Message to the Philadelphian Society had been once more re-named, "76115297.pdf" and "59003607.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on August 31, 2011. NOT labeled PQ - (356 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
of A Fountain of Gardens, Volume I: As of
2010, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work again appeared at
'' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the
editor. The counterfeit had been re-named -"A Fountain of
Gardens, Volume 1,(SDV)" . The first appearance (of the first four chapters of
the counterfeit) was in the Spring of 2009, with the editor's promise to finish her entire
SDV edition of the FOG, Volume 1 by the Summer of 2009; she did not keep her word.
No additional sections were posted, and the first four "chapters" of the
counterfeit disappeared from as of July 15, 2009. It is no surprise
that the e-text of her first four chapters ended exactly on the same word as PTW's
File 1 of the authentic Fountain of Gardens, Vol. I which is where the
editor had copied, pirated, or stolen the e-text for her derivative SDV version. Additional
Uploads to Scribd of library-sourced copyrighted images of the pages
of original manuscripts A
Fountain of Gardens, Vol. 2 with missing pages also was
posted at Scribd on September 4, 2011.
Labeled PQ - (438 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of A Revelation of the Everlasting Gospel Message: As of 2010, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named -"The Everlasting Gospel (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Everlasting Gospel - 1697 (EG) and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named Gospel-SDV-053112.pdf" and "Gospel-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of A Revelation of the Everlasting Gospel Message had been once more re-named, "66045259.pdf" and "57309867.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on June 25, 2009. Labeled PQ - (1025 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Ascent to the Mount of Vision: As of 2009, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "The Ascent to the Mount of Vision (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The Ascent to the Mount of Vision - 1699 (AS) and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named Ascent-SDV-092212.pdf" and "Ascent-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Ascent to the Mount of Vision had been once more re-named, "66045289.pdf" and "57309936.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript toScribd on June 27, 2009. Labeled PQ - (949 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Signs of the Times: As of 2011, a counterfeit, edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was re-named - "The Signs of the Times - 1699 (SI)" and the editor had branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named Signs-SDV-032813.pdf" and "Signs-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of The Signs of the Times had been once more re-named, "66051184.pdf" and "57310043.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on June 27, 2009. Labeled PQ - (954 views & possible downloads as of 3/23/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of The Wars of David and the Peaceable Reign of Solomon: As of October, 2009, and July, 2010 two counterfeit, edited, modernized versions from an 1816 Edition of these Treatises (copied illegally from Google Books) appeared at '' as free downloads with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The two Counterfeits had been split apart (the 2 treatises were published together in the authentic original 1700 Edition), further edited and then re-named - "An Alarm to the Lamb's Holy Warriors (SDV)". and "The Glory of Sharon (SDV)". By late 2011, these HTML versions had disappeared and were replaced by more modifications to pirated PTW e-texts of the authentic 1700 manuscripts merged with modified content from the 1816 Editions. They were again re-named "An Alarm to the Lamb's Holy Warriors - 1700 (AL)" and "The Glory of Sharon - 1700 (GL)" with the editor's contact information branded on each page of the PDF documents. By April of 2013, not only the SDV editions but also illegal pirated 1816 editions were found; the document files were then named Alarm-1816-SDV-053112.pdf" and "Alarm-1816C-093012.pdf" together with "Glory-1816-SDV-053112.pdf" and "Glory 1816V-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of An Alarm to the Lambs Holy Warriours had been once more re-named, "66045365.pdf" and "57310093.pdf"; and the files of the impostures of The Glory of Sharon had been once more re-named, "66045370.pdf" and "57310110.pdf" to further cover-up the piracies. Be very careful here... |
READER ALERT Impostures of A Fountain of Gardens, Volume III - Part ONE: By April of 2013, an illegal pirated e-file copy of the 17th century edition had been manipulated by the editor who branded each page of the PDF document with her own contact information, and published it to '' claiming she had done her own work. At that time the document file name was FOG3pt1-17C-111012.pdf". As of early 2014, the file of the imposture of A Fountain of Gardens, Volume III - Part ONE had been once more re-named, "57310079.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful...If you are unfamiliar with the agenda of the editor at '', you might begin here. The editor, Diane Guerrero, at '' uploaded the library-sourced, copyrighted images of the pages of the original manuscript to Scribd on September 10, 2011. Labeled PQ - (241 views & possible downloads as of 3/24/14) |
READER ALERT Impostures of Sixty Propositions: As of 2009, a counterfeit edited, modernized version of this work appeared at '' as a free download with a covert invitation to donate money to the editor. The counterfeit was first re-named - "The 1679 Prophecy (SDV)" and by 2011, the editor had again re-named her edited SDV version to - "The 1697 Prophecy (1679Pro) and branded each page of the PDF document with her contact information. By April of 2013, not only the SDV edition but also an illegal pirated 17th Century edition were found; the document files were then named "60prop-SDV-051312.pdf" and "60prop-17C-093012.pdf". As of early 2014, the files of the impostures of Sixty Propositions had been once more re-named, "66044851.pdf" and "57309409.pdf" to further cover-up the piracy. Be careful... |
So...we say again, for the benefit of the young lambs, that they not be deceived ...
It has been and always will be distasteful to deal with such matters, but it was and continues to be our duty as the watchman to sound the alarm {See Ezekiel 33, 3-6} about the modified impostures of Jane Lead's messages being offered at and being sold in the on-line marketplace, which marketplace now extends to more pirated electronic texts that have been manipulated and are being sold at Amazon Books, Barnes & Noble,, etc. Now that the information has been made known, the responsibility passes on to those who possess that knowledge. We pray that you will not become ensnared in the web that propagates these impostures or that you do not suffer loss because of them.
Dear brethren, be wise as serpents and innocent as doves; take heed and be always alert for the agents of the Kingdom of Darkness, whose observable fruit is to lie, to steal, and to cheat in order to enrich and exalt themselves at the expense of the lambs. These are the Counterfeit Christians, produced by the counterfeits of Christianity that are so prevalent in this world, whose modern gospel in no way resembles the Original Gospel.